
BOOK 3 Unit 4教案 (2)

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit 4單元分析
一、 內(nèi)容
study bathroo bedroo living roo kitchen phone bed sofa shelf fridge table
it’s=it is aren’t=are not they’re=they are
hey they open the door on the table near the phone in the door
1、對于較長的單詞如bathroo ,bedroo ,living roo, kitchen的掌握以及對于第一次出現(xiàn)的介詞短語如open the door on the table near the phone in the door的掌握。
2、對于禮貌用語“Thank you , Excuse e, After you”的掌握與應(yīng)用。
Lesson 1
1.Teaching ais
To act quickly after listening to the T.
aster the sentences: This is y hoe. You can see a bedroo...
Neords: study bathroo bedroo living roo kitchen
Practice: This is y hoe. You can see a bedroo, a living roo…
2. Teaching aids
A tape-recorder A picture
Several word cards
3. Iportant points
The pronunciation of the neords
4.Teaching steps
Do soe oral work and sing a song.
2)New contents
At first, the teacher shows Ay’s house using the coputer. “What can you see in the picture?”
“I can see a study.”
“I can see a bedroo.”
5.Hoework Work
To say the sentences soothly
Listen to the tape and recite the neords.
1.Teaching notes

Lesson 2
1.Teaching content
1)Learn the dialogue and act it out.
2) Let the aster the sentences
1.Teaching ais
aster the phrases: in the living roo, in the study, in your desk, in your hand…
Use the dialogue soothly.
3. Iportant points
The pronunciation of the neords
4.Teaching aids
A tape-recorder A picture
Several word cards
5.Teaching steps
Sing an English song. Ask the students to introduce their hoes.
Learn the drills and practice the drills.
T: What’s this? Ss: An eraser.
T: yes, what does it like? S: It looks like a fish.
T: Where is y eraser? Is she in the…?
Ss: Yes, she is.(No, she isn’t.)
Show the several pictures.
T: Oh, how beautiful! Where is it?
S: This is y bedroo.(This is y
Living-roo. This is y bathroo.)
T: Is this your ..? S: Yes, it is.(No, isn’t.)
-Where is y pen? -Is it in the …?
- No, isn’t. - Is it in the …?
-Yes, it is.
Tell the the difference between “Is it…?” and “Is she…?”
Listen to the tape and iitate. Practice in groups and act it out.
To say the sentences soothly
Recite the dialogue and listen to tape.
2.Teaching notes

Lesson 3
1.Teaching Ais
Let the aster the words :
hoe roo school classroo
(listening speaking reading and writing)
And the sentences

Welcoe to y ……h(huán)oe ……
This is y ……roo ……
When they see the pictures, they can recognize and say their English naes..
2.Teaching Aids
a tape recorder cards pictures
3.Iportant points
4-skill words:
hoe roo school classroo
4.Teaching steps
1).Greeting and organization
Sing an English song and do oral work.
2). Revision
A:Act the dialogue of lesson 21
B: Review these words:
Hoe roo school classroo
Read the words and spell the.
Ask a student coe to the front to read all the words, and the others after hi or her.
Listen to the tape, iitate and practice the sentences.
Read and spell the words.
5. Hoework
Spell the words , then write the:
Hoe roo school classroo
1.Teaching notes

Lesson 4
1.Teaching Ais
Let the students aster the words and phrase :
phone bed shelf fridge table sofa
Let the students listen and read these drill:
Sit on … ake …
Watch TV. Answer… Open… Set…
2.Teaching Aids
a tape recorder cards pictures
3.Iportant points
Learn to say the words: phone shelf fridge table sofa
When they see the subject, they can recognize and say their English naes..
4.Teaching steps
1).Greeting and organization
Sing a song and do a oral work.
2). Revision
Review these words:
Hoe roo school classroo
The teacher shows the phone of the roo and points at soething one by one, and the students say it in English. In this way, learn to say the neords:
phone shelf fridge table bed sofa
Ask a student coe to the front to read all the words, and the others read after hi.
4).Play a gae:
Passing the eight words between eight groups, and then checking which group did quickly and right.
Listen to the tape, iitate and practice the words:phone…
Read and spell the words.
6).Let’s do
Sit on the sofa. ake the bed. Watch TV. Answer the phone. Open the fridge. Set the table.
1. Listen and read the neords and drill.
2. Recite “Let’s do”.
2.Teaching Notes

Lesson 5
1.Teaching content
1) Drills
A: Are they on the …? A: Are they near…?
B: Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.)
2)Learn the dialogue and act it out .
3).Let’s chant.
2. Teaching ais
Let the aster the short sentences:
Open the door on the table near the phone
Learn the new drills.
Use the dialogue soothly.
3.iportant points
1).The pronunciation of the neords
2). A: Are they on the …? B: Yes, they are.(No, the are
4.Teaching aids
A tape-recorder A picture
Several word cards
5.Teaching steps
1).Greeting and organization
Sing an English song and do oral work. Ask the students to introduce their hoe.
2).At first, the teacher talk to the students.
T: Where are the key(book…)?
S: It’s on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)
T: Where are the keys(books…)?
S: They are on the table(in the desk, near the phone…)
T: Are they on the table? S: Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)
Then learn to say the drills. And practise the drill with the Ss. Fro “the T asks, the S answers” to “the S asks, the S answers.”
3) Then practise these drills soothly.
Play a gae.
S1:Where are the keys? S2:Are they in he …?
S3: No, they aren’t. S2: Are they in the …?
S3: Yes, they are.
Tell the the different of “Is it…?” or
“Are they…?”
Listen to the recorder and iitate.
Work in groups and act it out.
6. Hoework
Recite the dialogue.
To say the sentences soothly
3.Teaching notes

Lesson 6
1 .Teaching Ais
1)Let the students aster the four-skill words :
Window desk door chair bed
2)Let the students read these sentences:
What can you see in y roo? I can see…
When they see the objects, they can recognize and read the and do the action about the.
2 .Teaching Aids
a tape recorder.
3.Difficult words and ephasis:
4-skill letters and words:
Window desk door chair bed
4.Teaching steps
Chant together and do a oral work.
2). Revision
Spell the word: Window desk door chair bed
Phrase: w_nd_w d_ _r d_sk ch___
When the teacher point at the subject, the students say the word and spell it. Then write these words.
Read the drills soothly:What can you see in y roo?
I can see…
Read and choose: Listen to the T and choose A,B,C or
4).Listen to the tape, iitate and read..
The teacher asks a student coe to the front of the class, and tell hi/her a word, then asks other students guess the word.
Spell and write the four-skill words :

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/52391.html

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