

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

一、 聽(tīng)音辨單詞。從下面的兩個(gè)詞中選出你聽(tīng)到的單詞,將序號(hào)填到提前括號(hào)中。(10分) ( ) 1. A. river B. clever
( ) 2. A. cold B. cool
( ) 3. A. housework B. homework
( ) 4. A. short B. hot
( ) 5. A. better B. letter
( ) 6. A. walk B. talk
( ) 7. A. friend B. Friday
( ) 8. A. white B. wide
( ) 9. A. kite B. bike
( ) 10. A. metre B. meet
二、 聽(tīng)音判斷。判斷下列句子與錄音內(nèi)容是否一致,一直在括號(hào)中寫(xiě)“T”,不一致寫(xiě)“F”。(10分)
1.( )Rucy is a naughty girl.
2.( )It will be sunny in Shanghai tomorrow.
3.( )On Tuesday I’ll visit my grandma.
4.( )I think Amy sings better than Daming.
5.( )Tower Bridge is famous and beautiful.
三、 聽(tīng)音,根據(jù)你聽(tīng)到的問(wèn)題,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z(yǔ),將序號(hào)寫(xiě)到題前括號(hào)中。(10分)
1. ( ) A pop music B zither
2. ( ) A. I like her voice. B Yes, I agree
3. ( ) A Daming B Amy
4. ( ) A windy B cold
5. ( ) A I hope not. B No. I won’t.
一、 從下列選項(xiàng)中選出不同類(lèi)的單詞,將其序號(hào)填到題前括號(hào)中。(10分)
( )1. A clever B cute C curl
( )2. A zither B football C guitar
( )3. A Tuesday B Sunday C one day
( )4. A sunny B rain C hot
( )5. A take B walk C talk
二、 寫(xiě)出下列單詞的正確形式。(20分
1. long(比較級(jí)) 2. big(比較級(jí))
3.Wednesday(下一天) 4. good(比較級(jí))
5.won’t (完全形式) 6.worse(原形)
7.old (反義詞) 8.England(首都)
9.rain (形容詞) 10.Amy(所有格)
三、 將英語(yǔ)與漢語(yǔ)連線(xiàn)。(12分)
1. a nice teacher A白金漢宮
2. Buckingham Palace B一位友善的老師
3. have a picnic C流行音樂(lè)
4. be quiet D去野餐
5. play the guitar E安靜
6. pop music F彈吉他
四、 讀句子,選詞。(10分)
Naughty shorter agree about Because
1. It’s a book _______ London.
2. This is my friend. He is very_________ .
3. Why not? ____________ tomorrow is Friday.
4. Is Xiaoyong __________ than you?
5. I think this girl is better. Do you __________ ?
1. it be will in Beijing windy(?)
___________________________ 2. take ball you will a (?)
3. London capital England the of is (.)
4. drums the play they can (.)
____________________________________ 5.The Great Wall older the Summer Palace than is (.)
This is Lingling. She’s a clever girl. She likes watching TV. She’s eleven years old. Her father is a driver. He’s very cool. Her mother is a teacher. She is thin and tall. Lingling is shorter than her mother. On Saturday lingling’s parents will take her to have a picnic.
1. Lingling likes swimming. ( )
2. Lingling’s father is very tall.( )
3. Lingling’s mother is taller than Lingling.( )
4. On Sunday they’ll have a picnic.( )

一 聽(tīng)音辨單詞。從下面的兩個(gè)詞中選出你聽(tīng)到的單詞,將序號(hào)填到提前括號(hào)中。(10分) 1. clever 2. cool 3. housework 4. short 5. better 6. talk 7. Friday 8. wide 9. kite 10. metre
二.聽(tīng)音判斷。判斷下列句子與錄音內(nèi)容是否一致,一直在括號(hào)中寫(xiě)“T”,不一致寫(xiě)“F”。 1. Rucy is a naughty girl. 2. It will be rainy in Shanghai tomorrow. 3.On Tuesday I’ll visit my grandpa. 4.I think Daming sings better than Amy. 5.Tower Bridge is famous and beautiful.
三、 聽(tīng)音,根據(jù)你聽(tīng)到的問(wèn)題,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z(yǔ),將序號(hào)寫(xiě)到題前括號(hào)中。(10分)
1. What music do you like, Lingling? 2. I like her voice. Do you agree? 3. Daming is older than Amy. Who is younger? 4. It will be windy in Guangzhou. And it will be cold in Beijing. What will the weather be in Guangzhou? 5. Will you take your kite tomorrow?

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/52613.html
