

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶


姓名:________ 分?jǐn)?shù):________

( )1.A.water flowers B.flowers bloom C.Easter egg
( )2.A.play basketball B.plant trees C.play football
( )3. A.fur B.feather C.leopard
( )4. A.blouse B.shirt C.shorts
( )5. A.leaves fall B.harvest C.plants grow
( )6. A.river B.lake C.sea
( )7. A.paints B.paintbox C.boat
( )8. A.turtle B.zebra C.bird
( )9. A.trousers B.coat C.jeans
( )10.A.mountain B.forest C.desert
( )1.—What are you going to do,Lele?
--- _____ going to plant trees. (A.I’m B.We’re)
( )2.---Why do you love zebra?
----_____ they have stripes. (A.But B.Because)
( )3.---What season is it?
---It’s _____ spring. (A. a B.不填)
( )4.---Where do monkeys _____?
----They live in the mountain. (A. live B.lives)
( )5.---Where do you live?
----I live____the earth. (A.in B.on)
( )6.—Do you like squirrels?
---Yes, I _____. (A.do B. can)
( )7.---What do you wear in spring?
----I wear a _____. (A.T-shirt B.sweater)
( )8.---Why do you love squirrels?
---_____they have nice tails.(A.But B.Because)
( )9.---What colour is spring?
---It’s _____.Because plants grow.(A.green B.red)
( )10.---He _____ an Easter egg. (A.need B. needs)
( )1.What are you going to do? A. It’s yellow.
( )2.What season is it? B.I live in Sichuan.
( )3.Why do you love turtles? C.We’re going to dance.
( )4.Do you like dolphins? D.It’s summer.
( )5.Where do you live? E.Because they are cute.
( )6.What colou is autumn? F. No,I don’t.
( )1.---What do you wear,Lele? ----________.
A. I wear a dress. B. I wear jeans. C. I wear a blouse.
( )2. Winter is here. It’s getting ______.
A.hot B.cold C.warm

( )3. We live in ______.
A.Sichuan B.china C.chongqing
( )4. Look! There is a bird _____ the tree.
A.on B.in C.at
( )5. It’s hot. It’s time to _______.
A. go skating B.go for an outing C.go swimming
( )6.---What do you _____? ----T-shirt.
A.wear B.needs C.put on
( )7. Flowers ____in spring.
A.bloom B.blow C.plant
( )8. Spring _____ from March to May.
A.last B.lasts C.are
( )9. It’s hot. She ____ a hat.
A.want B.needs C.have
( )10.---Sorry! ---_____.
A.That’s OK. B.That’s ok. C.that’s OK.
( )1.---_____________ ---We wear sweaters.
A.What do you wear in summer?
B.What do you wear in autumn?
C.What do you wear in spring?
( )2.---What do you wear,Dad? ----_____________
A.I wear jeans. B.I wear a skirt. C.I wear a blouse.
( )3.---When is spring? -----__________.
A.From March to May. B.From June to August. C.From Sept to Nov.
( )4.---What colour is spring? ----__________
A.It’s green. B.It’s yellow. C.It’s red.
( )5.---It’s cold. ----__________
A. I needs a hat. B. I need gloves. C. He need a cap.

1.Leaves turn yellow and fall. It’s _______.
2.Trees are green and flowers bloom. It’s _______.
3.It snows. It’s ______.
4.Plants grow and birds sing. It’s _______.
1.earth ________ 2.shirt ________ 3.dumplings_______
4.snow ________ 5.dig a hole _________ 6.desert _________
7.It’s time to go swimming._______________________
8.I need a paintbox. ___________________
9.I wear a blouse and jeans. __________________
10.Autumn is here, it’s getting cool. __________________

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/52901.html

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