
五年級英語第五冊Book5 Unit10 Dialogue 測試題

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Book 5 Unit 10 Dialogue課后練習(xí)
1. Tomorrow is the ____________ (start / end) of the school holiday.
2. Xiaoling is going to _______________ (the UK / the USA).
3. Xiaoling is going to America by___________ (ship / plane).
4. Yongxian is going to Hong Kong ________________ (next Sunday / tomorrow).
5. Yongxian is get to Hong Kong by ______________ (bus / train).
6. Yongxian will leave for Hong Kong at 7:30 in the ________________ (morning / evening).
7. Miss White will leave for Hong Kong at ______________ (9:45 / 10:45).
8. Wang Lili is going to Xiamen _____________ (tomorrow / at the weekend).
9. Wang Lili will get to Xiamen at _____ (3:00 / 4:00) the next ___________ (afternoon / evening).
10. Jimmin will stay ______________________ (at home / with his grandmother).
11. Jiamin will go to his grandmother's home ________________ (by underground / on foot).

1. Tomorrow is the start of t___________ s______________ h____________ (學(xué)校的假期).
2. Where are you going o____________ h______________ (度假)?
3. How are you going to g___________ t______________ (到達(dá)那里)?
4. We will l____________ f__________ H____________ K___________ (出發(fā)去香港) tomorrow.
5. I'm going to the park at h___________ p____________ e____________ (八點半).
= I'm going to the park at e____________ t______________.
6. The film will start at t____________ p_______________ s_____________ (六點十分).
= The film will start at s____________ t_________.
7. She will get to Shanghai at ______ q______________ t_______ t_________ (九點四十五分).
= She will get to Shanghai at n_________ f___________________.
8. They are going to start at t_________ t________ e__________________ (十點五十分).
= They are going to start at t_________ f_______________.
9. My father will go to travel n___________ S________________ (下一個周日).
10. She is going to s____________ w_________ m_____________ (留下和我一起).
11. The boy likes to s___________ a_________ h_____________ (留在家).
12. My cousin l_____________ n____________ m_________ h___________ (住在我家附近).

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/53075.html

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