
五年級英語第五冊Book5 Unit2 Dialogue 課后練習

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Book 5 Unit 2 Dialogue 課后練習
一、請根據(jù)第7頁Unit 2 Dialogue課文內(nèi)容,把Rose和Tom的學期開始和結(jié)束時間填寫完整,并把相應的句子補充完整。
The autumn term starts in ____________________ and ends in ________________________.
The winter term starts in_____________________ and ends in_________________________.
The spring term starts in_____________________ and ends in_________________________.
The summer term starts in_____________________ and ends in_________________________.

The first term starts in ____________________ and ends in ________________________.
The second term starts in _________________ and ends in ________________________.

1. There are t_________ t___________ (兩個學期) in a s____________ y__________ (學年).
2. T_________ s____________ t_____________ (春季學期) is the third term in the UK.
3. T_________ s____________ t______________ (夏季學期) is the fourth term in the UK.
4. When does t________ f____________ t____________ s__________ (開始第一學期)?
5. When does t________ s____________ t________ b___________ (開始第二學期)?
6. W_____________ a____________ (那么) the winter term?
7. It s____________ i_______ S________________ (在九月份開始) and e_________ i_____
J______________ (在一月份結(jié)束).
8. It b____________ i______ M__________ (在三月份開始) and e________ i____ J_________ (在七月份結(jié)束).
9. I l_____________ the winter term b____________ (最喜歡).
10. We are always o________ h________________ (度假) in National Day.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/53181.html

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