

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

1. 元旦節(jié) 6. Sports Day
2. 散步 7. watch the running race
3.在我的前面 8. Japanese Cartoons
4. 四月二日 9. dress up in costumes
5. 在農(nóng)場(chǎng) 10. Let’s wait and see.
( )1.-----What is it today? -----Tuesday.
A. day B. date C. time
( )2. Did you a big lunch last Spring Festival?
A. had B. has C. have
( )3. My father to work from Monday to Friday.
A. goes B. go C. went
( )4. There a pen and two books in my school bag a moment ago.
A. was B. were C. is
( )5 Saturday morning, Mr. Black walked to the park.
A. In B. At C. On
( )6. This is my bike. is over there.
A. His B. Her C. She
( )7. Oh, my glasses are on the ground. Please for me.
A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up
( )8. Do you like playing volleyball?
A. / B. the C. a
( )9. It time lunch.
A. have B. for C. to
( )10.Where you two days ago?I in Beijing.
A. was, was B. was, were C. were, was
1. This sign means “No ”. (smoke)
2. Today is the (twelve) of March.
3. I’d like (be) your good friend.
4. Listen, the children (play) the guitar now.
5. Show (we) the stamps.
6. Liu Tao and Wang Bing (go) to the park yesterday.
7. Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.
8. All the people are very (excite) now.
9. My mother often (do) housework.
10. How many (child) are there in your family?
1.Nancy, race, a, and, Mike, running, watching, are (連詞成句)
Nancy and Mike a running race.
2. There are some apple trees on the farm. (改為一般疑問句)
there apple trees on the farm?
3. My mother’s birthday is in July. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
mother’s birthday?
4. I did my homework last Sunday. (改為否定句)
I my homework last Sunday.
5. I’d like to buy some cards. (改為同義句)
I buy some cards.
The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China. It is in February or March, fourteen days after the Spring Festival. People usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks. There are many lanterns. Children often hold little lanterns in their hands. They’re very excited. Sometimes, we can watch firework (焰火) at night. They are so beautiful. At the festival people eat small dumpling halls(湯圓). In China, people also call them Yuanxiao. It means family reunion (團(tuán)圓) and happiness(快樂).
( ) 1. The Lantern Festival is a holiday.
A. English B. Chinese C. American
( ) 2. When’s Lantern Festival? .
A. Fourteen days after the Spring Festival.
B. Fourteen days before the Spring Festival.
C. In January or February.
( ) 3. People usually go to in the streets or in the parks at the festival.
A. watch lanterns B. Buy things C. give presents
( ) 4. Sometimes, what can we watch at night? _ .
A. Dragon Boat races B. Moon cakes C. Firework
( ) 5. Yuanxiao means family .
A. reunion B. happiness C. A and B.
1午飯以后 6元旦節(jié)
2拔蘿卜 7have a Christmas party
3上周末 8National Day holiday
4賞月 9watch the dragon boat races
5在圣誕節(jié) 10Visit relatives and friends
( ) 1 ---What date is it today? ----It’s _________ 1st of October.
A. a B. / C. an D. the
( ) 2 What holiday _______ after May Day?
A. come B. comes C. coming D. came
( ) 3 That girl _____ her grandma and her grandpa last Friday.
A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting
( ) 4 _______ ate many noodles last Sunday.
A. Mike and I B. I and Mike C. I and mike D. Me and Mike
( ) 5 A: What ______ you do? We flew the kites.
A. did B. do C. does D. don’t
( ) 6 Jim and Ben are _____ about Ben’s birthday.
A. talk B. saying C. speaking D. talking
( ) 7 Where are my shoes? _______.
A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s under the desk
C. They’re under the desk. D. It’s here.
( ) 8 I t is an _____ day, we are all ______.
A. excited, exciting B. exciting, exciting
C. exciting, excited D. excited, excited
( ) 9 We usually _______ moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.
A. eat B. eated C. ate D. eats
( ) 10 Whose book is it? It’s not _____ book. It’s _____.
A. my. her B. mine, hers C. mine, her D. my, hers
1 They all like ______________ to music. (listen)
2 Li Lei usually __________ to school at 7:10. (go )
3 which season do you like (well), the spring or the autumn?
4 last week we _______ ( have ) a _________ ( run ) race at school.
5 That girl can ________ (sing ) French songs.
6 Miss li lives on the _______ ( two ) floor in this building.
7 He _______ (help )an old man after school yesterday.
8 __________ ( who ) mirror is it? Is it ________ (your )?
1.Children’s Day is on the 1st of June. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
Children’s Day?
2.I played basketball last weekend. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
you last weekend?
3.These glasses are hers. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
glasses ?
4.Jack is asking Ben some questions about public signs.
Jack asking Ben questions about public signs?Yes, .
5.This hairdryer is hers. (改為同義句)This is .
6. 從爺爺那兒得到了兩件生日禮物。
I’ve two birthday my grandfather.
(1) Today is the 5th of March. It’s my birthday. I get a lot of presents from my friends and family. They are in nice boxes. My father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it. Jack, one of my friends, gives me a long box. What’s in it? It’s an umbrella. My sister gives me a round box. I think it’s a big cake, but it is a basketball. I like playing basketball very much, so I’m happy to have it. Now, my friends are singing the song “Happy Birthday to you” to me.
( )1.My birthday is on _________.
A. March 5 B. March 7 C. Sunday
( )2. I get a lot of presents from__________.
A. my parents B. my friends C. A and B
( )3. My sister gives me ________ as my birthday present.
A. a big cake B. a basketball C. a football
( )4. There’s _______ from my parents.
A. a box B. an umbrella C. a book
( )5. From this dialogue (對(duì)話) , you know _____.
A.I am a boy . B. There’s a birthday party. C. My father is a doctor
(2)Yesterday was September 10. It was Teachers’ Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and teachers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正誤。( T or F )
( )1.Yesterday was National Day.
( )2.We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office.
( )3.Our teachers were not happy.
( )4.We held a party in the afternoon in the morning.
( )5. We all had a good time.
C. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷下列各句是否正確,對(duì)的寫“T”,錯(cuò)的“F”。
An old man and a young man are walking in the park . The old man is behind the young man . There’s a chair in front of the young man . The old man is very glad to see the chair . He is very tired . He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes (幾分鐘) .He walks to the chair . He sees the young man walking to the chair , too , So he begins to run . Now he is in front of the young man . The young man says, “Don’t sit on the chair ”. The old man doesn’t listen to him . He is sitting on it . He looks very happy . The young man come over to him . He is holding (舉著) a small board in his hand . It says “Wet Paint (油漆未干)”
( )1、The young man is playing in the park .
( )2、The old man and the young man are very happy to see the chair .
( )3、The old man wants to have a rest (休息一下) on the chair .
( )4、There is some water on the chair .
( )5、The young man asks the old man not to sit on the chair because (因?yàn)? it is wet (濕的)。
1. This sign means “No ”. (smoke)
2. Today is (two) of March.
3. Would you like _____ (milk) cows on the farm?
4. Listen, the children (play) the guitar now.
5. Show (we) the stamps.
6. Liu Tao and Wang Bing (go) to the park yesterday.
7. Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.
8. All the people are very (excite) now.
9. My mother often (do) housework.
10. How many (child) are there in your family?
二. 從Ⅱ欄中選出Ⅰ欄的正確應(yīng)答,并將序號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。
( ) 1. Did you visit a farm with your family last week? A. Spring Festival.
( ) 2. Where was your father last Saturday? B. It’s in October.
( ) 3.When’s Halloween? C. I went to the Great Wall.
( ) 4.Whose glasses are these? D. No, I wasn’t.
( ) 5.What did you do last May Day? E. Yes, I did.
( ) 6.Who are the presents from? F. They’re mine.
( ) 7. What’s your favourite holiday? G. He was in Shanghai.
( ) 8. Were you at home just now? H. They’re from Grandpa and Grandma. 三.。
( ) 1. What ______ he ______ last Tuesday ?
A. did, did B. do, did C. did, do
( ) 2. I want ________ the farm.
A. to go to B. to go C. go to
( ) 3. We _______ cows and planted trees on the farm.
A. milk B. milks C. milked
( )4. Where________ Su Yang and Su Hai just now?
A. was B. is C. were
( ) 5. Liu Tao and his friends _______ a lot of oranges on the farm last week.
A. tasted B. watched C. visited
( ) 6.-Were there any trees in your school? - No ,__________ .
A. there didn’t B. there wasn’t C. there weren’t
( ) 7. What do children usually do _____ Children’s Day?
A. at B. on C. in
( )8. National Day is ______ the first ______ October.
A. on, in B. on, of C. in, on
( ) 9. Did you _____ moon cakes _____Mid-Autumn Festival?
A. ate , last B. eat , last C. eat , at
( )10. What holiday ________Christmas?
A. come after B. comes after C. come before
( ) 11. Gao Shan ________ the house last May Day.
A. washed B. watched C. cleaned
( ) 12. We usually visit our _________ and ________ at Spring Festival.
A. relative and friend B. relatives , friends C. relatives , friend
( ) 13.Liu Tao ___________in costumes last Halloween.
A. make up B. dress up C. dressed up
( ) 14.Wang Bing is talking _____ Yang Ling _____ his holiday.
A. to for B.to about C.to on
( ) 15---_______ is the watch?---It’s ________ .
A. Who, his B. Whose, his C. Where, mine
The skateboard_____ ______ my brother.
---Where ______ you just now? ---I _____ in the playground.
---What _____ you do? --- I _______ basketball with my classmates.
I ______go to a party last ______ ______ Day. I _____ a big lunch with my family.
---Is this present __________? ---No, it’s not _______.
---_______ present is it ? --- It’s ________.
People from the city often take holidays in the country(鄉(xiāng)村)。They walk in the mountains or ride bicycles on the country roads. They see many tress,plants and animals. Some think that the clear sky and the moon and bright stars at night are the most beautiful things in the country.Others like to hear the sounds of the animals.
At first these people enjoy the country.But at last they prefer(更喜歡)the city.After a week they are bored(厭倦)。They want to return to the city.Now they want very much to see a film or to be back on a busy street. They leave for(出發(fā)去)home in the city.
( )1、They can’t ride bikes in the country.
( )2、Many people often take holidays in the country .
( )3、They became bored after a week.
( )4、They don’t want to come back to the city.
( )5、They like the country better than the city.

1. 兩卷膠卷______________________2. 手機(jī)________________________
3. 剛才_(tái)________________________ 4. 在…前面_______________________
5. 拔蘿卜 ______________________ 6. mean different things______________
7. blow out the candles ____________ 8. after the holiday__________________
9. his favourite food_______________10. at the back of the bedroom_________
( )1. Where ______ you last Monday?
A. are B. were C. was D. did
( )2. This is __________ watch. ________ is over other.
A. my, His B. my, He C. mine, His D. his, My
( )3. I have a beautiful wallet. It’s _________ my uncle.
A. of B. from C. for D. at
( )4.There ____ a pair of glasses on the ground just now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
( )5.The sweater looks nice. Please give ______ .
A. me it B. it me C. it to me D. me to it
( )6. What does your brother like?
A. He would likes sports. B. He’s tall and thin.
C. He would like his father D. He likes drinking tea.
( )7. In ______ word “pineapple”, we can find _____ “apple” and a “pine”.
A. a, an B. the, the C. a, the D. the, an
( )8. He ___to school by bus every day, but he __to school on foot yesterday.
A. goes, went B. go, went C. went, go D. goes, go
( )9. ______ skirt does Yang Ling like? The yellow one.
A. What B. Whose C. Which D. Who
( )10. My mother _________ a sign on the door.
A. point to B. points C. point D. points to
( )1. What does the children do at Dragon Boat Festival? ______________
( )2. There are only three peoples in your family. ______________
( )3. The rulers are Helen’s, give it to her. ______________
( )4. Did he went to school yesterday? _______________
( )5. This book isn’t my. It’s his. ______________
1. My mother likes ____________(run).
She ____________(run) every day.
Look! She ________________ (run) now.
But she ____________(not run) yesterday.
2. The swimming race is very _____________(excite).
All the students are very _____________(excite).
3. This is not ____________ (I) book.
___________(I) is on the desk.
4. There _________ (be) a lamp on the desk.
It __________ (be not) there just now.
There ___________ (be) some flowers on the table a moment ago.
But the flowers ____________(be no) there now.
5. There are _____________ (twenty) boys in the class.
The ___________ (twelve) one is Mike.
6. The sign on the wall _________ (mean) ‘No ____________ (smoke)’.
You shouldn’t ____________ (smoke) here.
7. Tom __________(go) to the cinema last week.
He didn’t __________ (go) to the zoo.
Did he ___________ (go) to the park? I don’t know.
1.This mirror is my mother’s.(劃線提問)
__________ mirror is _____________?
2.This comb is from my mother. (劃線提問)
___________ is this comb _____________?
3.My birthday is on the twenty-fifth of November. (劃線提問)
_____________ your birthday?
4..My favourite holiday is Halloween. (劃線提問)
______________ your favourite holiday?
5.I went to a party last Halloween. (改為一般疑問句)
_________ you ________ to a party last Halloween?
It was Halloween last Saturday. And it was also Jim’s birthday. He had a party at home. His friends came and they all dressed up in costumes. They were very excited. They made pumpkin lanterns and played games together. After dinner, they went to play ‘trick or treat’. Jim got a big bag of sweets. He was very happy.
( )1 Jim had a party at home.
( )2 His friends did not come to his birthday party.
( )3 Their parents made pumpkin lanterns for them.
( )4 Jim and his friends went to play ‘trick or treat’ after dinner.
( )5 Jim did not get anything.
1、I___________(go) to the farm with my family last week.
2、The students are ____.They are having a running race. It’s _____. (excite)
3、This present is from ________ (he) .
4、He always__________(have)a lot of questions.
5、My cousin’s birthday is on ____________(twelve) of May.
6、Helen picked lots of oranges and ____________(taste) them.
7、It means you shouldn’t___________(make) noise here.
8、Look, the boys ______________(take)some photos in the playground.
9、This isn’t her diary. ________ (she)is on the desk.
10、Would you like ______________ (come)my birthday party?
( )1.Hello!May I speak to Nancy ? A.Yes, she does.
( )2.Where do you watch TV ? B.Children’s Day.
( )3.What holiday comes after May Day ? C.It’s the 3rdof November.
( )4.Did you watch cartoons yesterday ? D.It’s in October.
( )5.What day was yesterday ? E.No, I didn’t.
( )6.When is Halloween ? F.I’d like a CD Walkman.
( )7.What did David do last Spring Festival? G.It was Tuesday.
( )8.Does Helen go to school early ? H.I’m sorry,she’s not in.
( )9.What would you like as a birthday present ? I.At home.
( )10.What date is it today ? J.He went to parties.
1.--你的生日是什么時(shí)候? --是4月21日。
-- your birthday? --It’s ________ the 21st of ________.
The red comb is ________ _________ ________ .
3.--這些郵票是誰的? --它們是我的
--________ stamps are these? --They’re ________ .
I________ to a ________ ________ Halloween.
He did not ________ ________ last week.
for, about , in, at,on
1. Christmas is on the 25th of December. Easter is _________ March or April.
2. I know a lot _________ public signs.
3. What do people usually do _________ Spring Festival?
4. I’ve got two presents _________ Mum and Dad.
5. My grandparents live _________ a farm.
Last Sunday the children went to the park, Gao Shan flew(fly的過去式) his kite with Ben. He made(make的過去式) the kite with his father .Yang Ling played games with some friends, Helen did not play games with them. She took(take的過去式) photos of her friends. Lin Tao played football with David and other boys. Soon they were all tired and hungry. So they sat under a tree. They ate(eat的過去式) some snacks and had some drinks. All the children were happy. They had a good time.
( )1._____and ___flew a kite in the park.
A. Gao Shan; Ben B. Gao Shan; his father C. Ben; his father
( )2.Helen____games with some friends.
A. played B .don’t play C. did not play
( )3._______played football.
A. Gao Shan and other boys B. David , Ben and other boys
C. Lin Tao ,David and other boys
( )4.Helen ____her friends .
A. played games with B. took photos of
C .played football with
( )5.They ____under the tree.
A. had something to eat and drink B. played games
C .played football
On Christmas morning, Children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings (長襪)or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much.” he said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see what’s in the box. He shook (搖)the box and listened. His sister, Nancy came to him, “Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a look!”
Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it.
Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.
( ) 1. Mike got up at _____.
A. twenty to six B. twenty past six C. six
( ) 2. The lovely dog was for ______.
A. Nancy B. Nancy’s sister C. Nancy’s brother
( ) 3. The pretty dress was for _______.
A. Mike B. Mike’s sister C. Mike’s brother
( ) 4. Mike got _____ presents from his family.
A. only one B. two C. three
( ) 5. What’s in the box for Mike?
A. A toy dog. B. A skateboard. C. Sorry, I don’t know.
1. He (幫助)me just now.
2. (圣誕節(jié))is coming soon. All the people are very (激動(dòng)).
3. My sister gave me a pair of (眼鏡)as a birthday present.
4. The sign on the wall (意思是)“No parking”.
( )1. Su Yang walks to the books and _____.
A、picks up them B、picks it up C、pick up them D、picks them up
( )2. My birthday is the 4th of January.
A. \ B. in C. on D. at
( )3. The man first,and he sits down.
A. look after B. look at C. looks for D. looks around
( )4. He usually to parties at New Year.
A. went B. goes C. go D. going
( )5. I would like to have a cake lots of grapes.
A. in B. to C. of D. with
( )6. Mr Green is talking ______ his students ________ holidays.
A. about , to B. to , in C. off , about D. to , about
( )7. It’s time ___ _ lunch.
A. for B. to C. for have D. have
( )8. They are talking about ______birthdays.
A. his B. they C. their D. her
( ) 9. There a lot of people in the park just now.
A. are B. is C. had D. were
( ) 10. Where are my shoes? _______.
A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s under the desk
C. They are mine. D. They were under the desk.
( ) 11. _______ ate many noodles last Sunday.
A. Mike and I B. I and Mike C. You and me D. Me and Mike
( ) 12. We in the school every day.
A. study B. studied C. studies D. will study
( ) 13. Which is the third of the week?
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday
( ) 14. Tom a farm with his family last holiday.
A. visited B. visit C. visits D. visiting
( ) 15. Look! I have a photo of ___ family. Do you have one of ____?
A. my your B. my, yours C. mine yours D. my, you
This sign we not drink here.
My is the of .
I’d like a as a birthday .
The students the film afternoon.
I like . How you? , too.
Which skateboard is ? The one near the is . 四、從Ⅱ欄中選出與Ⅰ欄相對(duì)應(yīng)的句子。
( ) 1 What’s your favourite holiday? A. They’re Jim’s
( ) 2 When’s your birthday? B. By bike.
( ) 3 What did she do on the farm? C. It’s the 21st of January.
( ) 4 Did you have a wonderful time? D. It means keep off the grass.
( ) 5 Whose gloves are they? E. They’re in Jim’s desk.
( ) 6 What date is it today? F. Yes, she does.
( ) 7 What does this sign mean? G. Yes, we did.
( ) 8 Where are your gloves? H. It’s on the 21st of January.
( ) 9 How do you go school? I She planted some trees.
( ) 10 Does Helen go to school early? J. Halloween.
Gao Shan: Excuse me, Jim. What date is it today?
Jim: It’s the 20th of January.
Gao Shan; Oh, Spring Festival is coming. It’s on the 29th of January.
Jim: What do Chinese people usually do at Spring Festival?
Gao Shan: They usually have a big dinner with their family and visit their relatives.
Jim: Did you visit your relatives last Spring Festival?
Gao Shan: Yes, I did. And I got some presents from them..
Jim: What did you get?
Gao Shan: Let me see. A calculator from my uncle, a skateboard from my grandpa, a
Walkman from my cousin and a jacket from my aunt.
Jim: What was your favourite present?
Gao Shan: The skateboard. It was wonderful.
1. Spring Festival is on ____________ .
A. the 29th of January. B. the 20th of January C.29th of January
2. Chinese people usually ________ with their family at Spring Festival.
A. eat moon cakes. B. have a big dinner C. watch the moon
3. What did Gao Shan do last Spring Festival? ______________ .
A. He visited his relatives B. He played games C. He watched a film
4. Gao Shan got _____ presents.
A. five B. three C. four
5. ________was his favourite present.
A.The skateboard B. The calculator C. The jacket

1、散步 6、visit his relatives and friends
2、在她前面 7、a popular holiday
3、在元旦 8、dress up in costumes
4、賞月 9、blow out the candles
5、第三個(gè)星期 10、cook a nice lunch
1third(基數(shù)詞)__________6children( 名詞所有格)¬¬¬¬___________
2 get(現(xiàn)在分詞)_________7beautifully( 形容詞)_____________
3 let’s(完整形式)________8have(過去式)___________
4do not(縮寫)___________9family(復(fù)數(shù))__________
5 here (同音詞)_________10their(名詞性物主代詞)___________
( ) 1. The children cows a moment ago. That fun!
A. milk, is B. milked, was C. milk, was
( ) 2. ---Where you last week? ---I was a camp.
A. are, at B. was, in C. were, at
( ) 3. I t is an day, we are all .
A. excited, exciting B. exciting, exciting C. exciting, excited
( ) 4. Whose book is it? It’s not book. It’s .
A. my, her B. mine, hers C. my, hers
( ) 5. My birthday is the 4th of March.
A. on B. in C. at
( ) 6. What the signs ?
A. do, mean B. does, means C. is, means
( ) 7. A: is your favourite holiday? B: Christmas Day.
A. When B. What C. Whose
( ) 8. Halloween is October.
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 9. I want shopping.
A. going B. to go C. go
( ) 10. Please give .
A. her it B. her to it C. it to her
1. This sign means “No ”. (smoke)
2. Today is the (twelve) of March.
3. I’d like (be) your good friend.
4. Listen, the children (play) the guitar now.
5. Show (we) the stamps.
6. Liu Tao and Wang Bing (go) to the park yesterday.
7. Su Hai can (make) pumpkin lanterns.
8. All the people are very (excite) now.
9. My mother often (do) housework.
10. How many (child) are there in your family?
( )1.What holiday comes after May Day ? A. It’s the 3rdof November.
( )2.Did you watch cartoons yesterday ? B. It’s in October.
( )3.When is Halloween ? C. I’d like a CD Walkman.
( )4.What did David do last Spring Festival? D. Children’s Day.
( )5.What would you like as a birthday present ? E. No, I didn’t.
( )6.What date is it today ? F. He went to a party.
One day Mr and Mrs White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things into the car. But Mr White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly (友好的). He begins to open the car for them. Just then a man comes up and shouts ( 喊 ), “What are you doing with my car?” Mr and Mrs White have a look at the car’s number and they are frozen (驚呆了) there. It isn’t their car.
( ) 1. Mr and Mrs White drive for ______________________.
A. lunch B. shopping C. policeman
( ) 2. They stop their car ___________________.
A. at the parking spot (停車場(chǎng)) B. near the policeman C. near the shop
( ) 3. They want to ______________________.
A.give their things to a policeman B.borrow (借) the man’s car
C.open the car
( ) 4. The policeman ________________________.
A. would like to help Mr White
B. knows the car isn’t Mr White’s
C. likes their things
( ) 5. From the passage (短文). We know _________________.
A.The man wants to rob (搶) the car.
B.The car is the man’s .
C. Mr and Mrs White want the man’s car.
( ) 6. What do you think of the policeman ? __ ____
A.He’s clever (聰明的).B.He’s foolish (鹵莽的).C.He’s handsome (英俊的) .
( ) 1. I want to listen to music. I’d like _________.
A a mirror B a phone C a pair of earphones
( ) 2. —When’s __________? —It’s on the 1st of October.
A National Day B Mid-Autumn Festival C Spring Festival
( ) 3. Tom_______ the bus and sat down quietly .
A. get off B got up C got on
( ) 4. —Where _________ you last Saturday? —I _____ at home.
A are, am B were, were C were, was
( ) 5. After the party, Jack opened his Christmas presents____ his friends.
A to B as C from
( ) 6. We had a long walk in the mountains. We were very _______.
A tired B cold C pretty
( ) 7. The cartoon is very funny. I ________.
A don’t like it B like it very much C I’m sorry to hear it
( ) 8. That sign on the building means ‘Danger’. You should _____ .
A stay away from it B come in and have a look C take off it
( ) 9. —_______ are the films?
—They were here just now.
A Whose B Where C When
( )10. Oh, my calculator is on the ground. Please _____ for ______.
A pick up it, me B pick it up , me C pull it up, us
1.Nancy, race, a, and, Mike, running, watching, are (連詞成句)
Nancy and Mike a running race.
2. There are some apple trees on the farm. (改為一般疑問句)
there apple trees on the farm?
3. My mother’s birthday is in July. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
Mother’s birthday?
4. I did my homework last Sunday. (改為否定句)
I my homework last Sunday.
flew kites, sing a song, art festival, drink some juice,
Sports Festival, watering flowers, cooking food, go shopping
1. Last week, there was an _______________ at Liu Tao’s school.
2. I like the __________________ very much.
3. They _______________ in the playground yesterday afternoon.
4. Can you ___________________ for me ?
5. Did you ________________ with your parents last weekend ?
6. —What are they doing now ? —They’re _____________________.
7. —Would you like to __________________? —Yes, please.
8. My mother likes _______________, but she doesn’t like to eat much.
Mary is a girl. She is a middle school student. She is thirteen. She is in Class Three, Grade One.
There is a big picture in Mary’s bedroom. It’s the picture of the family. Mary’s mother is a teacher of Chinese. She is a very nice teacher. Mary’s father is a worker. There is a big red flower on his black coat. He works from Tuesday to Sunday. Mary’s brother is near her mother. He is a middle school student, too. He is fourteen. He is in Grade Two.Mary and her brother like books. They like school. They work hard. They are good students.
( ) 1. This is a picture of ____________.
A. Mary B. Mary’s family C .Mary’s father
( ) 2. Mary is __________.
A. fourteen B. eleven C. thirteen
( ) 3. Mary’s father and mother are ___________.
A. worker and teacher B. worker and nurse C. teacher and doctor
( ) 4. There is a red flower on _________ coat.
A. Mary’s father’s B. Mary’s C. Mary’s brother’s
( ) 5. ___________ on Monday.
A. They four are all at home B.Mary and her brother don’t go to school
C. Only Mary’s father is at home
Mr Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.
This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said “Hello” to him and began to talk to him. “Your life is not interesting, isn’t it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr Smith said angrily(生氣地).
“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.
( ) 1. Mr Smith works ______.
A. in a village B. in a city C. in a town D. in the country
( ) 2. He comes back home from work _____.
A. by ship B. by bus C. on foot D. by train
( ) 3. When he is on the train, Mr Smith often ______.
A. reads books B. reads a newspaperC. talks to others D. listens to others
( ) 4. Mr Smith _________.
A. likes the man very much B. likes reading books
C. doesn’t like the man. D. has much money
( ) 5. The man knows Mr Smith because ________.
A. he is Mr Smith’s good friend
B. they work in the same factory
C. he sits behind Mr Smith on the same train every day
D. they live in the same village

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/53239.html
