

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

一.聽錄音,標(biāo)出朗讀的順序6% P27

二.聽問句,選出最佳答語5% P47
( ) 1. A. Yes, he can.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he is.
( ) 2. A. No, he doesn’t.B. No, she doesn’t.C. No, she isn’t.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I do.B. No, she doesn’t.C. Yes, he does.
( ) 4. A. You must clean the room.B. You can go home.
C. You like cleaning it.
( ) 5. A. They’re here.B. It’s in the desk. C. They’re over there.
三. 聽錄音,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容填空9% P41
Dear Amy,
How _______ you? My name is Gao Wei. I’m from _______. I’m _______. I’m a primary school student. I’m in Class One, Grade _______. Now let me tell you about my _______. There are three people in my family. My ________ is a ________. My _______ is a _______. How about you? Please write to me soon.
一. 語音
A. 找出畫線部分發(fā)音不同的單詞5%
( ) 1. A. what B. water C. watch D. want
( ) 2. A. firemanB. writerC. sisterD. driver
( ) 3. A. brotherB. doesC. doD. come
( ) 4. A. twelveB. cleverC. sheD. eleven
( ) 5. A. doctorB. onC. ofD. does
B. 判斷畫線部分發(fā)音是否相同,相同的畫“√”,不同的畫“?”5%
1. lookgood( )2. pleasebeef( )
3. tailrainy( )4. coatgoat ( )
5. greencoffee( )
二. 詞匯
A. 按要求填寫單詞5%
1. mine(形物代)______2. there's (完整形式)_______
3. I’m (完整形式) _______4. it's (完整形式) _______
5. they’re (完整形式) _______

B. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空5%
1. I come from _________. (British)
2. __________ the boy and the girl in Class One? (be)
3. This book is about __________(animal) tails.
4. It’s ________(real) a lovely dog.
5. She gets ready ________ (run) out.
C. 根據(jù)所給中文完成句子5%
1. His father is a ___________(作家).
2. I __________(愛)my father and mother.
3. Rose isn’t very_________(伶俐的)
4. Feifei is a ________(害羞的)girl.
5. How __________(有趣的) the book is!
( ) 1. Is this__________ textbook?
A. IB. meC. myD. mine
( ) 2. Is that your dictionary? __________ , it isn’t.
A. OhB. NoC. YesD. yes
( ) 3. __________ book is this? It’s my book.
A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. Whose
( ) 4. __________ they your erasers? Yes, _______.
A. Are, they areB. Are, it isC. Are, it isn’t D. Is, it is
( ) 5. Don’t put__________ __________ this.
A. they, asB. their, likeC. them, likeD. them, as
( ) 6. __________ a big zebra!
A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Whose
( ) 7. Look__________ that panda.
A. atB. inC. onD. near
( ) 8. Is this bag __________ ? Yes, It’s mine
A. youB. yoursC. myD. mine
( ) 9. __________ eraser is that?
A. AB. AnC. WhoseD. Who
( ) 10. Is this yours? No, It’s __________.
A. sheB. she’sC. herD. Mary’s
( ) 11. Whose English book is this? It’s __________ .
A. sheB. she’sC. herD. hers
( ) 12. __________ the jeans yours? Yes, they are.
A. IsB. AreC. PutD. Look
( ) 13. Put your thing away __________ class.
A. behindB. afterC. onD. at

( ) 14. I can act__________ a panda.
A. onB. inC. atD. as
( ) 15. __________ mask is this? It’s his.
A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoseD. Who’s
( ) 16. Chinese people eat their food with chopsticks _____ a knife and fork.
( ) 17. If you cannot say ______ , go back to start.
A. byB. withC. instead ofD. in front of
( ) 18. Please put a sticky tape _____ the back.
A. inB. onC. atD. with
( ) 19. You can get a gift ________ thinking of the words..
A. byB. withC. atD. about
( ) 20. Marie Curie is a famous _________ from _______.
A. scientist, AmericaB. scientist, PolandC. artist, America D. artist, Poland
四. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換5%
1. Are these Kate’s paperchains? (肯定句)
These ________ ________ paperchains.
2. These are my letters. (提問)________ letters are these?
3. I want to play football. (提問)________ do you want to play?
4. His father is a farmer. (一般疑問句)_______ his father a farmer?
五. 補(bǔ)全對話10%
A: Good morning. _________ can I do for you?
B. I’d _________ a blouse.
A: What _________ do you want?
B: The blue one.
A: Here you _________.
B: It looks very nice. But it’s too _________.
A:What _________ that _________? It’s bigger.
B: _________ _________ is it?
A: 80 yuan.
B: OK. I’ll take _________.
六. 完形填空10%
Sam is a school boy. What would he like __1__ this weekend? Read his plan.
He has __2__ on Friday morning. He will go to the cinema __3__ night. On Saturday he is going to do his homework in the morning. He is going to __4__ his grandma this Sunday.
Tom is __5__ good friend. He has lessons on Friday. He hasn’t __6__ classes on Saturday and Sunday. He will __7__ a football match at night on Friday. On Saturday he would like to do his homework in the afternoon. __8__ Sunday morning, he is going to play football __9__ Sam. In the afternoon, he will do his homework. What’s your plan? What do you want to do __10__ weekend?
( ) 1. A. to doing B. doing C. do D. to do
( ) 2. A. class’ B. classes’ C. classes D. class
( ) 3. A. in B. at C. on D. to
( ) 4. A. visit B. watch C. go D. come
( ) 5. A. SamB. Sam’s C. Sam’ D. Sams’
( ) 6. A. no anyB. any C. no D. not
( ) 7. A. watch B. see C. visit D. meet
( ) 8. A. In B. On C. At D. For
( ) 9. A. or B. for C. and D. with
( ) 10. A. when B. thatC. this D. the
七. 閱讀理解10%
A. It’s eight o’clock. Miss Chen is not at home. Mary looks after her baby for her. Her baby is only four months old. The baby can’t eat food. It can only drink some milk. Miss Chen gives Mary two bottles of milk. At first of all everything is OK. But the baby begins to cry at nine o’clock. Mary puts the baby on the bed and puts some things on the bed, too. She plays with the baby. The baby looks at her and smiles. At ten o’clock, Miss Chen comes home.
1. Miss Chen can’t look after her baby. She has many things to ________.
2. Mary ______ Miss Chen to look after her baby.
3. The baby is only four __________ old.
4. Mary puts the ________ on the bed and puts some things, too.
5. Mary plays with the baby and the baby________.
B. The New Year’s Eve party is going on when the bell rings. A tall man opens the door and comes in. Nobody knows him, but the host goes over and takes him in. The man sits there happily for an hour and drinks. Then he says, “Nobody invites me to this party. I don’t know you, or anyone else here. My son and I want to go out in our car, but one of your friends’ cars is in front of our gate, so I come here to find him, and my son is still waiting in our car.”
( )1.The tall man is the host’s friend.
( )2. One of the host’s friends invites the tall man to come.
( )3. The tall man comes because he wants to find out whose car
stops in front of his.
( )4. The tall man stays here for an hour.
( )5. The host’s son is waiting in the car for an hour.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/53808.html

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