

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


部分 (滿分43分)
一、Listen and choose

( ) 1. A. toy B.boy
( ) 2. A. tail B.mail
( ) 3. A. pineB.bye
( ) 4. A. knowB.hole
( ) 5. A. houseB.horse
( ) 6. A. rose B.nose
( ) 7. A. loud B.load
( ) 8. A. count B.cow
( ) 9. A. dive B.knife
( ) 10. A. cold B.coat

( ) 1. A. mountain B.mutton C.matter
( ) 2. A.match B.much C. march
( ) 3. A. dad B. sad C.bad
( ) 4. A. teller B.taller C. tailer
( ) 5. A. earache B. toothache C.headache
( ) 6. A. habbyB.hobby C. happy
( ) 7. A. biger B. bigger C.meters
( ) 8. A.than B.them C.then
( ) 9. A. drink B. thinks C.thinnerwww .Xkb 1.coM
( ) 10. A. boardB. bored C. bought
二、Listen and circle

1.How heavy is the whale? 2. Who is taller?

3. Who is older? 4.How big are Sally’s feet?

5. What did Lily buy? 6. How does Mary feel?

7. How do you feel? 8. What is the wrong with the man?

9.Who can help the boy? 10.What does John have for lunch?

三、Listen and choose
( )1. A.I am five. B. I am fine.
( )2. A.Thank you. B. OK.
( )3. A.I am 156cm. B. I am 156m.
( )4. A. He is young and tall. B. He likes painting.
( )5. A. Flower City. B. Spring City.
( )6. A.By bus. B. By plane.
( )7. A.Yes,she is happy. B. No,she is happy.
( )8. A. We feel cold. B. We feel warm.
( ) 9. A. Because I’m happy. B. Because My mother sends me a present.
( ) 10. A.I lost my friend in the morning. B.I lost my friend at the museum.

四、Listen and fill
1.I eat too much candies, I have a _____________ now.
2.What is the _______________ with you?
My ____________ is sore. My nose is _______________
3.You look so ______________ today.
4.My hair is ____________ than yours, but ____________than Lily’s.
5.My suitcase is much ____________ than yours.
6.If you __________more sports, you will be _____________.
7.The _________ dog is funnier than the __________ one.
8.How __________ is the sperm whale? _________meters.
9. _________ are you going _______ your holiday?
¬五、Listen and judge.
你將聽到一篇短文,請(qǐng)判斷對(duì)錯(cuò), 對(duì)的打“√” 錯(cuò)的打“×:。本短文將讀三遍。(每小題1分,共5分)
( ) 1. Mary and Kate are classmates.
( ) 2. Kate is older than Mary.
( ) 3. Mary has long brown hair.
( ) 4. Mary is taller and heavier than Kate.
( ) 5. The colours of their eyes’ are the same.
六、Read and choose
Zhang Peng 打電話給John想約他去動(dòng)物園。以下是他們的對(duì)話,少了六個(gè)句子,請(qǐng)你選擇合適的補(bǔ)全整個(gè)對(duì)話。將字母編號(hào)寫在橫線上。(每句1.5分,共9分)
Zhang Peng: ________________________________
John: This is me. (Coughing咳)
Zhang Peng: __________________________
John: I can't stop coughing.
Zhang Peng: I am sorry to hear that. _______________________
John: My head is aching, my throat is sore. And I feel sleepy.
Zhang Peng: Maybe you have a bad cold. _______________________
John: I am not sure. I feel my head is a little hot.
Zhang Peng: __________________________
John: OK,I will go.Why do you call me?
Zhang Peng: Actually I want to go to the zoo with you. But you are sick. I just go with my parents. I will invite you next time. Take care!
John: OK.I have to see the doctor now. _______________
Zhang Peng: See you.

七、Reading comprehension.(理解,1.5×10=共15分)
The moon is smaller than the earth. It is three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers away from us. In 1969, two Americans got to the moon by spaceship. They found no living things there. And there is no air or water there. It is too hot in the day and too cold at night. So nothing can live on the moon.
Everything on the moon is much lighter. Walking on the moon is like jumping and flying. So we can jump higher on the moon than on the earth.
( ) 1.The moon is bigger than the earth.
( ) 2.The moon is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.
( ) 3.Everything is lighter on the moon than on the earth.
( ) 4.The moon is too cold in the day and too hot at night.
( ) 5.People can live on the moon.
Our eyes are very important to us. They are like cameras. We can see beautiful things and colors around us with our eyes. But if we don’t take care of them, they may hurt. How do we protect our eyes?
On sunny days, we’d better wear our sun-glasses. When we read, we shouldn’t stay too close to our books and the light shouldn’t be too bright or too dark. We mustn’t read in bed. It is bad for our eyes. We can’t read books in a bus or play games on computer too long.
We should do everything to protect our eyes.

( )1. Your eyes may hurt if you__________
A. read newspaper B. read in bed
( )2. We should wear sun-glasses when it is ___________
A.sunny B. rainy
( )3. When we read, the light should be______.
A. too bright or too dark B. neither too bright nor too dark
( )4. It is _________for our eyes to read books in the car .
A. good B. bad
( )5. What is the title(標(biāo)題) for this text(文章)?
A.Protecting our eyes B. How to read with our eyes

八、Read and fill.
Zhang Peng 去了動(dòng)物園,了解了我國國寶的一些信息,下面是關(guān)于熊貓的介紹文,少了10詞,請(qǐng)你用所給的詞,補(bǔ)充完整。每空一詞,每詞只用一次。 (每空1分,共10分)

Pandas wear __________ coats. And we can see the black fur (皮毛) around their eyes, on their ears, ________ and shoulders. They live on the ground and can _______ trees very well. The ________ panda is about 150cm long, with a 10 to 15cm tail. Pandas are in the big family of ________. Most pandas _________eat meat. ___________ and fruits are their ___________ food and they can eat 10t a day. _________ are one of the most famous(最著名) animals in the world. Do you _________them?
九、Ask and answer
根據(jù)答句寫問句, 如有圖片,結(jié)合圖片提示提問,讓對(duì)話合理、通順,并與圖片相符。(每小題2分,共10分)
1. Tom: _____________________________________?
Kim: I am 50 kg.
2. Sandy: ______________________________,Tom?
Tom: No,my mother is taller than my father.
3. Teacher: Mike didn’t do his homework.______________________?
Students: No,he hurts his left hand, not the right hand. Actually (事實(shí)上)he is lazy.
4. Amy: _______________________________,Mary?
Mary: Because tomorrow is my birthday. I will have a big party at home.
5. Lily: ,John? His face is so red..
John: No, my father is excited .He played basketball just now.

十、 Look and write(滿分10分):請(qǐng)從下面兩道題中選擇一道題來完成。



Zhang Peng 去了動(dòng)物園,發(fā)現(xiàn)河馬和大象雖然都是大型動(dòng)物,但是他們有很多不一樣地方,請(qǐng)你根據(jù)你的認(rèn)識(shí)比較一下這兩者的不同。不少于5處比較。


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/53871.html
