

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

姓名:_____________ 班級(jí):___________ 日期:___________ 分?jǐn)?shù):_____________
Part I Listening (40分)
I.Listen and circle 聽(tīng)音,圈出相應(yīng)的單詞或圖片。(10分)
A)1.A. bring B. give C. invite
2.A. learn B. teach C. lesson
3.A. inside B. outside C. beside
4.A. wall B. floor C. ceiling
5.A. snake B. once C. each

II. Listen and choose. (8分)
Li Ming: I would like some ______ food. I would like some ______ _______ and _______.
Jenny:I would like some _______ food. I would like a ______, ______ and ________.
Chinese hamburgerWestern French fries
III.Listen and number.聽(tīng)音標(biāo)序號(hào)。(7分)
Let’s make dumplings
( ) Mix the pork and vegetables in a different ball .
( ) Put some flour and cold water in a bowl . Mix the flour and cold water .
( ) First make a circle .
( ) Add some salt and oil .
( ) Close the circle with your fingers . Pinch it .
( ) Then put some meat in the middle of the circle .
( ) Let’s cook the dumplings on the stove and eat them .
IV. Listen fill in the blanks. 聽(tīng)音。(7分)
Oh, Christmas tree!
Today we are putting up the Christmas tree. Let’s _________Danny to help us to put the tree. It’s fun to put up a Christmas tree!First, we put on the ________.Then we put Christmas ________ on the tree. The ______always goes on top! Now let’s put our gifts under the tree. It’s done! It’s ________!
________is Christmas. We are going to _______our gifts.
V. 聽(tīng)音, 選擇合適的答語(yǔ)。(8分)
( )1. What’s you favorite season?A. He is a merry man in red clothes.
( )2. What’s Li Ming doing?B. It’s December twenty-fifth.
( )3. Who is he?C. It’s spring.
( )4. When is Christmas?D. He’s playing the erhu.
( )5. What would you like for lunch? E. It’s the year of the dragon .
( )6. What year is it?F. Some rice.
( )7. How is the weather in autumn?G. I put on my shorts, T-shirt and sandals.
( )8. What do you wear in summer?H. It’s cool.
Part II Writing (60分)
3.sit(現(xiàn)在分詞) ____________4.my(名詞性物主代詞)____________
5.big(比較級(jí)) ____________6.tooth(復(fù)數(shù))_____________
7.meat(同音詞) ____________8.teach(第三人稱單數(shù))_____________
9.three(序數(shù)詞) _____________10.quiet(副詞)_____________
( ) 1. Yesterday she _____ dumplings.
A. eat B. ate C. is going to eat D. to eat
() 2.Long long ago, Jesus _____ born on Christmas Day.
A. isB. wasC. areD. were
( ) 3. What would you_____ for Christmas?
A. likes B. like C. liked D. to like
( ) 4. We____ together.
A. have fun B. have the fun C. have funny D. has fun
()5.It’s time ________ dumplings.
A. to makeB. makeC. makesD. making
( ) 6. The_____ animal is a pig.
A. eleven B. eleventh C. twelve D. twelfth
( ) 7. I am going to _____ the kitchen.
A. clean B. cleans C. cleaned D. cleaning
()8.Everyone ________ new clothes on New Year’s Day.
A. puts onB. put onC. wearD. wear on
( ) 9. Yesterday I ____ the floor.
A. washes B. washed C. wash D. washing
( ) 10. ___ comes from cow.
A. Pork B. Beef C. Meat D. Chicken
() 11. We need ______ salt., Do you have _______ salt?
A. some, someB. some, anyC. any, someD. any, any
( ) 12. ______ my mother bought me new clothes.
A.Today B. Yesterday C. Now D. Tomorrow
( ) 13. I’m going to ____ my families.
A. inviting B. invited C. visit D. visited
( ) 14. Our family___ supper together in the evening.
A. have B. has C. had D. having
( ) 15 . Let’s___ the house.
A. clean B. cleaned C. cleans D. cleaning
( ) 16. Spring Festival is usually in ____.
A. March B. September C. February D. December
( ) 17. Last year___ the year of rat.
A. is B. was C. am D. are
( ) 18. ____ year are you?
A. How B. Where C. When D. What
()19.What do you want _________?
A. doesB. to do C. do D. dong
()20.---Are you going to give something to Jenny?
---Yes, I am going to give them _______.
A. anything specialB. something special
C. special anythingD. special something
III.Look at the pictures .fill in The blanks. 看圖,。(10分)
1.What year ____________it? It’s the year of dragon.

2. What was _________ year? It was the year of the __________.

3.What is ____________? It’s ____________ be the year of the ___________.

4.We usually put _________and ________ in them.

5.Everyone in my family likes ___________ ___ ________.
1. are, What , you , to , do , going ?
2. Christmas , Why, special , is ?
3. dumplings , What , you , need , do , to , make ?
4. mixing , I’m , cold , flour , the , water ,and .
5. to , What , you , want , do , buy ?
6. It’s , tree , under , the , Christmas .
7.four, seasons, in, a, There, are, year .
8. did, What , else, you, do, yesterday ?
9. they, putting, are, What, on, tree, the, Christmas ?
10. taught, He, people, to, God, love .
V. 理解,選擇正確答案,并把選項(xiàng)寫在括號(hào)里。(10分)
We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for Chinese Year. We may call it the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey or the year of the pig.
Before New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year’s Eve(除夕) ,there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit(拜訪) their friends. They say“Good luck”and some other greetings(祝福)to each other(互相). People usually have a very good time during the festival.www.X kb 1.coM
( )1.How many Chinese festivals are talked about in the passage(文章)?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
( )2.We can find every Chinese year is given______name.
A. an animal B. a plant C. a family D. a full
( )3.How do Chinese people usually spend New year’s Eve?
A.They put on new clothes and go to the park.
B.They visit their friends and talk about the New Year.
C.They are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.
D.They have a big dinner and stay up late to welcome the New Year.
( )4.On New Year’s Day ,people say“_______”to each other when they meet.
A. Merry Christmas B. Good luck
C. Happy New YearD. Both B and C
( )5.The best title(標(biāo)題)for this passage is _________.
A. Good Time B. The Spring Festival
C. Big Dinner D. The Year of the Pig

I.Listen and circle 聽(tīng)音,圈出相應(yīng)的單詞或圖片。(10分)
A) 1. bring 2. teach 3. beside 4. ceiling 5. snake
B) 1. rain 2. dragon 3. actor 4. cold 5. ski
II.Listen and choose. (8分)
Li Ming:I would like some Chinese food. I would like some dumplings , noodles and tea .
Jenny:I would like some Western food. I would like a hamburger , milk and French fries .
III.Listen and number.聽(tīng)音標(biāo)序號(hào)。(7分)
Let’s make dumplings
Put some flour and cold water in a bowl . Mix the flour and cold water . Mix the pork and vegetables in a different ball . Add some salt and oil . First make a circle . Then put some meat in the middle of the circle . Close the circle with your fingers . Pinch it . Let’s cook the dumplings on the stove and eat them .
IV.Listen fill in the blanks.聽(tīng)音填空。(7分)
Oh, Christmas tree!
Today we are putting up the Christmas tree. Let’s invite Danny to help us to put the tree. It’s fun to put up a Christmas tree!First, we put on the lights .Then we put Christmas things on the tree. The star always goes on top! Now let’s put our gifts under the tree. It’s done! It’s beautiful !
Tomorrow is Christmas. We are going to open our gifts.
1. What’s you favorite season?It’s spring.
2. What’s Li Ming doing?He’s playing the erhu.
3. Who is he?He is a merry man in red clothes.
4. When is Christmas?It’s December twenty-fifth.
5. What would you like for lunch? Some rice .
6. What year is it?It’s the year of the dragon .
7. How is the weather in autumn?It’s cool.
8. What do you wear in summer?I put on my shorts, T-shirt and sandals.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/54551.html
