

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶


1。Let’s ( choose )選擇 the best picture for her.
2. I often ( tidy ) 整理my room.
3. My sister often( tidies )整理 her ( bookshelf ) 書架
4. The UN wants to make ( peace )和平 in the ( world )世界
5. ( Kangaroos) 袋鼠like jumping .
6. I’m ( thirsty )口渴 , I want something to drink .
7. I didn’t ( bring ) 帶來(lái)any drinks .
8. It’s fun to drink this ( way )方式 .Please stand in a ( line) 隊(duì)at the bus station .
18. My father bought a (special) ( 特殊的) present for me .
19. The birds are singing . Can you (hear) ( 聽見)
20 . Nation Day is __nearly_( 差不多) here , I am going to go to Dalian on Nation Day .
21. Families are ( together ) 一起。
22. My mother gave me some ( presents ) 禮物 。
23. ( pleased) 高興to meet you .
24. Here is her ( address ) 地址。
25. Do you want to be my ( pen pal)筆友?
26. Amy is very ( pretty) 美麗.
27 . I have a ( foreign ) 外國(guó)的teacher .
2. There are three ( million )百萬(wàn) people in this city .
5. There are lots of tall (buildings )建筑物 .
6. Tell me about this ( place) 地方。
7 .The clock is fifty ( metres)米 high
8. I had a big (surprise )驚奇 yesterday .
12. There were Chinese people ( everywhere) 到處。
13. He has got many ( stamps ) 郵票。
14. He is putting his ( stamps ) 郵票into his ( album ) 集郵冊(cè)。
15 。 I like( collecting ) 收集( stamps) 郵票。
16. He is from ( Canada ) 加拿大.He is ( Canadian)加拿大人。
17. We can see some ( coconut) 椰子trees .。
1. It’s ten ( thousand )千 ( kilometres )公里
3. The moon is ( millions ) 百萬(wàn)of years old .
4. ( Thousands ) 千of people built this ( building) 建筑物
9. The food was (different )( from ) 不同于Chinese food .
10 . I saw Chinese ( dancing ) 舞蹈 last ( weekend )周末。
11. There were lots of Chinese ( restaurants ) 飯館。
12. ( Chopsticks) are ( difficult) ( for) her .
13. Beijng is a big ( city)
14. I can ( answer0 your ( questions)
15. Our school ( finishes ) at 4 o’clock .
16. Panadas love ( bamboo)
17. The snake is ( copying) the flute .
18. A (child ) sleeps for eight hours .
19. A fox is ( awake) at night .

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/55902.html
