

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

5B Unit 1 A new term 小練習(xí)
一 詞匯互譯
1. 一門有趣的學(xué)科__________________________2.每個(gè)星期天________________
3. 在一周內(nèi)________________4. 一節(jié)美術(shù)課________________________
5. 在周一上午____________________ 6. 在上午____________________
7.從周二到周五___________________________ 8. 學(xué)習(xí)英語_________________
9. 讓我想想_______________10. 第一堂課__________________
11.上一堂英語課______________12. 在鐘附近的那個(gè)醫(yī)生________________________________
13.tell me at once _________________________
二 選擇
( )1. Which day is the first day of a week? It’s _______. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday
( )2. This is _________ first lesson ________the new term. A. the, for B. the, of C. /, of
( )3. _________subject do you like? I like Art. A. Why B. How C. What
( )4. Do your parents go to work ______ Saturdays and Sundays? A. on B. in C. at
( )5. What lessons do you have ________ the afternoon? A. on B. in C. at
( )6. How many Art lessons do you have a week? _____ A. There are three. B. We have three
( )7. ——Where are Miss Li and her students ________ an Art lessons? In that Art room? —— Yes.
A. have B. has C. having D. having
( )8. What’s ________plus eight? It’s eleven. A. three B. eight C. nineteen
三 根據(jù)上下文意思,寫出合適的單詞 (包括首字母)
1. Usually students don’t have these lessons in the classroom with their teacher. They often run, they often play ball games in the playground. This is a ___________lesson
2. “ Boys and girl, look at the flowers in the vase on the teacher’s desk. Please draw them on your paper. ”——This is an _______ lesson.
3. Usually the students don’t speak Chinese in this subject. The students often say “ABC…” and they often do some reading and copying ——This is an ________lesson.
4. This is an interesting subject. Many students like it very much. They can do some experiment. They can make a lot of things. Sometimes they study the sun and the moon. This is a _____________lesson.
5. The teacher is playing the piano. Her students are singing. This is a ___________lesson.
6. I like computer studies. It’s very i_____________. I can play computer games and surf the Internet(瀏覽網(wǎng)頁).
7. Do you have a new s_________ this term? Yes, computer studies. I like it very much.
8. ——Today is _____________. What day is it tomorrow? ——It’s Saturday. ——Yes, you can be free.
9. There are s__________ days in a week. _____________ is the last(最后的)day.
10. Yang Ling likes s____________ and d______________ very much, so she likes Music lessons.
四 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
1. I like Art very much. (劃線提問)___________________________________
2. We have 2 English lessons on Thursday afternoon. (劃線提問)___________________________________
3. We have 5 English lessons a week. (劃線提問) ___________________________________
4. We have PE lessons on Friday. (一般疑問句)___________________________________________
5. It’s Sunday today. (劃線提問) _______________________________________
6. Twelve minus ten is two. (劃線提問)______________________________________
7. The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor. (劃線提問) ______________________________________
8. My Art teacher is Miss Chen. (劃線提問) ____________________________________________
9. There are seven days in a week.(劃線提問)____________________________________________

5B Unit 2 小練習(xí)
一 詞組互譯
變得好多了__________________ 覺得冷______________________給你帶些水果____________________
take a lot of medicine____________Wrong number!______________choose one to call_________________
二 按要求寫詞
1. tooth (復(fù)數(shù))_____________ 2. speak (近義詞)_____________ 3. wrong ( 反義詞)__________
4. hear (同音詞)_____________ 5. she (賓格)_______________ 6. like (近義詞)____________
7. we (賓格)________________ 8. high (同義詞)_____________ 9. number (縮寫詞)_________

( ) 1. ——___________is that speaking?——This is Jane speaking. A. What B. Who C. May
( ) 2. ——___________wrong with you? ——I’ve got a headache. A. Who’s B. What C. What’s
( ) 3. What’s wrong with ________? He’s got a cough. A. he B. his C. him
( ) 4. Helen is not ________school. A. at B. in C. for
( ) 5. Don’t worry. Let me ________ you. A. helping B. to help C. help
( ) 6. I’ve got _________ earache. A. a B. the C. an
( ) 7. My father ________ a bad cough. A. have got B. has got C. had got
( ) 8. ________ is he late for school? Sorry, I don’t know. A. Whose B. Who C. Why
( ) 9. My mother is ill. She _________some medicine now. A. take B. is taking C. to take
( ) 10. If you are ill, you should call _________ A. 110 B. 121 C. 120
( ) 11. ——I’ve got a fever. ——__________ A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Great! C. Thank you.
( ) 12. How is your grandfather? __________ .
A. He’s very well B. He’s good to me. C. He’s happy.
四 首字母
1. I’ve got a bad s__________. Perhaps I have eaten(吃了) something bad.
2. ——Mum. I’m ill. I want to tell Miss Li I can’t go to school tomorrow.
——It’s very late. I think you can c__________ her tomorrow.
3.I don’t want to s_________ at home today. I want to go to the park with my friend.
4.Miss Li is ill at home now. I h_________ she can come back to school soon.
5.It’s 18 o’clock now. But Mr Green is s__________ working at school.
6.I’m thirsty. Can you g ________some water for me?
7.——I feel so tired. ——Yes, you n_________ a lot of rest now.
8.I’m free this Sunday a__________. S _______we go and p________ f_________?
9.Why is she a__________? Because she’s got a bad cough.
10.I’m not free this morning. Can you call me a_________ lunch?
五 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
1. I’ve got a cold. (劃線提問)_______________________________
2. I’ve got a bad cough. (將主語I 換成She) _____________________________
3. What’s wrong with you? (同義句)________________________________
4. I feel cold. (劃線提問) ___________________________________
5. I feel hot. (改一般疑問句, 并作否定回答)_____________________________________
6. It’s Tuesday today. (改一般疑問句)_____________________________________

5B Unit 3 小練習(xí)
給我媽媽做衣服________________________ 給樹和花澆水_________________________
an interesting hobby_____________________ a new photo of my family______________
( ) 1 The girls like ___________very much. A. dance B. danceing C. dancing.
( ) 2 I ___ taking photos. My brother ____ playing football. A. like, likes B. like, like C. likes, like
( ) 3 My father and mother _________ going shopping. A. likes B. is C. like
( ) 4 _______ your parents________ reading books? A. Is…. like B. Do….like C. Does…like
( ) 5 Jim likes watching TV, but her sister Ann ________ A. don’t B. can’t C. doesn’t.
( ) 6 ——Do you have any ________? ——Yes, I do. A. hobby B. hobbies C. hobbys
( ) 7 _______ your mother have any hobbies? A. Do B. Is C. Does
( ) 8 Show _______your photos, OK? A. them B. we C. he
( ) 9 _______ are brother and sisters. A. I and Jim B. Jim and me C. Jim and I
( ) 10 Tom’s hobby is _______________. A. taking photos B. take photos. C. takes photos
( ) 11 Do your father and mother have ________ hobby? A. same B. the same C. some
( ) 12 ______ you watching TV now ? Yes, I am. A. Do B. Are C. Does
( ) 13 Jim’s mother ________many stamps. A. have B. has C. is
( ) 14 ——Show me your flowers, please.——_______ A. Yes, I do B. No, thanks. C. Here they are.
1. I like taking ________ photos, what about you?
2. This model ship is so nice, can you teach me how to m________ it?
3. Many old people like d _________ tea and g rowing________ flowers.
4. My mother likes cooking_________. She always(總是) stays in the kitchen.
5. I usually do my homework on Saturday afternoon. But sometimes_________ I play football with my friends.
6. Ben is in Class 1, Grade 4. Jack is in Class 1, Grade 4, too. They are in the same_________ class. They are classmates____________.
1. I like_______ (like) going shopping on Sunday.
2. Jim’s father ________ (like) watching TV in the evening.
3. My parents ________ (like) _________(dance) very much.
4. Miss doesn’t like_________(not like) going shopping.
5. Does______ your mother ______ (like) making clothes? No, she doesn’t. She ______(like) listening.
6. ______Mike _____ (like) playing football? ——Yes, he ______. Look! He ________(play) football there.
7. What ________ Helen ________ (like) doing? She _______ (like) cooking.
8. What is your brother doing? _____ he _______( sleep) now? Yes, he ______.
9. _____Liu Tao ________ (water) the flowers every day? Sometimes he ______, sometimes he _____(not).
10. ________ you and your father ________ (have) the same hobby? Yes, we ________.
11. _______ he _______ (have) any stamps? Yes, he ___________. He _____ (have) many stamps.
12. What ________your mother ________(have)? She ________( have) some fruit.
13. Roy’s hobby is _______ ( play) computer games. But he usually _______(play) it on only(僅僅) Sunday.
14. Ben can _________ (play) the guitar. He often ______(play) the guitar after school. Look! He is playing_____ (play) the guitar over there now.

Unit 4 An English Friend
1. 瀏覽因特網(wǎng) ____________________ 2. 很忙 ____________________
3. 在晚上____________________ 4. 在星期天 ____________________
5. 居住在南京____________________ 6. 踢足球____________________
7. 一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn) ____________________ 8. 跑得快 ____________________
9. 他的英國(guó)朋友 ____________________ 10. 寫一封電子郵件給我_______________
11. play table tennis ____________________ 12. after school ____________________
13. study Chinese ____________________ 14. near London ____________________
1. Mike can’t jump _______ (high), but he can run _______ (fast).
2. Please speak _______ (loud).
3. She and her classmates dance beautiful_______ (beautiful).
4. Nancy is walking careful_______ (careful).
5. Helen is ________ (sit) quiet_______ (quiet) on the grass.
1. 你是在瀏覽因特網(wǎng)嗎?不,我是在發(fā)電子郵件給我的美國(guó)朋友。
Are you _______the Internet? No, I am __________ an_________ _______ my American friend.
2. 他們是在同一所學(xué)校嗎?______ they in _______ _______ _______?
3. 南希想和海倫一起去跳舞。
Nancy _______ to _______ ______ Helen.
4. 你在學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí)什么科目?學(xué)英語、語文、數(shù)學(xué)和社會(huì)。
What _______ do you _______ at school?
I have _______、_______、Maths and Social Science.
5. 他們從周一到周五上學(xué)。
They _______ _______ _______ from _______ to _______ .
6. 這位小女孩通常在星期六拉小提琴。
The girl usually_______ _________violin on ___________.
7. 許多人喜歡在晚上看電視。
Many people _______ _______ _______ in the evening.
1. They like cooking.(改為否定句) They ________ _________ cooking.
2. He has seven lessons every day. (改為一般疑問句)
_________ he ____________ seven lessons every day?
3. David’s sister likes playing table tennis.(改為否定句)
David’s sister________ ________ playing table tennis.
4. I feel cold now. (對(duì)畫線部分提問) ____________ ____________ you feel now?
5. Nancy usually grows flowers on Sundays. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)
What ______ Nancy usually _________ on Sundays?
6. I have some hobbies.(用he代替I改寫句子)He ______ some hobbies.
7. I think this flower stamp is very beautiful.(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)
I think _______flower __________ __________ very beautiful.
8. Nancy wants to watch TV. (就劃線部分提問)What ______ Nancy _____ to do?
( B ) 1. Helen is writing an e-mail for her friend. __________________
( c ) 2. Mike wants to play table tennis for Jim. _________________
(B ) 3. What does he usually does on Sunday? __________________
( B ) 4. We don’t likes PE. __________________
( B ) 5. Helen go to school from Monday to Friday. _________________

期 中 測(cè) 試
1. 高燒 ____________________ 2. 一位有趣的老師 __________________
3. 這個(gè)學(xué)期 ____________________ 4. 從周一到周五___________________
5. 尋找 ____________________ 6. 覺得病了___________________
7. 給花澆水 ____________________ 8. 每天___________________
9. 跑得快 ____________________ 10. 忙碌的一天 ___________________
11. walk carefully ____________________ 12. do housework ___________________
13.surf the Internet ___________________ 14. make a telephone call__________________
15.look after your son ____________________ 16. listen carefully ___________________
17. have an English lesson ___________________ 18. the same hobby ___________________
19. in the computer room ____________________ 20. play on the swings __________________
( ) 1. ______ lesson of the new term is a Chinese lesson.
A. The two B. First C. The second
( ) 2. I usually ______ some magazines after supper, my brother usually ______ TV.
A. read, watches B. am reading, is watchingC. reads, watch
( ) 3. Do they ______?
A. like reading B. liking readingC. likes read?
( ) 4. Look at him. He doesn’t feel well. ______.
A. He like dancing B. He is not hungryC. He has got a headache
( ) 5. Sorry! I can’t hear, please ______.
A. dance beautifullyB. jump highC. speak loudly
( ) 6. We go to school ______ Monday ______ Friday.
A. to…to B. from…andC. from…to
( ) 7. We have four English lessons ______ a week. www .Xkb1 .coM
A. in B. onC. /
( ) 8. What’s thirteen ______ six? It’s seven.
A. plus B. minusC. times
( ) 9. Are you take ______ medicine?
A. some B. anyC. many
( ) 10. May I speak to Jane? Yes, ______.
A. I’m Jane B. This is JaneC. this is Jane speaking
( ) 11. ______ Ben and Tom the same age?
A. Do B. HaveC. Are
( ) 12. My hobby is ______ basketball.
A. play B. playsC. playing
( ) 13. Uncle Wang usually ______ to work on foot.
A. goB. goesC. is going
( ) 14. Let’s go and ______.
A. play basketballB. playing basketballC. to play basketball.
( ) 15. I want to fly a kite. Do you want to ______ me?
A. fly B. enjoyC. join
1. Her hobby is _______ (go) shopping.
2. I love _______ (they) very much.
3. Mike usually _______ (play ) football after class. Now he _______ ( play) it over there.
4. The _______ (girl) name is Mary.
5. My father _______ food at home on Sundays. He likes _______. ( cook )
6. That young woman is _______. She can dance _______. (beautiful)
7. Sometimes she doesn’t play with _______ (I).
8. How many _______ (lesson) do you _______ (have) in the morning?
9. He’s ill. I’ll get some _______ (fruit) for her.
10. This is Helen _______ (speak).
11. How _______ you? I _______ fine. Thank you. (be)
12. I want _______ (go) home after school.
13. _______ (not write) on the wall.
14. Let’s _______ (go) and _______ (play) basketball.
15. Shall we _______ (clean) the classroom now.
1. My mother watches TV every day. (改為否定句) ____________________________________
2. Can you get a hamburger for me? (作肯定回答)____________________________________
3. He plays well. (改為一般疑問句,并作否定回答)____________________________________
4. I usually grow flowers on Sundays. (就劃線部分提問)____________________________________
5. I feel cold now. (就劃線部分提問)____________________________________
6. I like this big stamp. (用Nancy替換I)____________________________________
( ) 1. I want to go swim. __________________
( ) 2. She speak English, too. __________________
( ) 3. Sam goes to school by foot. __________________
( ) 4. Does she goes home by bus. __________________
( ) 5. Would you like to go and me? __________________
( ) 6. What lesson do you have in the afternoon?__________________
( ) 7. This is Nancy speak. __________________
( ) 8. Does he have any hobbys? __________________
Kate ___1___ a happy family. She lives in London ___2___ her parents. She ___3___a school girl. Today is Kate’s birthday and she’s fifteen years old. Her father is ___4___teacher. He works in a school. His students think he is a good teacher. ___5___mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has a brother ___6___a sister, and they study ___7___China. Her brother speaks Chinese very well and has many friends there. Her sister ___8___Chinese very hard and she wants ___9___a teacher ___10___Chinese in their country.
( ) 1. A. haveB. havesC. has
( ) 2. A. with B. of C. and
( ) 3. A. be B. amC. is
( ) 4. A. the B. aC. an
( ) 5. A. She B. HerC. Hers
( ) 6. A. and B. orC. but
( ) 7. A. on B. inC. at
( ) 8. A. study B. studysC. studies
( ) 9. A. be B. is C. to be
( ) 10. A. of B. for C. in

5B Unit 6 小練習(xí)
用你的右手碰你的左膝蓋____________________________ 做些運(yùn)動(dòng) __________________
用你的右膝蓋碰你的左手_____________________ bend down _________________
向我出示你的雙手__________________________If you want to be health _________________________
( ) 1. ______________ me your hands please. A. Touch B. Show C. Put
( ) 2. Put your hands on your head and ______left and right. A. Touch B. Put C. turn
( ) 3. Touch _______ left shoulder, please. A. your B. you C. yours
( ) 4. The students ____________an Art lesson. A. have B. are have C. are having
( ) 5. This boy is trying ________ his fingers on his feet. A. put B. to putting C. to put
( )6. Turn your head to the left, and then turn _____ to the right. A. them B. it C. they
( )7. ______ your head _______ your right hand. A. Put…on B. Touch….with C. Show… to
( )8. _____your right arm and put it on your classmate’s shoulder. A. Put B. Touch C. Lift up
( )8. Jump __________ seven times A. up and on B. on and down C. up and down
( )9. It is a PE lesson. The PE teacher is _______ orders to his students. A. follow B. give C. giving
( )10. Mike usually _______morning exercise every day. A. do B. does C. is doing
( )11. My father likes _____. He often ____ on Sundays. A. running…run B. run…runs C. running….runs
( )12. _______ you feel tired? A. Are B. Does C. Do
( )13. Everybody _________here now. A. are B. is C. does
1.——Can you _________(touch) your toes with your fingers? ——Yes, I can.
2.——________(lift) up your left arm, please.___________(not lift) up your right arm. ——OK.
3.Look! Mike _________(jump) over there. He _________(jump) high. But his sister Helen ________(not).
4.The students are in the playground. They _________(have) a PE lessons now.
5.________ you tired? (be) Yes, I am. 6 _____ you ______(feel) tired? Yes, we_______.
1.There are so many beautiful kites in the sky. I can see them with my _________.
2.We use our ________to listen to music. 3. He has two long _________, so he walks very fast.
4.The ______of Chinese is black. You can see it on everyone’s __head_______.
5. “Put up your _________ and answer(回答) my questions(問題),” the teacher says.
6. We play the piano with our __________. 7. My ________ are very big. So I need big shoes.
1. Excuse me. Can you p_________ your hands on that dog’s head? Oh, no.
2. Can you play table tennis w________ your left hand?
3. Please don’t t_______it. It’s not a cat. It’s a baby tiger.

5B Unit 7 小練習(xí)
值日_________________ 快點(diǎn)___________________看一場(chǎng)足球賽_____________________
六點(diǎn)五十________________五點(diǎn)一刻_________________ 真的忙______________
準(zhǔn)備吃午飯____________________________ 開始上課______________________
( ) 1. The old woman likes watching TV. She often watches TV ________ morning _________evening.
A. from…on B. on….and C. from…to
( ) 2. _________they ready for breakfast?
A. Do B. Are C. Is
( ) 3. My mother is brushing _________teeth.
A. / B. one’s C. her
( ) 4. There’s no time ________ breakfast.
A. for B. to C. with
( ) 5. It is raining(下雨). Please take an umbrella _______ you.
A. for B. to C. with
( ) 6. Is it time _________have lunch? No, it’s half past nine.
A. for B. to C. at
( ) 7. There’s a basketball game after school. Shall we go and _______it?
A. look B. see C. watch
( ) 8. We want ________cards with you. Do you want to join us?
A. play B. to play C. playing
( ) 9. Mike and I _________ a busy day today.
A. are B. have C. has
( )10. There _______any bread in the fridge.
A. is B. aren’t C. isn’t
( ) 11. The boy needs ___________ the classroom after school.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleans
( )12. I’m very tired. I __________ want to have a rest.
A. quick B. don’t C. need D. really
( )13. A quarter to eight means(意思是)_____
A. eight fifteen B. seven fifteen C. seven forty-five
1. _______ (be) you busy? Yes, I’m very busy? 2. I have no time to _________( have) breakfast at home.
3. Where’s David? He___________(brush) his teeth in the bathroom now.
4. _____(be)Mike and I on duty today? Yes, you are. 5. You’re late again. Don’t ______late again, OK? (be)
6. Peter usually gets up very late. So usually he___________(not have) breakfast at home. He often _______(have) it at school.
7. _________ Sam usually ___________(get) up at six? No, he ________(get) up at seven.
8. _________(go) to bed, Sam. It’s eleven now.
9. ________he _want_______(want) to watch TV? Yes, he _does_______.

1.在周末 _____2去爬山 3.向…學(xué)習(xí)
4.談?wù)?5.做家務(wù) 6.上網(wǎng) _____
7.捉昆蟲 8.put them in bottles ___________________
9.glow at night 10.of course
( )1. The boys are catching insects. Let ______ go and join _______.
A. we; themB. us; themC. us; him
( )2. There some birds in the tree. They red feet.
A. have; have  B. is; has    C. are; have
( )3. My parents and I often go to the cinema Sunday afternoon
A. on B. in C. at
( )4. What time do you go to school? __________ about 7: 30.
A. On B. In C. At
( )5. ___________ your father _________ the trees now?
A. Is; watering B. Does; water C. is; water
( )6. What’s the cat’s name? ___________ name is Kitty.
A. It B. It’s C. Its
( )7. __________ sister is __________ English teacher.
A. We; it B. Your; my C. Our; we
( )8. My hobby is ___________ football.
A. play B. to playing C. playing
( )9. Who’s _______ insects in the park?
A. catchB. catchingC. catches
( )10. Mary and I ______ good friends.
A. do B. are C. am
1. She likes cooking. She likes growing flowers.(將兩句合并成一句)
She likes cooking and growing flowers。
2. He lives in a town near London.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)
Where does he live?
3. He does his homework every day. (把every day 改為now 改寫句子)
He _is___________ __doing___________ his homework now.
4. clothes, rooms, the, the, and, Nancy, cleans, washes, often(連詞成句)
1. Jim的父親是一位老師。他在一所小學(xué)里教英語。
Jim’s father is a _____. He _ English in a primary school.
2. — 你母親是怎樣度周末的?— 她通常在家做家務(wù)。
— _________ your mother __________ __________ weekends?
— She ____________ ____________ housework at home.
I like ____________. I can __________ a lot __________ it.

( )1. This is Mr White. He is from .
A. American B. USA C. the USA
( )2. — Which country do you like to visit?
— I’d like to visit .
A. Australia B. Australian C. the Australia
( )3. Nancy and David are from the same , and Ben and Liu Tao are from different .
A. country; countryB. country; countries C. countries; country
( )4. The children talk their friends in English. A. inB. withC. at
( )5. Do you in China? A. visit B. live C. speak
( )6. — Where is your father ? He’s France.
A. from; in B. from; to C. from; from
( )7. The girls are catching fireflies. Let’s go and join _______.
A. theyB. themC. her
( )8. Mr Ma PE in a primary school.
A. teachingB. teachesC. teach
( )9. Look, the boys _______ in the park. A. play B. playingC. are playing
( )10. The man is from .He speaks .
A. Japan; Japanese B. Japanese; Japanese C. Japanese; Japan
1. 英語俱樂部_____________________2. 來自英國(guó)___________________
3. 每個(gè)周五下午_ _________________4. 住在中國(guó)______________________
5. 教漢語_ __________________ 6. a primary school_______________
7. write stories___________________8. speak Japanese___________________
9. different countries__________________10. my classmate________________
1. He has a lot of storybooks. (改為一般疑問句)
__________ __________ a lot of storybooks?
2. I am from China. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
_________ __________ from?
3. Mr Green is from England.( 改為同義句)
Mr Green ____________ ___________ .
4.does, his, father, how, your, weekends, spend ( ? ) (連詞成句)
you ? No, I .
6.朋友是法國(guó)人,他喜歡游泳和釣魚 My friend France. He likes and . 用適當(dāng)形式填空(5B)
1. Mr Green and his students ________________(have) an English lesson now.
2. Yang Ling _______(have) got a stomach ache.
3. Let _____(we) go to the supermarket, OK?
4. I hope you get _________ (good) soon.
5. Su Yang calls _______ (he) after breakfast.
6. Come to the blackboard and show ________ (we) how to do it.
7. I’ll go and join _______ (they).
8. What subjects _______ he _________(have) at school?
9. Miss Li is _______ (we) teacher. We like ___________ (play) with her.
10. The students ______ _________ (have) a Chinese lesson now.
11.Helen ________ (have) got an earache.
12.Let _____ (we) go and play table tennis.
13.Mike _______ (like) _________ (read) newspapers.
14.My classmate,Lily _______ (run) fast.
15.I am _______ (write) an e-mail to her.
16.What subjects _______ he _________ (have) at school?
17.Does Li Lei play well? Yes, he ______ (do).
18.He usually _______ (grow) the trees on this Sunday.
19.What’s she ______ (do) now?
20.Look! The teacher is _______ (give) orders.
21._________ (put) your feet together. Yes,Mr Zhang.
22.Let’s ______ (go) to the zoo,Jane.
23.Now, listen _________ (careful). Put your hands on your head.
24.What does the fish like _______ (do)? The fish like swimming.
25.Helen _______ (like) Computer Studies.
26.I usually ________(have) my breakfast at 7:00. But now I _________(have)my breakfast.
27.Sometimes Kate _______ (listen) to the radio.Sometimes she _______ (play) table tennis.
28.On Sundays my mother _________ (wash) clothes at home.
29.My sister __________ (watch) TV now.
30.They ________ (want) to eat some rice and bread. It’s time ____________ (have) lunch.
31.It’s 2 o’clock . The students ______________ (have) an English lesson.
32.My father is a doctor. He ________ (work) in a big hospital.
33._______ you usually _________ (play) the piano?
34.My aunt ___________ (not like) taking photos.
35.She likes _________ (collect) animal stamps.
36.Nancy’s grandfather can ________ (ride) a bike.
37.What’s ________ (he) name?
38.How _________ your aunt ___________ (spend) ________ weekends?
39.I’m sorry _____________ (hear) that.
40.I’m ______ (ill) today.
41.Don’t speak __________ (loud) in public places(公共場(chǎng)所).
42.I have seven _________ (lesson) every day.
43.We like __________ (collect) stamps after school.
44.Kate _________ (like) playing the violin.
45.What does Sam usually _________ (do) on Saturdays?
46.Tom can do exercise __________ (good).
47.Are you taking _________ (some) medicine?
48.I’ve _________ (get) a nice dress.
49.It’s five o’clock. The students ___________ (clean) the classroom.
50.What do you usually _______ (do) in the evening?
Sometimes I ________ (do) my homework.
51.______ he _______ (buy) food in the supermarket every week? No,_____________.
52.My mother is a teacher. She _________ (teach) in a primary school.
53.My uncle ________ (like) taking photos.
54.____you usually ______ (play) basketball? Yes. We ______ (play) basketball in the afternoon.
55.She usually _____(go) to school by bike. But she ______(go) on foot now.
56.Tom usually ______ (read) English before supper. But now he ________
(write) to his friend.
57.They often ____(play) volleyball at 8:05. Look!They _______(play) it over there.
58.________ Nancy __________ (speak) English? Yes, she ________.
59.Who often ________ (do) the cleaning on Sundays? My mother _________.
______ she ________ (clean) now? No, she ___________ (watch) TV in the room.
60.He _______ (like) __________ (collect) stamps.
61.I’ve _______ (get) a fever.
62.Miss Wang is _________ (we) English teacher. We like ________ (she).
63.This is Tom __________ (speak).
64.What subjects _________ (do) he ___________ (study) at school?
65._____ (do) your father _______ (like) growing flowers? No, he ________ (don’t).
66.I am from _______ (China). I am ________ (China). I speak _________ (China).
67. _____ (do) he _________ (live) in New York?
68.The ___________ (child) are ___________ (talk) about their weekends.
69.Who _____ (be) on duty today? Lucy and Lily ________ (be).
70. The girl __________________ ( read)a book now.
71. Listen.Some girls _______________ ( dance)in the classroom .
72. My mother _________________ ( cook )some nice food everyday.
73. What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?
74. Look . They _______________( have) basketball match(籃球賽) .
75.They ____________(not ,sweep) the floor now.
76.Look! the girls ________________(play)in the classroom .
77.What is my grandmother doing? She _________(listen ) to music.
78. It’s 11 o’clock now. We _____________(have)lunch now.
79. ______Mike____________(ride )a bike? Yes , he is .
80.What are you______ (do),Helen? I’m ______(sit) on the football.
81. The boy _______ (make) a model plane now.
82. Look. She ________ (put) an egg on her mouth.
83. Listen. What ____ they _____ (do)? They ________ (play) the piano.
84. It is three o’clock in the afternoon. All the children _______ (have) an Art lesson.
85. Don’t play the violin. Your father __________(sleep) in the bedroom.
86. Look at the woman. She __________(swim) over there.
87. Listen to the birds. They __________(sing) in the trees.
88. Now I can __________(draw) a diamond.
89. Now let’s __________(fly) kites in the playground.
90. My sister ______(get) up at seven.
91. Usually Jack ______(not go) to school on Saturdays .
92. ______ your father ______( have) breakfast at home? Yes, he ______
93. What ______he usually _______(do) in the evenings? He usually____(do) his homework.
94. Where _______ your father _______(work)? He _______(work) in the school.
95. What time _______ she ______(go) to bed every day? She _____(go) to bed at nine.
96. How many lessons _____ Helen____(have) today? She ____(have) six.
97.What _______she _________(do) over there now? She _______(fly) kites now. She often ________(fly) kites after school over there.
98. _____ your father _______(sleep) now? No, he ______(not). He ______(not sleep) at this time usually.
99. ______you busy?(be) Yes, I ______(do) my homework now. I usually ______(do) my homework at this time.
100. My sister is a _________girl. She can dance. She dances very ________(beautiful).

1. We have Chinese, English and PE __________ Tuesday afternoon.
2. I usually go to school ___________ seven o’clock ___________ the morning.
3. It is the first lesson ___________ the new term.
4. I like Maths. How ___________ you? I like English.
5. What’s wrong __________ you? I’ve got a bad cold.
6. Can you tell me ____________ once?
7. ___________ school, sometimes she watches cartoons ___________ home.
8. Don’t be late ___________ school again.
9. My school is __________ my house. So I often go to school ___________ foot.
10. Do you usually go to work __________ bus? No, I go to work __________ my car.
11. Are there any apples __________ the tree? No. But there’re birds __________ it.
12. Don’t look __________ the pictures, now listen __________ me carefully.
13. Don’t speak loudly _________ class. You can do it __________ class.
14. Now do some exercise ___________ me, please. First, stand ___________ a line, then put your hands __________ your head and jump up and __________ five times.
15. Lift __________ your left leg, and touch it __________ your right hand.
16. The children are talking __________ their weekends __________ each other.
17. Who’s __________ duty today? Li Lei is. But he is not ___________ school today. He is ill ___________ hospital.
18. Classes are over. I can get some nice food __________ you.
19. There is no time __________ breakfast. I can take some cakes ____________ me.
20. What time is it? It’s half __________ eight, I think. No, it’s a quarter __________ eight. Class begins _________ eight. So there’s still fifteen minutes(分鐘).
21. Tom is usually very busy. He is busy __________ six ___________ the morning to twelve ___________ night.
22. Where do you live? I live __________ London. I am __________ the UK.
23. They are singing _________ the Music lesson.
24. Lie __________ your back and lift __________ your right foot.
25. This is a map ___________ China.
26. Liu Tao can’t find his pen. He is looking __________ it.
27. Are you ready __________ your supper? Yes, I’m coming.
28. Do you like playing _________ the swings. __________ course, I do.
29. Is it time _________ bed now? Yes, you can turn ________ the TV now.
30. Do you often help your mother ___________ the housework?
31. Don’t run ___________ on the bus. There are so many people.
32. The boy __________ long hair is my brother. He is running _________ a dog.
33. The girl __________ the black hat is Nancy.
34. There aren’t any pictures __________ the wall. There are some windows __________ the wall.
35. France is the home __________ Clare.
36. Sit __________ and have a lot __________ rest, please.
37. Can you play football __________ me now? Sorry, I can’t. I’m playing __________ my yo-yo now.
38. What’s that? Can you say it __________ Japanese?
39. He is a writer. He usually likes writing stories __________ animals.
40. What does Helen usually do __________ the weekends? She usually watches cartoons ___________ the Internet.
41. We must(必須) wash our hands ___________ dinner.
42. Do you often go swimming ____________ Sundays?
43. What’s ___________ breakfast? Some cakes, eggs and milk.
44. Let’s say ‘goodbye’ __________ our teachers.
45. Tom is absent __________ school today. He’s still staying __________ bed.
46. They are singing and dancing _________ the English party.
47. What do you want to buy __________ the Halloween party? Some masks and flowers.
48. The sweater is too long. Try this one ___________, please.
49. Hello, is Wang Bing __________? No, he’s ___________ the singing club.
50. Turn ___________ the right, then I can take some photos _________you.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/56100.html

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