

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit9 My Community A卷
一、選出你所聽到的單詞或短語。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. bookstore B. drugstore C. grocery store
( ) 2. A. gas station B. police station C. TV station
( ) 3. A. cinema B. restaurant C. bank
( ) 4. A. bakery B. coffee shop C. newspaper stand
( ) 5. A. between B. next to C. across from
二、選出你所聽到的句子。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. Where is the newspaper stand?
B. Where is the hairdresser’s?
( ) 2. A. The bookstore is next to the bank.
B. The bookstore is next to the bakery.
( ) 3. A. Go straight and turn left at the first crossing.
B. Go straight and turn left at the third crossing.
( ) 4. A. How can I get to the cinema?
B. How can I get to the police station?
( ) 5. A. Please let the pupils go first.
B. Please let the animals go first.
三、聽錄音,將下面短文補(bǔ)充完整。( 2’* 6 = 12’)
Andy starts from the bank. He goes straight and turn _______ at the ______ crossing. He stops at the __________. Then he goes straight and turn ________ at the _________ crossing. He stops at the _______.
四、聽音、連線。( 2’* 4 = 8’)

五、補(bǔ)全單詞。( 2’* 8 = 16’)
1. c __ m m __ n __ t y 2.b __ __ l d __ n g
3. b __ k __ r y 4. c __ n __ m __
5. n __ w s p __ p __ r st __ n d 6. c __ f f __ __ s h __ p
7. r __ s t __ __ r __ n t 8. d r __ g s t __ r __
六、單選( 1’* 10 = 10’)
( ) 1. Where is __________?
A. book store B. bookstore C. the bookstore
( ) 2. ________ me. How can I get to the bakery?
A. excuse B. Excuse me C. Excuse
( ) 3. The police station is ____ my community.
A. on B. in C. at
( ) 4. How can I get to the cinema?
A. Go straight and turn left on the first crossing. It’s on your left.
B. I want to go to the cinema.
( ) 5. Turn right and at _________ crossing.
A. first B. second C. the third
( ) 6. The hospital is _________ the zoo and the park.
A. between B. on C. next to
( ) 7. It’s ____ your left.
A. on B. in C. between
( ) 8. Please __________.
A. Be Quiet. B. be quiet C. Be quiet
( ) 9. Don’t walk ___ the grass.
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 10. I want to buy __________.
A. stamp B. a stamp c. some stamp
七、句子配對(duì)( 2’* 3 = 6’)
( ) 1. Where is the bank? A. Go straight and turn left.
( ) 2. How can I get to the restaurant? B. I want to buy some books.
( ) 3. What can I do in the bookstore? C. It’s next to the park.
八、根據(jù)短文,完成地圖。( 2’* 6 = 12’)
This is my community. There are some buildings in it. Look, this is a park. It is between the supermarket and the bookstore. The supermarket is across from the restaurant. The hairdresser’s is across from the bookstore. And it is between the bank and the zoo. The bank is across from the park. The zoo is across from the police station.
九、根據(jù)第八題的地圖,完成下面對(duì)話。( 2’* 8 = 16’)
A: __________ me. How can I _____ ____ the policestation?
B: Go ______ and turn left at the _____ crossing. It’s on your ______.
A: __________________. B: __________________.
Unit9 My Community B卷
一、聽單詞,選出與你聽到的單詞屬于同一類的一項(xiàng)。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. apple B. drugstore C. across from
( ) 2. A. next to B. police station C. computer game
( ) 3. A. park B. desk C. first
( ) 4. A. restaurant B. second C. straight
( ) 5. A. building B. community C. turn left
二、聽句子,選出正確的答句。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. The book store is next to the bank.
B. The newspaper stand is across from the cinema.
( ) 2. A. Go straight and turn left at the first crossing.
B. I want to go to the gas station.
( ) 3. A. I am going to play basketball.
B. I want to buy a book.
( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. It’s on my left.
B. No, it isn’t. It’s on my left.
( ) 5. A. Go straight and turn right at the first crossing.
B. You’re welcome.
三、聽音,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)。( 2’* 6 = 12’)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )
4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( )
四、聽對(duì)話,補(bǔ)全單詞。( 2’* 4 = 8’)
A: _____________ me. How can I get to the ______________?
B: It’s on your _________.
A: ______________ you.
B: You are welcome.
五、按要求,寫出下列單詞或詞組。( 2’* 9 = 18’)
1. one(序數(shù)詞) -- ___________ 2. two(序數(shù)詞) -- ___________
3. three(序數(shù)詞) -- __________ 4. 建筑物 -- ___________
5. (詞組)_________ 6. (詞組)_________
7. forward(近義詞) -- _________ 8. left(反義詞) -- __________
9. 社區(qū) ____________
六、用介詞。( to, in, on, at) ( 2’* 5 = 10’)
1.Where is the bookstore ___ your community?
2.Go straight and turn left ___ the second crossing.
3.How can I get ___ the newspaper stand?
4.The ban is ___ your left.
5.Don’t walk ___ the grass.
七、改錯(cuò)。( 2’* 5 = 10’)

八、根據(jù)情景寫句子。( 2’* 4 = 8’)
1.當(dāng)你要打擾別人時(shí),你要有禮貌的說: ____________________________
2.當(dāng)別人幫助你時(shí),你會(huì)說: ______________________________
九、Lily要去書店買書,可是她找不到路。你是Lily的好朋友Tom,請(qǐng)你根據(jù)地圖為L(zhǎng)ily指路。( 2’* 7 = 14’)

Lily: How can I get to the bookstore?
Tom: Go ___________ and _______________ at ______________________.
Then go straight and turn _______ at ______________________.
You will see the ____________ is on _________________.
Unit10 My City A卷
三、根據(jù)所聽順序,給下列單詞標(biāo)出序號(hào)。( 1’* 10 = 10’)
( ) department store ( ) gallery ( ) university
( ) Dongfang Square ( ) museum ( ) stadium
( ) subway station ( ) Peach Street ( ) drugstore
( ) newspaper stand
四、選出你所聽到的句子。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. Is there a museum in the city?
B. Is there a gallery in your city?
( ) 2. A. The subway station is on Apple Street.
B. The police station is on Peach Street.
( ) 3. A. There is an university in my city.
B. There is an university in my community.
( ) 4. A. What are you going to do this weekend?
B. What do you want to do there?
( ) 5. A. Lily wants to fly a kite.
B. Lily wants to see an art show.
三、聽對(duì)話,連線。( 2’* 10 = 20’)
Lily museum see dinosaurs
Tom university visit the library
Bill stadium see an art show
Amy gallery buy a skateboard
Andy department store watch a soccer match
四、翻譯下列短語。( 2’* 10 = 20’)
1. 參觀恐龍化石 ________________ 2. 看足球比賽 _________________
3. 買滑板 ________________ 4. 參觀藝術(shù)展 _________________
5. 放風(fēng)箏 _________________ 6. 參觀圖書館 _________________
7.打算 _______________ 8. 天安門廣場(chǎng) _________________
9.百貨商場(chǎng) ___________________ 10. 桃子大街 ___________________
五、用所給單詞。( 1’* 12 = 12’)

1.A: Is ________ a park ____ the city?
B: Yes, ________________.
A: Where is it?
B: It’s on ______________.
2.A: What are you ________ to do _____________?
B: I’m ________ to __________________ with ____________________.
A: What _____ you _____________ do there?
B: I want to _________________.
六、單選。( 2’* 8 = 16’)
( ) 1. Li Ming ________________ the department store.
A. am going B. is going C. is going to
( ) 2. He ___________ fly a kite there.
A. want to B. wants C. wants to
( ) 3. Is there a park in the city? Yes, ___________.
A. there is B. it is C. is that
( ) 4. Where is the stadium? It’s on ____________.
A. peach street B. Peach street C. Peach Street
( ) 5. Is there a zoo in the city? No, ____________.
A. it isn’t B. they aren’t C. there isn’t
( ) 6. What are you going to ____ this weekend?
A. go B. going C. do
( ) 7. I’m going to _______. I want to see an art show there.
A. university B. gallery C. stadium D. museum
( ) 8. I’m going to the university. I want to _________ there.
A. watch a soccer match B. visit the library C. fly a kite
七、 短文,完成下面表格。( 1’* 6 = 6’)
Today is Friday. We have many plans for this weekend. Amy is going to the bookstore. She wants to buy a book there. Bill is going to the stadium. He wants to watch a soccer match there. Lily is going to the department store. She wants to buy a skateboard.
NamePlaceDo things
Watch a soccer match
Department store

八、仿寫下面的句子。( 2’* 3 = 6’)
There is a museum in my city. My friend and I are going there this weekend. We want to see dinosaurs there.

Unit10 My City B卷
一、聽句子,找出句中包含的單詞或短語。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. museum B. subway station C. stadium
( ) 2. A. Dongfang Square B. department store C. university
( ) 3. A. Tian’anmen Square B. Dongfang Square C. Tianti Square
( ) 4. A. buy a book B. buy a kite C. buy a skateboard
( ) 5. A. see an art show B. see flowers C. see dinosaurs
二、聽句子,選擇正確的問句。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A: Is it a gallery?
B: Is there a gallery in the city?
( ) 2. A: Where is the stadium?
B: What are you going to do?
( ) 3. A: What do you want to do in the bakery?
B: What do you want to do in the stadium?
( ) 4. A: What does Lily want to do?
B: What does Tom want to do?
( ) 5. A: What is Bill doing?
B: What is Bill going to do this weekend?
三、聽對(duì)話,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. There is a stadium in the city.
( ) 2. Lily is going to the department store.
( ) 3. The museum is on Banana Street.
( ) 4. Tom wants to buy a book.
( ) 5. Bill wants to watch a soccer match.
四、聽音,補(bǔ)全句子。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
Today is Sunday. I am going to the __________________ with my mom. I want to _____________. Then I am going to the _________. I want to __________________ there. Finally, we will __________.
五、找出下列畫線部分讀音不同的單詞。( 2’* 5 = 10’)
( ) 1. A. goat B. coat C. broad D. road
( ) 2. A. forty B. worker C. horse D. sports
( ) 3. A. how B. row C. blow D. window
( ) 4. A. tall B. fall C. hall D. half
( ) 5. A. yellow B. cow C. willow D. know
六、根據(jù)所給內(nèi)容填空。( 2’* 10 = 20’)
1.I am going to the _________. I want to buy some books.
2.Lily is going to the ___________. She wants to visit the library.
3.They are going to Dongfang Square. They want to _____________ there.
4.Is there a _______ in the city? I want to see an art show.
5.There is a _________ in the city. I can see dinosaurs.
6.-- What do you want to do in the department store?
-- I want to __________________.
7.There is a subway station on ___________________ (桃子大街).
8.I want to buy a stamp. So I can go to the ______________.
9.I am going to the bank ______ my sister.
10.Is there a park in the city? No, _____________.
七、連線。( 2’* 5 = 10’)

八、改錯(cuò)。( 1’* 7 = 7’)
1. Is there a zoo in the city? No, it isn’t. __________
2. What are you going to go this weekend? __________
3. What are you want to do there? __________
4. Tom am going to the gallery. __________
5. It’s on peach Street. __________
6. I’m going to university with my mom. __________
7. He want to fly a kite. __________
九、完成下面短文。( 13’)
Today is ________. We have many plans for this ________. Andy is going to __________. He wants to _____________ there. Lucy ___________________the stadium. She wants to _________________. Nina is going to _________________. She ____________see an art show. Tom is ___________the park. He wants to ____________. I am going to _________________ with ________________. We _________ buy a bag.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/56236.html
