

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶


( )1. watermelon paper orange
( )2. dancing watching birthday
( )3. hamburger angry biscuits
( )4. boy bad good
二 、從B欄中找出A攔中所對(duì)應(yīng)的答句,將標(biāo)號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。
( ) 1. How many biscuits did you eat ? A. I didn’t go out .I stayed at home .
( ) 2. Did you break your toy? B. I fell off my bike .
( ) 3. When did they come? C. No ,I didn’t.
( ) 4. Where did you go ,Tingting ? D. At the weekend .
( ) 5. What happened to you ? E. I’ve got a stomach ache .
( ) 6. What’s the matter? F. I ate thirty biscuits .
( )1.---Nice to meet you. ---______________.
A. Hello. B. Nice to meet you,too. C. I’m fine.
( )3.---How’s the weather today ? ---It’s ___________.
A. cold B. Monday C. a book
( )4.---What day is today ? --- It’s ___________.
A. Children’s Day B. Friday C. happy
1 good 2 bad 3 Strong 4 old
5 big 6 fat 7thin
1 buy 2 fall 3 go 4 carry
5 is 6 are 7 phone 8 do 9 have
1 Old 2 tall 3 fat 4 short
去野餐 ______________ 做作業(yè) _________________
拉二胡 ______________ 得了感冒 ___________ 有一天 ______________ 和----玩耍______________ 長(zhǎng)城 _________________ 長(zhǎng)江____________
請(qǐng)安靜 ____________ I 賓格_________ He賓格__________
( )1 It is a book ________London
A in B of C about
( )2 Beijing is the capital _____ China
A of B about C in
( )3 Will they take the ball?
A Yes, I will B No, I will C No ,they won”t
( )4 I______go swimming ____Monday
A will in , B am on , C will on

( )5 I t will be _____in Beijing
A wind B windy C rain
( )6 Will it be sunny in Hangzhou ?
A Yes ,it will B No, it won”t
( )7_______is Beijing ? It is in the north
A Where B Who C What
( )8 He ____tall then,, he was short
A was B wasn”t C is
( )9 _____ Monday he will go to the park
A On B In C A t
( )10 Was Sam fat then ? Yes ,she was
A Yes ,he was B No,he wasn’t
( )11 _______is that girl ? It is Lingling
A Who B What C Where
( )12 It is also _____the USA
A call B called
( )13 My cousin Dalong ________there
A live B lives
( )14 They____young then, now they ____old
A are were B were are C was is
( )15 We went _______a bike ride yesterday
A of B for
( )16 He fell_______the bike
A off B of

( )17 He had 2 watermelons yesterday,____today he had a stomachache
A and B so C too
( )18 We listened _____music yesterday
A to B on C in
( )19 What happened ____your head ?
A in B to C at
( )20 Did you cook fish yesterday?
A Yes, I did B No ,I didn”t
( )21 I ____ten then, .Now I ____13
A am was B was am C were am
1 mum, you , Sam, and, help ,did

2 America , is .capital, Washington D.C. the of

3 Wasn”t She , young, then

4 one ,I , this , better , first , the , think , girl, is , than


5 rain , Tianjin , in , It will

6 a bike ride Sam and for I went yesterday

7 to some you talk did friends yesterday ?

8 girls is worse Tom than the

9 what you do on Monday will ?

10 will one day do they everything ?

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/56748.html
