

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


( )1.I’m going to make ___invitation.A.a B.an C./
( )2.I have ____.A.scisors B. scissors C. scissor
( )3.Happy ____day.A.Teacher B. Teacher’s C. Teachers’
( )4.Do you have glue? ______.A.Yes. I do. B.No. I do. C.Yes.I don’t.
( )5.Is it time for lunch?_______.A.Yes. it is. B. No. it is. C. Yes. it isn’t.
( )6.Do you have a pen? _______.A.Yes. I don’t. B. No. I do. C. Yes. I do.
( )7.Can I have more turkey?_______.
A.Yes, you can . B.No ,you can’t. C.Yes, you can’t.
( )8.She often ____cycling.A.play B.go C.goes
( )9.He often ___tennis.A.go B.goes C.plays
( )10.Lily____hockey.A.are good B.is good at C.are good at
( )11.Do you often play tennis?_____.
A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I do. C.No, I’m not.
( )12.Are you good at it? ______.
A.Yes, I am. B.No, I don’t. C.Yes, I do.
( )13.Tthey can’t play ___the field. A.in B.on C.at
( )14.They can throw it ___player___player.
A.from•••to••• B.from•••for••• C.for•••to•••
( )15.I have some ___. A.boxs B.boxes C.box
( )16.Today basketball need 2teams of ___player. A.6 B.7 C.5
( )17.___do you do for fun? A.How B.What’s C.What
( )18.One student ___to do puzzles. A.like B.does like C.likes
( )19.Do you like to go to concerts? Yes,____.
A.I do. B.I like. C.I can.
( )20.Is here your homepage? Yes, ___.
A.it is. B.here is. C.there is.
( )21.why do you like to drive bumper cars?
____it’s exciting.
A./ B.Because C.Do
( )22.I’m___firecrackers. A.light B.lights C.lighting
( )23.___careful! A.You B.I’m C.Be
( )24.My leg____. A.hurt B.is hurt C.hurts
( )25.Call_____ambulance. A.a B.an C.the
( )26.We are taking you ___the hospital. A.for B.go C.to
( )27.Good morning!_____.
A.Hello. B.Goodbye! C.Good morning!
( )28.Can you help me? ______.
A.Yes, I can. B.Sorry, I’m using it. C.Here you are.
( )29.What do you do for fun. _____.
A.Go to the concerts. B.I’d like it. C.I’m good at it.
( )30.Don’t cross the street here. ______.
A.Yes, I won’t. B.Sorry, I won’t. C.No, I will.
( )31.Do you like to go jogging? _____.
A.Sorry, I don’t go. B.Yes, I like. C.Yes, I do.
( )1.A.Saturday B.Sunday C.summer
( )2.A.from B.first C.finally
( )3.A.interesting B.invitation C.boring
( )4.A.baseball B.basketball C.bread
( )5.A.write B.pen C.stick
( )6.A.boring B.cool C.cold
( )7.A.hiking B.spring C.jigging
( )8.A.water B.pen C.glue
( )9.A.name B.next C.then
( )10.A.tennis B.puzzle C.baseball
( )11.A.write B.card C.invitation
( )12.A.sidewalk B.footbridge C.touch
( )13.A.sometimes B.glue C.scissirs
( )14.A.hockey B.practice C.tennis
( )15.A.concert B.puzzle C.stick
( )16.A.ruler B.cook C.teacher
A.salesclerk B.dentist C.hairdresser D.teacher E.mailman
F.computer programer
1.He works in a hospital. He is a ___.
2.She works in a beauty shop. She si a ___.
3.My aunt works in a hospital. She is a ___.
4.My uncle works in a hospital. He is a ___.
5.My dad works in a hospital. He is a ___.
6.My mum works in a hospital. She is a ___.
1.Can you help me? A.Yes, here you are.
2.What can I do for you? B.Yes, I’m good at it.
3.Can I use your ruler? C.Yes, what’s the matter?
4.Can you help me with math? D.I want that skirt.
5.Can you help me call a doctor? E.Yes, you can take the bus No. 10.
6.Can you tell me way to the park? F.Yes, I’ll call 120.
1.Can I ____you___? A.use, here you are.
2.___you ____me the dictionary? B.help, good at
3.Can I ___your eraser? Yes. C.use, ruler
4.Can you ___me with math? D.can, pass
Ok.I’m ___it.
( )1.當(dāng)你想讓別人幫你時,你硬說:
A.Can I help you? B.Can you help me?
( )2.當(dāng)你想讓別人把尺子遞給你時,你應(yīng)說:
A.Give me the ruler. B.Pass me the ruler, please.
( )3.當(dāng)你想用別人的字典時,你應(yīng)說:
A.Can I use you dictionary? B.Can you give me your ruler?
( )4.當(dāng)你想讓別人幫你解決數(shù)學(xué)問題時,你應(yīng)說:
A.Can you help my math? B.Can you help me with math problem?
( )Then, stick with your glue.
( )Get your paper ready
( )Let’s make an invitation.
( )First, draw with your crayons.
( )Next, cut with your scissors.
( )Finally, write with your pen.
( 二 )
( )Next, we open presents from Santa Clause.
( )Finally, we play games, sing songs or watch TV together.
( )On this day we usually have a party.
( )Then, we have a turkey dinner.
( )First, we sit around the Christmas tree.
( 三 )
( )His mum wants to throw things outs of the window.
( )Small bear and his parents are having a party at home.
( )Today is Saturday.
( )Small bear says, “don’t do this! Here is the third floor! It’s dangerous!”
( )Oh, my god! Let’s call 110.
( )Yes, what’s up?
( )Can you help me?
( )I’m lost.
( )Ok.
My name is bill. I like to go to the movies. It’s cool. My mum likes to go to concerts. My dad likes to do puzzles. He thinks it’s interesting. My mother’s birthday is coming. We are going to have a party.
My mum is a cook. she works in a hotel. My dad is a dentist. He works in a hospital.
( )1.Bill’s dad’s birthday is coming.
( )2.Bill’s mum likes to go to the movies.
( )3.Bill’s mum works in a hotel.
( )4.I work in a hospital.
( )5.Bill’s dad likes to do puzzles.
I’m good at singing songs. I want to be a singer. My mum is a teacher. She teaches math. She works in a primary school. My dad is a dentist. He works in a hospital. We are happy family.
( )1.I’m good at computer.
( )2.I want to be a cook.
( )3.My mum is a teacher.
( )4.My dad works in a primary school.
Joy lives on the third floor. His mother is watching TV. He is climbing the window. His mum says, “don’t climb the window. It’s dangerous.” Then, he is playing with fire. His mum says, “don’t play with fire. It’s dangerous. You’d better do your homework.
( )1.Joy lives on the second floor.
( )2.Joy’s mum is cooking.
( )3.Play with fire is dangerous.
Binbin lives in Canada. He likes to go to concerts on weekends. Because he thinks it’s exciting. Yaoyao is his sister. She often drivers bumper cars in the park. Their mother is a doctor, she sometimes does puzzles. Because she isn’t good at it. Their dad likes to go to the movies. Because he thinks it is wonderful! They are happy family.
( )1.Binbin is yaoyao’s brother.
( )2.Yaoyao likes to go to concerts on weekends.
( )3.Binbin’s mother likes to go to the movies.
( )4.Binbin’s dad likes to go to concert, too.
Today is my mother’s birthday. My family are going to have a party. First, my dad is going to give her a book. Next, I’m going to sing a song for her. Then, we are going to eat birthday cake. Finally, we’re going to watch TV.
( )1.Today is my birthday.
( )2.My dad is going to sing a song for her.
( )3.We are going to eat birthday cake.
( )4.Finally, we’re going to watch TV together

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/56933.html
