

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Name: Mark:
1.Don’t ( worry, worried), your son will be fine soon.
2.History, maths and English are school (subjects, languages).
3.You are one year (old, older) than me.
4.Your mother (look, looks) young.
5.Where does your father (work, works)?
6.He plays the guitar (in for) half an hour each day.
7.You look much taller now than (before, after).
8.He can’t do (good, well) in class.
9.He plays computer games too (many, much).
10.You (should, shouldn’t) read in bed. It’s bad for your eyes.

( ) 1. My sister often her homework after dinner.
A.do B. does C. doing

( ) 2. Does your brother computer at school?
A.study B. studying C. studies

( ) 3. are you? I’m fine.
A.What B. When C. How

( ) 4.Look, these women in the room.
A.dancing B. are dancing C. is dancing

( ) 5. May I to Ben?
A.speak B. speaking C. speaks

( ) 6. My father and I usually football at weekend.
A.plays B. play C. playing

( ) 7. The boy late for school every day.
A.does B. are C. is

( ) 8. What’s the matter you?
A.with B. on C. for

( ) 9. What does the old man usually in the evening?
A.does B. doing C.do

( ) 10. She doesn’t like chess with her friend.
A.plays B. playing C. play


whose, what, where, when, how, who, how many, how much,
how old, what colour

1.A: is your plane leaving for Beijing?
B: At a quarter to seven.
2.A: Your father looks young. Is he?
B: He’s 46.
3.A: are you going on holiday?
B: I’m going to Hong Kong.
4.A: is your new bike?
B: It’s blue.
5.A: is the boy in the jacket?
B: He’s a new boy in our class. He’s from Sichuan.
6.A: are you going to Panyu.
B:I will take a taxi.
7.A: pupils are there in your school?
B: There are about 1500.
8.A: is the dictionary on the desk?
B: It’s Ben’s, I think.
9.A: is the teddy bear?
B: 25 yuan.
10.A: would you like to eat for breakfast.
B:Rice noodles, please.

A. I’m fine
B. I’ll talk to him when he is home
C. Who’s that please?
D. What’s wrong with Roy?
A: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Jacob?
B: Speaking. 1.
A: It’s Roy’s teacher Mr. Anderson here.
B: How are you, Mr. Anderson?
A: 2. , Mrs. Jacob. I’d like to talk to you about Roy.
B: 3.
A: He does not listen in class. Sometimes he does not hand in his homework.
B: I’m sorry, Mr. Anderson. 4.
A: That’s fine, Mrs. Jacob. Goodbye.
B: Bye.
I go to school 1 my brothers. We 2 school at nine o’clock. We have a break 3 half past ten. We have lunch at school. I like eating at school. My brothers don’t 4 school lunches. They like my mum’s food. We
5 school at half past three. My brothers go 6 at four o’clock. I go home at half past five. We have 7 at seven o’clock. 8 We do our homework or watch TV. We go to bed at half past nine. I go to bed at half past ten.
( ) 1. A. with B. and C. for
( ) 2. A. have B. start C. see
( ) 3. A. in B. at C. on
( ) 4. A. cook B. make C. like
( ) 5. A. start B. finish C. go
( ) 6. A. home B. back C. three
( ) 7. A. breakfast B. lunck C. dinner
( ) 8. A. But B. So C. then

Does Mr. Lees u go to work by underground at h p eight?
Xiaoming n has lunch in the school c .
That p little girl r for an h every day.
In the afternoon he a stays in the l and goes b home very l a school.
Are you sure Jiamin can c up with his c ?
Jessica lives in New York with his family. She has one brother. Her brother goes to work every day, but she does not. She is a student. Her parents work in her school. Her mother is an art teacher and her father is a maths teacher. Sometimes, they have lunch in the school canteen. But Jessica does not like the food there, so they usually eat at home. Her brother does not have lunch with them. He always has lunch at his work place(地方).
Jessica’s mother likes books. She often reads in the evening. Sometimes, she watches TV or goes shopping with Jessica on Sundays. Her father works hard. He often finishes work very late in the evening. He loves sports. His favorite is table tennis, and he often plays table tennis with Jessica’s brother on Sundays. Her brother’s favorite thing is music. He usually gives Jessica a CD for her birthday and Jessica usually gives him a box of chocolate for his birthday.
( ) 1. Jessica goes to work every day.
( ) 2.Jessica’s parents are teachers.
( ) 3.Jessica often has lunch in the school canteen.
( ) 4. Jessica’s brother never has lunch.
( ) 5. Jessica’s mother loves reading.
( ) 6. Jessica’s father is hard-working.
( ) 7. Jessica’s father often plays table tennis with Jessica.
( ) 8. Jessica usually gives her brother a CD for his birthday

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/64810.html

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