
第七冊(cè)英語(yǔ)Book7 Unit10 Dialogue 測(cè)試題

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Book 7 Unit 10 Dialogue課后練習(xí)
1. Xiaoling called Miss White ______________________ (in the afternoon / in the morning).
2. Miss White __________ (was / wasn’t) at home in the morning.
3. Miss White will come back at ________________ (lunch time / dinner time).
4. Miss White was __________________ (at school / at the market) in the morning.
5. Xiaoling’s birthday is on _______________ (this Saturday / this Sunday).
6. Xiaoling will have a big party _______________ (in the garden / at home).
7. The birthday party will start at ______________ (12:00 / 1:00).

love, have a birthday party, lunch time, invite, called, school, wasn’t

Xiaoling is going to ____________________ this Saturday. She ___________ Miss White in the morning. She wanted to ____________ Miss White to come to her party. But Miss White ____________ at home. She would come home at _______________. At noon, Xiaoling called again. Miss White was back from _____________. Xiaoling told her about the birthday party. Miss White would ___________ to go to the party.

1) A: Hello. 89575644.
B. Hello. M_________ I speak to Ann?
A; She i________ here now, I’m a______________.
B: When will she c___________ back?
A: I’m sorry I d___________ know. Can I t__________ a m________________.
B: Yes. I’m Bob. Please ask her to c____________ me back.
My telephone n___________ is 13587994652.
A: All r______________.
B: T________________ a lot.

2) A: Hello. May I s____________ to Jane?
B: S_____________. Who’s t______________, please?
A: I_____________ Yongxian here.
B: What’s the m______________, Yongxian?
A: I lost my book. W____________ you in the classroom yesterday?
B: Yes, I w____________.
A: Did you s_____________ my book?
B: Yes, your book w_____________ on the teachers’ desk yesterday. But Xiaoling take your book. She w____________ give you tomorrow.
A: OK. T_____________ you.
B: That’s a____________ r_____________.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/65576.html

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