

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
  Unit 1 Cinderella
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 Cinderella goes home at twelve o’clock. She leaves a shoe behind.
  2 Cinderella cannot go to the prince’s party.
  3 Cinderella tries on the shoe and it fits.
  4 The fairy gives Cinderella new clothes and shoes.
  5 Cinderella is sad. A fairy comes to help.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 A: Hurry up, Yang Ling.
  G: Why?
  A: The party is at seven thirty. We have to go at seven o’clock.
  Q: When does Yang Ling have to go for the party?
  2 A: Wang Bing, why can’t you play basketball with us?
  B: Because I have to go home. There’s a football match on TV.
  Q: Where can Wang Bing watch the football match?
  3 A: Why are you so happy, Nancy?
  G: Because I have a new storybook.
  Q: Why is Nancy happy?
  4 A: Mike, there’s a new film at Jinling Cinema. Would you like to go with me?
  B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework.
  Q: Why can’t Mike go to see the film?
  5 G: I’d like this blue dress, Mum.
  W: OK. You look nice in this dress, Helen.
  Q: Who wants the blue dress?
  Period 3
  B Listen and judge
  B: Hello, Su Hai.
  G: Hi, Mike.
  B: We have a party in our classroom this Sunday afternoon. Would you like to
  G: Yes, I’d love to.
  B: Can Su Yang come too?
  G: No, she can’t.
  B: Why?
  G: Because she has a dancing lesson.
  B: What a pity! Can you bring some toys to the party?
  G: Sure. I have a lot of toys.
  B: Thank you, Su Hai! See you.
  G: See you.
  Period 4
  B Listen and choose
  Ruby lives with her parents in the forest. One day, her grandma is ill, so she takes a cake to see her. On the way, a wolf sees Ruby. He gets to Ruby’s grandma’s house before Ruby and eats Ruby’s grandma. Then, he puts on her clothes and waits for Ruby in bed because he wants to eat Ruby too. Finally, Ruby comes. She finds the wolf in Grandma’s bed and cries for help. A man comes to help her and kills the wolf.
  Unit 2 How do you come to school?
  Period 1
  A Listen and choose
  1 Yang Ling lives near school. She goes to school on foot.
  2 Liu Tao lives on Park Street. He goes to school by taxi.
  3 Su Hai’s new home is on Moon Street. She goes to school by bus.
  4 Mike lives in Sunshine Town. It is far from school. He goes to school by metro.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 A: Peter, is your home far from your school?
  B: No, it isn’t. It’s near my school.
  2 A: How does Miss Chen come to school?
  B: She often comes to school by bus. She sometimes comes by taxi.
  3 A: Does Lucy live near City Library?
  B: Yes. She lives in Moonlight Town on Zijin Street. It’s beside City Library.
  4 A: How do you go to work, Mr Zhao?
  B: I usually go to work by bike. I sometimes go to work on foot.
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  Jack lives near his school. He goes to school on foot every day. Jack’s friend Lily lives near school too. They always go to school together. One day, they see many small fish in the river near their school on their way back home. Jack wants to play with the fish. He takes a sweet out of his schoolbag and throws it into the river. But the fish are afraid and swim away. Lily says to Jack, “Fish don’t eat sweets. Let’s go home, Jack. It’s late.” Jack is a little sad.
  Period 4
  B Listen and judge
  One day, Mr and Mrs Green go shopping by car. They go to the shopping centre beside City Library. They buy a lot of clothes there. Mrs Green buys a shirt for her son, a skirt for her daughter, a jacket for her husband and a coat for herself. At about five o’clock, they go home, but they cannot find their way back. Mr Green stops the car and asks a man, “Excuse me, sir, where am I?” The man looks at him and says, “You’re in your car, sir.”
  Unit 3 Asking the way
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 Yang Ling turns right at the traffic lights.
  2 Yang Ling asks the policeman for help.
  3 Yang Ling gets on the metro.
  4 Yang Ling walks along Sun Street.
  5 Yang Ling gets off the metro.
  Period 2
  B Listen and number
  1 Why are you so sad?
  2 How do I get to the hospital?
  3 What time is it?
  4 When does Cinderella have to come back?
  5 Where do you live?
  6 Does Su Hai like her new home?
  7 How does Liu Tao go to school?
  8 Who lives in Sunshine Town?
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 B: Where can I buy a toy car, Mum?
  G: You can go to Happy Toy Shop.
  Q: Can the boy buy a toy car at Happy Toy Shop?
  2 B: Excuse me, where’s Xuanwu Park?
  G: It’s behind the school.
  Q: Where is the school?
  3 B: Does Tim often fly a kite in the park?
  G: No, he doesn’t. He often draws pictures there.
  Q: Does Tim often draw pictures in the park?
  4 B: How do your parents go to work?
  G: My mother goes to work on foot. My father goes by car.
  Q: How does the girl’s mother go to work?
  5 B: What do your family like doing?
  G: My father and mother like reading. My brother likes swimming.
  Q: What does the girl’s brother like doing?
  Period 4
  B Listen and judge
  W: Excuse me, how do I get to Xinhua Bookshop?
  M: It’s far from here. You can take Bus No. 5 to get there.
  W: Where’s the bus stop?
  M: It’s over there.
  W: Can I go by metro?
  M: Yes. The metro station is behind the bus stop. You get off the metro at Zoo Station. The bookshop is next to the zoo.
  W: OK. I’ll take the metro. Thank you very much.
  M: You’re welcome.
  Unit 4 Seeing the doctor
  Period 1
  A Listen and match
  1 Yang Ling has a fever. She should take some medicine.
  2 Nancy has a headache. She should have a rest.
  3 Liu Tao has a cold. He should drink some warm water.
  4 Mike has a toothache. He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 What’s wrong with you?
  2 Su Hai has a headache. What should she do?
  3 Why does Mike often have a toothache?
  4 How does Yang Ling feel?
  5 I have a fever. What should I do?
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 B1: What’s wrong with you, Tim?
  B2: I feel cold.
  B1: Here’s your coat.
  B2: Thank you, Mike.
  2 W: What’s wrong with you, Mr Brown?
  M: I have a headache.
  W: Take some medicine and have a good rest.
  M: OK. Thank you, Doctor.
  3 G: Hello, Liu Tao. Why don’t you come to school today?
  B: I have a cold. I should have a rest at home.
  4 W: Wang Bing, what’s wrong with you?
  B: I feel thirsty.
  W: Would you like a cup of tea?
  B: No, thanks. I’d like a glass of water, please.
  5 G: I have a cold. What should I do, Dad?
  M: You should have a rest at home, Yang Ling. You can’t go swimming today.
  Period 4
  B Listen and choose
  B: Hello, this is Tim speaking.
  G: This is Nancy. How are you, Tim?
  B: Not so good.
  G: What’s wrong with you?
  B: I have a toothache.
  G: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you eat a lot of sweets?
  B: No, but I eat a lot of ice cream.
  G: You shouldn’t eat too much ice cream. You should go to see the dentist.
  B: OK.
  G: Is Mike at home?
  B: No. He’s in the library.
  G: OK. Thank you, Tim. Goodbye!
  B: Bye!
  Unit 5 Helping our parents
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 Mike is helping Mr Brown clean the car.
  2 Helen is washing the dishes in the kitchen.
  3 Mrs Brown is washing clothes.
  4 Tim is making the bed.
  5 Mr Brown is cleaning the table.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 G: Excuse me, how do I get to City Library?
  B: It’s far from here. You can take the metro.
  Q: What is the girl doing?
  2 G: Mike, can you help me? I’m washing the dishes.
  B: Wait a minute, Helen. I’m writing an email to my friend.
  Q: What is Mike doing?
  3 W: Can I help you?
  B: I’d like this storybook, please.
  W: OK. It’s twenty yuan.
  Q: What is the boy doing?
  4 B1: Mike, I can’t draw the rabbit’s mouth. It’s too difficult.
  B2: Let me show you, Tim.
  B1: Thank you.
  Q: What is Tim doing?
  5 W: Tom, it’s nine o’clock. Don’t watch TV now. Time for bed.
  B: OK, Mum.
  Q: What is Tom doing?
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  M: Mike, I’m washing the dishes. Can you come and help me?
  B1: Sorry, Dad. I’m doing my homework.
  M: OK. Where’s Helen?
  B1: She’s in the bedroom.
  M: Helen, what are you doing?
  G: I’m making the bed.
  M: Can you help me wash the dishes?
  G: Sorry, Dad. I have a dancing lesson at nine o’clock. I’m late.
  M: Everyone is busy today.
  B2: Dad, I can help you.
  M: Ha! Ha! Thank you, Tim. But can you wash the dishes?
  Period 4
  B Listen and write
  Every morning, Mr Sun has breakfast, watches TV, drinks tea and then goes to work. He often takes the bus to work. It is eight o’clock in the morning. Mr Sun is still sitting at the table and watching news on TV. “Please give me another cup of tea, dear,” says Mr Sun to his wife. “Another cup? Don’t you go to work today?” “Work?” says Mr Sun, “Oh, I think I’m working now.”
  Unit 6 In the kitchen
  Period 1
  A Listen and match
  1 Yang Ling is cooking some soup.
  2 Nancy likes eating tomatoes.
  3 Liu Tao is making a fruit salad.
  4 Mike is washing some vegetables in the kitchen.
  5 Su Hai is cutting the potatoes.
  Period 2
  B Listen and judge
  1 W: Liu Tao, breakfast is ready.
  B: Wait a minute, Mum. I’m brushing my teeth.
  2 M: Don’t read in bed, Mike. It’s bad for your eyes.
  B: OK, Dad.
  3 W: How’s the fish, Sam?
  B: It’s yummy. I love it.
  4 M: Helen, is Mum cooking in the kitchen?
  G: No. She’s washing clothes in the bathroom.
  5 G: I’m hungry, Mum.
  W: I’m cooking chicken soup, Yang Ling.
  G: It smells so nice. I can’t wait, Mum.
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 Is your mother washing clothes?
  2 What’s Liu Tao doing in the kitchen?
  3 Where’s Mr Green?
  4 Are Su Hai and Su Yang watching TV?
  5 Is there any meat in the fridge?
  Period 4
  B Listen and write
  B: Mum, are you cooking fish? I can smell it.
  W: You’re right, Mike.
  B: Great! I love fish. What else do we have for dinner, Mum?
  W: We have chicken, mushrooms and vegetables.
  B: Wow, I can’t wait, Mum! Can I help you?
  W: Can you wash the vegetables for me?
  B: Sure. Where are the vegetables?
  W: They’re in the fridge.
  B: What else can I do, Mum?
  W: Clean the table, please.
  B: All right.
  Unit 7 Chinese festivals
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 It comes in May or June. There are dragon boat races in some places. People eat rice dumplings at this festival.
  2 It comes in October or November. It is a festival for old people. People visit their parents and grandparents. They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival.
  3 It comes in January or February. People also call it Chinese New Year. At this festival, people get together with their families. Some people eat dumplings.
  4 It comes in September or October. People look at the moon at night with their families. They eat moon cakes too.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 What do people usually eat at the Spring Festival?
  2 It comes in May or June. People have dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings at this festival. What festival is it?
  3 When is Children’s Day?
  4 It is the last month of a year. Christmas is in this month. Which month is it?
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 When is the Spring Festival?
  2 What do people usually do at the Double Ninth Festival?
  3 What do people eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival?
  4 What holiday comes on the second Sunday of May?
  Period 4
  B Listen and judge
  G: Hi, Mike. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you like this festival?
  B: Yes, I do. I like Chinese festivals. I know a lot about them.
  G: Really? Do you know the Double Ninth Festival?
  B: Yes, of course. It’s on the twenty-second of October this year. At this festival, people usually visit their parents and grandparents.
  G: That’s right. It’s a festival for old people. What about the Lantern Festival? Do you know about it?
  B: The Lantern Festival? When is it?
  G: It’s in February or March. We watch lanterns at night and we eat yuanxiao.
  B: That sounds fun.
  Unit 8 Birthdays
  Period 1
  A Listen and judge
  1 A: When’s your birthday?
  B: It’s on the eleventh of July.
  2 A: Do you usually eat noodles on your birthday?
  B: Yes, I do.
  3 A: What does Mike usually do on his birthday?
  B: He usually has a party at home. Many friends come to his party.
  4 A: What are the children doing?
  B: They’re having a birthday party.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 Mike’s birthday is on the eighth of April. Helen’s birthday is on the eighth of August. Tim’s birthday is on the twelfth of September.
  Q: Whose birthday is in September?
  2 A: Do you know the password?
  B: Yes, the first number is five. The second number is two. The third number is three. The fourth number is one.
  Q: How many numbers are there in the password?
  3 A: Tomorrow is Miss Li’s birthday.
  B: Yes. Let’s make a card for her.
  A: Good idea! Let’s draw a cake on the card and write “Happy Birthday!”
  Q: What do the students want to make for Miss Li?
  4 A: Now, time for the cake! Let’s sing “Happy Birthday” together.
  B: Thank you!
  A: Make a wish, dear.
  B: OK!
  Q: What are they doing?
  . Period 3
  B Listen and match
  W: When’s your birthday, Wang Bing?
  B: It’s on the fifth of August.
  W: What do you usually do on your birthday?
  B: My parents usually take me to a toy shop because I like model planes. They buy me a new model plane there as my birthday present.
  W: Wow! Do you give birthday presents to your parents?
  B: Yes. My mother’s birthday is on the eighth of March.
  W: Really? Her birthday is on Women’s Day.
  B: Yes. I usually make a card for her. She often goes to the cinema with her friends on that day.
  W: Do you know your father’s birthday?
  B: Yes. It’s on the twelfth of December. We often have a big dinner at home.
  Period 4
  B Listen and judge
  Today is the first of December. It is Amy’s birthday. She is ten years old. Her family are having a birthday party for her. There is a birthday cake on the table.
  M: Happy Birthday, Amy. This present is for you.
  G: Oh, how nice the watch is! I like it very much. Thank you, Dad.
  W: Amy, I have a present for you too. Open this box and have a look.
  G: A toy elephant! It’s so cute. Thank you, Mum.
  B: And here’s my present, Amy.
  G: A beautiful card! Thank you, Jack.
  M: Now, let’s eat the birthday cake.
  G: Great!
  Test for Unit 1
  A Listen and circle
  1 Yang Ling has a nice bedroom.
  2 I like reading fairy tales.
  3 The prince visits every house.
  4 Bobby does not understand it.
  5 Please don’t shout in the library.
  B Listen and choose
  1 What subjects do you like?
  2 When do you usually get up?
  3 Where are my gloves?
  4 Do the jeans fit you?
  5 Why can’t you play basketball with me?
  C Listen and judge
  1 B: Look at Yang Ling’s dress.
  G: It’s so pretty.
  2 B: Why don’t you like Christmas, Mr Turkey?
  M: Because people eat us on Christmas Day.
  3 B1: Why can’t we eat the mushrooms?
  B2: Because they’re bad for us.
  4 B: Do you like autumn?
  G: Yes. In autumn, I can go climbing.
  D Listen and write
  1 B: Does Cinderella put on the nice dress?
  G: Yes, she does.
  2 B: When does Cinderella have to come back?
  G: Before twelve o’clock.
  3 B: Whose shoe do the girls try on?
  G: It’s Cinderella’s.
  4 B: Why do they take off the shoe?
  G: Because it doesn’t fit.
  Test for Unit 2
  A Listen and number
  1 Su Hai and Su Yang go to school by bus.
  2 Su Hai and Su Yang often read in City Library.
  3 There is a school on Sun Street.
  4 My new home is on Moon Street.
  5 Mr Zhang goes to work by car.
  6 Mrs Wang goes to work by bike.
  7 Bobby rides his bike in the park.
  8 Sam goes to school by bike.
  B Listen and choose
  1 When do the boys go home?
  2 Why can’t Bobby go to school by bike?
  3 Where does your grandma live?
  4 Do your friends often go to the park by bus?
  5 Wang Bing, how does your father go to work?
  6 Can Liu Tao play basketball?
  C Listen and judge
  Hello, my name is May. My father is a doctor. My mother does not go to work.
  I have a brother Jack. We live near my school. Jack and I go to school on foot.
  My father usually goes to work by car because the hospital is far from our home. Sometimes he goes to work by bus.
  D Listen and write
  Mr Ma is a factory worker. He makes cars. He gets up at six o’clock every day.
  There is a snack bar near his home. He always has his breakfast there. Then, he goes to work. The factory is far from his home. He usually goes to the factory by metro, but sometimes he goes by bus.
  Test for Unit 3
  A Listen and circle
  1 We can go to Chongqing by ship.
  2 The bus is full.
  3 Some children come out from the bookshop.
  4 There are too many people on the street at weekends.
  5 We can ask the policeman the way to the cinema.
  6 There is a metro station next to the school.
  B Listen and number
  1 Where do you live, Su Hai?
  2 Excuse me, how do I get to Hongshan Zoo?
  3 Where are my toy cars?
  4 Do you go to school by bus, Liu Tao?
  5 How do you go to the farm, boys and girls?
  6 Excuse me, where’s the bookshop?
  C Listen and tick
  1 M: Where does Mr Tan live?
  W: He lives in Xi’an.
  2 M: Excuse me, how do I get to City Cinema?
  W: It’s far from here. You can take a bus.
  3 W: How do you go to Chengdu, Mr Green?
  M: I often go by train.
  4 W: Excuse me, how do I get to Xuanwu Park?
  M: Go along this street and turn left at the traffic lights. You can see the park on your right.
  D Listen and write
  Yang Ling goes to Su Hai’s home by metro. She gets on the metro at Park Station and gets off at City Library Station. Then, she walks along Sun Street and turns right at the traffic lights. Then, she walks along Moon Street. Soon, she finds Su Hai’s home next to the bookshop.
  Test for Unit 4
  A Listen and match
  1 M: What’s the matter, Yang Ling?
  G: I feel cold.
  M: Here’s a coat for you.
  G: Thank you.
  2 W: What’s wrong, Liu Tao?
  B: I feel tired.
  W: Here’s a chair. Come and have a rest.
  B: Thank you.
  3 G: I have a fever, Doctor. What should I do?
  M: Don’t worry. Take some medicine and have a good rest. You’ll be OK soon.
  G: Thank you, Doctor.
  4 B: I have a cold, Mum.
  W: Drink some warm water and have a rest, dear.
  B: OK, Mum.
  5 W: What’s wrong with you, John?
  M: My arm hurts.
  W: You should go to hospital.
  B Listen and choose
  1 Hello, may I speak to Liu Tao?
  2 How do you feel, Lingling?
  3 Are you ill, Grandma?
  4 What’s wrong with Mike?
  5 I have a headache, Mr Green.
  C Listen and judge
  1 G: Hello, may I speak to Mike?
  B: This is Mike speaking.
  2 M: Open your mouth, please.
  W: OK.
  3 B1: What’s wrong with you?
  B2: My leg hurts.
  4 W: What’s the matter, Mingming?
  B: I feel tired. I want to go to bed.
  5 G: Does Li Mei have a toothache?
  B: Yes. She shouldn’t eat too many sweets.
  6 B: Mum, can we eat in the bookshop?
  W: No, we can’t.
  7 G: Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital?
  W: Turn right at the traffic lights. Then, you can see it.
  8 B: How do you go to school, Wang Ling?
  G: I go to school by bus.
  D Listen and write
  Lily likes eating sweets. Sometimes she has a toothache. When her teeth hurt, she cannot eat rice or fruit. She can only drink some warm water. She should not eat too many sweets. She should brush her teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
  Mid-term test
  C Listen and circle
  1 Why is Helen so happy?
  2 The shoes do not fit.
  3 Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree.
  4 I come to school by taxi today.
  5 How do I get to your home?
  6 Many girls try on the shoe.
  D Listen and judge
  1 I like reading fairy tales.
  2 Mike comes to school by bus.
  3 They cannot get on the bus because it is full.
  4 The girl eats too many sweets.
  5 The monkey’s arm hurts. The rabbit’s eye hurts. The elephant’s nose hurts.
  6 The bikes go on the street. The train goes through the trees.
  E Listen and choose
  1 B: There’s a party at school this evening, Helen.
  G: I can’t go to the party.
  B: Why?
  G: I have a cold. I have to rest at home.
  Q: Why can’t Helen go to the party?
  2 M: How do I get to the cinema?
  W: First, you take the metro and get off at Park Station. Then, take Bus No. 2 to Red Street. The cinema is on your right.
  Q: How does the man go to the cinema?
  3 M: What’s wrong with you?
  W: I have a fever.
  M: Let me check. You should have a rest, take some medicine and drink some warm water.
  Q: What should the woman not do?
  4 My new house is big and nice. It’s near the park, but it’s far from our school.
  Q: Where is the new house?
  5 Bobby finds some big and red mushrooms in the forest. He eats them. Then, he feels ill. Sam takes him to the hospital.
  Q: Why is Bobby ill?
  F Listen and judge
  M: Excuse me, how can I get to Happy Hospital?
  W: Go along this street. Turn left at the second traffic lights. Then, take Bus No. 50 and get off at Green Street Stop. The hospital is next to the bus stop.
  M: Thank you. But my legs hurt. I can’t go that far.
  W: OK. You can take a taxi.
  G Listen and write
  Cinderella does not have any nice clothes or shoes. She cannot go to the party at the prince’s house. A fairy helps her. Cinderella goes to the party and has a great time there. When she goes home, she leaves a shoe behind. The prince asks many girls to try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella puts it on. It fits well.
  Test for Unit 5
  A Listen and number
  1 I am sweeping the floor.
  2 Yang Ling is doing her homework.
  3 She is cleaning the table.
  4 He is making the bed.
  5 Miss Li is washing the dishes.
  6 My mother is washing clothes.
  7 Mrs Brown is cooking dinner.
  8 Mr Green is cleaning the car.
  B Listen and choose
  1 What are you doing?
  2 What’s your uncle doing?
  3 Where’s Tim?
  4 What’s the dog doing?
  5 What are Tim and Jim doing?
  C Listen and judge
  It is Saturday afternoon. Su Hai and Su Yang are at home. They are helping their parents. Su Hai is watering the flowers with her father in the garden. Her mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Su Yang is helping her. She is making a fruit salad.
  D Listen and write
  It is Sunday morning. The Browns all get up. They are doing the housework. Mike is cleaning the table in the dining room. Helen is making the bed in her bedroom. Tim is sweeping the floor in the living room. Mr and Mrs Brown are cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
  Test for Unit 6
  A Listen and circle
  1 My parents are in the kitchen.
  2 Tom is watching a football game.
  3 There is some bread on the table.
  4 I like meat and vegetables.
  5 The tomato soup is nice.
  6 The ladybirds drive the pests away.
  B Listen and match
  1 B: Are you cooking meat, Mum?
  W: No. I’m washing vegetables.
  2 W: How’s the meat, Taotao?
  B: It’s yummy!
  3 B1: Come and help me, Sam. I’m picking grapes.
  B2: OK, Bobby.
  4 B1: Look! These ladybirds are good.
  B2: Yes. They drive the pests away.
  C Listen and choose
  1 B: Helen, what are you doing?
  G: I’m watching a film.
  Q: Is Helen watching a film?
  2 G: Liu Tao, what are your parents doing?
  B: They’re cooking dinner.
  Q: Are Liu Tao’s parents in the living room?
  3 B: Is there any apple juice in the fridge, Mum?
  W: No, but there’s some orange juice.
  Q: Is there any orange juice in the fridge?
  4 B1: Look, Bobby. These ladybirds are good. They have seven spots.
  B2: Oh, I see. The bad ladybirds have ten spots.
  Q: How many spots do the good ladybirds have?
  5 B: Is Mike washing clothes?
  G: No, he isn’t. He’s washing the dishes.
  Q: What’s Mike doing?
  D Listen and write
  Liu Tao comes home from school. He is tired and hungry. His parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen. His mother is cooking some tomato soup. His father is washing some vegetables and fruit. He wants to make a salad. There is a bowl of meat on the table. It smells nice. Liu Tao cannot wait.
  Test for Unit 7
  A Listen and circle
  1 The boys are having a running race in the playground.
  2 I like the Dragon Boat Festival.
  3 People look at the moon at night with their families.
  4 Spring is a beautiful season.
  5 My brother does not like rice dumplings.
  6 We often get together at the Spring Festival.
  B Listen and number
  1 B&G: Happy Mother’s Day, Mum! We love you!
  W: Thank you! I love you too.
  2 M: What do people often do at the Double Ninth Festival?
  W: They often go climbing.
  3 M: When’s the Spring Festival?
  W: It’s in January or February.
  4 M: When’s Teachers’ Day?
  W: It’s in September.
  5 M: What do you like doing at the Mid-Autumn Festival?
  W: I like watching the Moon.
  6 M: Do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?
  W: Yes, I do. I like watching dragon boat races.
  C Listen and judge
  B: Yang Ling, what are you doing?
  G: I’m making rice dumplings. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.
  B: Wow, you’re so cool! When’s the Dragon Boat Festival?
  G: Next Monday. Can you make rice dumplings, Liu Tao?
  B: No, but I like eating rice dumplings.
  G: Let me show you how to make them.
  B: OK.
  D Listen and write
  There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  I like autumn best. Autumn comes in September, October and November. Autumn is cool and beautiful. We can see yellow and red leaves on the trees. We can eat a lot of fruit. We can climb mountains too.
  Test for Unit 8
  A Listen and circle
  1 Bobby is fighting with the pig.
  2 I do not know the password.
  3 Thank you so much.
  4 The classroom number is 512 (five one two).
  5 The cat sees me and runs away.
  6 Mary’s birthday is on the fifth of May.
  B Listen and match
  1 B: When’s your birthday, Su Yang?
  G: My birthday is on the eleventh of May.
  2 G: When’s your birthday, Mike?
  B: It’s on the eighth of April.
  3 B: When’s your grandpa’s birthday?
  G: His birthday is on the twenty-first of December.
  4 G: When’s your mother’s birthday?
  B: It’s on the sixth of March.
  C Listen and choose
  1 What day comes after Saturday?
  2 Which month is the second month of a year?
  3 When’s your brother’s birthday?
  4 What do the twins do on their birthday?
  5 Does Mike eat noodles on his birthday?
  D Listen and write
  It is the eleventh of May. It is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday. They are going to have a big dinner at home. Mr Su goes to buy some meat and vegetables. Mrs Su goes to buy some noodles and a cake. She also wants to buy two dresses for the twins. Su Hai and Su Yang are cleaning their home now. They are all busy but happy today.
  Final test
  C Listen and complete
  1 quack 2 trace 3 thief 4 drum 5 shadow 6 cheap
  D Listen and choose
  1 What are they doing?
  2 How’s the soup?
  3 What’s Tim looking for in the fridge?
  4 Does Liu Tao like the meat?
  5 Are Mike and Helen helping their parents in the kitchen?
  6 When’s the Spring Festival?
  E Listen and match
  1 B: When’s your birthday, Su Hai?
  G: My birthday is on the eleventh of May.
  2 I’m Jane. My birthday’s on the twenty-first of September.
  3 B: When’s your birthday, Sue?
  G: It’s on the third of August.
  4 My sister’s birthday is on the twenty-fifth of October.
  5 G: When’s Mike’s birthday?
  B: It’s on the eighth of April.
  6 G: When’s Andrew’s birthday?
  B: It’s on the twentieth of December.
  F Listen and judge
  Thanksgiving Day is an important holiday in the US. It is on the fourth Thursday of November. On that day, people give thanks to each other. They usually get together with their families and eat turkey for this holiday.
  G Listen and write
  Mrs Brown and Mike are washing the dishes in the kitchen. Mr Brown, Helen and Tim are watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there is a smash from the kitchen. Then, it is quiet. Helen looks at her father and says, “It was Mum.” “How did you know?” asks Mr Brown. “Because she didn’t say anything.”
  Answer key
  Unit 1
  Period 1
  A a4 b3 c2 d5 e1
  B 1 Cinderella 2 because 3 has to 4 try on 5 fairy
  C cannot, have, fairy, puts on, runs away, prince, try on, take, off, Finally
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1a 2b 3c 4c 5b
  C 1 have, has 2 go 3 are, try 4 like 5 studies
  D 1c 2a 3d 4e 5b
  E 1 wants, prince’s 2 has, good/great, time
  3 wants, on 4 look, Because, can’t, find 5 do, go, library
  F 1 Because his leg hurts. 2 They come to see Mike after school.
  3 They bring two storybooks for Mike. 4 Yes, he is.
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1F 2F 3T 4F
  C 1 tall, to, kite, dirty 2 red, desk, dirty 3 dress, draw
  D 1b 2c 3c 4a 5b
  E 1c 2b 3c 4b 5c
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1a 2b 3b 4a 5c
  C l reading, fairy, stories 2 would, bad, about
  D g, c, f, a, b
  E years, has, Why, What, How, Where, tries, library, find
  F 略
  Unit 2
  Period 1
  Yang Ling Liu Tao Su Hai Mike
  lives … d c a b
  goes to school ... 2 1 3 4
  B 1 near 2 on foot 3√ 4√ 5 near
  6 Sunshine 7 √ 8√
  C 1 She lives on Moon Street, near City Library.
  2 She goes to school on foot.
  3 Yes, he does.
  4 It is in Sunshine Town.
  5 Su Hai and Su Yang go to school by bus.
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1b 2a 3c 4b
  C 1 on foot 2 far from 3 by taxi
  4 do, Flower Town 5 does 6 Sun Street, near
  D 1e 2d 3a 4c 5b
  E 1 He is a bus driver.
  2 Yes, he is.
  3 The bus is full in the morning and evening.
  4 Because there are a lot of bikes, cars and buses in the streets.
  5 Yes, he does.
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1a 2a 3a 4c 5b
  C 1 Tracy, country, tree, truck, tries, transport
  2 draw, driver, drives
  bike, cool, rides, show, young
  E 1 F 2T 3F 4T 5T
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1T 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F
  C 1c 2b 3a 4b 5a 6c
  D f, e, g, b, a
  E 略
  Unit 3
  Period 1
  A a2 b1 c5 d4 e3
  B 1c 2a 3d 4b 5f 6e
  C gets on, gets off, walks along, turns right, bookshop, next to
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 2 5 4 7 1 6 3 8
  C 1 to, on 2 on, at, off 3 on
  4 along, at 5 from, for 6 in, by
  D 1 cinema 2 right 3 off 4 zoo 5 bookshop 6 hospital
  E C
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1a 2a 3a 4b 5b
  C 1 Shirley, shirts, shop, Shall, show 2 Sally, sell, see, school, Saturday
  D 1b 2c 3c 4a 5b
  E 1F 2F 3T 4F 5F
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1F 2T 3F 4F 5T
  C b f d a e c
  D 1 Library, way 2 get, to, Cinema, along, turn, right
  3 find, bookshop, asks, help 4 waits, for, comes, full
  5 Hospital, take, get, on, get, off
  E 略
  Unit 4
  Period 1
  A 1c 2b 3d 4a
  B 1 toothache 2 have a rest 3 brush our teeth
  4 should 5 put on 6 teeth
  C doctor, fever, have a rest, take some medicine, toothache, eat anything, dentist, eat too many sweets, brush his teeth
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1b 2a 3c 4b 5a
  C l eat 2 teeth 3 water 4 has 5 go 6 them 7 take 8 feel, feels
  D 1c 2d 3a 4e 5b
  E d a c e b g f h
  F 1F 2T 3T 4F 5F
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1b 2a 3a 4b 5b
  C 1 cherry, cheap, chips, cheese 2 shop, She, sheep, ship
  D 1b 2b 3c 4b 5a 6b
  E 1 He has a sore throat and a headache.
  2 He feels tired.
  3 He should take some medicine, have a good rest and drink a lot of water.
  4 He should take the medicine after breakfast and dinner.
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a
  C 1 toothache, medicine, brush, bedtime
  2 cold, fever, should, doctor
  D 1c 2b 3a
  E 略
  Unit 5
  Period 1
  A al b5 c4 d3 e2
  B 1 help 2 is cooking 3 playing, plays 4 swim 5 has, go
  C help, clean, sweeps, washes, cooks, do, gets, plays
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1b 2a 3a 4c 5b
  C l doing, making 2 watches, reading 3 having, running
  4 talking 5 washing
  D 1d 2c 3e 4b 5a
  E 1 is, cleaning, is, helping 2 out, is, coming
  3 good, at, cooking, cooking 4 tired, is, sleeping, sofa
  5 are, having, all, swimming
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1b 2a 3a 4c 5c
  C sleeping, morning, ringing, Ding-dong
  D 1 pests, eating, grapes 2 Where’s, What’s, watching
  E 1F 2F 3T 4T 5F
  Period 4
  A 略
  B morning, tea, work, eight, sitting, table, watching, working
  C 1c 2c 3b 4a 5a
  D classes, Monday, Friday, lessons, play, doing, reading, writing
  E 1 The bird is making the tweet. 2 The dog is making the bark.
  3 The sheep is making the baa. 4 Daddy is making the noise.
  5 He is sleeping.
  F 略
  Unit 6
  Period 1
  A 1e 2c 3d 4a 5b
  B 1a 2c 3b 4a 5a
  C evening, kitchen, soup, meat, smells, ready, yummy, likes
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T
  C 1 What is Mr Brown doing in the kitchen? 2 What is your father cooking?
  3 How is the fish? 4 No, she isn’t. 5 This meat is yummy.
  D 1e 2a 3d 4b 5c
  E 1 Are, parents, cooking, kitchen 2 Is, cooking, meat, potatoes
  3 like/love, tomatoes 4 How’s, vegetable, soup, yummy 5 Is, looking, for
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1c 2a 3c 4a 5b
  C queen, quite, quiet, question, quick, Quack
  D 1 playing, basketball, well, good
  2 smells, wait, knife, fork
  E 1 He usually eats with a knife and fork. 2 He uses the fork to eat.
  3 Yes, he does. 4 No, he doesn’t.
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1 fish 2 chicken, vegetables 3 wash, table 4 fridge
  C 1b 2c 3c 4a 5a
  D 1b 2b 3c 4c 5a 6b 7c 8a
  E 1T 2F 3T 4F 5F
  F 略
  Unit 7
  Period 1
  A a4 b1 c2 d3
  B 1T 2T 3F 4F
  When? What to do? What to eat?
  Spring Festival dget together withfamilies h
  b May or June g i
  a c look at the moon moon cakes
  Double NinthFestival e f rice cakes
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1a 2a 3a 4b
  C 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May
  6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October
  11 November 12 December
  D 1 May 2 September 3 (the) Spring Festival 4 moon cake
  E 1 at 2 Christmas 3 in 4 rice cakes 5 September or October
  F 1a 2b 3c 4c 5c 6a 7a
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1a 2a 3c 4b
  C thin, mouth, things, birthday
  D 1a 2a 3b 4c 5b
  E season, December, cold, snowmen, skating, fun, Christmas, parties, presents
  F 1 It is on the fourth Thursday of November.
  2 They eat roast turkeys, pumpkin pies and sweetcorn.
  3 They like watching football games on TV.
  4 They give thanks to them.
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1F 2T 3T 4F
  C 1 Festival 2 June 3 summer 4 rice, dumplings 5 October 6 together
  D b e d a c
  E Spring, Festival, at, festival, get, families, dinner, dumplings, from
  F 略
  Unit 8
  Period 1
  A 1F 2T 3T 4F
  B 1c 2c 3a 4c 5c
  C d a c g f b e
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1c 2b 3c 4c
  C 2 second, 2nd 3 third, 3rd 4 fourth, 4th
  5 fifth, 5th 6 sixth, 6th 7 seventh, 7th
  8 eighth, 8th 9 ninth, 9th 10 tenth, 10th
  11 twelfth, 12th 12 fifteenth, 15th 13 eighteenth, 18th
  14 twentieth, 20th 15 twenty-first, 21st
  16 twenty-second, 22nd 17 twenty-third, 23rd
  D 1 the first of June 2 the tenth of September
  3 the thirty-first of October 4 the third Sunday of June
  E 1 noodles, cake 2 first 3 third 4 twelfth 5 party 6 second
  F 1F 2F 3T 4F
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 c, f 2 a, e 3 b, d
  C 1 birthday, teeth, eleventh, anything, thank, mouth
  2 there, father, those, clothes, together, they
  D 1 ninth 2 in, on 3 are having 4 do, have, go
  E 1c 2c 3b 4c 5c
  F 略
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1T 2F 3F 4T 5F
  C 1 fifth, March 2 film 3 first 4 noodles 5 card
  D 1a 2c 3b 4c 5c 6a
  E eighth, October, birthday, on, Saturday, lessons, come, love/like
  F 略
  Test for Unit 1
  A 1c 2c 3a 4a 5c
  B 1b 2a 3a 4b 5a
  C 1 2 3 4
  D 1 put, on, does 2 When, have, to
  3 Whose, try, on 4 Why, take, off
  E 1 go, to, the, party 2 helps, her
  3 good/great, time 4 new, clothes
  F 1 visits, finds 2 fit 3 come, us 4 Is, any
  5 put 6 Mike’s, stories 7 puts, try
  G 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 c 10 c
  H 1c 2f 3d 4e 5a 6b
  I 1 What, do, like, rabbits, Why, they’re
  2 What, at, watches, Why, like
  3 Is, at, isn’t, What’s, has
  J 1a 2b 3c 4b 5a
  K 1F 2F 3F 4T 5T
  L 略
  Test for Unit 2
  A a4 b6 c2 d7 e3 f5 g1 h8
  B 1b 2b 3a 4b 5a 6a
  C 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T
  D worker, cars, six, near, home, breakfast, work, usually, metro, bus
  E 1 in 2 at 3 for 4 behind 5 to
  F 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 c 10 a
  G 1 Where, tigers, live, in 2 How, go, to, by, train
  3 does, uncle, work, works, ship
  H 1 How do the twins go to the snack bar?
  2 Bobby wants to show his bike to his friends.
  3 We usually visit her at weekends.
  4 Do they live near the park?
  5 My e-friend goes to Wuhan by ship.
  I 1 is, is, lake, Why, have
  2 Where, birds, live, like, singing
  3 How, on, foot, What’s, are
  J 1 They live in (a big house in) Hangzhou.
  2 No, they don’t.
  3 They come to Hangzhou by train.
  4 They often have the weekend in the park.
  5 They like riding bikes in the park.
  K three, afternoon, and, basketball, match, by, bike, Mike’s, by, taxi
  L 略
  Test for Unit 3
  A 1c 2a 3b 4a 5a 6c
  B a5 b3 c2 d6 e1 f4
  C 1b 2b 3a 4a
  D goes, metro, gets, off, walks, Street, right, next, bookshop
  E 1 cinema 2 far, from 3 wait, stop
  4 shop 5 hospital 6 zoo
  F 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 a
  G 1 is good at 2 take a taxi 3 Go along 4 show, around
  5 lives in 6 are bad for 7 gets to 8 traffic lights
  H 1e 2b 3d 4c 5a
  I 1 Where, I’m, zoo, go, for 2 What, get, six, How, bus
  3 get, right, park, on, Thank
  J c, e, b, d, a
  K 1a 2c 3c 4b 5a 6c 7a 8b
  L 略
  Test for Unit 4
  A 1c 2d 3e 4b 5a
  B 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a
  C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  D likes, eating, Sometimes, toothache, teeth, eat, rice, warm, water, too, many, morning
  E 1 try, train, trip 2 chair, peach, chat
  3 dress, drink, driver 4 wash, shoe, show
  F 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b 9 a 10 c
  G 1 feel, hot, open, window 2 have, a, cold, drink, warm, water
  3 His, teeth, eat, anything
  H 1 Don’t, any 2 How, does, go 3 you, live, we 4 Why, sad
  I 1 with, have, see, OK 2 has, What, do, rest
  3 can’t, wrong, Take, care 4 are, fine/OK, you, can
  J 1T 2F 3T 4T 5F
  K 1 He comes from the US.
  2 No, he doesn’t.
  3 A policewoman shows him the way.
  4 He has a cold and a high fever.
  5 He should take some medicine and have a rest in bed.
  L 略
  Mid-term test
  A 略
  B 略
  C 1a 2b 3b 4a 5a 6c
  D 1 2 3 4 5 6
  E 1b 2c 3c 4a 5c
  F 1T 2F 3T 4F 5T
  G clothes, prince’s, helps, great, shoe, girls, puts, well
  H 1 tries 2 teeth 3 shouldn’t 4 feet 5 can’t 6 does
  I 1 puts, likes 2 feels, having 3 has, riding 4 drink, have
  5 lives, goes
  J 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 a
  K to, along, on, at, off, at, on, next to
  L 1 have, to 2 reading, stories, watching, films
  3 live, on, by, bike 4 Why, go, to, with, basketball, match
  5 likes, sitting, in, mother’s
  M 1b 2a 3b 4c 5b
  N 略
  Test for Unit 5
  A a8 b3 c4 d7 e1 f6 95 h2
  B 1b 2a 3b 4a 5c
  C 1T 2F 3F 4T
  D morning, get, cleaning, bed, bedroom, sweeping, living, breakfast
  E 1 read 2 evening 3 get 4 skirt 5 look
  F 1 watching, reading 2 fly 3 is, sleeping
  4 does, go, goes 5 are, swimming 6 drawing, draws
  G 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 c
  H 1 sweeping, the, floor 2 Look, out
  3 have, to 4 asking, the, way
  I 1e 2c 3a 4b 5d
  J 1 matter, hot, water, doing, drawing, dress
  2 boys, playing, girls, skating, Can, skate
  K 1a 2c 3c 4c 5b
  L 略
  Test for Unit 6
  A 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5a 6 c
  B 1b 2c 3a 4d
  C 1a 2b 3a 4b 5c
  D school, tired, hungry, tomato, vegetables, fruit, salad, meat, nice, wait
  E 1 cooking 2 any, some 3 How’s 4 looks, smells
  F 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 b
  G 1 bread, juice 2 ready, sweet 3 How’s, bad 4 drinking, teeth
  H 1d 2h 3f 4e 5c 6i 7a 8j 9g 10b
  I 1 puts, on, coat 2 walking, along/on, street
  3 loves/likes, eating, apples 4 in, her, garden
  J any, milk, juice, bread, fruit, apples, bananas, oranges
  K 1F 2F 3T 4F 5T
  L 略
  Test for Unit 7
  A 1c 2b 3a 4c 5b 6a
  B a2 b3 c5 d6 e1 f4
  C 1T 2F 3F 4F 5T
  D summer, winter, September, October, beautiful, trees, fruit, climb
  E Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.
  F 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 c 9 b 10 c
  G 1 c, moon cakes 2 a, rice cakes 3 b, dumplings 4 d, rice dumplings
  H Sitting in the tree, Singing to me, I’m happy
  I When, book, likes, idea, film
  J 略
  K 1c 2b 3b 4a 5c
  L 略
  Test for Unit 8
  A 1c 2c 3b 4b 5a 6b
  B 1b 2a 3d 4c
  C 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c
  D birthday, dinner, meat, vegetables, noodles, cake, dresses, cleaning, home, busy
  E 1 morning, spring 2 quiet, quick
  3 these, that 4 three, mouth
  F 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 c
  G 1d 2b 3f 4e 5c 6a
  H 1 the, first, of, April 2 July, and, August
  3 playing, some, games 4 can, answer
  I 1 is making 2 the third 3 open
  4 birthdays 5 crying/to cry
  J 1 twelfth, March, for, flowers 2 easy, good, at, tigers
  K 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 c
  L 略
  Final test
  A 略
  B 略
  C 1 qu 2 tr 3 th 4 dr 5 sh 6 ch
  D 1a 2b 3c 4b 5a 6c
  E 1a 2e 3f 4c 5b 6d
  F 1F 2F 3T 4T
  G washing, dishes, watching, TV, living, kitchen, Mum, Because
  H 1 January, February 2 May, June
  3 September, October 4 March, April 5 twenty-fifth, December
  I 1b 2a 3e 4 d 5c
  J 1 Are, sweeping 2 opens, goes 3 Is, any
  4 am cooking, cook 5 Mother’s, mothers
  K 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 b 10 c
  L 1 at, get, their, families
  2 have, party, cake, play, games
  M 1a 2a 3b 4c 5b
  N 略
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/659867.html
