

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

(滿分100分 時間60分鐘)
()1. A. houseB. mouse
()2. A. nearB. new
()3. A. lessonB. listen
()4. A. workB. world
()5. A. dressB. chess
()6. A. rectangleB. triangle
()7. A. chicken B. kitchen
()8. A. play the pianoB. play the violin
()9. A. do houseworkB. do homework
()10. A. in classB. after class

()1. A. Yes, there are.B. Yes, there is.C. No, there isn’t.
( )2. A. Here you are.B. Fifty yuan.C. A mask, please.
()3. A. It’s a ball. B. It’s under the bed.C. It’s a circle.
()4. A. They have some tents.
B. She has a tent.
C. He has a tent.
()5. A. I’m going to the park.
B. He is going to the park.
C. I like going to the park.

四、根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容,完成短文。 (聽三遍) (10分)
It’s Sunday . Nancy and her family are .
Mum is a cake. Dad is reading a . Nancy is homework. But David is still in .

五、選詞, 將相應(yīng)的英文字母填在橫線上。(6分)
A. a pumpkin lantern B. each other C. camping site
D. forget to write E. the first day F. having a Music lesson
1. It’s ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ of the new term.
2. The children are at a .They are having a camping trip.
3. They would like to buy for a Halloween party.
4. Don’t ‘Happy New Year’ on the card.
5. We should help at school.
6. The students are in the music room.

1. ?Shall we (學(xué)這首歌)? ?All right.
2. Show us how to draw a star (在紙上).
3. Where’s the umbrella? It’s (在門后面).
4. There’s (一間大書房) in the new house.
5. Let’s go and (尋找) Wang Bing.
6. They (住在) a new house.
7. My parents don’t work (在晚上).
8. (所有的學(xué)生) are back at school.
9. The children are (在小山附近).

七、 (10分)
()1. Are there chairs in the sitting-room?
A. someB. anyC. a
()2. I like and . ’’’’’’’’
A. running, jumpingB. runing, jumpingC. running, jumpping
()3. I can play basketball, but I can’t play violin.
A. the, theB. the, /C. /, the
()4. Mike a tin of fish and they a telescope.
A. have, hasB. has, hasC. has, have
()5.New Year’s Day is coming. They would like some cards.
A. to buy B. buyC. buying
()6.Helen likes but David likes .
A. cakes, piesB. cake, pieC. cake, pies
()7. There two chairs and a bed in the bedroom.
A. isB. are C. be
()8. Can you come and help my Maths?
A. I withB. me ofC. me with
()9. Classes over. Yang Ling going back home.
A. are, isB. is, isC. is, are
()10. I’ll and join after school.
A. go, theyB. going, themC. go, them

八、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式。 (5分)
1. ?What can you (do)? ?I can (play) the guitar.
2. Come and show us how (fly) a kite.
3. ?What do you like? ?I like (swim).
4. ?What (do) Helen have? ?She (have) a chair.
5. The (child) have a lot of things.
6. They (show)their things to their teacher now.
7. (be) there a blackboard in the classroom?
8. He (not have) a lot of books.不變

九、 從B欄中找出與A欄相對應(yīng)的句子。(10分)
()1. Where are you going? A. I can see a slide.
()2. What does he have?B. All right.
()3. Let’s go and join them. C. Yes, he can.
()4. Do you like horses?D. Yes, there are.
()5. What do they need? E. I’m going to the library.
()6. What can you see in the park?F. No, I don’t.
()7. Are there any pictures on the wall?G. No, there isn’t.
()8. Can he fly a kite? H. They need some vases.
( ) 9. What’s Liu Tao doing?I. He has a tin-opener.
( ) 10. Is there a garden?J. He’s playing football.

十、 根據(jù)提示,完成句子。(10分)
1. —大樓里有多少間閱覽室?—我不知道。
reading rooms there in the building? I don’t .
2. 這個風(fēng)箏是什么形狀的?是個星形。
is the kite? It’s a .
6. 你能來教我英語嗎?
Can you and help me my ?

1. teaching, Miss Li, students, is, her, shapes, about (.)(連詞成句)

2. She can draw a circle. (一般疑問句 )
she a circle?
3. I like tigers.(對劃線部分提問)
do you ?
4. We need some blankets.(否定句)
We need blankets.
5. He has a box of chocolates.(對劃線部分提問)
What he ?

十二、 理解 (10分)
A. 短文,選擇正確答案。
Mr and Mrs Smith have two sons and a daughter. They have a new house in the town. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a sitting-room, a dining-room and a kitchen in their house. There’s a football field(足球場)in front of the house and a beautiful garden behind the house. They also have two cars. Mr Smith is a doctor and Mrs Smith is an English teacher. Mr Smith often works on Saturdays and Sundays. They need a lot of money for the big family.
()1. How many people are there in the family?
A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.
()2. The garden is the house.
A. behindB. nearC. in
()3. How many rooms are there in the house?
A. Nine.B. Ten.C. Eleven.
()4. Does Mr Smith work on Saturdays and Sundays?
A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.
()5. Is their family big?
A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is.C. I don’t know.

B. 閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。
It’s Sunday morning. Nancy is having a birthday party at home. There are a lot of friends in her house. Mum is busy. She’s cooking delicious(美食)food in the kitchen. Dad is not at home. He is buying a present for Nancy. Jim, Jack and Sue are singing in the sitting-room. Helen is watching TV with Nancy. How happy they are!
()1. The children are in Nancy’s house.
()2. Dad is making a cake in the kitchen.
()3. Jack is singing with Jim and Sue in the sitting-room.
()4. It’s Saturday morning.
()5. Nancy is not watching TV.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/65987.html

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