

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
Unit 1 How tall are you?
Part A
Ⅰ. Read and choose.(讀一讀,選一選。)
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D
Ⅱ. Find friends.(找朋友,連線。)
1—B 2—D 3—E 4—A 5—C
Ⅲ. Read and answer.(讀一讀,根據(jù)自己的實(shí)際情況回答問題。) I’m 1.52 metres/ 1.48 metres/.... He is 1.72 metres/1,65metres/... Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. I’m twelve/thirteen years old. Zhang Peng/…(某個(gè)同學(xué)的名字).

Ⅳ.Read and write.(讀一讀,寫出下列單詞的正確形式。)
1. short 2. tallest 3. old 4. shorter 5. short 6. older 7. big 8/ smaller
Ⅴ.Read and circle.(讀一讀,圈一圈。)
1. longer 2. taller 3. bigger 4. How 5. Who
Ⅵ.Look and write.(看圖,完成句子。)
1. taller/older, shorter/younger 2. taller, shorter 3. shorter, longer
Ⅶ.Think and ask. (想一想,根據(jù)答語(yǔ)寫出相應(yīng)的問句。)

How tall is Zhang Peng? How old is your best friend? Who is older, Giraffes. How old are you?

Ⅷ.Read and judge. (讀一讀,判斷正“T”誤“F”。)
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
Ⅸ.Writing. (根據(jù)所給信息,寫一寫。)
Zhang Peng is older than Wu Yifan, but Wu Yifan is taller than Zhang Peng. And John is shorter than Zhang Peng, too. John is the shortest of the three. Wu Yifan is as old as John. Zhang Peng is the oldest.
Part B
Ⅰ. Read and choose.(讀一讀,選一選。)
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A
Ⅱ. Read the dialogue above again and finish the passage. (再讀上面的對(duì)話,完成短文。)
1. 38 2. 37 3. Jim 4. John 5. heavier 6. 48 7. 46
Ⅲ. Find friends.(找朋友,連線。)
1—B 2—C 3—D 4—E 5—A
Ⅳ.Read and fill in the blanks. (讀一讀,填入所缺的單詞。)
1. How tall 2. taller 3. What 4. How heavy 5. Who
Ⅴ. Read and circle.(讀一讀,圈一圈。)
1. bigger 2. heavy 3. thinner 4. smaller 5. stronger
Ⅵ. Look and write.(看圖,完成句子。)
1. bigger/ stronger/ heavier/ taller 2. smaller/ thinner/ shorter
Ⅶ. Think and ask. (想一想,根據(jù)答語(yǔ)寫出相應(yīng)的問句。)

How heavy are you? 2. How old is Amy? How tall are you? 4. What size are your shoes?

5. Who is heavier than you?
Ⅷ. Unscramble the sentences. (連詞成句。)

It’s taller than both of us together. They are all so big and tall. In China I wear size 38 shoes. You are older than me. Who is heavier than you? Whose shoes are bigger? He is smarter than me.

Ⅸ. Write the comparatives. (寫出下列單詞的比較級(jí)形式,然后總結(jié)方法。)
(A)1. older younger shorter smaller
2. bigger thinner hotter fatter
3. heavier funnier angrier happier
1. 一般情況下詞尾直接加er.
2. 以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾,且末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母的單詞,要雙寫該輔音字母,再加er.
3. 以輔音字母加y為結(jié)尾的單詞,要變y為i,再加er。
Part C 綜合練習(xí)
Ⅰ. Read and write. (讀一讀,寫出比較級(jí)的反義詞。)
1. shorter 2. thinner 3. younger
Ⅱ. Choose the best answers. (選擇正確答案。)
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C
Ⅲ. Do a survey. (查閱資料,寫一寫。)

There were about 150 kinds of dinosaurs in the word. Some eat meat. And some eat plants.

Ⅳ.Read and answer. (讀一讀,回答問題。)

He is 86 kilograms. He is 1.9 metres. Mr Zebra. Mr Giraffe. Mr Hippo. Because he is almost bigger than the goal! He is an excellent goalkeeper.

Ⅴ. Read and answer. (讀一讀,回答問題。)

Answer the questions. (回答問題。) He is 1.8 metres. She is 43 years old. She is 30 kilograms. Alice. Alice’s father is the tallest. Think and write. (想一想,寫一寫。)

… Her mother is 1.62 metres. Alice is taller than her brother. Alice’s father is 45. Her father is 43. Her father is older than her mother. Alice is older than his brother. Alice’s father is 90 kilograms. He is very strong. Her mother is 55 kilograms. She is heavier than Alice. Alice is heavier than her brother. Her brother is the thinnest in her family.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/659968.html
