

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

明思教育5B期中復(fù)習(xí)卷 .3.30
1、the first lesson _______ 2、take some medicine _____
3、at once _________ 4、open your mouth ______
5、have a lot of rest _____ 6、在星期一_________
7、八門學(xué)科 ________ 8、重感冒__________
9、呆在床上 ________ 10、感到冷_______
( )1. We have nine ____ this term.
A. subjectB. lessonsC. subjects
( )2. ____ do you feel now?
A. How aboutB. HowC. What about
( )3. We have three lessons ____ the morning.
A. inB. onC. at
( )4. ------I’ve got a fever. ------________.
A. Thank you.B. Great!
C. I’m sorry to hear that.
( )5. ------I like PE very much. ____
------ I like Art.
A. It’s interesting.B. How about you?C. Me, too.
( )6. ------Hello! May I speak to Nancy?
A. Yes, speaking. B. Yes, I am Nancy.C. No, I’m not Nancy.
( )7. We don’t have ____ lessons today.
A. aB. anyC. some
( )8. It is ____ Monday morning.
A. onB. atC. inD. /
( )9. My father works ____ Monday to Friday.
A. onB. inC. fromD. at
( )10. What’s wrong with ____? He’s got a headache.
A. heB. herC. him

1. It’s Sunday today. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
____ ____ is it today?
2. I feel tired now.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)
feel now?
3. sorry, that ,I , hear , to , am ( .) (連詞成句)
4.We like English and Maths. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
____ ____ do you like?
5.There is a bike under the tree.(改為復(fù)數(shù)形式)
There ____ some ____ under the tree.
1. Mike ______(have) a Chinese lesson now.
2. I have seven ______(lesson) every day.
3. Su Yang calls ______ (she) after breakfast.
4. Yang Ling ______(have) got a stomachache.
5. What subjects ______ he ______(have) at school?
6.This is Helen ______(speak).
7.I like ____(play)football and I can ___(play)well.
8.How many ______(lesson)do you have a week?

I .
I can a you.
2、What’s wrong with you?= with you?
I .
I’m to .
Why you today?
He today.
7、I’ve got = He’s got = She’s got=

1)請(qǐng)問你是誰(shuí)?Who ?
2)你是海倫嗎? Helen?
3)我可以和海倫通話嗎? Helen.
4)我是海倫 Helen. = Helen .
With ? a .
10、他們?cè)趺戳耍?With ?
她怎么了? With ?
我們?cè)趺戳耍?With ?
你怎么了? With ?
我怎么了? With ?

1. nice (近義詞) __________ 2right(反義詞)__________
3. don’t (完全形式) __________ 4 are not (縮寫形式) __________
5. take (現(xiàn)在分詞)__________ 6. do (第三人稱單數(shù)) __________
7. hobbies (單數(shù)) __________ 8. aunt (對(duì)應(yīng)詞) __________
( ) 1. Show ______ his stamps, please.
A. meB. myC. I
( ) 2. Liu Ying ______ after her dog ______.
A. looks, careful B. looks, carefully C. look,carefully
( ) 3. My sister ______ collecting stamps.
A. like B. likes C. liking
( ) 4. His hobby is ______ football.
A. playing B. play C. plays
( ) 5. Do you have ______ ? Yes, I do.
A. some hobbies B. any hobbies C. any hobbys
( ) 6. Do you like cooking, Yang Ling? ______.
A. Yes, she does B. No, I do C. No, I don’t
( ) 7. ______ your uncle have the same hobby? Yes, he ______.
A. Do, does B. Does, does C. Is, is
( ) 8. Can you make a dress for ______ sister?
A. Helens B. Helen’sC. Helen
( ) 9. My friend ______ animal stamp.
A. has an B. has aC. have an
( ) 10. I am reading ______ story.
A. interestingB. a interestingC. an interesting
( ) 11. He likes taking ______.
A. photoesB. photosC. photo
( ) 12. ______ you make a dress for my doll? Yes, I can.
A. What B. Do C. Can
( ) 13. Do you like keeping ______? No, I don’t.
A. goldfishB. goldfishsC. a goldfish

( ) 14. Show us these flowers, please. ______.
A. Here you are B. Yes, I do C. No, thank you
( ) 15. What are you ______ there? I’m making clothes.
A. doB. does C. doing
( ) 16. _______ I make dress for my doll.
A. Sometime B.Sometimes C.Some times
( ) 17.Ann’s hobbies _____ going shopping and taking photos.
A. is B. are C. have
( ) 18.These are ______ books.
A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucy’s C. Lily’s and Lucy
( ) 19.That’s ____ basketball. I like play _____ basketball
. A.a, the B. the,/ C. a,/
( ) 20.Wang Ling ____ many beautiful photos.
A has B. have C. collects
1. I have many uncles. How many uncles _______ (do) he have?
2. What lessons _______ (do) they have on Monday morning?
3. My little sister _______ (not) like going shopping. She _______(like)staying at home.
4. Mike’s sister _______ (cook) nice food. I _______ (make) beautiful clothes.
5. Can your mother _______ (make) clothes? No, she can’t. But she can _______ (grow) flowers.
6. My parents _______ (get) up at 6:30, my sister _______ (get) up at 6:40. I _______ (get) up at about
6:00 every day.
7. Look! _______ your father _______ ( make) model ships over there? Yes, he is.

1. 我認(rèn)為這些動(dòng)物郵票很漂亮。
I _______ these animal stamps _______ beautiful.
2. 她煮得一手好菜,種的花也漂亮。
She _______ nice food and _______ beautiful flowers.
3. 瑪麗正給她的好朋友們看她的新書包。
Mary is _______ her new bag _______ her good _______.
4. 你有什么愛好嗎,杰克?是的,我喜歡制作模型輪船。
Do you have _______ _______, Jack? Yes, I do. I like _______ _______ _______.
5. 你在那兒干什么? What _______ you _______ there?

1. Susan likes growing flower(改為否定句)____________________________________

2. Does Liu Tao like collecting coins?(改為肯定句)____________________________________

3. Mike likes dancing.(改為一般疑問句,并作否定回答___________________________________

4. I’m making model ships.(就劃線部分提問)____________________________________

5. Tom is in the garden.(就劃線部分提問) ____________________________________

6. Mike’s hobby is collecting stamps.(就劃線部分提問)_________________________________

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/66817.html

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