
Project1 My puppy教案(新譯林小學英語3B)

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Project1 My puppy
教學目標1. 通過思考、討論、交流和合作,制作一只可愛的小狗玩偶,用于綜合運用Unit 1-4所學的語言知識和語言技能。
2. 利用所制作的小狗玩偶,綜合運用Unit 1-4的關于祈使句、規(guī)則指令、位置以及物主詢問的句型,并能進行熟練地回答。
3. 能熟練掌握、會拼寫Unit1-4的四會單詞:open, close, door, window, book, in, run, eat, talk, milk, pen, pencil, ruler, where, bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair

Step 1. Greetings
Step2. Making the puppy
Step 3. Free talk ( Show the puppy)
1. What’s this?
It’s a…
What colour is…?
Look at …
It’s nice/ great/ beautiful.
2. Learn: puppy
Look, is this a puppy?
New word: puppy compare: puppet puppy
Step 4. Presentation( Visit Ann)
1.T: (出示小布偶)Boys and girls, we have a friend today. Her name is Ann. Let’s say hello to her.
Ss: Hello, Anna.
Anna: Would you like to come to my home?
T: Let’s go to Anna’s home, OK?
Ss: Great!
T: Look, Anna’s house is so big. There are many things in the house. Let’s see what they are.
T: What’s this?
S: It’s a window. It’s nice.
Anna: Thank you.
T: What’s that?
S: It’s a book.
T: Where’s the book?
S: It’s on the desk.
. . . . . .
T: What’s this?
S: It’s a . . .
T: Where’s the . . .?
S: It’s . . .
S: The . . . is . . .
5. Anna: Oh, where’s my puppy?
T: What’s a puppy? A puppy is a small dog. Where’s Anna’s puppy?
Ss: It’s behind the door.
Step 5. Play a game
1.T: Do you have puppies? Show me your puppies.
T: Is this your puppy?
S: Yes, it is.
T: What‘s its name?
S: It’s Joe.
T: Run, Joe.
T: Sit under the desk.
板書設計 Project 1  My puppy
A: Where’s…? B: It’s in/ on/ under/ behind…

教學目標1. 通過思考、討論、交流和合作,制作一只可愛的小狗玩偶,用于綜合運用Unit 1-4所學的語言知識和語言技能。
2. 利用所制作的小狗玩偶,綜合運用Unit 1-4的關于祈使句、規(guī)則指令、位置以及物主詢問的句型,并能進行熟練地回答。
3. 能熟練掌握、會拼寫Unit1-4的四會單詞:open, close, door, window, book, in, run, eat, talk, milk, pen, pencil, ruler, where, bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair
Step 1. Greeting
Step 2. Presentation
Task 1. P-Spelling(四會單詞)
1. Look ,read and try to spell the words:
door, window, book, run, eat, talk, milk, pencil, pen, ruler, bird, chair, desk,
2. Listen and try to spell: in, on, under, behind, where, open, close, the
Task 2. R-Reading (指令)
Please open the book.
Listen to the parrot.
Don’t sit down.
Don’t run in the library.
Eat an egg and drink the milk, please.
Task 3. D-Dialogues (介詞、物主、具)
1.Pair work and act.( 看圖片,通過圖片信息進行具已經(jīng)句型的操練)
Is this your…, Su Hai?
Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
2.Look, guess and pair work (采用圖片與圖片一一對應的方式,進行對話。操練介詞)
Where’s the/ my…?
It’s in/ on/ under/ behind…
Match and say.
Well done! Now, I can find my puppy. Look at the picture. Where’s my puppy? (P30A)
Step 3. Show time
Take your puppy to a puppy show.
A.In the library: Don’t shout/ talk/ run/ sleep/ eat…
B.In the classroom: Hello, I’m … This is my puppy. It’s brown…
C.At the KFC: Open the door./ Sit down/ Don’t sit on the desk./ Don’t eat/ drink…
Work in four then act
板書設計Project 1 My puppy
A: Where’s…? B: It’s in/ on/ under/ behind…
A: Don’t… B: OK/ I’m sorry.
Open/ Close…
A: Is this/ that…? B: Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
作業(yè)設計1. 聽錄音,跟讀Unit 1-4以及書后單詞2遍。
2. 抄寫Unit 1-4單詞一遍,默寫一遍。

教學目標1. 能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分內容進行表達。
2. 能綜合運用本單元學到的單詞和句型談論自己身邊事物的位置。
3. 能初步把自己表達的內容在老師的幫助下寫下來。
教學重點能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分內容進行表達。
教學難點能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分內容進行表達。
Warm up
Cartoon time
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello.
T: How are you today?
S: Fine, thanks.
T: Boys and girls, today let’s play a game. It’s called hide-and-seek.
T: Who wants to hide first?
1. Watch the cartoon
T: Boys and girls, do you like this game?

T: Well, we have two friends. They like this game, too. (PPT顯示cartoon time P1) Look, who are they?
S: They are Bobby and Sam.
T:Yes.Theyareplaying hide-and-seek, too. Bobby hides and Sam seeks, right? So where is Bobby? Let’s watch the cartoon. (播放動畫)
watch the cartoon
T: (停在最后一個畫面) So where is Bobby now?
S: It’s on the table.
T: Who wins? 誰贏了呢?
S: Sam.
2. Read and say
T: Yes. Sam wins. Now please open your books and read this story. It’s on your book, Page … When you are reading, try to remember what they say.
(cartoon time部分,記一記每一幅圖中的對話)
(學生Cartoon time)
T: Now close your books. (PPT逐圖顯示) Who can be Sam/Bobby?
T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意語氣哦!)
3. Do the dubbing
T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你們能為這個故事配音嗎?
4. Act the dialogue
T: Sam wins. So, it’s Bobby’s turn to seek Sam. What happens now? Can you imagine their words and act it out?

1. Talk about the things in the classroom
T: Boys and girls, you’ve learnt very well in Unit 4. Let’s see if you can use them very well. It’s time to talk about some real things, like the things in this classroom.
小組內互相問答,并請2至3個同學做老師向全班提問, 老師再總結成陳述句
T: What can you see here?
T: Well, let’s talk about the things her, OK? Here’s what you can say. (PPT顯示句子)
2. Write about the things in the classroom
T: Now it’s time to write about the things in the classroom. Here I have three examples. Try to finish them now.
T: Now it’s your turn to write. If you need any help, just put up your hands, and I will help you with the spelling.
板書設計Unit 4 Where’s the bird?
Here you are.
作業(yè)設計1. 讀Cartoon time對話5遍。
2. 如果Ticking time沒有達到3顆星要求,有針對性的進行改進練習。
3. 和會說英語的家人或朋友談一談身邊物品的位置,試試寫下來。(不會拼的單詞查字典

教學目標1. 能熟練運用Where’s the…? It’s on/in/under/behind the…句型進行對話
2. 能聽懂會說正確發(fā)音/d/
3. 能唱歌曲where’s the bird?
教學重點1. 能根據(jù)標志完成句子。
2. 會唱歌曲Don’t talk, Tom!
3. 能閱讀理解Cartoon time部分內容,感知其中的趣味性。
教學難點1. 在唱歌時注意唱好Don’t talk. want to sleep, want to talk.
2. 能模仿Cartoon time的情景,進行生動地表演。

Sing a song

Check out time

Sound time

Check out time

good morning. Good morning.
Look, what’s this? It’s a ….
Is this your …? Yes/No
Where’s the …? It’s on/in/under/behind the…
2. 分角色表演cartoon time
Teach the lyrics
Paly the radio,Ss learn to sing the song
Sina after the record

3.ask and answer
Look, what’s this? It’s a ….
Where’s the …? It’s on/in/under/behind the…

1.教師示范朗讀,學生跟讀并體會字母d 在單詞中的發(fā)音
板書設計Unit 4 Where’s the bird?
d /d/ desk bed stand blackboard red
作業(yè)設計1. g聽錄音跟讀sound time
2. 唱一唱歌曲。
3. 抄寫四會單詞中英四遍并背誦

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/78014.html

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