
四年級(jí)英語第三冊(cè)Module 5知識(shí)點(diǎn)及單元測(cè)試題(外研社)

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

4年級(jí)M5 Do you want some rice?知識(shí)梳理
一.詞匯寶典: ☆☆☆☆☆
1)Food : rice , noodles , fish, meat , dumplings, cake , milk , peanuts sweets .
2) Chinese , fast food, want, some , make , nice , chopsticks ,difficult ,cook ,vegetable , love
二.句型掃描: ☆☆☆☆☆
1)能說、能用Do you want some ……? Yes , please / No , thank you .
2)能用學(xué)過的Have you got …… ? Yes , I have . / No , I haven’t .
能用學(xué)過的What are you doing ? I’m cooking ……
三.智慧樂園: ☆☆☆☆☆

英國(guó)人十分注重餐桌禮儀。就算是小孩子,也要知道怎樣用刀(knife)叉(fork)還有勺子(spoon)。英國(guó)人通常都借助餐具來吃東西,不需要用到刀叉或湯匙的食物包括:漢堡(hamburger),三明治(sandwitch),薯?xiàng)l(chips),玉米棒(sweet corn)和水果(fruits)等。
2. 使用刀叉進(jìn)餐時(shí),從外側(cè)往內(nèi)側(cè)取用刀叉,要左手持叉,右手持刀。
3. 用過的刀、叉,必須放回盤子里,不能放在餐桌巾上。
4. 如果您不喜歡遞過來的菜肴時(shí),只要說"No, thank you."即可。
5. 咀嚼食物,一定要避免出聲

你學(xué)會(huì)了嗎? 連線看看下圖食物用什么來吃呢?

hands chopsticks knife and fork spoon

小學(xué)英語四年級(jí)第三冊(cè)Module 5單元測(cè)試題

A )聽音,選出你所聽到的單詞。
( )1.A . take B. make C. cake
( )2.A . nice B. rice C. mice
( )3.A . look B. cook C. took
( )4.A . winnerB. write C. want
( )5.A . love B. like C. lake

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )1.A. What is he doing ? B . What are you doing ?
(。2.A. Have you got chopsticks ?B . Have you tot fast food ?
(。3.A. He’s making noodles . B . He’s making a cake .
(。4.A. I love vegetables . B . I love dumplings .
(。5.A. Do you want some sweets ?B . Do you want some milk?
(。.A. No, thank you. B. No, I don’t .
(。2.A. Yes , please . B. I’m cooking vegetables .
(。3.A. No , we don’t . B. No , we haven’t .
(。4.A. He’s listening to music . B . She’s watching TV .
(。5.A. They are playing chess . B. We are doing taijiquan.
今天是周末,Lingling and Daming 受Amy的邀請(qǐng)到她家做客。在餐桌上:

A. love B.thank you C. want D.cakes E.please

Ms Smart : Lunch is ready , children ! Do you ______ some fish ,Lingling ?
Lingling : Yes , ______ . I ______ fish .
Ms Smart: Do you want some ______ , Daming ?
Daming : No , ________ . I don’t like cakes .
Amy : Mum , I love cakes . Pass me some , please .
Ms Smart : Here you are .
Amy : Thank you .


soup noodles fish rice dumplings

look at 正在做面條
fast food 看這兒
making noodles 快餐
cooking vegetables 用筷子很難
chopsticks are difficult 正在做菜

1)______you want some fish? ---No, thank you
A. Are B. Do C.Is
2)--Have you got chopsticks? ---Yes, I ______
A.haven’t B.have C.don’t
3)—What are you doing? I’m_____ some soup
A.making B.make C.playing
4)_____ are chinese fastfood.
A.hamburgers B.dumplings C.soup
5)Amy and Sam _______got chopsticks in England.
A.have B.haven’t C.are

(1)------What are you doing? _________
(2)-----Have you got a book? _________
(3)----Do you want some noodles? _________
(4)----What’s this? _________
(5)-----What is he doing? _________
A. ----It’s Chinese fastfood B. ---No, thank you.
C. ----Yes,I have D. ---He’s making fish
E. ----I’m making dumplings

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

(1)當(dāng)你想問別人,你想吃些糖果嗎? 應(yīng)該說_________
A.Do you want some sweets? B.Do you like some sweets?
(2)如果你想吃Chinese noodles, 要用_______. 而你吃English fast food 時(shí)候, left hand 應(yīng)該拿_______,右手應(yīng)該拿_____
A. knife B. chopsticks C. fork
(3)下列食物屬Chinese fast food的是__ ____ 屬English fast food的___ ____ _____
A. hot dog and chips B.dumpling
C.hamburger D. soybean milk E. hot dog



Daming: Look, there are many foods,let’s have dinner. Do you want some fish, Amy?
Amy: Yes,please. I like fish.
Daming: Look,there are Chinese noodles, do you want some,Sam?
Sam: No,thank you. Chopsticks are very difficult.
Amy:What are they? Are they milk?
Daming: No, they are soybean milk. Do you want some?
Amy:Yes, thank you. Where is your Mum,Daming?
Daming: She is making dumplings. Do you like dumplings?
Amy and Sam: Yes, we are .oh.it’s very nice.
Daming: “one, two, three … twenty five”,Oh,Sam ,you are so hungry! You had twenty five dumplings!
Sam: oh, ha,ha,ha…they are very delicious.
(1)Amy likes fish. _________
(2)Sam likes Chinese noodles. _________
(3)Mum is making vegetables _______
(4)Sam had 35 dumlings, he is very hungry. ______
(5)中末尾劃?rùn)M線的“delicious”什么意思? _____
可以用下面哪個(gè)單詞代替? ______
A. difficult B.nice C.hungry

一.A) 1.make 2.rice 3.cook 4.want 5.like
B) 1.sumplings 2.rice 3.cake. 4.soup 5.noodles
二. 1.What is he doing ? 2.Have you tot fast food ?
3. He’s making a cake . 4. I love vegetables . 5.Do you want some sweets ?
三.原: 1) Do you want some rice? (A)
2) What are you doing? (B)
3) Have you got chopscicks? (B)
4) What’s she doing? (B)
5)What are they doing? (A)
四. C E A D B
六. B B A B B
七. E C B A D
順序: 5---1---3—4---2
八.1)A 2) B C A 3)BD ACE
九. (1) Do you want some
(2)No, thank you
十.1.食物: fish noodles milk dumplings
2. (1)對(duì) (2) 錯(cuò) (3).錯(cuò) (4)錯(cuò) (5)美味的 B


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/79718.html
