

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

考試范圍:Unit 1 ? Unit 4
( ) 1. A. teacherB. pictureC. finger
( ) 2. A. doorB. floorC. blackboard
( ) 3. A. wallB. ballC. tall
( ) 4. A. short B. storybook C. strong
( ) 5. A. hand B. fan C. panda
( ) 6. A. phoneB. bed C. desk
( ) 7. A. sofaB. fridgeC. table
( ) 8. A. study B. kitchen C. bedroom
( ) 9. A. cat B. dad C. cake
( ) 10. A. bigB.five C. six
( ) 11. A. boxB.dog C. lost
( ) 12. A. living roomB.bathroom C. bedroom
( )1. A. This is my home. B. This is my school.
C. This is my bedroom.
( )2. A. Is she in the living room? B. Is she in the study?
C. Is he in the study?
( )3. A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she is.
( )4. A. Where’s my pen? B. Where’s your pencil?
C. Where’s her pencil box?
( )5. A. Watch TV. B. Read a book. C. Go to the study.


1.( ) A.鑰匙在哪里?
2.( ) B.我有一個新書包。
3.( ) C.它們在桌子上嗎?
4.( ) D.讓我來擦窗戶。
5.( ) E.她很靜。


( )1. A. nose B. note C. not
( )2. A. apple B. cat C. cake
( )3. A. kite B. it C. milk
( )4. A. up B. duck C. use
( )5. A. rose B. coke C. dog
( )1.Is this your bathroom ?
_ _ _
A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is.
( ) 2.Where are your pens?
_ _ _
A. It’s on the desk. B. Yes, it is.
( ) 3. Are the boys in the classroom?
A. Yes, they aren’t B. No, they aren’t.
( ) 4. Are the keys in the door?
Yes, .
A. they are. B. they aren’t.
( ) 5. Is she in the kitchen?
A. Yes, she isn’t.B. Yes, she is.
( ) 6. Turn the light.
A. it B. inC. on
( ) 7. There is a bed the windo
A. in B. onC. near
( ) 8. What colour is the door ?
A. nice B. green C. door
( ) 9. lights are there in the classroom?
A. What. B. How many. C. How much
( ) 10. This my friend, she short hair
A. is, have B. is, has C. are, has
七、找一找, 根據(jù)問題選答語。(10分)
() 1. Where are my keys? A. I am in the bedroom.
() 2. Are they on the desk? B. Her name is Lucy.
() 3. Where are you? C. Yes, it is.
() 4. Is it a nice room? D. They’re on the table.
() 5. What’s her name? E. No, they aren’t.
1、what name is his (?)

2、she study in is the (?)

3、help me let you (.)

4. long hair she has (.)

5. table on are the they (?)

九、短,對的寫“T”,錯的寫“F”。 (10分)
This is my bedroom .It’s a big room .There is a shelf in the bedroom .There are some books on the shelf .There is a bed near the window .There is a cat under the bed .It’s name is Mimi .There is a desk in it ,too .There are some toys on the desk .Do you like my bedroom.
( )1. The bedroom is a big room..
( )2. The shelf is in the bedroom.
( )3. The cat is on the bed .
( )4. On the desk there are some toys.
( )5. The books are on the desk.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/80028.html
