
五年級英語第六冊Module 6測試題(新標(biāo)準附答案)

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

新標(biāo)準英語五年級第六冊Module 6測試題
( )1.A.saw B.how C.about
( )2.A.colour B.Saturday C.bear
( )3.A.moring B.door C.your
( )4.A.house B.soup C.know
( )5.A.nurse B.girl C.turn
1.Where did you go for your__________(假期)?
2.He lives there with his three__________(孩子).
3.They are (照片)of China.
4.We (停留)with my grandmother for a week last year.
5.I________ (騎)a horse last Monday.
( )1.Thay are photos_________England.
A.on B.to C.of
( )2.We________with my brother last week.
A.stay B.stadyed C.stadying
( )3.Wng Hai went to Suzhou visited his friends.
A.and B.but C.on
( )4.My cousins_________Beijing every year.
A.visit B.visits C.visited
( )5.I met yesterday.
A.he B.our C.them
( )6.—Can I see them?
A.I can B.you can C.you can’t
1.Lasy year, they______ _______(去了)Beijing and
(公園) there.
2.Lingling (騎馬)and had a lovely time.
3.The_________(山)are very beautiful.
4.Amy_________(爬)Mount Tai yesterday.
Hello!My name is Bill.Last summer,I went to Biejing with my friends.
Beijing is in the north of China.It has got lots of places of interest.
I visited the Great Wall and took photos with my friends.I went to the
Tian’anmen Square.It is big.And it is very beautiful.We stayed there
for five days.We had a lovely time there.
( )1.Bill visited Beijing________.
A.last year B.last winter C.last summer
( )2.Bill visited Beijing with his________.
A.cousin B.parents C.friends

( )3.Beijing is in the ________of China.
A.north B.east C.south
( )4.Bill________.
A.visited the Great Wall and took photos with his friends
B.went to the Tian’anmen Square
C.Both A and B
( )5.Bill stayed in Beijing for________.
A.two weeks B.five weeks C.five days

六.書面表達 10分
Dingding 正在英國度假,下面是他昨天的三餐。
breakfast milk, two eggs, bread,
lunch fish and chips
dinner hamburgers,sausages,

一、1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
二、1.holiday(s) 2.children 3.photos 4.stayed 5.rode
三、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.B
四、1.went to;played football 2.rode a horse
3.mountains 4.climbed
五、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.C

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/81017.html

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