

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

四年級第三冊 第三單元
一、Listen and circle.聽音,圈出你所聽到的單詞(10分)
1、A、bedroom B、playground C、classroom D、library
2、A、left B、right C、street D、light
3、A、far B、near C、in D、beside
4、A、red B、yellow C、green D、blue
5、A、school B、library C、zoo D、classroom
二、Listen and choose.聽音,選擇正確答案(10分)
( )1、Where is the ________?
A、classroom B、library C、playground
( ) 2、Red is ______.
A、stop B、to C、wait
( ) 3、Let _____help you.
A、I B、me C、you
( ) 4、How many buses are there in the street?
A、Twenty B、They are buses. C、Yes,they are.
( ) 5、She is taking a ______.
A、bus B、car C、taxi
三、Listen and draw.聽音,畫圖(10分)
1、 2、 3、

四、 Look and write. 看圖,寫單詞 (10分)

1、―――――2、―――― 3、―――― 4、―――――5、―――――
五、Choose the best answer. 選擇最佳答案 (20分)
( )1、Please turn right_________the lights.
A、in B、at C、to
( )2、The classroom is near_______the playground.
A、form B、/ C、at
( )3、Go_______and turn right.
A、straight B、under C、with
( )4、Where is the library? ------_________.
A、It’s a car. B、It’s not far. C、Across form the office.
( )5、Is that far _______here?
A、form B、in C、to
( )6、______do you go to school? ―By bike.
A、What B、Where C、How
( )7、I want to play football.I’m going to the______.
A、hospital B、classroom C、playground
( )8、Where are you going? _______the library.
A、To B、to C、In
( )9、Let me ______you.
A、helps B、help C、helping
( )10、Cars stop at the ______lights.
A、red B、green C、blue
六、連詞成句 ( 10分 )
1、you help can me ( ? )

2、is the where library ( ? )

3、are many there streets ( . )

4、a see I to doctor want ( . )

5、school going she the to is ( . )

Dog:Where are you going?
Cat:1_____________ But I am lost.
Dog:I can help you.
Cat:Is that far from here?
Dog:You can go there by bus.
Dog:Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights.
( ) 1、A、I am going to visit my sister. B、I am walking. C、I am taking a taxi.
( ) 2、A、Where is it? B、Yes.It’s far. C、Thanks.
( ) 3、A、How can I go there? B、Where is my sister’s home?
C、Go straight and turn left.
( ) 4、A、What time is it? B、Where is the bus stop?
C、Here it is.
( ) 5、A、Fine,thanks. B、You are welcome. C、I am fine.
八、快樂,判斷正(T)誤( F ) (15分)
Boy:Excuse me. Where is the library?
Girl:Well, just go straight down this street and turn right at the lights.
Boy:I don’t understand. Please speak slowly.
Girl:Sure! Go straight down this street You’ll see traffic lights.
Turn right at the lights. Then you will see the library.
Boy:Is that far from here?
Girl:No,I can show you. Follow me ,please.
Girl:You’re welcome.
( ) 1、The girl helps the boy.
( ) 2、The girl wants to go to the library.
( ) 3、The library is near the lights.
( ) 4、The library is far.
( ) 5、The boy wants to go to school.

四年級第三冊 第三單元
一、Listen and circle.聽音,圈出你所聽到的單詞(10分)
1、classroom 2、light 3、far 4、yellow 5、school
二、Listen and choose.聽音,選擇正確答案(10分)
1、Where is the library ? 2、Red is stop. 3、3、Let me help you..
4、How many buses are there in the street? Twenty.
5、She is taking a car.
三、Listen and draw.聽音,畫圖(10分)
1、Draw a house far form a dog. 2、Draw a bus. 3、Draw a girl. She is running.
4、Draw a boy. He is on the playground. 5、Draw a library.

四、 Look and write. 看圖,寫單詞或短語(10分)
1、school 2、library 3、bike 4、playground 5、taxi
五、Choose the best answer. 選擇最佳答案 (20分)
1、B 2、B 3、A 4、C 5、A 6、C 7、C 8、A 9、B 10、A
六、連詞成句 ( 10分 )
1、Can you help me?
2、Where is the library?
3、There are many streets.
4、I want to see a doctor.
5、She is going to the school.
八、快樂,判斷正(T)誤( F ) (15分)
1、T 2、F 3、T 4、F 5、F

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/81199.html
