

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

源山 課

總分:120分 用時(shí):90minutes 等級
( )1、A. cake B. juice C. milk
( )2、A. these B. those C. are
( )3、A. five B. need C. want
( )4、A. met B. dear C. ran
( )5、A. kilo B. noodles C. cheese
1. wait for 2. 回來
3. last Sunday 4. 居住在
5. make a list 6. 快點(diǎn)
7. shopping list 8. 0.5千克
9. lots of places 10. 1千克面條
from did cream of much
1、How cheese do you want ?
2、When you come back ?
3、Daming comes china .
4、This is my ice .
5、Let’s buy one kilo noodles .
1. ( )-------did you come back ? We came back last Sunday .
A. When B. Who C. How
2. ( )Did you go to school yesterday ?
A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. Yes , I can.
3. ( )How --------meat do you want ? Half a kilo.
A. many B. much C. any
4. ( ) Do you live ------Sanya?
A. in B. on C. of
5. ( ) Let’s buy two------of cheese .
A. box B. kilos C . kilo
6.( )1.How are you?. I ’m_____,_______.
A.new, thanks. B.Fine,thank you C.old thanks
7.( ) I ____TV yesterday.
A.watching B.watched C.watches
8.( ) ______bananas do you want?.
9.( )—_______did you go to school? —By bike.
A.What B. Where C. How
10.( )— Where did you go? --We lots of places.
A.visits B.visited C.visit

A. How many do you want? B. Can I help you?
C. Here you are . D. Good morning!
A: Good morning !B: 1
A: 2 B: I want apples .
A: 3 B: three , please .
A: 4 B: Thank you .
1. 2. 3. 4.
1.you, When , did , come back ?
2. We , by bus ,went home yesterday .

3. do, want , How much , milk, you ?

4. last Sunday, she , back, came .

5. you , Did , yesterday , watch TV ?

Last Sunday I went to the bookshop(書店) with my parents. We walked to the bookshop. On the way, we met John and his sister. They went to the bookshop , too. John is Lingling’s friend. John and I are in the same class. In the bookshop, we bought many books. John bought a book about animals for Lingling.
( )1. Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents.
( )2. We went to the bookshop by bus.
( )3. John and I are classmates.
( )4. John and his parents went to the bookshop, too.
( )5. John and I bought many books.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/82620.html

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