
Unit 5 how old are you

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

教學(xué)目標(biāo)1、在第一課時(shí)基礎(chǔ)上,能進(jìn)一步建立單詞nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten的音、行、義的聯(lián)系。
2、能理解句型How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.的含義,并能應(yīng)用到實(shí)際中進(jìn)行描述。
3.學(xué)生能初步聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)讀單詞right, out, want,能初步聽懂并會(huì)說句型What a …! Make a wish.能理解cartoon time 的幽默之處。
教學(xué)重點(diǎn)1. 能理解句型How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.的含義,并能應(yīng)用到實(shí)際中進(jìn)行描述。
2.學(xué)生能聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)讀單詞right, out, want,能初步聽懂并會(huì)說句型What a …! Make a wish.能理解cartoon time 的幽默之處。
教學(xué)難點(diǎn)能熟練掌握數(shù)字,進(jìn)一步建立單詞nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten的音、行、義的聯(lián)系,并嘗試在日常生活中使用這些數(shù)詞。
Warm up


Consolidation1. Free talk
T&S. S&Ss: Good morning .
How are you?
How old are you?
2. Review the numbers
PPT shows some special numbers, ask the Ss to read
(PPT: 110, 119, 電話號(hào)碼,車牌號(hào)等)
3.Brain storm
Put some number cards on the blackboard, then ask some students come to the front.
在游戲中相機(jī)教授 right , out .
4. Fun time (課前布置孩子完成數(shù)字卡片)
T: Let’s play a game. ‘Who are my friends?’ I’ll give you a number, then you tell me the number after it and before it . Don’t forget to lift up your number cards.
T: Nine.
Ss: Seven and ten(一邊說一邊舉牌)

1. T:Are you happy? I’m happy because the game is funny.
Sam is happy, too. Why?
Show the picture of a cake.――He’s having a birthday party.
T: What a nice cake!
Ss reads after the teacher.
2. Watch and answer: Look, this is Sam. How old is he?
學(xué)生觀看動(dòng)畫:He’s two.
3. T: It’s Sam’s birthday, he makes a wish.
新授 Make a wish.
. T: What does Sam want?
出示圖4 和圖5; I want a _______ .
I want a _______.
繼續(xù)出示 I want …
出示Bobby 的表情,指導(dǎo)朗讀:It’s time for the cake.
4.Read after the tape.
領(lǐng)會(huì)幽默之處:Bobby is hungry. But Sam make a lot of wishes.
5.Act in roles.

T: Sam had a good time at his birthday party.
How old are you? What do you want?
Please make a new dialogue with your friends.
Key sentences:
Happy birthday!
How old are you?
Make a wish!
I want a … .
It’s time for the cake.
板書設(shè)計(jì)Unit 5 How old are you?
You are right/out.
Happy birthday!
How old are you?
Make a wish!
I want a … .
It’s time for the cake.
作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)跟錄音朗讀cartoon time五遍并背誦

2、能對(duì)照Ticking time的三個(gè)目標(biāo)進(jìn)行客觀的自我評(píng)價(jià);
3、 能熟練地在情景中運(yùn)用日常交際用語How old are you ? I’m … . What about you ?
4、能感悟、體驗(yàn)字母Ss的發(fā)音/ s /.
5、會(huì)誦讀小詩 Don’t be late again .
2、 能熟練地在情景中運(yùn)用日常交際用語How old are you ? I’m … . What about you ?
3、能感悟、體驗(yàn)字母Ss的發(fā)音/ s /.
教學(xué)難點(diǎn)能熟練地在情景中運(yùn)用日常交際用語How old are you ? I’m … . What about you ?并獲得運(yùn)用所學(xué)語言進(jìn)行交際的能力,要求讀音正確,語調(diào)自然。
Free talk
Sound time
Rhyme time1. Greetings
2. Free talk.
How old are you?
What’s your telephone number?
What’s one and one?

1. Magic eyes
2. 準(zhǔn)備1-10 的數(shù)字卡片,每四人一組。學(xué)生在小組內(nèi)通過抽簽說數(shù)字來進(jìn)行相互檢測(cè)并進(jìn)行評(píng)價(jià)。
3. Play a game ‘What’s missing?’
T: Now, I think you can say the numbers well.
完成Ticking time第一項(xiàng)
4. Look and say
a. 復(fù)習(xí)How old are you?
T: How old are you?
Ss: I’m …
T: Very good.
b. 觀察書上圖片:
T: It’s our friend’s birthday. How many candles can you see on the cake?
Ss: He’s six.
How about you?
Please ask and answer in pairs.
A:I’m five. How old are you?
B: I’m … . What about you ?
完成Ticking time第二項(xiàng)

T: After the cake. It’s time for a game.
What are the boys doing?
Look, the boys turn round and round.
新授round ,turn, turn round and round.
T: What do you want to say?
Don’t fall to the ground.
新授 fall,ground, fall to the ground
出示單詞,讀,感知字母Ss/ s /的發(fā)音
引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回憶:你還學(xué)過哪些包含字母s, 在單詞中發(fā)音相同的單詞。
T: I think you know the sound of the letter ‘s’.
完成Ticking time 第三項(xiàng)

T:What can the boy say?
Sorry, I’m late.
從而引出 Time for class, but you’re late.
2.T: What do you want to say to the boy?
引出Don’t be late again.
Don’t be late for class again.
板書設(shè)計(jì)Unit 5 How old are you?
Ss / s / seven sister six
sorry this
作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)1. Finish the exercises.
2. Know the sound of the letter ‘s’.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/82666.html

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