

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

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1.等待某人_______________________ 2. 回來_______________________
3. 快點_______________________ 4. 購物清_______________________
5. 一公斤面條_______________________ 6. 去超市_______________________
7. 在周末_______________________ 8. 照相_______________________
9. 你的書_______________________ 10. 分發(fā)_______________________
11. lots of places_______________________ 12. Don’t argue_______________________
13. come with_______________________ 14. make a list _______________________
15. all right _______________________ 16. three boxes of chess_______________________
17. be careful_______________________ 18. every child _______________________
19.have/ha got_______________________ 20. too many books_______________________
( )1. ______ did you come back? I came back yesterday. A. When B. Who C .Where
( )2.How much ______ do we need for our picnic? A. cakes B. bananas C. cheese
( )3. Please ______ the pencils.. A .give to B. give out C. give up
( )4. ______ water do you want? A. How much B. How many C. How big
( )5.Yesterday I bought ______ ice-cream, but I ______ it.
A. a; droped B. an; dropped C. an; droped
( ) 6. ______ did you go ? I went to the Great Wall. A. How B. What C. Where
( )7. This is ______ cap. That cap is ______ A.. my; hers B.mine ; her C. his; my
( )8. I ______ shopping ______ my mother yesterday. A. go; and B. went; with C. went; for
( ) 9. ------I’m sorry.
------______ A.You’re welcome. B. That’s great. C. That’s ok.
( )10. There ______ too many books on the desk. A. am B. is C. are
( )11. What _____ juice? A. on B. are C. about
( )12. -------What did you do?
-------We ______ lots of places. A. visites B. visited C. visit
( )13. -------_______ did you go?
-------We went there by bus. A. When B. How C. Where
( )14. -------Whose pen is this?
-------It’s ________ A. he B. him C. his
( )15. _______ put the books in the bag? A. Where B. Who C. What
三. 選擇配伍。將答案序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。(20分)
( )1. When did you come back? A 、Yes, they did.
( )2. Who went to Beijing? B 、It’s Sam’s.
( )3. Does Lingling like bananas ? C 、By bus.
( )4. What did you do at the weekend? D 、Daming and Sam.
( )5. Did they meet John? E、Half a kilo.
( )6. How did you go to the Great Wall? F、I went to LiaoCheng.
( )7. Are there enough pens? G、We came back last Sunday.
( )8. Whose sweater is this? H、Yes, there are.
( )9. How much milk do you want? I、Yes, she does.
( )10. Where did you go? J、We visited lots of places.
四. 補全對話。將正確答案的序號填在橫線上。
A、I don’t understand. B、What’s the London Eye? C 、 I’m fine, thanks.D、Where did you go? E、We visited lots of places.
Lingling: Hello, Daming. How are you ? Daming: ________________________
Lingling: What did you do at the weekend? Daming: __________________________
Lingling: __________________________ Daming: We went to the Big Ben and the London Eye.
Lingling: __________________________ Daming:It’s a big wheel.
Linling: __________________________ Daming: You’ll see it next week.
五. 根據(jù)漢語完成句子
1. 有足夠的鉛筆 __________ are __________ pencils.
2. 桌之上有太多的書 __________ are __________ __________ books __________ the desk.
3. 發(fā)生了什么事?__________ the __________?
4. 你們周末干什么了?__________ __________ you at the __________?
5. 玲玲昨天去公園了嗎?__________ Lingling __________ __________ the park.
6. 吃完你的冰激凌 __________ your __________ __________
1. you, did, back, come, when (?)
2. buy, ice, creams, some, let’s (.)
3. to, take, we, going, milk, some, are, tomorrow (.)
4. one, to, give, every, child, pencil (.)

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本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/89613.html

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