
Unit 5 Peter is writing導學案(湘少版)

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
{RKEY},{RKEY},{RKEY},Unit 5 Peter is writing導學案(湘少版),{RKEY},{RKEY},{RKEY}

Unit 5 Peter is writing
Period 1
1.初步認識現(xiàn)在分詞的構成,能夠聽、說、讀、寫七個動詞的ing形式:cook ___ cooking / eat___ eating / drink___ drinking / play ___ playing / watch ___watching / sleep ___sleeping / Cook ___ cooking
2. 我能理解“What are they doing ?”“They are……” 或并能用具體的人物做作答“He/She is + Ving”
3. 我能主動跟別人打招呼,并詢問他人正在做什么。
本節(jié)的重點是掌握七個動詞短語的-ing形式,理解句型What are they doing ?并能用具體的人物做.作答。
1. 我能試著聽、跟讀A , B, C部分句子四至五遍。
2. 我能根據本圖片中人物的動作,理解A, B, C部分內容。
3. 我能試著讀句子:
What are they doing ?
—Peter’mum is cooking.
Step1 warming up
Song: “Up and down”
Step2: presentation and drill
show word Unit 5 Peter is writing導學案(湘少版) cards of part B
T: Look and read the words of part B.
Let a student do some action about part B.
T: What is he /she … doing?
S: He /She is ..ing.
T: what is S doing?
S: He/She is …ing
Lear part B and part A.
listen to the part (A,B),read after tape.
Step3: practice
Group in three act part A and B..
Step 4 consolidation.
1) Let Ss copy the text of part A.
2) Listen to tape of the Part A and part B .
讀的展示 (組內兩人一組:一人說動詞原型,另一人說出該動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞,然后互換角色進行展示。)
自我評價: ( )★ ★再努力 ★★一般 ★★★良好
1. Peter is ______ ( write writing )
2. Peter’s sister is ______ ( read reading )
3. Peter’s mum is ( cook cooking ) in the kitchen.
4. Tom is ______ ( drink drinking )
5. The dog is ______ ( eat eating )
6. The cat is ______ ( play playing)
7. LingLing is ______ ( watch watching ) TV.
8.The fish is ______ (sleep sleeping)
Period 2
1. 我能理解、會讀本D部分對話。
2. Unit 5 Peter is writing導學案(湘少版) 我能理解E部分內容,并能猜出動物們分別在做什么。
3. 我能讀F部分的chant,并知道字母cr在單詞cry, cream中的發(fā)音。
4. 我能根據G部分人物動作的提示寫出該動作的正確詞語,并能作出正確回答。
  理解句子“What are the animals doing ?!
  能靈活運用What are they doing?的句型,并能作出準確地回答。
Step1 warming up
Song: “Hello”.
Step2: presentation and drill
a.聽、跟讀D, E, F部分句子三至六遍。
b. 理解,會讀D, E, F部分內容。
c.思考字母組合cr在單詞cry, cream中的發(fā)音。
d. 學唱英語歌曲:Fly, fly , fly, fly, Butter
Step 4 consolidation.
學唱英語歌曲:Fly, fly , fly, fly, Butterfly.
Step1 檢查獨學 組內相互檢查或老師檢查學生前獨學情況.
Step2: presentation and drill
  聽一聽、讀一讀D部分對話;猜一猜,填一填E部分的的內容;說一說、學一學F部分句子,議一議字母組合cr在單詞cry, cream中的發(fā)音。
Step3: practice
 四人表演Part F.
Step 4 consolidation.
解決疑問 師生一起共同解決獨學過程中的疑問。
1.讀的展示 (男生讀D部分對話,女生讀D部分對話。)
自我評價: ( )★ ★再努力 ★★一般 ★★★良好★★★★最棒
What are you doing ?
— I am ______.
A. read B. reading C. write
2 .What is Peter doing?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/97093.html

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