

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Class _____ Name______ No.______

Listening (50分)
Ⅰ. Listen and circle. (8分)

II.Listen and choose. (9分)

III. Listen and circle. (9分)
1.Our classroom is(near / next to)the teacher’s office.
2.Is(this / that)the gym?
3.The bedroom is on the ( first / second ) floor.
4.Do you have a(library / playground)?
5.Hurry up! It’s time to (get up/ go home).
6.Here’s my(homework / notebook).
7.It’s (cold/cool) today. I can’t go outside.
8.Is it (sunny/snowy) in New York today?
9.It’s ( 9:30 / 9: 40). It’s time for Chinese class.
IV.Listen and dra (7分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

V.Listen and choose. (8分)
( ) 1. A. Yes, we do. B. It’s on the second floor.
( ) 2. A. This way, please. B. It’s next to the art room.
( ) 3. A. It’s 7:00. B. It’s time for breakfast.
( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, you can.
( ) 5. A. It’s cold and snowy. B. No, it’s hot and sunny.
( ) 6. A. Thank you. B. Yes, please.
( ) 7. A. It’s 12:00. B. 40.
( ) 8. A. It’s warm. B. No, it isn’t.
VI.Listen and tick or cross. (9分)
( ) 1. There are 13classrooms in our school.
( ) 2. The playground is big.
( ) 3. The computer room is on the second floor.
( ) 4. My classroom is next to the teacher’s office.
( ) 5. We read books in the library.
( ) 6. The music room is big and clean.

Reading (50分)
I.Read and write. (8分)
car water ball bird

II.Read and find the odd one. (8分)
( ) 1. A. English B. class C. math D. music
( ) 2. A. soup B. breakfast C. dinner D. lunch
( ) 3. A. windy B. rainy C. snowy D. weather
( ) 4. A. warm B. cool C. cold D. degree
( ) 5. A. China B. New York C. London D. Moscow
( ) 6. A. living room B. music room C. art room D. computer room
( ) 7. A. classroom B. library C. teacher’s desk D. teacher’s office
( ) 8. A. go home B. get up C. PE class D. go to bed
III.Read and write. (5分)

1.The is on the second floor. This way, please.

2.It’s 6:oo p.m. It’s time for .

3.Here’s the weather report. It’s in Harbin. It’s 2 degrees.

4. The water is . I can swim outside.

5. Time for lunch. Let’s have some and chicken.

IV.Read and match. (6分)
( ) 1.Where’s the library?
( ) 2.Is is rainy today?
( ) 3.What time is it?
( ) 4.Can I go outside now?
( ) 5.What’s the weather like in Beijing?
( ) 6.Do you have a gym?
V.Look and write. (8分)
1.This is the computer room. That is the library.

2.What time is it? It’s two o’clock.

3.Is it snowy? No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy.

4.It’s 10:30. It’s time for English class.

VI.Read and match. (10分)
A. Hello! I’m Pat. This is my day. It’s six forty. It’s time to get up. It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to go to school. It’s eleven thirty. It’s time for lunch. It’s four twenty. It’s time to go home. It’s eight thirty. It’s time to go to bed.

B. Good morning. It’s time for “the Weather Report”. Here’s the world weather. Today it’s cool and windy in Beijing. It’s hot and sunny in New York. It’s cold and rainy in London. It’s warm and cloudy in Sydney. It’s cold and snowy in Mosco

VII.Read and choose. (5分)

( ) 1. 1. Amy is from_____. A. the USA B. Beijing C. Canada
( ) 2. Amy is ______ years old. A. 11 B. 12 C. 13
( ) 3. It’s _____. It’s time to go home. A. 7:30 B. 11:00 C.4:00
( ) 4. Amy likes _______days. A. sunny B. snowy C. sunny and snowy
( ) 5. The music room is on the _____ floor. A. first B. second C. two

Ⅰ. Listen and circle.
1.kite 2. arm 3. wall 4. nurse 5. bird 6. computer 7. nose 8. hot
II.Listen and choose.
1. Time for music class. Let’s go.
2.Where is the library? It’s on the first floor.
3.It’s 9:30. It’s time to go to bed.
4.It’s 10:00. It’s time for Chinese class. We are ready.
5.Breadfast is ready. Time for breakfast.
6. School is over. It’s time to go home.
7. It’s windy outside. Be careful!
8. Mum, what time is it now? It’s 7:20.
9. Is it warm? No, it’s cold here. It’s 2 degrees.
III. Listen and circle.
1.Our classroom is next to the teacher’s office.
2.Is that the gym?
3.The bedroom is on the second floor.
4.Do you have a library?
5.Hurry up! It’s time to get up.
6.Here’s my homework.
7.It’s cold today. I can’t go outside.
8.Is it snowy in New York today?
9.It’s 9: 40. It’s time for Chinese class.
IV.Listen and dra
1.Go to the garden, water the flower.
2.Go to the playground. Play football.
3.Time for music class. Let’s sing and dance.
4.Time for lunch. Let’s have some rice.
5.Hurry! It’s time for math class.
6.Can I go outside now? No, it’s rainy outside.
7.It’s hot today. The water is warm. I can swim in the water.
V.Listen and choose.
1.Do you have a library?
2.Where is the music room?
3.What time is it now?
4.Can I go outside , mom?
5.What’s the weather like in Sydney?
6.Have some soup.
7.How many students are there in your class?
8.Is it hot in Singapore?

VI.Listen and tick or cross.
Welcome to our school! There are 30 classrooms in our school. Look, this is a big playground. We have a computer room. It’s on the first floor. On the second floor, we have a library, an art room and a music room. My classroom is next to the teacher’s office. There are many storybooks in the library. We read books in it. The music room is big and clean. I like it very much.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/98141.html
