
英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí):The costume ball of animals

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 學(xué)齡前教育 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

  Teaching aims:

  1. Review the words: elephant tortoise swan kangaroo

  2. Learn the rhyme: We are good friends.

  3. To get to know the different characteristics of the animals through music.

  Teaching style: Whole teaching

  Teaching aids:

  1. The animal hats.

  2. The animal costume: tortoise’ shells, elephant’s noses,

  swan’s wings, kangaroo’s pouch.

  3. Courseware, part of the music of “the carnival of the


  4. The babies knew a part of “the carnival of the animals”

  about tortoise, elephant, kangaroo and swan.

  Teaching process:

  A. The beginning

  Review the songs and rhymes: <Rainbow> <Teddy bear> < Arms>

  B. Main part

  a. Review the old words: The teacher plays the part of the music of “Carnival of the animals”, the kids tell the teacher what animal they are.

  b. The teacher guides the kids to enjoy the whole music to know the different characteristics of the animals, and learn to describe them with short sentences.

  The kids put on the animal hats. When the teacher plays the music,the relative animal should stand in the middle and imitate the animal’s actions following the teacher. And the teacher guides the kids to say: I’m an elephant. I’m very strong. I’m your good friend. I ‘m a tortoise, I walk very slow. …

  c. Help the kids to put on the animal costumes , and guides them to do role-play.

  Kids can choose the roles freely. When the music begins, the corresponding a nimal should come out and act.

  C. The ending

  Teacher plays the final of the Carnival of the Animals, let all the

  animals dance happily。



  2、 復(fù)習(xí)已學(xué)單詞:elephant swan tortoise kangaroo

  3、 學(xué)習(xí)兒歌: we are your good friends

  4、 通過(guò)音樂來(lái)感知不同動(dòng)物的特征。


  1、 動(dòng)物頭飾人手一份。

  2、 動(dòng)物服飾:烏龜殼、象鼻、天鵝翅膀、袋鼠育兒袋。

  3、 幼兒事先欣賞過(guò)《動(dòng)物狂歡節(jié)》中烏龜、大象、袋鼠、天鵝的片段。

  4、 動(dòng)物課件,《動(dòng)物狂歡節(jié)》音樂片段。










本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/youjiao/900338.html
