Welome to the unit

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
課題:9A unit 4 Welome to the unit 課型:新授1
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1. To understand vocabulary relating to TV programmes.
2. To understand the new words and phrases. et
3.To master the new words and patterns.
4.To use the things about TV Programmes in daily life.
To grasp Aims 1.2 fluently
3.To master the new words and patterns.
4.To use the things about TV Programmes in daily life
Step 1. Presentation:
1) Revise the words that previewed before th is period.
2) Listen to the tape with the questions: Will Eddie go shopping, why?
Make sure they understand the dialogue after listening. Explain the following if necessary.( far(farther farthest/further furthest ), from… to…/between…and…, too… to…, have nothing to do)
Step 2. Pair work
Listen to the tape again and let the students read after it. Then act in pairs.
Step 3. Presentation
1.(Discuss in groups ) Ask the students something about the TV and TV programmes . let them get as much as possible. Then ask the following questions: Do you like watching TV?/ What’s your favorite TV programmes?...
2. From above, let the students find out which programme is the most favorite. And ask these students to say out the reason in the front.
Step 4. Practice
1.Explain the context of Part A on Page63. students are learning some TV vocabulary from an online quiz. Work together and match the words with the meaning by writing the correct letters.
2. Do Part B
1) Read them and understand them.
2) Get the students master the new words.
Step 5. Production
1. Sum up
2.Let several students conclude the contents of this unit. If they still have problems. Solve them.
3.Do the exercises(達(dá)標(biāo)檢測).
Step 6. Homework
1.Grasp the words about the TV and TV programmes.
2.Write a short story according to the content of comic trips.
3.Preview the Reading and find out the answers to the following questions:
1). Which kind of sports does Sports World cover?
2) When will Beijing Music Awards be held?
3) Who is Cindy Clark?
4) Does Tiger watch win an award?
1. I’m far too busy to go shopping.我實在太忙了,沒時間去買東西。
①Their room is far larger than yours. 他們的房間比你們的大很多。
②This room is far too warm. 這個房間太熱了。
③I’m far too busy to go shopping. 我真的是太忙了,沒時間去購物。
①How far did you go? 你走了多遠(yuǎn)?
②He always works far into the night. 他總是工作到深夜。
③The plane is flying far above the clouds. 飛機在云霄上飛。
2. Then I’ll have lunch and a little sleep between 2 and 7
①You can sit between him and me. 你可以坐在我和他中間。
②A football match is going on between a Chinese team and a Japanese team.
3. Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme.
everyone通常情況下寫成一個單詞,但在后面接一個表示范圍的of短語時,應(yīng)寫成兩個單詞。如:原句中every one of them。當(dāng)anyone后面接of時,也寫成兩個單詞,即any one of…。如:
①。Every one of the them has their own idea.
②Any one of the boys can do what the two grown-ups are doing.

課題:9A unit 4 Reading 1 課型:新授2
1. To recognize and understand vocabulary related to TV programmes
2. To understand the passage
3. Improve the students’ study skills
4Get the students know how to read a TV guide
To understand the passage.
1. To recognize and understand vocabulary related to TV programmes
2. To understand the passage
Step1. Checking
1.Check the words of last period and the answers to the four questions.
2.Check the writing.
Step2. Lead-in
Give some questions, such as: Do you like watching TV? What’s your favorite TV programmes? How long do you watch every day? Do you know how to read the TV guide? ...
Let the Ss discuss in groups, then ask some of them to say out before the class. Encourage them to say as much as then can.
Step 3. Presentation
Let the students read the four passages with the following questions:
About Sport World
1. Can we know what is happening in sport this week?
2. What does the programme cover?
3. If you are interested in football, how will you find this week’s programme?
About Beijing Music Awards
1. How many fans have voted online?
2. When can we know the results?
3. When you are watching the awards, what can we do to join the activity?
About Murder in a Country House
1. Who directed the film?
2. What happened in the film?
3. When can we find out the answer to the doctor’s death?
4. What’s the film like?
About Tiger Watch
1. How long is the documentary on?
2. What will you realize after watching the programme?
3. What’s happening to the tigers?
4. When was Tiger Watch taken?
5. Why did Tiger Watch win an award?
Make sure the Ss can get the right answers by themselves. Then let the Ss retell the passage according to the answers.
Step4. Do exercises
Read the passage again and do Part C on Page67. Get the Ss can finish them without the passage.
1). Do a report. Divide the Ss into several groups and have interviews with each other.
A: Do you like watching TV?
B: Yes I do.
A: What programmes do you like best?
B: …
A: …
B: …
Encourage them to enough information from the passage, and encourage them to act in the front.
2) Then finish Part B2 and Part D
Step6. Homework
1. Read the passage again and again until grasp.
2. Find out the difficult language points.
1.) A weekly round-up of what is happening in sports, with lots of up-to-date information.體育方面所發(fā)生的事件一周綜述,為你提供大量的最新的體壇信息。
例如:They are doing the weekly cleaning. 他們在進(jìn)行每周一次的大掃除。
I have subscribed to a weekly. 我已經(jīng)訂了一份周刊。
He receives his wages weekly. 他每周領(lǐng)一次工資。
2.) up-to-date的用法
①This book is up-to-date. 這本書是最新的。
②The equipment here is really up-to-date. 這里的設(shè)備很新式的。
out of date意為“過期的”“過時的”。如:
3. The programme covers different sports, such as basketball, swimming, badminton and football.本節(jié)目涵蓋了不同的體育項目,諸如籃球、籃球、游泳、羽毛球和足球。
e,gThe survey covers all aspects of the business. 調(diào)查包括這個企業(yè)的各個方面。
Flood water covers our fields. 洪水淹沒了我們的田地。
He was sent to cover the traffic accident. 他被派去采訪了那起交通事故。
be covered with意為“覆蓋”“遮蓋”,表示一種狀態(tài)。如:
The trees are covered with fruit. 樹上結(jié)滿了水果。
My book needs a new cover. 我的書需要一個新封面。
4. However, if you are not a football fan, you might find this week’s programme a bit boring.
原句中的a bit boring是謂語動find的賓語補足語。find可接多種形式的賓語補足語。如:
1.You will find it a difficult book. 你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這是本很難的書。(名詞)
2.He found a lot of people working there. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)很多人在那里干活。(現(xiàn)在分
3.I find the story very interesting.
當(dāng)find的賓語是一 個動詞不定式短語時,這種結(jié)構(gòu)常寫作“find it + 形容詞 + to do sth.”的形式,意思是“發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事很……”。如:
e,gI find it useful to learn English well. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)好英語很有用。
5. It’s all about football,There are a number of interviews with local football players.它全是有關(guān)足球方面的,包括許多對國內(nèi)足球運動員的采訪。
a number of意為“若干”“許多”,后接可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,作主語時,謂語用復(fù)數(shù)。
e,g A number of boys have been absent some time during the term.
the number of表示“……的數(shù)量”,后接可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,但其整個短語作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。如:
e,gThe number of the students in our school is 2.300.我們學(xué)校的學(xué)生數(shù)是2,300。
6. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered live.
He won the award of $5000. 他獲得了5000美元獎學(xué)金。
live用作 形容詞或副詞,意為“現(xiàn)場播出的”“實況轉(zhuǎn)播的”“實地”。如:
e,gThe football match is covered live on TV. 電視上正在現(xiàn)場直播那場足球賽。
There is going to be a live TV programme this evening.今晚有電視現(xiàn)場直播節(jié)目。
1.The cat was playing with a live mouse. 那只貓正在玩耍一只活老鼠。
2.That is a live fish. 那是一條活魚。
1.She kept the little cat alive by feeding it warm milk.
living是形容詞,意思是“活著的”,可用作表語,也可用作定語,作定語時,大多置于名詞之前,有進(jìn)也可置于名詞之后;另外living可用作名詞,常構(gòu)成短語。如:the living意為“活著的人”;make a living或earn one’s living意為“謀生”。如:
①Are there any living things on one of those stars?
②Every living person has a name. 每一個活著的人都有一個名字。
③No man living could do better. 當(dāng)代人沒有一個能做得比這更好。
①He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.
②The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games.
③The boy has a lively mind. 那男孩頭腦靈活。
7.The presentation will be held in Beijing this coming Saturday.
E,g.The presentation of prize will begin at two o’clock in the afternoon.
8. Two thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos.
1.Lots of them had no right to vote. 那時許多人沒有選舉權(quán)。
2.I shall vote for Hall because I think he’s the better man.
課題:9A unit 4 Reading 2 課型:新授3
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1.some important phrases
2,some important sentences
Knowledge objects1.2
1. To recognize and understand vocabulary related to TV programmes
2. To understand the passage
Step1. Presentation
1. Check the understanding of the reading.(some questions)
2. Encourage the Ss retell the passage.
3. Let the Ss give the difficult language points they found and explain them.
Step 2 Reading
Ask the Ss to read the text passage by passage.
Underline the important phrases and sentences.
Explain the phrases and sentences, give some examples.
a. weekly
used as adj. weekly magazine weekly wage
used as n. English Weekly
b. such as
e.g. We have many subjects, such as Chinese, English, Math, Geography, Chemistry and so on..
c. a number of 許多 the number of ----的數(shù)量
e.g. A number of boys are crazy about the games.
The number of the students in our school is 3 thousand.
d. be full of 充滿---, 相當(dāng)于 be filled with
e.g. my suitcase was full of books.
e. on Earth 相當(dāng)于in the world
Marx was one of the greatest men on earth.
另外on earth 還有“究竟,到底”之意
What on earth is the matter there?
f. win an award for “因---而獲獎”
He won an award for her wonderful presentation(表現(xiàn)) in the competition.
Step 3 Practice
Let the Ss make some sentences according to above, make sure they can use them freely.
Step4. Production
1. Do Part B
2. Let the Ss conclude all the language points and grasp them.
3. Do the exercises on the exercise paper.
Step 5 Homework
1. Finish the exercises on the workbook.
Preview the Vocabulary. Find out the names of types of TV programmes as much as they can.
1). Murder is a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director.《鄉(xiāng)村小屋謀殺案》是一部由導(dǎo)演新秀辛迪,克拉克導(dǎo)演的恐怖電影。
①The murder did out. 謀殺案已經(jīng)真相大白。
②The police are still looking for the murder weapon.  警察仍在尋找殺人兇器。
練一練: 翻譯下列句子:
1. 一個月中有兩起兇殺案。
2 他們調(diào)查了這件殺人事件。
⑤He was murdered last week. 上星期他被謀殺了。
⑥The man robbed and murdered the rich man. 那男人搶劫并殺害了那位有錢人。
①He killed himself on the railway. 他在鐵路上自殺了。
②The cold killed the flowers. 寒冷把花凍死了。
2). horror的用法
①It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror.
②She ran away in horror from the snake. 她很恐怖地跑了,躲開那條蛇。
③They were filled with horror when they heard the bad news.
④In this section you’ll find horror and science fiction.

課題:9A unit 4 Vocabulary 課型:新授4
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1. To learn key words about TV programmes.
Show, comedy ( comedies ), series, prize, do a quiz, different types of TV programmes, win a great prize, take part in
They always have such interesting stories.
2. To understand different types of TV programmes.
To learn the words about TV programmes.
To learn the words about TV programmes.
Step 1. Revision
1.Revise the contents of last time.
2. Check the words that previewed.
3. A free talk about watching TV.
Do you often watch TV?
Do you like watching TV?
What’s your favourite programmes?
What kind of TV programmes do you like?
Step 2. Presentation
1) Present the types of TV programmes:
Documentary, comedy
2) Ask the students to look at the scenes and write down the types of TV programmes i n the blanks.
3) Ask students about the types of TV programmes.
Which is your favourite? Why?
Step 3. Practice
1) Students work in pairs.
2) Ask students to complete the dialogue using the words in part A.
3) Check the answers.
4) Read together and practice in pairs
Step 4. Language points:
Explain the following Language points:
1. read-life event
2. take part in
3. win a great prize
Step 5. Production
1.Divide the whole class into several groups and make some dialogues with their own words according to Part B. Then act in the front.
2. Finish th exercises.
Step 6. Homework
1. Memorize the new words.
2. Preview GrammarA&B.

Types of TV programmers
cartoon 卡通片
documentary 記錄片
chat show 訪談節(jié)目
drama series 連續(xù)劇系列
comedy 喜劇
game show 游戲節(jié)目
Language points:
There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. (訪談)節(jié)目里總是有名人談他們的生活。
這是一個there be 結(jié)構(gòu)的句子,注意句中的talking, 不能用talk原形。
e.g. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. 壁爐里爐火正在燃燒。
There is a bird flying in the sky.


課題:9A unit 4 Grammar A, B課型:新授5
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1. To use “ between ---and---” , “from--- to---” to express a period of time.
2. To use “ before ”, “ after ” and “ until ” to talk about when things happen
1. To use “ between ---and---” , “from--- to---” to express a period of time.
2. To use “ before ”, “ after ” and “ until ” to talk about when things happen
1. Words: end
2. Language points:
Step1. Leading ? in
We have classes from 8.a.m to 11 a.m.
We have the English class from 8. a.m. to 8.45. a.m.
2. Explain that ‘between…and…’ and ‘from…to…’ are used to express a length of time.
Step 2. Presentation
1.Ask students to read the explanations and examples at the top of page 69. Students may have come across these structures before, but may not have learned them before. Tell them that we can replace‘ from…to…’ with ‘between…and….
2.Ask students to give some examples.
Step 3. practice
1.Tell students that when we watch TV, we always see a programme forecast on TV. Write a list of times on the board with programme names.
e.g.: 7 p.m. News
7.30. p.m. Weather Report
7.35. p.m. Around the world
8. p.m. Documentary: Wildlife in China
2. Ask students to form sentences orally, based on the schedule I have written on the board.
e.g. Between 7 and 7.30, the News is on TV.
Between 7.30 and 7.35, the Weather is on TV.
Ask students to read ‘Programmes on Golden TV’ and complete the table. And then check.
Step 4. Presentation
1. Remind students that apart from these two, we can also use ‘before, after and until’ to talk about time.
2.Tell students to read the grammar explanations and examples at the top of page 70. And ask them to give some examples from their own li ves.
e.g. I do my homework before I have dinner.
After our English lesson, we will go to the library.
Until I started my secondary school, my mother took me to school every day.
Step 5. Practice
Tell students to read Millie’s TV schedule and complete what she says using the words. When they have finished, ask one to give one answer each. Finally, complete ‘work out the rule’.
Step 6. Production
1.Let the Ss conclude the language points if they have some problems explain them.
2.Do the exercises.
Step 7. Homework
1. Review Grammar A &B and preview Grammar C&D.
2. Finish all the exercises.
1. 表示時間的介詞短語“from…to…”“between…and…”
e,g He works from nice o’clock until five o’clock. 他從九點工作到五點
e,g Don’t eat between two meals. 正餐之間不要吃零食。

2. 表示時間的連詞“before”,“after”和“until”
e,g Think well before you decide. 深思熟慮以后你再作決定。
I found the letter long after he had gone away.
 until (till)作連詞,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,表示“到……時;直到……為止”。以until引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,既可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。如果從句放在主句之前,一般要用逗號把它與主句隔開。以till引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,只能放在主句之后。
①I’ll wait until he arrives and then I’ll leave. 我要等他來以后再離開。
②Go straight on until you come to a large red building.
③Let’s wait until the rain stops. 咱們等雨停吧。
④The teacher kept on asking the students questions until (till) the bell rang.
⑤He continued working up till (until) he died. 他一直工作到去世。
⑥Until you told me I had no idea of it. 在你告訴我之前,我對此一無所知。

課題:9A unit 4 Grammar C and D課型:新授6
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1. To use ‘while’ and ‘a(chǎn)s’ to talk about when things happen.
2. To use comparative and superlative adverbs.
The language points and how to use them correctly.
The language points and how to use them correctly.
Step 1. Revision
Translate some phrases by using ‘between…and…’,‘from…to…’ and ‘before, after,until’
Step 2 Presentation
Explain that ‘while’, ‘a(chǎn)s’ mean ‘a(chǎn)t the same time as’. We use them to talk about two or more actions that happen at the same time.(It is important to learn this topic)
Step 3 Ask and answer
Ask four students to read out the four examples on page 71 and spend more time to explain them. Ask some able ones to give their own sentences and put forward their own questions.
Step 4. Presentation
Explain the context of the exercise at the top of page 72. Millie is asking Daniel about what he did last night. Ask students to read through the conversation for all over meaning and complete with ‘while’ and ‘a(chǎn)s’.
Step 5 Act out
Students read the completed speech bubbles and the teacher divides the class into groups to role-play the conversation.
Step 6 Presentation
Give students some examples using adjectives comparatives and superlatives
Remind them most adverbs ends with -ly: carefully, badly, easily, seriously, late, fast, etc.. We use the same structure as when we compare adjectives.
Tell students to look at the picture in part D and identify which came first, second and third in the race. Go through the grammar table at the top of page 73.
Step 7. practice
Explain the context of the exercise at the bottom of page 69 and ask students to complete it on their own.
Step 8. Production
1.Conclude the points above.
2.Finish the exercises.
Step 9. Homework:
1. Review Grammar A. B.C and D. Make sure they can grasp fluently.
2. Preview Integrated Skills.
1. Using ‘while’ and ‘a(chǎn)s’. 運用while和as.
while和as是時間連詞,“當(dāng)……時候”; 表示事情(動作)同時發(fā)生。
e.g. While Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping.
e.g. While Eddie was sleeping, Hobo went to watch TV.
As mother was cooking, Mary went back.
e.g. As you see him, give him this letter.
注意: while和as引導(dǎo)的狀語從句在時態(tài)上必須和主句保持一致。
課題:9A unit 4 Integrated skills課型:新授7
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1.To identify the context for an interview and distinguish between three different interviewees.
2. To identify main ideas and vocabulary and use this information to complete a report.
識別采訪的語境大意,區(qū)分不同的采訪對象, 完成信息報告
2. To identify main ideas and vocabulary and use this information to complete a report.
Step1 Presentation
1.Check the understanding of Grammar.
2.Free Talk: Talk about many different types of TV programmes.
3. Explain the context. Millie is interviewing schoolmates about TV viewing preferences. Ask them to read the profiles of the three students in Part A1 before listening to the recording.
Tell them that they will be able to complete all the information in Part A2 by listening carefully.
Step 2. Listening
1. Get an idea of each interviewee’s interests with the help of the table at the top of Page74. Play the recording for the first time without referring to the textbooks.
3.Play the recording, stopping after each answer to let them complete all the information in Part A2.
Step 3. Checking
Tell students to look at the answers, look closely at the information they are missing and ask students to read one answer each and check for mistakes and mispronunciation.
Step 4. Do Part A3
Explain to students that Part A3 is a report about the interview on Page 75.Finish the exercise on their own.
Step 5. Presentation
Choose two students to play the roles of Kitty and Millie and ask them to read the conversation out loud. Tell them to change roles and read the conversations again. Then tell the students to talk about their own TV preferences, using Kitty and Millie’s conversation as a model and replacing the underlined words with their own information.
Step 6. Production
1.Conclude the contents in this period.
2.Do the exercises.
Step 7 Homework
1. Grasp the new words and phrases in this period.
2. Preview the next period Pronunciation.
1. She is interested in watching programmes about animals. 她對觀看動物節(jié)目感興趣。
be interested in doing sth. 對做某事感興趣。
2. Usually, she spends about two hours every day watching TV.
3. He finds programmes about sports boring. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)體育節(jié)目無聊。
這是賓補結(jié)構(gòu)的句子, find sth + adj.做賓補
e.g. I find English difficult. 原句中的a bit boring是謂語動find的賓語補足語。
e g 1.You will find it a difficult book. 你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這是本很難的書。(名詞)2.He fou nd a lot of people working there. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)很多人在那里干活。(現(xiàn)在分詞)
3.I find the story very interesting.
當(dāng)find的賓語是一個動詞不定式短語時,這種結(jié)構(gòu)常寫作“find it + 形容詞 + to do sth.”的形式,意思是“發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事很……”。如:
e,gI find it useful to learn English well. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)好英語很有用。

課題:9A unit 4 Pronunciation課型:
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
a. Knowledge objects
To understand and distinguish the stress in nouns and verbs
b. Ability object
To understand the stress in nouns and verbs
To understand and distinguish the stress in nouns and verb
To understand and distinguish the stress in nouns and verbs
Step 1 Presentation
1. Check the contents of Integrated Skills
Ask a few students to present their conversation about the types of TV programmes that you like or dislike to the class.
2. Explain to students that we often put the stress on particular syllables when we speak English.
3. Remind the students to find some words and read . Then find out the differences. Make a list of these words, pointing out where the difference is. At the same time, make the Ss understand the differences between nouns and verbs.
Step 2. Practice
Ask students to read the words and phrases on the top on Page 76 .Ask them to repeat after you together. Listen carefully for the stress. Ask a few students to read out the words to the class and ensure they can pronounce the stress correctly. Ask the rest of the class if they can hear the difference.
Step 3. Presentation
1. Encourage the Ss to read the words in the second part and try to find where the stress is, then ask some of them to read out loudly.
2. Play the recording through once without stopping. Tell them to listen carefully and check.
2. Play the recording again and tell students to repeat each word out loud after it has been read. Tell students to ask questions if they are confused by any of them.
Step 4. Production
1.Divide the class into groups and find words as much as possible, then read out the differences among them with each other. Help them if necessary.
2.Finish the exercises.
Step 5 Homework:
1. Read the words on page 76 again until grasp.
2. Preview main task/ recite the new vocabulary.
1. the two children disagree all the time 兩個孩子一直意見不合
disagree vi. 不同意,有分歧。 反義詞是agree
disagree with sb. / sth. 與某人意見不一致/不同意某事
e.g. I disagree with you on that point. 我在那一點上與你意見不一致。
I disagree with your suggestion. 我不同意你的建議。
2. the two children argued about what TV programmes to watch
argue with sb. about sth. 為某事與某人爭論/爭吵
e.g. He argued with me about how to spend the money yesterday. 昨天他就怎樣花這筆錢和我爭論。
課題:9A unit 4 Main task課型:新授9
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1.To think about TV preferences
2.To plan a TV programme
3.To write an outline of a story
4.To write a TV programme
Write a story outline and finish a TV programme according to it.
Write a story outline and finish a TV programme according to it.
Step 1 presentation
1.Check the contents of last period.
2.Explain the context of the main task. There is a competition to write a story for a TV programme. Daniel and Simon have entered it. They wrote an outline and the story.
3. Choose the students to read the background and plot in Part A.
Step 2. ask and answer
Ask some questions to check understanding
① Who is the programme about?
② How many people are there in Chen family?
③ Who are they?
④ Do the children get along well?
⑤ What did Nancy and Victor argue about?
⑥What happened to the remote control?
Make the Ss be familiar with the contents of the outline.
Step 3. Practice
Ask students to complete Part A2 using information from the outline in Part A1. And then check in class.
Step 4. Discussion
Ask a few students what they think will happen next in the story
Ask them what they would do if they were the characters. Discuss in pairs.
Then divide the class into groups. Tell students they are entering the competition.
① Think of an idea for a TV programme
② Think about where the programme takes place, the characters in the story and the personalities and favourite activities of the characters.
③Remind students that they can choose whichever they like, and use their imaginations to develop the plot. If they wish, they can use other elements.
Step 5. Writing
Ask students to write a story for their programme using the elements in their outline. Encourage them to write as much as they can. Then ask some of them to read in the front.
Step 6. production
1.Conclude the contents in this period.
2.Finish the exercises.
Step 7 Homework:
1. Write another article about your favourite TV programme
2. Preview Checkout
1. Today is such an exciting day! 今天真是令人興奮!
an exciting day 令人興奮的日子
exciting, adj. 令人興奮的,主語是某件事情
excited, adj. 使人感到興奮的,主語是人
e.g. I am excited about the exciting news. 我對這個令人興奮的消息感到興奮。
such adj. 后接名詞
so adv. 后接形容詞或副詞
Today is so exciting a day!
She is such a good teacher that everyone likes her.
She is so good a teacher that everyone likes her.
2. It is you who made our story so perfect. 是你讓我們的故事如此完美。
“It is …who… ”是常用的強調(diào)句結(jié)構(gòu)
e.g. It is my mother who cooks supper for us every day. 是媽媽每天為我們做晚飯。
It was he who played games the whole night . 是他整個晚上都在玩游戲。

課題:9A unit 4 Check out課型:新授10 主備人:
備課時間:2011.11.20 審核人:
一 教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1.To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in
the unit.
2.To give students the opportunity to practise the grammar and vocabulary items, and to gain confidence through doing so
3.To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have
1.To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in
the unit.
1.To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in
the unit.
Step 1. Presentation
1. Check the contents of last unit (the writing)
2. Tell students that this is revision and that they have already learnt these words and grammar items. Remind students that this is an opportunity to ask questions about anything they still do not understand.
Step 2. Do Part A
1. Explain the context of Part A. Daniel and Simon have won the TV programme competition. Daniel is writing to Simon about it.
2. Ask students to read through Daniel’s letter for overall meaning before they begin filling in the blanks.
3. Ask students to complete the letter by choosing the best words from the blankets. And then read out the paragraph each.
Step 3. Part B
Tell students that there are five words from the unit hidden in the puzzle in Part B. Ask them to circle the words as they find them.
Ask students who have finished the word puzzle first to read out the five words found in the guide.
Step 4 production
1.Give several minutes to find out the difficulties in this unit and let the Ss solve the problems by themselves. Help them if necessary.
2.Do the exercises.
Step 5 Homework:
1. Finish off all the exercises.
2. Review the whole unit and complete a unit paper.
3. Preview Comic strip & Welcome to the unit of Unit 5

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/77149.html
