
make one's way to是什么意思_make one's way to在線翻譯_雙語例

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶
make one's way to[meik w?nz wei tu:] 
make one's way to 基本解釋想方設(shè)法進入;
make one's way to 雙語例句

1. Since history, the Japanese emperor example knows that the boon hope to repay for citizen, civility refined and each culture that know one's place, don't be greedy for a person cheapness and don't take a human feelings debt make the person call a way.

2. Go out of one's way, make sb. feel at home Yesterday my friend went out of his way to make me feel at home.

3. Go on a two?day trip climb all the way up the mountain look forward to doing make fun of have difficulty in doing sth play for fun look around take good care of a wall of water up and down be up to sb up to fight for one's life look up a large number 出 of as a result of be made up of in the center of town a great many /deal the greatest disaster develop into before the deadline take every opportunity a newly published book believe it or not be in danger out of danger make a joke on sb take place find sb.
on fire look into each other's eyes tree after tree 中學(xué)學(xué)科網(wǎng)學(xué)海泛舟系列資料進行兩天的旅行一直爬到山頂期待,盼望取笑,嘲弄做……事有困難好玩環(huán)顧四周好好照顧一堵墻似的洪水忽浮忽沉,來來往往由決定直到,到…為止拼死搏斗查找大量的,許多由于……的結(jié),因為…由…組成城中心許多最大的災(zāi)難開發(fā)成為…,發(fā)展成……最后期限前抓住一切機會一本剛出版的書信不信由你處于危險中脫離危險開玩笑發(fā)生發(fā)現(xiàn)某人住在醫(yī)院里對我來說很清楚…。。

4. Up the road 11. in time 12. on time 13. make one's way to s. p.
在這條路的前面及時準時走向…… 14。

5. Yet, rapid changes in the milieu often make it hard to know whether one must be genuine against a changing milieu or whether one may hope for a chance to do one's bit in the way of bettering or stabilizing conditions.

make one's way to的反義詞

6. Detail one: On a few plants are put beside computer, fabulous cacti absorbs radiation effectively, but can plunge into a person, and have do not have the effect to also do not have scientific basis, recommending; to want only actually is greenery OK, the plant can make you much nod oxygen, retain have one's head screwed on the right way.

7. Have no reference to have trouble with hold the position of keep an eye on keep/control one's temper keep one's balance keep one's appointment keep company with keep sb. company keep competition between keep faith keep one's mind on keep/bear in mind keep one's head keep pace with keep a promise keep in touch with sb. keep track of keep one's word keep to the point lay a claim to lay/put/place emphasis on/upon lead the way learn by heart leave sth. out of consideration lose control of lose one's balance lose one's head lose heart lose contact with lose sight of lose one's temper lose faith in lose track of make an appeal to sb. make an appointment with sb. make an attempt to do sth. make the acquaintance of sb. comments on/upon sth.
渴望 求助于某人與------無關(guān)與-----鬧糾紛擔任---的職務(wù)照看,留意忍住不發(fā)脾氣保持平衡守約與-----結(jié)交,與-----親熱陪伴某人在------之間進行競爭忠于信仰專注于記住保持鎮(zhèn)定與-----并駕齊驅(qū)遵守諾言與某人保持聯(lián)絡(luò)記錄,保持與---聯(lián)系守信用緊扣主題主張,要求,自以為是著重于,強調(diào)領(lǐng)路,帶路記住,背過不考慮某事失去對------的控制失去平衡慌亂,驚慌失措失去信心與-----失去聯(lián)系看不見發(fā)脾氣失去對-----的信任失去----的線索向某人呼吁某事于某人約會企圖做某事結(jié)識某人評論把----進行比較控告向某人道歉知識改變命運,思路決定人生!

8. Make one's way to

make one's way to的意思

9. Make one's way to...

10. Make one's way to sp.

11. To make one's own way)This scientist had worked hard at this new material for 10 years before he made his own way in the end.

12. This emotion of man bereft of one's spouse portraiture: He has no way to move forward, can only stop coming and going in sorrowful memory of in situ, his missing to wife and inseparable, attract your logic with step-by-step make for of leading role truth of the matter, just anguish that can feel one kind of the vertebra heart.

13. Flee-fled-fled flee from +地點 flee away 25.marry sb=get/be married to sb 26.ask sb to marry sb 27.in one's forties 28.have a happy ending have a sad ending 29.feel embarrassed an embarrassing thing 30.get up 31.fall asleep 32.look stressed out 33.have a bad morning 34.first of all 35.get in the shower =go into the bathroom get out of the shower take a quick show 36.get dressed 37.run all the way to school 38.no wonder 39.run back to school 40.get outside 41.get to school 42.leave one's sth at +地點 43.make it 1The train will arrive at 10:15. I think we'll make it. 2We've almost made it. 3Keep on and you'll make it.
be late for school 逃離從某地逃離逃離/逃跑和某人結(jié)婚求婚在某人的四十多歲有個美好的結(jié)局有個悲傷的結(jié)局感覺尷尬一件尷尬的事起床睡著看上去筋疲力盡有個糟糕的早上首先洗澡洗澡洗完澡洗一個快澡穿衣一路跑向?qū)W校難怪跑回學(xué)校出去到達學(xué)校把某人的某物落在某地來的及某事及時趕到/到達目的我們幾乎成功了辦成功,做成功堅持就會成功上學(xué)遲到 4I think we should make it another time。

14. The meeting after spermary is hit reflexes sexual systole to reach clingy and perineal point, accordingly, the blow that should get only is not too heavy, activity of in a way, the spermary that goes on crinkle drops quickly former position can, otherwise, because suffer the spermary that outside force is stimulated and promotes to be in abnormal position for a long time, spermary is turned round can make blood of hemal twist, spermary is supplied interrupt, the time that be short of blood passes kick one's heels to bring about spermary the organization is necrotic.

make one's way to的解釋

15. That's the only way to make consumer dip into one's pocket. Consumers are frugal buyers, or think cautiously before spending.

16. The only way to make sure of one's own gain in an argument is to have a foot in both camps.

17. Make extraordinary flow as a whole or want the person that rely on those to apply for a job, and stationmaster earns money or rely on an enterprise, and the enterprise does not delimit money to your under one's name anyhow, did a few serious analysises below, company invite applications for a job basically has the following way

18. Believe 杜德偉 Now I'm off to see the wizard He who hold the key To give me answers to the questions I need He told me that I wasn't happy about the way of my world And I had to tend to say I agree Then he told me that you got to change your state of mind You got to start at the beginning leave all behind Take a new direction Believe in your decision And take it to the top and no one's gonna stop me *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains And I just won't let it get to me I shake me head and go my my my See my face and know what I mean Make some sense out of this whole mess And I couldn't careless if it kills me Give me room to express myself Just as long as I believe in me A pocket full of wishes and a world of dreams And I never seem to be complete I thought a woman could be all the angles for me But it turn out to be all deceit And you'll never never know for sure If people ever mean what they say When taking the chances you just have to realize Life is a gamble if you're doing it in your way *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains And I just won't let it get to me I shake me head and go my my my See my face and know what I mean Make some sense out of this whole mess And I couldn't careless if it kills me Give me room to express myself Just as long as I believe in me Now I got a hold of my life and I found a real love And I'm counting all the blessings I've got All my dreams put into motion And I'm about to take flight Disregarding all the negative thoughts Oh I'm feeling kinda good about my future thank Now I'm just beginning to see I took a new direction Spin in to perfection I took it to the top and nothing's gonna stop me *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains And I just won't let it get to me I shake me head and go my my my See my face and know what I mean Make some sense out of this whole mess And I couldn't careless if it kills me Give me room to express myself Just as long as I believe in me *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains I shake me head and go my my my Make some sense out of this whole mess Give me room to express myself...
現(xiàn)在,我在起飛地看到精靈他的人是關(guān)鍵給我的答案的問題,我需要他告訴我,我是不會感到高興的方式我的世界我不得不傾向于說我同意然后他告訴我,你必須改變你的精神狀態(tài)你得從頭開始離開一切的背后采取的一個新方向相信在你的決定以及是否可以晉升至高層,沒有一個人的好的制止我*我覺得冷的時候,它有雨有雨我只是不答應(yīng),讓我 i動搖我的頭去,我我我的見我的臉,并知道我的意思作出一些感覺出這整個一團糟我無法不小心,如果殺死我給我的空間,以表達自己正如長,因為我相信在我衣兜里充滿了希望和世界的夢想我似乎從來完整我以為一女,可所有的角度,為我但反過來,以得到所有欺騙你再也無法知道肯定如果人們歷來說話是算數(shù)的當走的機會你一定要實現(xiàn)生命是一場賭博,如果你在做的,它在你的方式*我覺得冷的時候,它有雨有雨我只是不答應(yīng),讓我 i動搖我的頭去,我我我的見我的臉,并知道我的意思作出一些感覺出這整個一團糟我無法不小心,如果殺死我給我的空間,以表達自己正如長,因為我相信在我現(xiàn)在,我得到掌握我的生命,我找到了真正的愛情我敢指望所有的祝福,我已經(jīng)得到我的所有夢想付諸實施而我即將采取飛行不顧一切的負面思考哦,我感覺有點好我的未來謝謝現(xiàn)在,我剛開始看到我的一個新方向自旋完美我毅然到頂部,并沒有什么的好的制止我*我覺得冷的時候,它有雨有雨我只是不答應(yīng),讓我 i動搖我的頭去,我我我的見我的臉,并知道我的意思作出一些感覺出這整個一團糟我無法不小心,如果殺死我給我的空間,以表達自己正如長,因為我相信在我*我覺得冷的時候,它有雨有雨 i動搖我的頭去,我我我的作出一些感覺出這整個一團糟給我的空間,以表達自己

19. Believe 杜德偉 Now I'm off to see the wizard He who hold the key To give me answers to the questions I need He told me that I wasn't happy about the way of my world And I had to tend to say I agree Then he told me that you got to change your state of mind You got to start at the beginning leave all behind Take a new direction Believe in your decision And take it to the top and no one's gonna stop me *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains And I just won't let it get to me I shake me head and go my my my See my face and know what I mean Make some sense out of this whole mess And I couldn't careless if it kills me Give me room to express myself Just as long as I believe in me A pocket full of wishes and a world of dreams And I never seem to be complete I thought a woman could be all the angles for me But it turn out to be all deceit And you'll never never know for sure If people ever mean what they say When taking the chances you just have to realize Life is a gamble if you're doing it in your way *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains And I just won't let it get to me I shake me head and go my my my See my face and know what I mean Make some sense out of this whole mess And I couldn't careless if it kills me Give me room to express myself Just as long as I believe in me Now I got a hold of my life and I found a real love And I'm counting all the blessings I've got All my dreams put into motion And I'm about to take flight Disregarding all the negative thoughts Oh I'm feeling kinda good about my future thank Now I'm just beginning to see I took a new direction Spin in to perfection I took it to the top and nothing's gonna stop me *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains And I just won't let it get to me I shake me head and go my my my See my face and know what I mean Make some sense out of this whole mess And I couldn't careless if it kills me Give me room to express myself Just as long as I believe in me *I feel a chill when it rain rain rains I shake me head and go my my my Make some sense out of this whole mess Give me room to express myself Over...

make one's way to是什么意思

20. Changed fast by a society and shortened knowledge half-life in the 21st century, in the face of such a society, make us to have to change one's own study way-individual learning turned to team learning.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1275214.html
