

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語單詞 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶







peg 基本解釋


名詞釘,樁; 借口,遁詞,; (提琴等的)弦鈕; 尖頭物,爪,(曬衣用的)衣夾,(帽)掛

及物動詞固定,限制,限定(工資等); 在…上釘木釘,用木釘[短樁]釘住

不及物動詞疾行; 孜孜不倦地做某事


peg 相關詞組

1. peg out : 死亡;

2. off the peg : 現(xiàn)成的;

peg 相關例句


1. She pegged wet clothes on the line.

2. The feature was pegged on the riots.


1. She pegged down the stairs.


1. Her work is a peg above him.

2. He hung his coat on the wooden peg.

3. You hang clothes on a peg fixed to a wall or door.

peg 網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. 聚乙二醇:本發(fā)明公開了制備攜帶羧基官能團水溶性非肽類聚合物,特別是羧酸官能化的聚(乙二醇)(PEG)聚合物的方法,以及這些方法的產物. 通常,使酯試劑R(C=O)OR′(其中R′為叔基并且R包括官能團X)與水溶性非肽類聚合物POLY-Y(其中Y與X反應形成共價鍵的官能團)反應形成聚合物的叔酯,

2. 釘:Ff F(英語字母表中的第六個字母)源自腓尼基語的第 六個象形字母,該字母形似今日之英語字母 Y,代表木栓 或木釘(peg) ,在腓尼基語和希伯來語的名稱為 waw.中 世紀重罪犯(felon)的左頰常被打上 F 的印記,以示懲戒.

3. 木釘:(7)機器房(machineroom)-先將轉輪(spokedwheel)放到木釘(peg)上,然后到最上面將溶巖倒入漏斗(funnel)中. 回到下面撿起生產出來的金珠,同時記得要拿走轉輪. 最后到衛(wèi)兵房(sentryroom),將金珠放到鰻魚雕像(ell)中再丟到水里,

4. 栓:新式可膨脹的近端股骨髓內釘固定系統(tǒng),采用不銹鋼合金制成,包含一支髓內釘(nail)、一支股骨頸插栓(peg)與一支可抗轉動的插梢(anti-rotation pin). 根據(jù)植入的位置,髓內釘與插栓將擴大到其最大直徑.

5. peg:poly epitope gene; 多表位嵌合基因

6. peg:percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; 胃造瘺術

7. peg:phenethyl alcohol glycoside; 苯乙醇苷

peg 雙語例句

1. Because goods economy oneself did not offer off-the-peg implementation state ownership is special this.


2. Two, ? e could peg the resolution of the dispute over Arunachal to another long-standing Chinese demand, that of a free trade zone in the northeast comprising China's poorest province of Yunnan, Myamnar, Bangladesh and the eastern Indian state of Assam.?
其二,可以把阿魯那恰爾的爭議與另一個他們垂涎已久的問題綁在一起,那就是在東北部建立自由貿易區(qū),以幫助云南的貧困地區(qū),包括緬甸、孟加拉和印度東部的 Assam 邦。

3. The results are compared with P123 (PEG1000-PPG4000-PEG1000), PPG4000, and the mixture of PPG4000 and PEG4000 to study the effect of composition and conformation of polymer chain on the interaction between polymer and lamellar liquid crystal.

4. Both of these two kinds of locations induce the lamellar-to isotropic phase transition.


5. And by combining the intrinsic fluorescence emission spectrum and thermal inactivation profile of α-amylase in free solution and on the PEG-400 and modified PEG-400 hydrophobic media, it can be concluded that in liquid chromatographic procedure, chromatographic media can induce the conformational change of α-amylase molecules and promote their thermodenaturation; and in hydrophobic interaction chromatography, the higher the hydrophobicity of chromatographic medium, the lower the conformational change temperature of α-amylase molecules on the chromatographic medium.
同時,通過測定α-淀粉酶分子在自由溶液以及在PEG-400 和修飾的PEG-400疏水色譜介質上的熱失活曲線,可以得出結論:在液相色譜過程中,色譜介質會誘導α-淀粉酶分子構象的變化,并促進它們的熱變性;而在疏水色譜中,色譜介質的疏水性越高,α-淀粉酶分子在其上的構象變化溫度越低。

6. Entry Fee: rmb 25/personal 20 for the prize money, 5 for the lucky peg out Lottery

7. But we can mix the PEG with different molecular weights, then we can solve these problems and achieve better properties than monocomponent PEG.

8. In this paper, a simple coprecipitation technique had been successfully applied for preparation of pure ultrafine single phase Ta_2O_5-based solid electrolyte powders. Ammonia spirit was used to precipitate M~Ti~(4+、Zr~(4+)、Fe~(3+) and Ta~(5+) cations as hydroxides simultaneously. The effects of precipitating process conditions (such as consistency of reactant, content of PEG, pH and rate of titration) on the coprecipitation of the products and the calcination temperature were studied and the optimum process conditions for the manufacture of powders were determined. DTA, XRD, TEM, grain-size distribution meter and some other experiment methods had been employed to characterize the products. The effluent treatment was researched by lime and evaporation, and the content of F~- was tested by ion chromatograph.

9. He is a square peg who does not quite fit into a round hole.

10. The distribution of PEG and PAn segments on the surface of the spherical micelle of the copolymer was interesting but was difficult to observe by experiments. The authors focused on investigating the characteristics of the spherical micelle of the copolymers in a low concentration.


11. The results showed that the percentage of calli derived from protoplats isolated from cotyledon was lower than the that isolated from hypocotyls when the protoplats were cultured in P-8 medium. The percentage of protoplat fusion treated with γ|ray was higher than the that treated with PEG. The hybrid plant regeneration from fusion of protoplasts between L. fendleri and B. napus was the highest when the calli were cultured in B-5 medium+2mgZT/L. The height of hybrid plants was 60~70cm. The shape of leaves resembled more to those of L. fendleri; and the leaves were three times larger than L. fendleri's. The anther size and the stem height of the hybrid plants were intermediate between both parents. The flower type and colour were the same as B. napus. No seeds was obtained because no pollens produced in the anther.
結果表明:L 。fendleri原生質體及兩種植物融合原生質體在P8培養(yǎng)基上誘導出愈率高;來源于下胚軸的原生質體出愈率高于子葉原生質體;低劑量γ射線輻照處理更有利于促進原生質體融合;子葉原生質體間細胞融合頻率高于下胚軸原生質體間細胞融合頻率;B5培養(yǎng)基+2mgZT L對提高融合原生質體細胞愈傷組織再分化最適宜;原生質體融合細胞再生植株高度 60~ 70cm ,葉片形狀偏向L 。fendleri,葉片大小、莖稈粗細、花藥大小介于雙親之間,花型、花色偏于B 。napus,花藥空癟,無花粉粒,自交不能結實

12. The number averagemolecular weight of DFA-PEG polyester is 6135, and average weight molecularweight is 7798. Distribution of molecular weight is 1.212, and it is distributed innarrow range.

13. Two replacement vectors, pACS-HPH and pGMC-HPH, were respectively transformed into protoplast of M. aurantiacus AS3.4384 to disrupt ACS gene and GMC gene.

14. In order to study the effect of synthesis condition and doping on appearance and performance of nano-barium ferrite, the barium ferrite nanorods and doped lanthanum barium ferrite nanorods were successfully synthesized by the combustion of material made by critic acid sol-gel method in the present of PEG.

15. You may want to double the rubber fuel tube over and secure it in this position with a clothes peg.

16. He buys his clothes off the peg.

17. She was peg ging the clothes out on the line to dry.

18. It's a fine day. Please help me to peg out the clothes.

19. She peg ged wet clothes on the line.

20. L -1 PEG4000. The highest germination rate in N2 was 38.3%.
L -1 PEG4000 ,其中`N2`的最高萌發(fā)率為38.3%;不同開花階段對生活力有極顯著影響。

peg 詞典解釋

1. 掛鉤;掛釘
A peg is a small hook or knob that is attached to a wall or door and is used for hanging things on.

e.g. His work jacket hung on the peg in the kitchen.

2. (晾衣用的)衣夾
A peg is a small device which you use to fasten clothes to a washing line.

in AM, usually use 美國英語通常用 clothespin

3. (金屬或木制的)銷釘,楔子,栓
A peg is a small piece of wood or metal that is used for fastening something to something else.

e.g. He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.
e.g. ...the noise of the hammer striking the steel pegs.


4. 用銷釘(或楔子、木栓)固定
If you peg something somewhere or peg it down, you fix it there with pegs.

e.g. ...trying to peg a double sheet on a washing line on a blustery day...
e.g. Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.

5. peg的近義詞

5. 限定(價格、數(shù)量等);把…固定在一定水平;使與…掛鉤
If a price or amount of something is pegged at a particular level, it is fixed at that level.

e.g. Its currency is pegged to the dollar...
e.g. UK trading profits were pegged at £40 million...

6. 殺…的威風;挫…的銳氣
If you say that someone should be brought down a peg or be taken down a peg, you mean that they should be made to realize that they are not so important or wonderful as they think they are.

e.g. We thought it was time they were brought down a peg or two...
e.g. We'd have liked to see her taken down a peg, but not this way.

7. (衣服)非定制的,成品的
Off-the-peg clothes are made in large numbers and sent to shops, not made specially for a particular person.

e.g. ...an off-the-peg two-piece suit...
e.g. Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits, he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg.

in AM, use 美國英語用 off-the-rack

8. 方枘圓鑿;格格不入
If you describe someone as a square peg in a round hole, you mean that they are in a situation or doing something that does not suit them at all.

e.g. Taylor is clearly the wrong man for the job — a square peg in a round hole.

相關詞組:peg out

peg 單語例句


1. The central bank abandoned its currency peg to the US dollar in July 2005 and linked the renminbi to a basket of currencies.


2. The company also said it expects China to peg the renminbi to a basket of currencies instead of linking it directly to the greenback.

3. China broke its currency peg to the dollar last July and moved to a link to a basket of currencies.

4. The PEG will slowly replace the water in the wood's cellular structure.

5. Chamber of Commerce that he believed legislative pressure will probably be needed to get China to drop its tight peg to the dollar.

6. peg什么意思

6. China ended its peg to the dollar and switched to a basket of major currencies in July 2005.

7. The prime lending rate is used to peg rates on home equity loans, certain credit cards and other consumer loans.

8. We expect an effective crawling peg of the RMB against the US dollar to remain in place for a number of years yet.

9. Mundell advised China to hold its dollar peg steady and continue its gradual reforms of the economy to bring in market forces and foreign investment.

10. Hong Kong economists say the currency peg is not a crucial factor behind the city's high inflation.

peg 英英釋義



1. a wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface

Synonym: nog

2. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing

Synonym: pin thole tholepin rowlock oarlock

3. peg的意思

3. regulator that can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrument

4. a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg

Synonym: wooden leg leg pegleg


5. informal terms for the leg

e.g. fever left him weak on his sticks

Synonym: pin stick

6. small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.

Synonym: pin


1. stabilize (the price of a commodity or an exchange rate) by legislation or market operations

e.g. The weak currency was pegged to the US Dollar

2. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

2. fasten or secure with a wooden pin

e.g. peg a tent

Synonym: peg down

3. pierce with a wooden pin or knock or thrust a wooden pin into

4. peg什么意思

4. succeed in obtaining a position

e.g. He nailed down a spot at Harvard

Synonym: nail down nail

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/danci/1278477.html
