
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習網(wǎng)

大慶實驗中學(xué)2016-2016學(xué)年度上學(xué)期期末考試高三年級英語試題 第卷聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A, B, C, 三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷相應(yīng)的位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。Her car was borrowed C. Her car was stolen.2. How much could the woman save according to the man ? A.15 bucks B. 20 bucks C. 30 bucks 3. What did the boy do this morning ? A. He had a history lesson B. He had a chemistry lesson. C. He attended a meeting.4. What does the man think kids should do ? A. Eat more potatoes. B. Do more exercise. C. Watch more TV.5. When will the woman arrive ? A. At 1:45p.m. B. At 2:00p.m . C. At 2:15 p.m. 第二節(jié):( 共15小題,每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。What is the man going to do in the summer vacation ? A. Stay at home. B. Find a part-time job. C. Prepare for a test. 7. What did the woman do last summer ? A. Worked in a shop B. Worked in a bar. C. Studied at home聽第下面一段材料,回答第8至9題 8. How does the woman feel about jazz ? A. It is the most popular music. B. It is exciting. C. It helps her relax. 9. What can we learn from the conversation ? A. The woman will borrow some CDs one day. B. The woman hasn’t listened to operas. C. The man likes listening to operas most. 聽第下面一段材料,回答第10和第12題 10. Why does the girl take six courses ? A. She is interested in all of them. B. She expects to get a good job. C. She missed her chemistry course because of illness.11. What course does the man most probably teach ? A. Chemistry B. Literature C.(Calculus(微積分).12. What does the man seem to be most concerned about ? A. If the girl can deal with six courses.B. If his seminar is welcomed.C. If the girl can do two seminars in a term. 聽第下面一段材料,回答第13至16題 13. What is the man going to do ? A. Have a job interview. B. Go to work . C. Take part in a party. 14. What looks terrible on the man according to the woman ? A. The jacket. B. The pants. C. The tie. 15. What color tie is the man going to wear ? A. Orange. B. Red. C. Blue16.What makes the man look smarter ? A. The briefcase. B. The black shoes. C. The suit.聽第下面一段材料,回答第17至20題 17. When is it good to eat sweets ? A. At the beginning of a meal. B. In the middle of a meal. C. At the end of a meal. 18. What is a good eating habit ? A. Eating ice-cream before a meal. B. Eating at the same time each day. C. Eating when we are hungry. 19. What will make us dislike eating anything, according to the speaker ?A. Full. B. Anger. C. Good appetite. 20. How could judges in England know a man was telling lies? A. He could not swallow dry bread. B. He ate too much bread. C. He refused to eat bread. 第二部分:英語知識運用第一節(jié):單項填空:(共15小題,每小題 1 分,滿分15分)21.---I don’t believe smoking can damage your health as long as you exercise regularly. ---______!Years of medical research show smoking is a stupid and expensive way to ruin your health. A. Nonsense B. You bet C. Sounds good D. Cheers 22. ---Why did you come by taxi?---My car broke down last week and I still it repaired.A.didn’t haveB.hadn’t had C.haven’t hadD.won’t have23. The witness piano is her main focus, she’s also great at guitar.A. Since B. Once C. Unless D. While 25. ---What do you think of the idea of Web TV? ---Web TV is a world of interactive TV programming, ______ anything wonderful can happen.A. the world which B. the world whereC. a world which D. a world where 26. ________ in the United States, St Louis has now become the 4th largest city.A. It is the 24th biggest city B. It was the 24th biggest cityC. Before the 24th biggest city D. Once the 24th biggest city27.The patients are forbidden, even if they have recovered,______ in hospital.A. to have drunk B. drinking C. having drunk D. to drink 28.—You know quite a lot about the fashion show.—Well, Cathy it to me during lunch.A.introducesBintroduced C had introducedD. will introduce 29. I have been looking forward for a long time ______ a chance to have a job interview. A. to getting B. to get C. of getting D. getting 30.--- Are you still willing to lend money to your roommate ? ---Yes. I have always held the _____ that he is an honest fellow. A. custom B. truth C. fact D. belief31..---These grapes look really beautiful. ----They _______! See the price $3.99 a pound. Very expensive, aren’t they!A. would B. could C. might D. should32.If nature does not provide man with the necessary material, it is the laboratory ______ he will turn to for it. AwhereB.thatC.whichD.what33.You may not agree, but my ______opinion is that this program is not suitable for children. A. unique B. optimistic C. personal D. generous 34.ww.videojug.com, which has_________ food and drink channel with clear explanations, is ______very popular website.A.a(chǎn); theB.the; 不填C.a(chǎn); aD.不填; a’d be only too happy to help you, if I _____ the money. A. were having B. have C. would have D. had 第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking 36 many adults and us, too, to have the idea that if we can’t handle school or 37 life well, we?e just not trying.But in my opinion that may not be 38 .Earlier this school year, I was leaving my cclass one Friday, when suddenly it 39 like I had pulled a muscle in my back. I knew I was ill.After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost 40 ; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began 41 loose. This time my parents got scared. 42 , I started sleeping less. My eyelids were constantly 43 .I refused to 44 that I was i11.I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didn’t 45 any classes. When I was hurting, I didn’t mind and kept on going. 46 it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?But now I find myself thinking. Is it 47 it? I’m taking the classes and writing for the newspaper because it looks good 48 college applications. And I?m working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream school, I can 49 it.Here I am, already sick from the 50 of work I? doing in and out of school. So, what good is 51 applicspation if I? badly ill? What is the 52 of doing this work if I can? enjoy the results?In fact, by writing my 53 I? telling all the people who 54 much about the future to worry about it now. This is my warning: Don?, wh climb the 55 dive if you don’t like the deep end.36.A.makesB.forcesC.intendsD.causes37.A.stillB.evenC.justD.yet38.A.trueB.realC.wrongD.false39.A.lookedB.seemedC.a(chǎn)ppearedD.felt40.A.weightB.hopeC.faceD.direction41.A.hangingB.holdingC.changingD.dressing42.A.In factB.In additionC.In disorderD.In general43.A.droppedB.shutC.openD.heavy44.A.insistB.determineC.a(chǎn)cceptD.consider45.A.loseB.dropC.giveD.take46.A.UnlessB.IfC黑龍江省大慶實驗中學(xué)2016屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/520068.html
