
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
I.聽力理解(共 20 小題;每小題 1.5分,滿分30分)
1. How does the man feel about Yorkshire?
A. He doesn’t enjoy the weather.
B. He likes everything about it.
C. He likes the rain there.
2. Which month is probably it now?
A. June. B. August. C. September.
3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. At a hospital. B. At a library. C. At a bookstore.
4. What will the woman do first?
A. Send the e-mail. B. Make a call. C. Type the paper.
5. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. Wood survived the air-crash.
B. The plane crashed into the sea.
C. Wood has just been back from a holiday.
聽第6段材料,回答第6至 8 題。
6. How does the man find Professor Martin’s class?
A. Exciting. B. Hard. C. Boring.
7. Why does the woman like the study group?
A. Because everyone is kind and active.
B. Because she likes the games in the study group.
C. Because everyone is serious and helpful.
8. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. There are six members in the study group.
B. They will meet at the school gate tonight.
C. The man will join the study group tonight.
聽第7段材料,回答第9至 11 題。
9. Why does the man want to get a car?
A. Because it is useful for his work.
B. Because he has got a lot of money.
C. Because the car is cheap.
10. What does the man consider when he chooses the car?
A. The price. B. The quality. C. The way of payment.
11. How much will the man pay for the remaining part?
A.$2500. B.$13800. C.$30000.
聽第8段材料,回答第12至 14 題。
12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter.
13. What food does the woman have?
A. A bottle of beer. B. A basket of fruit. C. A cheese sandwich.
14. Which of the following is true according to the conversation?
A. The lunch basket is in the back of the car.
B. There are trees, grass but little water around the picnic site.
C. They haven’t driven there for a long time.
聽第9段材料,回答第15至 17 題。
聽第10段材料,回答第18至 20 題。
18. Who brought up Eric?
A. His uncle. B. His mother. C. His grandparents.
19. When did Eric start taking drugs?
A. After his music group broke up.
B. After his marriage failed.
C. After his wife died.
20. Which of the following is true?
A. Eric could also write good songs.
B. Eric had never attended an art college.
C. Eric was world famous as a movie star.
II.單項(xiàng)填空(共 15 小題;每小題 1分,滿分15分)
21. Mary took _____ advantage of the opportunity and tried to make _______ good impression on her new boss.
A. an; a B. 不填;a C. an;不填 D. 不填; 不填
22. Most of his mistakes _______ out of his nervousness, I am sure.
A. arose B. raised C. rose D. lifted
23. That company wants to reduce prices to increase its market share, and this is _______ we differ from it.
A. whatB. whichC. whereD. why
24. According to the latest traffic rules, drivers who run red lights _______ lose six points, double the previous punishment.
A. shallB. mayC. canD. should
25. — The pop group S.H.E is said to have been invited to 2013 CCTV Spring Festival Show.
— Really? It’s a long time _______ they three performed together on the mainland.
A. thatB. sinceC. whenD. before
26. Not until I have got all the information _______ some comments about this incident.
A. I can makeB. can I makeC. I have madeD. have I made
27. — Did you see it with your own eyes, Mike?
— Yes. Otherwise I _______you about it.
A. didn’t tell B. hadn’t told
C. wouldn’t tell D. wouldn’t have told
28. The sentence wants _______ once more as many students still have difficulty understanding it.
A. to e xplain B. explaining C. being explained D. explained
29. He talks as if he knew the truth. _______, he knows nothing about it.
A. ActuallyB. ReallyC. ObviouslyD. Generally
30. — Tony, you seem in high spirits.
— Yes. There is nothing _______ exciting than seeing my work in print.
A. soB. mostC. moreD. as
31. Many memories of old times were _______ by the conversation we had that evening.
A. called upB. set upC. kept upD. put up
32. — Shall we make it next Saturday morning?
— Sorry. I _______ a friend off at the airport then.
A. seeB. was seeingC. will have seenD. will be seeing
33. I wonder if this red dress is _______ in a larger size. This one is too tight.
A. possibleB. acceptableC. availableD. fashionable
34. We went to the Royal Cinema last night, _______ we saw the film Life of Pi.
A. whichB. thatC. whereD. as
35. — I think we should spend more money developing new markets.
— _______ In my opinion, it’s more important to hold the old customers first.
A. I couldn’t agree more. B. Do you really think so?
C. That’s reasonable advice. D. Isn’t it a good idea?
III.完形填空(共 20 小題;每小題 1.5分,滿分30分)
閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處 的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。
The start of a new school year always brings a return to routine at my house. It’s the 36 routine practiced all across the country: wake up the 37 , get them out of bed, m ake sure everyone has 38 , check to see that the five-year-old has her shoes on, see their teeth are brushed, 39 lunches or lunch money, grab the book bags, and 40 for the door. Life goes like this and 41 thought is required for such a routine. As a 42 , I just get in the zone and get it all done. The mental clock is 43 ticking the whole time.
One recent morning proved a(n) 44 . “The trees are dancing, mom!” shouted the five-year-old as we pulled out of the driveway. Her conversation about dancing trees went on for several minutes 45 I finally came out of my “accomplish the routine” mindset (心態(tài)) and noticed the 46 that day.
Oh! The trees were dancing! I was so 47 with my daily routine that I 48 to notice the world around me. Once I started paying attention to the 49 of the leaves and the beauty of the trees “dancing”, it changed my whole mindset.
50 life through the eyes of a five-year-old brought 51 back to my morning. I often find it easy to 52 the sense of wonder that I had as a child. The 53 I’ve been in “the routine”, the more likely I am to lose some of the wonder and the freshness. My young child 54 me that I need to 55 and enjoy the wonder of my life.
36.A. special
A. neighbors
A. eaten
A. hand in
A. wait
A. little
A. doctor
A. usually
A. example
A. once
A. sunshine
A. busy
A. hesitated
A. color
A. Ending
A. beauty
A. learn
A. higher
A. forced
A. studyB. same
B. parents
B. left
B. hand over
B. look
B. quick
B. mother
B. slightly
B. exception
B. while
B. rain
B. angry
B. failed
B. shape
B. Hating
B. kindness
B. lose
B. longer
B. persuaded
B. workC. new
C. children
C. recovered
C. hand down
C. search
C. much
C. student
C. ever
C. success
C. before
C. cloud
C. unsatisfied
C. loved
C. movement
C. Experiencing
C. anger
C. talk
C. less
C. reminded
C. refuseD. flexible
D. friends
D. disappeared
D. hand out
D. race
D. active
D. teacher
D. never
D. disaster
D. after
D. wind
D. comfortable
D. began
D. size
D. Devoting
D. sadness
D. show
D. better
D. requested
D. stop
IV.閱讀理解(共 20 小題;每小題 2分,滿分40分)
Sand and water games improve the level of creativity in kids. Show your kids how to make outlines and shapes with sand models in the sand with their fingers or stuffs such as combs or a small plastic rake(耙子). Put some sand on a plate to use indoors and make learning to mark out letters and numbers added fun. Sand and water games or activities are things that even you can do with your kids that combine amusement, knowledge, creativity, and you can spend quality time with your children as well.
56. Acco rding to the text, sand and water games _________.
A. are popular with many kids B. are played only on the beach
C. can’t be shared with parents D. are welcomed by most parents
57. Why can sand and water games make teaching and learning easy?
A. Because parents can instruct them. B. Because kids’ vocabulary is improved.
C. Because kids can predict the answers. D. Because kids are curious about them.
58. According to the text, playing sand and water games _________.
A. can make kids amused, creative and sociable
B. will change the traditional way of schooling
C. may prevent kids from communicating with others
D. may do harm to kids’ health
59. What’s the main purpose of the text?
A. To teach kids how to play sand and water games.
B. To tell parents the benefits of kids’ playing sand and water games.
C. To persuade parents to allow their kids to play outside.
D. To tell kids how to improve vocabulary and communication skills.
When his book Little Princes begins, Conor Grennan is planning a year-long trip around the globe, a journey that began with a three-month volunteer service at the Little Princes Children’s home, an orphanage(孤兒院) in Nepal.
When he arrived at the orphanage, Conor was immediately welcomed by all the children even though he had no previous experience in working with children. He quickly grew to love the job. But it wasn’t long before Conor came to learn that the children were not orphans at all — they were actually children who had been separated from their parents by a child trafficker(販子).
This realization turned Conor’s global journey into a strong desire to try to find a way to reunite these children with their families. As a part of his efforts, Conor did a great amount of work when he was back in America. He started up a nonprofit organization called Next Generation Nepal(NGN), raising funds in order to buy a house in Nepal for another children’s home. Then, back in Nepal, he began a life-changing trek(艱苦跋涉) into the remote villages in the mountains of Humia.
It is really amazing to read about Conor communicating with the children and to read his descriptions of each of them. He made me truly care about the kids. I wanted them to be able to reunite with their families, too! Unfortunately, this was sim ply not possible for some of the children. But there were some children who received amazing surprises. Jagrit, for example, had thought for years that both his parents were dead. So, Conor was dumbfounded when he visited Jagrit’s village and was introduced to the boy’s father!
Conor successfully found many of the families of the children. Also, he was successful in finding his future wife while in Nepal.
60. What do we know about Little Princes Children’s Home?
A. It is a profitable organization.
B. The children in it are all orphans.
C. It has many branches all over Nepal.
D. Many children ended up there due to illegal trade.
61. In order to help the children, Conor _________.
a. gave up his plan to travel worldwideb. set up the organization NGN
c. fought against child traffickersd. visited some remote villages
e. decided to settle in Nepal
A. a, b, cB. a, b, dC. b, c, dD. c, d, e
62. What does the underlined word “dumbfounded” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A. Satisfied.B. Interested.C. Astonished.D. Ashamed.
63. It can be learned from the passage that Conor Grennan _________.
A. is the author of Little PrincesB. is determined to remain single
C. likes teaching very muchD. is a friend of the author’s
While nature lovers across the world wish all humans to realize the significance of their natural surroundings, many Australians are turning caring for the environment into a way of life.
Julie Astonis, an Australian housewife in Brisbane is one such example. Even though autumn is approaching Australia’s Brisbane in April, one can still watch colorful blooming(盛開的) flowers in Julie’s little garden, as she tells that in her community, “Each of us has a beautiful yard. The whole community, from children to elderly people, takes care of the environment as if they are taking care of their own garden.
“Gardening is the most popular club in our community,” she says. “A lot of retired people don’t just regularly organize gardening lectures, but also pers onally visit families in the community to provide gardening training. So you can see that flowers continue to blossom in our gardens throughout the year.”
Talking about her people’s sense of care for the environment, Julie says when people in the community take along their dog, they always carry a garbage bag to deal with the dog’s waste. “In our community, you will never experience the embarrassment of stepping on the dirty waste while you are walking on the grass,” says Julie with a smile. “Taking care of the dog’s waste can also help to develop children’s sense of responsibility!”
As to protecting water resources, the Australian government has made strict rules for families. Julie says, “We certainly would not use tap water to water the flowers!” She says almost every family in her community has a huge tank used to store rainwater, which is later used as the resource of all outdoor water use, connect the water tank with their toilets.
64. From the first three paragraphs we learn that _________.
A. gardening is popular in most part of Australia
B. April is a great time for people to enjoy flowers
C. it’s not easy to keep a garden without proper training
D. Julie’s community has a deep sense of caring for nature
65. Which of the following about Julie is true?
A. She takes pride in her community.
B. She once stepped on a dog’s waste.
C. She is quite in favor of raising a dog.
D. She finds it embarrassing to walk on the grass.
66. From what Julie says in the last paragraph, we know _________.
A. rainwater is not the best resource
B. her community owns a public tank
C. her community makes full use of resources
D. it is not necessary to water flowers very often
67. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Love nature, the Australian wayB. How Australians save resources
C. How Australians lead their lifeD. Protect nature, a must of life
Below you’ll find the most popular travel and vacation destinations in the US.
Times Square, New York City
This Manhattan crossroads of commerce(商業(yè)) is the top spot on our list, thanks to increasing visitors to New York City in 2014 despite the economic turndown. According to the Times Square Alliance, “80% of visitors to NYC make it a point to visit Times Square.” The total of NYC visits last year was 47 million, which means about 37.6 million travelers visited the “Crossroads of the World”.
The Las Vegas Strip, Nevada
The Strip is part of the federal government’s National Scenic Byways Program, which designs roads based on “archeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational and scenic qualities”. Last year, total visitors to Las Vegas numbered 37.5 million; the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority found that an average of 80% of visitors had either stayed overnight or gambled(賭博) on the Strip.
National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, D.C.
Many of the nation’s iconic(圖標(biāo)的) public landmarks are found in the 1,000-plus acres of the National Mall and Memorial Parks, including the Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Memorials, and the Korean and Vietnam War Veterans Memorials. The Smithsonian Institution’s 19 museums are also close to the Mall; last year, the network of free museums drew more than 25 million visitors.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston
Built in 1742 by Peter Faneuil, a wealthy Boston merchant, Faneuil Hall has served as a commercial centre of the city for centuries and as a site for famous public speeches, like Samuel Adams’ independence-rallying speech to colonists. Today, shoppers account for a large share of visitors. Faneuil Hall’s historical significance makes i t gain the status of cultural attraction, attracting 20 million visitors every year.
68. How many people visited the Las Vegas Strip last year?
A. 47 million.B. 37.5 million.C. 30 million.D. 25 million.
69. If you want to listen to some famous public speeches, the best place for you to go is _________.
A. Times Square, New York City
B. The Las Vegas Strip, Nevada
C. Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston
D. National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, D.C.
70. We can learn from the passage that _________.
A. Times Square has historical significance
B. Faneuil Hall Marketplace is the cultural centre of NYC
C. Faneuil Hall Marketplace is named after a famous speaker
D. people can visit the Smithsonian Institution’s museums free of charge
71. The four tourist destinations in the passage are listed in order of their _________.
A. sizeB. popularityC. historyD. importance
Hot yoga is not terribly different from regular yoga. You will do the same poses and will need a yoga mat. However, the catch is that the temperature will be at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit and sometimes higher. The heat is what makes this type of yoga not for everyone. Regardless of your overall health, talk to your doctor before taking a hot yoga class and let your doctor know that you plan to take one.
I personally cannot do hot yoga due to a condition that is greatly worsened by temperature extremes, so I am an example of someone who cannot do this form of exercise. I do regular yoga just fine, but the temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit would be severely uncomfortable and possibly dangerous.
The climate is said to help with muscle flexibility and you will sweat like there is no tomorrow— which is believed to force out more toxins(毒素).It is important to keep in mind that even if you are in good health, the high temperatures can take some getting used to. You may want to start with a shorter class and work your way up.
You will be sweating greatly in hot yoga temperatures. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your class. It is also important to pay attention to your body. If you are feeling very tired, it is time to sit down and get some water. You should also remove yourself from the hot environment, but not into a very cold environment. For example, just go into a hallway—a place that is at a normal temperature and start to drink some water.
Things like heat stroke(中暑)are possible with this type of yoga. These issues are most often seen in those over 60 years of age, but younger people with chronic(慢性的)health problems are also at risk. Anyone can fall victim to heat stroke. Children are also especially vulnerable(脆弱的)to heat stroke, so leave the kids at home while you attend your yoga class.
If during class you ever start to feel bad or weak, immediately stop and tell your instructor so that he or she can get you help. Do not try to finish the class.
72. Hot yoga is different from regular yoga in _________.
A. its poses B. its temperatureC. its special clothes D. its special yoga mat
73. The author writes the second paragraph to _________.
A. prove not all people can do hot yoga
B. explain hot yoga isn’t a good way to exercise
C. suggest she thinks hot yoga unreasonable
D. show she doesn’t like hot yoga very much
74. The fourth paragraph is developed by _________.
A. giving some advice B. making a comparison
C. providing some examples D. analyzing causes
75. Why do people take up hot yoga?
A. It is the most popular and effective exercise.
B. It works the muscles and forces out toxins.
C. It makes people get used to high temperature.
D. It prevents heat stroke and chronic disease.
Ⅴ.短文填詞(共10小題;每小題1分, 滿分10分)
Last week I went to visit my former neighbor, Mr. Yang.
He and I used to next to each other for many years.76. _____________
About half a year ago, an o came tha t the old building,77. _____________
along with many other ________(相似的) ones, should be pulled78. _____________
down to make r for a main street. So we had to move apart.79. _____________
Mr. Young has ________(定居) in the suburbs near a beautiful park.80. _____________
His apartment is much l than before . The only problem81. _____________
is that it ________ quite a long time to get to the downtown82. _____________
area. ________, Mr. Young doesn’t se em to worry about the long83. _____________
________(距離). He says that a new subway line will be built in a few84. _____________
years, _______ means life will certainly be more convenient in the future .85. _____________
2.參考詞匯:減壓 relieve pressure 高考the College Entrance Examination
One possible version:
Recently, I found many of us Senior Three students are getting stressed in our studies and can’t find a way out. Our pressure mainly results from the following: First, our top pressure comes from the heavy burden of school work. Second, the College En trance Examination is drawing near and we are always worried about whether or not we can be admitted into good universities. Besides, parents and teachers’ high expectations also keep us under great pressure.
As is known, too much pressure can cause harm to our body. As a result, our studies will be affected.
Here I suggest several ways to relieve pressure. Firstly, physical activities can reduce anxiety. Moreover, we can make time for fun to relax, such as listening to music, etc. Lastly, we can turn to our parents and teachers for help when stress does o ccur.
附錄: 聽力錄音原文
Text 1
W: You love Yorkshire, don’t you?
M: I like everything about it except the weather. It seems to rain every day here.
W: You will get used to it soon.
Text 2
W: What terrible weather we are having now!
M: It is too hot these days. July and August are bad enough and I don’t think the heat will be relieved until September.
Text 3
W: How long may I keep these?
M: Two weeks. If you cannot return them on time, you will be fined.
W: I think I had better read them fast.
Text 4
W: Well, sir, there are two jobs at hand. Which one shall I do first, typing the paper or sending the e-mail?
M: The former one. The sooner, the better.
Text 5
W: It’s surprising that Wood came out of the air-crash alive.
M: That’s true. The plane crashed into the mountain and was completely destroyed.
W: It’s terrible to have such a crash.
Text 6
M: Have you finished your assignment for Dr. Martin’s class? I’m really having difficulties with it.
W: No, I haven’t. I think it’s really hard, too, so I’m meeting with my study group tonight to talk it over.
M: Oh, I didn’t know you had joined a study group. Is it working well?
W: I think so. I’ve only been a few times, but everybody seems serious and helpful. Last time it really helped me to understand the analysis he gave in class.
M: Hm. Can anyone join the group?
W: Sure. Right now there are only four of us. If you want to join, I’m sure that nobody would object. Why don’t you come over tonight? We’re meeting at my house.
M: OK, I will. I’ll try anything at this point.
Text 7
W: Can I help you, sir?
M: Yes. I’m here to see the cars. What a world of cars!
W: Thank you. We have many brands, including domestic and imported ones. Do you have any particular brand in mind?
M: Yes. I want to have a Ford. I need it badly for my work. It must be very expensive, isn’t it?
W: Yes. Look, this model is newly developed and began to appear in the market just several weeks ago in America. It costs 43800 dollars. But considering the high quality, it’s worth it.
M: That’s why I shall choose it. But I’m afraid that I can’t afford to pay in cash now. Can you sell it on installment basis?
W: Oh, yes. You can pay in 12 monthly installments. For the first time, 13888 dollars, and you must pay the remaining part in 12 months, 2500 dollars for each month.
M: Thank you. I’ll come back tomorrow.
W: Bye!
Text 8
W: Tony! Let’s stop here! It’s a wonderful place for a picnic — a grassland, a small river, and those pine trees!
M: Good. Looks fine. Here we are. You know, I’m hungry. Aren’t you hungry?
W: Yes, I am. Tony, isn’t it delightful here? We’ve been looking all summer for a place just like this.
M: Yes, we should have driven out this way earlier.
W: This is such a lovely place. First, we’ll go for a walk beside the river.
M: Uh, where’s the lunch basket? I don’t see it. It isn’t here.
W: What isn’t there? Oh, you mean the lunch basket. It’s in the back of the car.
M: Ah!
W: We couldn’t have found a better place for a walk!
M: I hope we didn’t forget the beer.
W: But Tony, I’m thirsty and hungry, too!
M: That sounds so sad! Do you want a sandwich now?
W: That would be great! Mm, this cheese sandwich’s good. You ought to try one.
M: All right. They do look good, don’t they?
Text 9
W: How long have you been a truck driver, Mr. Stuart?
M: Just over six years.
W: And you have never had any other jobs?
M: No. I have worked for the same firm since I left university.
W: University? You did not take your degree then?
M: Oh, I got a degree and quite a good one.
W: Then why did you become a truck driver?
M: The answer is quite simple. I am doing what I want to do.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/55153.html
