
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高一上學(xué)期期中考試英語試題 時間:90分鐘 滿分:100分 命題人:陳菊生本試題卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分選擇題部分(共三節(jié), 滿分 55 分).第一節(jié):單項(xiàng)填空 (共 20 小題,每題0.5分,共10分)從四個選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。1. Tom asked John ____ give him a lift to the office. A. if he couldB. could you C. if could he D. if could 2. Can you ask the salesgirl ____. A. how much did it costB. how much it costsC. how much it costed D. it cost how much 3. My father____ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane ____ on Sunday?A. is leaving, takes offB. leaves, takes offC. is leaving, is taking off D. leaves, is taking off 4. — The professor has done some research on wild plants for 20 years.— Oh! He must have ______ a lot of difficulties!A. given in B. cared about C. joined in D. gone through5. ? Have you ____ your brother to give up smoking? -- No. I talked to him yesterday but he would have none of my advice. A. persuadedB. advisedC. promisedD. suggested 6. Oh, it’s you! I never ____ meeting here. A. dreamed of weB. dreamed ourC. dreamed of ourD. dreamed that we 7. The lady insisted that the young man ____ her wallet and that he ____ to the police station at once.A. had stolen; be sent B. should steal; should be sentC. had stolen; sent D. had stolen; must be sent8. The next meeting is ______ to be held tomorrow afternoon.A. determined B. organized C. scheduled D. expecting 9. ? Do you know the West Lake in Hangzhou? ? Yes, this is the third time that I ____ this beautiful city. A. visitB. visitedC. have visitedD. had visited 10. —Smoking is bad for your health. — Yes, I know. But I simply can’t ____. A. give it up B. give it inC. give it outD. give it away 11.That tree looks high and strong but ____ its trunk(樹干)is hollow(空的).A. reallyB. trulyC. actuallyD. surely 12. They are now trying to discover what use could be ____ such material. A. made outB. made upC. made of D. made from 13. He’s ____ working in Germany as a representative(代表)of a Chinese company. A. at onceB. at a timeC. at presentD. on time 14. ? Are you getting a new apartment this year? ? ____ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new apartment. A. Not at all. B. You must be joking. C. Are you sure?D. Good idea!15. There has been ____ accidents on this part of road. A. a number of B. a great deal ofC. a series of D. plenty of 16. ____ missing the bus, he got very angry. A. BecauseB. Because ofC. SinceD. For 17. It wasn’t until nearly a month later ____ I received the manager’s reply. A. sinceB. when C. asD. that 18. The way ____ he spoke English is more like that of an American. A. whichB. howC. thatD. in that 19. When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we had a good ______ of the whole city. A. sceneryB. sceneC. viewD. sight 20. Last summer holiday we spent the ____ few sunny days on the seaside. A. lastB. latelyC. latterD. late第二節(jié).完形填空 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分) Somebody might say, “I want to be a big fish, as big as Bill Gates, in a big pool, as large as Microsoft.” However, we all know it is 21 for a green hand in the field. Then you have to 22 the question carefully. Certainly no matter 23 side you choose to take, you have your chance to succeed. Now the problem is which can provide you more 24 . I choose to be a big fish in a small pool. A big company may provide you a 25 starting point, but a small company offers you opportunity to practise various 26 . During the 27 , you may 28 yourself, recognize your 29 points and find your potentiality(潛力). What’s more, 30 so many limitations and rules in a small company, if you are ready competent(有能力的) you have 31 chances to climb to a higher point. Finally, being a big fish (although) in a small pool, gives a green hand 32 self-confidence which is quite important for 33 . 34 , you should not be confined(限制,使局限) to your small pool, and be 35 with being a big fish there. You should always dream of being a big fish in a big pool!21. A. impossible B. uninteresting C. unnecessary D. uncorrectable22. A. think B. recognize C. weigh D. realize23. what B. whether C. how D. which24. A. help B. chance C. advice D. money25. A. high B. proper C. rich D. practical26. A. jobs B. tools C. skills D. topics27. A. success B. perform C. products D. process28. A. increase B. improve C. impress D. encourage29. A. weak B. reasonable C. strong D. amazing30 without B. because of C. except for D. with31. A. less B. equal C. no D. more32. A. various B. serious C. precious D. previous33. A. future B. success C. boss D. market34. A. Finally B. Certainly C. Immediately D. Generally35. A. satisfied B. proud C. relaxed D. regretted 第三節(jié).閱讀理解 (30分)ALong long ago, a God called Ratu lived in the sky. Ratu liked to play games and make people angry. The game he liked best was to fly down into the sea and frighten all the fishes. The fishes became very tired of his game. They asked Hemi, the God of the sea, to help them.So Hemi tried to catch Ratu the next time he flew into the sea, but he was too slow. Ratu laughed at Hemi as he flew past him. This made Hemi angry and he had an idea. He asked the fishes to bring him a lot of seaweed(水草). Hemi tied it all together and made a large net from it. Soon Ratu flew down and Hemi threw the net over him. Ratu fought and fought but could not get free. He was caught.Ratu promised never to frighten fishes again if Hemi would set him free. But Hemi did not believe him. Instead, he changed Ratu into a mountain in the sea. Ratu was so angry that when he opened his mouth to shout at Hemi, fire and smoke broke out. And that is why the Island of Ratu is a volcano (火山). 36. The main point of the story seems to be that ________. A. the person who makes trouble will be punished B. some volcanoes in the sea are gods C. seaweed is a good material for making netsD.one who makes promises is not to be always believed 37. This story is a ________. A. joke B. humor C. true story D. fairy tale38. The key meaning of this story is ________. A. how volcanoes are born B. how Ratu was beaten C. why some gods are good and some are bad D. why the Island of Ratu is a volcano39. Ratu liked to fly down into the sea because ________. A. he liked to make fun of the fishes B. the fishes welcomed him C. the fishes were friendly to him D. he had too much fire in his mouth.40 .Why did Hemi not believe Ratu’s promise? A. Because Ratu was a funny god. B. Because Hemi was an honest god. C. Because Hemi was not believable. D. Because Ratu was not believable.BWelcome aboard the Luxury Cruise bus to Dallas, Rouge, and Atlanta. We plan to arrive in Dallas at 1:45 this afternoon. There will be a fifteen-minute rest stop at that time. We will give a thirty-minute dinner stop in Rouge at 6:15 for those of you who are continuing on to Atlanta. We should arrive in Atlanta at 1:15 tomorrow morning. Please remember the number of your bus for re-boarding. That number is 3224.This bus is air-conditioned for your comfort. Please remember that浙江省臺州市外國語學(xué)校2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期中考試英語試題 暫缺答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/134074.html
