
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. What is the ost probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife . B. Passenger and clerk . C. Friends.
2. When ust you turn on your TV if you want to watch the football progra?
A. 20:25. B.21:30. C. 19:00
3. Where is the an going?
A. To the bank. B. to the hotel. C. to the oxford street.
4. which one of ary’s ars was hurt ?
A. The left one. B. The right one. C. Both
5. Why doesn’t the woan buy the larger coat?
A. It’s too big . B. It too high. C. she doesn’t like the color.
6.at what tie is the an going to leave for brazil ?
A.7:00 p.. B. 7:40 p.. C. 9:40 p..
7. What are the speaker going tie do this evening?
A. eet at the airport. B. have a dinner out C. go on business
8. What is the an’s telephone nuber?
A. 6854-1733 B. 6854-1377 C. 6854-9495
9. Who is Lisa in the conversation?
A. ary’s sister. B. ary’s classate. C. ary’s cousin
10.what was the woan’s driving speed on the road just now?
A.131iles per hour. B.130 iles per hour. C.113 iles per hour.
11. What is the woan going to attend?
A. A eeting. B. A wedding. C. An exa.
12. Where will the woan hand in the fee?
A. In the police station. B. In the bank. C. In the railway station.
13.How uch will the woan pay for what she buys?
A. $250 B. $420 C. $170
14. Why does the woan change the first overcoat .
A. It’s too expensive. B. It’s a bit sall. C. It’s too large.
15. What color is the overcoat?
A. blue B. white C. gray
16. What is the woan going to buy if it isn’t expensive?
A. a blouse B. a jacket C. a skirt
17.what do you need to do in order to ake a better ipression?
A. To ake a full preparation
B. To arrive ahead of tie.
C. To wear foral clothes.
18.why do you need to arrive ahead of tie?.
A.To learn about other’s interview inforation.
B.To learn about the copany.
C. To avoid being nervous.
19. What kind of questions are you going to answer soeties?
A. Work and strong points.
B. Experience and education
C. Reasons why you apply for the job.
20.what is the ost iportant thing when soeone is doing an interview?
A. Having a good knowledge in soe fields.
B. Speaking a foreign language well.
C. Self-confidence.
21. The lovely girl is fro Class 6. ____ nae is Alice.
A. Her B. His C. Your D. Its
22. I don’t want to a series of facets in a diary as ost people do.
A. go downB. sit downC. look downD. set down
23. There were only two paintings for sale and he bought ____.
A. all B. any C. both D. soe
24. Let’s ____ for a walk, shall we?
A. to go B. going C. go D. gone
25. —Where were you last Saturday?
—I ____ in the Capital useu.
A. a B. will be C. was D. have been
26. —u, ust I wash the dishes right now?
—No, you ____.
A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. ustn’t D. needn’t
27. I work hard this ter, but Peter works uch ____.
A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest
28. —ay I speak to the headaster?
—He ____ a eeting no Can I take a essage?
A. is having B. had C. has D. will have
29. There are no buses, ____ you’ll have to walk.
A. so B. or C. but D. for
30. — ____ is the dictionary?
—It’s $22.95
A. How old B. How long C. How thick D. How uch
31. I ____ r. Sith since he oved to Shanghai.
A. didn’t hear fro B. don’t hear fro
C. won’t hear fro D. haven’t heard fro
32. Today, coputers are really helpful. They ____ everywhere.
A. use B. are used C. used D. were used
33. Sorry, I didn’t break the plate .
A. on purpose B. on end C. on you D. on the other hand
34. Perhaps your friend would not understand what you are .
A. getting throughB. going through C. go to D. go back
35. y English is so poor, please help________ to iprove it..
A. ine B. I C. y D. e
III. 完型填空(共20小題, 每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
y father often works very hard. And he had 36 to see a fil. Here I’ll tell you 37 about hi.
One afternoon, when he 38 his work and was about to go hoe, he found a fil ticket under the transparent(透明的) 39 on his desk. He thought he 40 to have not uch work to do that day and 41 was quite wonderful to pass the 42 at the cinea(電影院).
So he cae back hoe and 43 finished his supper(晚餐). Then he said 44 to us and left. But to our disappointent, he cae back about an hour later. I 45 hi what was the atter. He siled and told us about 46 funny thing that happened at the cinea.
When y father was sitting in his seat, a 47 cae to y father’s seat and said that the seat (座位)was 48 . y father was surprised. He took out the ticket 49 looked at the seat. It was the sae. So he asked her 50 her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17, seat 3.
51 ? What’s the atter with all this? While they were 52 , suddenly the woan said, “ The design(設(shè)計、圖案) of the tickets are different.” So they looked at the tickets 53 carefully. After a while y father said, “Oh, 54 , I ake a istake. y ticket is for the fil a onth ago. 55 this seat, please.” With these words, he left the cinea.
36.A. little oneyB. uch oneyC. little tieD. uch tie
37. A. a funny storyB. a good storyC. an old storyD.a strange story
38. A. adeB. stoppedC. finishedD.got
39. A. boxesB. coputerC. glassD. paper
40. A. anagedB. happenedC. atteptedD. supposed
41. A. itB. thisC. thatD. which
42. A. orningB. afternoonC. dayD. evening
43. A. earlyB. quietlyC. quicklyD. suddenly
44. A. helloB. good-byeC. good eveningD. good night
45. A. askedB. explained toC. toldD. said
46. A. aB. oneC. soeD. the
47. A. anB. woanC. doctorD. nurse
48. A. hersB. hisC. herD. hi
49. A. butB. andC. orD. so
50. A. to bringB. to getC. to seeD. to show
51. A. Seat 1B. Seat 2C. Seat 3D. S eat 4
52. A. knowingB. doingC. havingD. wondering
53. A. uchB. anyC. evenD. ore
54. A. I’ sadB. I’ sorryC. I’ wrongD. I’ glad
55. A. TookB. BringC. BroughtD. Take
56. Toorrow Yu Wei and Ren Xue will probably .
A. go hiking B. go to a party
C. go to the ovies D. join the Sunshine Club
57. Which nuber can aria call at if her P5 is lost?
A. 84676352. B. 87539683. C. 87539682. D. 87058344.
58. Which of the following people is allowed to join the club?
A. A 10-year-old kid. B. A 14-year-old boy.
C. A 19-year-old student. D. A 30-year-old parent.
59. We can know that the club
A. is on Land Street B. costs 3uan a week
C. opens once a week D. is open for four hours a week

You ay know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an Aerican girl. And she becae very rich after that.
When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friend’s birthday party. Sh e was pleased but sad because she didn’t have enough oney to buy a gift for her.
“The party is coing soon, but now I have little oney.” Tears ran down her face.
Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gi ft when the door opened and her granda cae in.“ What happened? ” her granda asked. Hearing the girl’s story, she said, “Don’t worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to …”What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a drea! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party.
When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “Hoonderfully you sing! We haven’t heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving e the special gift.” said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl becae well-known in Aerica.
60. The song Happy Birthday was written by .
A. an Aerican girl B. an Aerican girl’s granda
C. an Aerican boy D. an Aerican girl’s friend
61. The girl was sad because .
A. she didn’t want to go to the party. B. she would be busy that day.
C. she didn’t have enough oney to buy a gift. D. she wasn’t invited to the party.
62. What gift did she give her friend?
A. A flower. B. A toy. C. An interesting book. D. A song.
63. What did her friends think of the song? It was .
A. boring B. beautiful C. exciting D. interesting

Dear Disney,
Last weekend, the four ebers of y faily spent an enjoyable holiday at the agic
Kingdo - Disneyland. And one event ade our visit see truly agical.
We got to the front of the line at Spa ce ountain, only to find out that our little daughter Gloria couldn't take her ice-crea on the ride. We were so excited that we all forgot ice-crea was not allowed on the ride.
Gloria broke into tears and we all had no idea what to do. Then urphy, one of the staff(員工) ebers, cae over. She bent down and told Gloria that she would hold the ice-crea for her and give it to her when she finished the ride. Gloria said, "Proise?" Then she gave urphy her ice-crea, and she copletely enjoyed the ride.
Sure enough, as we walked out the exit, there was Gloria's new friend with "her" ice-crea.
Now you and I both knohat happened, because we know that an ice-crea won't last twenty
inutes on a suer afternoon in Florida. urphy knew' what tie we would get off the ride;
she went to the nearest shop and bought a brand-new ice-crea thirty seconds before we walked
out the exit. Gloria said, "Thank you," but I' sure she thought it was the sae ice-crea.
We know that soeone tried hard to ake our visit special. Thanks so uch for going
above and beyond!

Your fan,
Caren Rivera

64. Before the ride, Gloria cried because _________.
A. she couldn't find her parents in the line
B. she was too little to take the ride
C. she couldn't take her ice-crea on the ride
D. she had to wait for twenty inutes
65. urphy was waiting for Gloria ___________ after the ride.
A. in the ice-crea shop B. at the exit
C. in the front of the line D. at the entrance(入口)
66. In order to keep the proise, urphy __________.
A. took Gloria to the nearest shop
B. asked her new friend to help Gloria
C. helped Gloria get off the ride
D. bought a new ice-crea for Gloria
67. Caren Rivera wrote the letter to __________.
A. order ice-creas B. proise to visit again
C. express her thanks D. give soe suggestions

A rich an was riding along the road and saw an old an digging in his garden. There was a young tree lying on the ground. The rich an asked the old an. "what kind of tree are you planting there. y good an?"
"This is a fig(無花果)tree, sir. " He said.
"A fig tree? the rich an was very surprised. "Why, how old are you, ay I ask?"
"I a ninety years old. "
" What! " shouted the rich an. " You're ninety years old, You are planting a very young tree now and it'll take years to give fruit. You certainly don' t hope to live long enough to get any fruit fro this tree. " The old an siled and said, "tell e, sir, did you eat figs when you were a boy?" '" Sure," the an did not know- why he asked this question. The old an asked," who planted the fig trees?"
" Why - why: I don ' c kno "
"You see, sir. " The old an said slowly," our forefathers(祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I a doing the sae for the people after e. "
The rich an was quiet, then said,” you are right, y good an. We should do soe things for the people after us. Thank you very uch. " Then he rode away.
68. The old an was planting _ when the rich an saw hi.[Zx
A. an apple tree B. a fig tree C. a pear tree D. a banana tree
69. The old an was .
A. 80 years old B.60 years old C.90 years old D.70 years old
70. The old an was planting the tree .
A. to get hiself soe fruit to eat B. for the people after hi
c. to ake his garden ore beautiful D. just for fun
71. We can express the ain idea of this passage"_____" in Chinese.
A.前人栽樹,后人乘涼 B.光陰似箭,一去不返
C.君子愛財,取之有道 D.財多惹禍,樹大招風(fēng)
The purpose of students who coe to school is to study. But studying needs right ways,or we would waste the tie or the oney. The followings are ways for studying.
The best tie for reading is orning. Because in the orning, the air is fresh and our inds are clear. For that reason, we can get good results.
When we study we ust be patient. If we don't understand a text well, we ust read it again. We should not read the next until we have leaed it well.
When we are studying, we ust put our hearts into the book. We cannot read absent - indedly (必不在焉地) , or we could get nothing fro the book while we are reading.
We ust always ask "why". If we can't understand well, write it down and ask our teachers or parents, brothers or friends, in any possible ways. We ust know it copletely and then our knowledge can be used well.
Though there are any ways for studying, however, the above entioned(提到的) will he helpful if we can keep the in heart.
72. orning is the best lie for reading because .
A. we can be ore patient. B. we can have a good tie
C. the air is fresh and our inds are clear D. we can relax ourselves
73. When we are studying ,_ __'
A. we ust chat with friends on the phone
B. we'd better Listen to pop usic
C. we have to eat soething
D.we should put our hearts into the book
74. If we don't understand a text well, _
A. we should copy others answers
B. we should read it again till understand it
C. we don' t do it an
D. we should give it up and read the next one
75. The best title of this passage is __________ .
A. Right Ways of Studying
B. Don ' t Waste Tie
C. Be Patient
D. Learn to Ask " Why"


此題要求改正所給句子中的 錯誤。對標(biāo)題號的每一行作出判斷:如有錯誤(每行只有一個錯誤),則按下列情況改正:
此行多一個詞:把多余的詞用斜線( \ )劃掉,在該行右邊橫線上寫出該詞,并也用 斜線劃掉。
此行缺一個詞:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號( ∧ ),在該行右邊橫線上寫出該加的詞。
76. It is pity that he issed such a good lecture.
77. Both arx and Engels were Geren.
78. I a gree you on that point.
79. You can join the club when you will get a bit older.
80. He often coes to work early and leaves off lately.
81. The police found that the house has been broken into and a lot of things stolen.
82. I saw the fil last week. So does she.
83. The questions raised by the boy is very iportant.
84. I don't like the way which you speak to her.
85. I think it useless go to such a place.
暑期英語學(xué)習(xí)交流中心將舉行感恩活動 , 要求用英語介紹你的至親, 恩師,好友或?qū)W校。請你根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容要點, 介紹你可親可愛的媽媽。
2.個性品質(zhì)(參考詞匯: kind, friendly, wise, patient(耐心的),
honest, chatter嘮叨about every little thing, get on well with)
3.互 動(參考句型: ①I help y o to…②she won’t get angry if I…
③ she is happy if I…)
(參考詞匯:do housework, fail in a exa,
ake a istake, encourage…)
4.感情表達(參考句型: ①I love… and I give her …
②she works so hard that I …
要求: (參考詞匯:wash feet; flower; a hug(擁抱)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/43530.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測英語試卷