高一英語必修1 Unit 1 Section Ⅲ測試題(帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習網(wǎng)

Unit 1 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language ≈ Using Language 精品練習1(人教版必修1)

9.____________(vi.≈ vt.)安家;定居;解決→
10.____________(vi.≈ vt.)痊愈;恢復(fù)→____________(n.)
12.____________(vi.)不同意→____________ (n.)→
13.____________(n.≈ vt.)不喜歡;厭惡→
答案:1.highway 2.suitcase 3.overcoat 4.teenager 5.grateful 6.tip 7.swap 8.ite 9.settle;settleent 10.recover;recovery 11.exactly;exact 12.disagree;disagreeent;agree 13.dislike;like
1.suffer____________     遭受;患病
2.get/be tired____________ 對……厭煩
3.pack(sth.)____________ 將(東西)裝箱打包
4.get ____________with 與……相處;進展
5.fall________love 相愛;愛上
6.disagree____________sb. 不同意某人的看法
7.be grateful____________sb. 感激某人
8.join__________ 參加;加入
答案:1.fro 2.of 3.up 4.along/on 5.in 6.with 7.to 8.in
1.Although I try to talk to y classates,I still______________________ake good friends with the.
答案:find it hard to
2.I a________________________y classates at the oent.
答案:having soe trouble with
3.I’________________________a boy in y class.
答案:getting along well with
4.I________________change this situation,but I don’t know ho
答案:do want to
5.________________________you could give e soe advice.
答案:I would be grateful if

1.At first I d__ ________with his suggestion,but later I changed y ind and agreed.
2.I’ really g__________ for everything you’ve done for e.
3.Belinda knows Japan really well.Perhaps she could give us a few t__________.
4.I think__________(十幾歲的青少年)have siil ar tastes in dress.
5.Within a few days ary had becoe seriously ill,__________(遭受)great pain.
6.To tell the truth,that’s __________(確切地) what I wanted.
7.After a few days of fever,he began to __________(恢復(fù)).
8.He didn ’t pass the exa,so he looked very__________(心煩意亂的).
He asked ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________y neork.
答案:if I was getting along well with
I’ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.
答案:fell in love with it
We should________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ our party.
答案:invite our teacher(s) to join in
When you________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,turn to your teacher for help in tie.
答案:have soe trouble with your study
I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ TV;let’s go for a walk.
答案:have becoe tired of watching
1.I don’t think she is a nice woan;I a________her epty talk.
A.grateful for      B.tired of
C.crazy about D.concerned about
解析:選B。結(jié)合語境可知此處表示的是“我厭倦了她的空話”。be tired of“厭煩,厭倦”;be grateful for“因……感激”;be crazy about“對……狂熱”;be concerned about“關(guān)心,掛念”。
2.I used to quarrel a lot with y parents,but noe________fine.
A.look out B.stay up
C.carry on D.get along
解析:選D。句意:過去我常常和父母爭吵,但是現(xiàn)在我們相處得很好。get along“相處;進展”,符合題意 。look out“當心,小心”;stay up“熬夜,不睡覺”;carry o n“繼續(xù),進行”。
3.You can’t iagine what difficulty we had ________ hoe in the snowstor.
A.walked B.walk
C.to walk D.walking
解析:選D。本題考查固定句型“sb.have no/uch/soe difficulty in doing sth.”。
4.As a kind and war­hearted an,he ade ________ his duty to help others who are in trouble.
A.this B.that
C.one D.it
5.As a teacher he should encourage his students to________the class discussion actively.
A.take part B.join
C.join in D.enter
解析:選C。此題是對有關(guān)“參加”的考查。在表示“同某人一起參加某種活動”時,常用join in,本句為“作為老師,應(yīng)鼓勵他的學(xué)生積極參加堂討論!
6.While________the dog,you should take care not to________.Otherwise,it ay be dangerous to strangers.
A.walking;let it loose
B.walk;be loose
C.walking for;get it loose
D.training;get it run
解析:選A。walk the dog意思是“遛狗”;let loose意思是“松開”。當when、while等引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句的主語和主句的主語一致時,可以省略從句的主語和謂語的一部分。
7.The woan doctor devoted herself________to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.
A.strongly B.extreely
C.entirely D.freely
8.y grandfather spends ost of his tie________because he loves nature.
A.outdoor B.outdoors
C.indoor D.indoors
9.We can counicate ________people in every part of the world________the Internet.
A.with;with B.with;through
C.through;through D.through;with
解析:選B。本題表達“與……聯(lián)系”,根據(jù)counicate的用法,第一空 應(yīng)填with。表示“通過因特網(wǎng)”的方式,應(yīng)用介詞through。
10.I often________hi for advice on y work and he is a lways willing to________e soe.
A.give;ask B.a(chǎn)sk;give
C.a(chǎn)sk;take D.give;give
解析:選B。ask sb.for advice“向某人征求建議”;give advice“提出建議”;take one’s advice“接受某人的建議”。句意為“在工作中,我經(jīng)常向他征求建議,他總是樂于給我提一些建議”。由此可知,正確答案為B。
I take the train into work every orning fro a train station near y house.I can get to the station quite__1__because there’s a short cut (捷徑) to the station.But in the suer,it can get quite selly because of all the __2__.So I always try to__3__through it.Today I was trying to do so as usual__4__soething ade e stop for a oent.I saw the ost beautiful__5__by an old woan walking in front of e with the help of a white__6__.
She was short and__7__and had white hair.She was walking__8__ as each step took soe effort.I hadn’t specially noticed her__9__,until she stopped near a rubbish bin (垃圾箱).
She slowly placed her walking stick__10__the rubbish bin.Then she leaned(斜倚著)on it with her right hand.She bent down and __11__the rubbish.She clearly found it__12__and it took her a while.She__13__ soe rubbish with her left hand and slowly straightened herself up again.All the while she used the rubbish bin to__14__herself.She threw the rubbish inside the bin and then__15__ walking.It all took her great effort.
There’s so uch rubbish and no one ever does__16__about it.I was oved to__17__this old woan ake such a great effort to keep even a sall part of it__18__!I haven’t been able to__19__thinking about that all day.
I want to follow her exaple.I’ve decided to pick up rubbish off the__20__if I eet fro now on.I hope people will do the sae as I do.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 本是一篇記敘。作者每天乘火車去上班。他家到火車站有一條捷徑,但是一到夏天,路上就會因人們所扔的垃圾而發(fā)出臭味?墒牵幸惶,作者看到一位身材矮小虛弱的老人在很費力地拾路上的垃圾,他深為感動,決定向她學(xué)習。
1.A.hard        B.early
C.easily D.late
2.A.rubbish B.boxes
C.bottles D.paper
3.A.walk B.pass
C.go D.rush
4.A.so B.therefore
C.when D.because
5.A.back B.a(chǎn)ct
C.a(chǎn)rk D.color
6.A.bike B.stick
C.dog D.ubrella
解析:選B。下中提到She slowly placed her walking stick...,所以,此處應(yīng)該是指walking stick。故答案選B。
7.A.weak B.rich
C.clever D.sad
8.A.quickly B.happily
C .a(chǎn)ngrily D.slowly
解析:選D。根據(jù)下as each step took soe effort可知老人每走一步都很費力,因此走得很慢(slowly)。故答案選D。
9.A.at idnight B.a(chǎn)t dusk
C.a(chǎn)t last D.a(chǎn)t first
解析:選D。根據(jù)語境可知作者開始(at first)并沒有特別注意到這位老人。故答案選D。
10.A.in B.a(chǎn)round
C.a(chǎn)gainst D.under
11.A.searched for B.threw away
C.reached for D.looked at
解析:選C。這位老人彎下腰,伸手去夠(reach for)地上的垃圾。老人應(yīng)該是看見垃圾才去伸手夠的,所以search for和look at在語意上是不合適的;throw away更與語境不符,因為她還沒有撿起。短語reach for有“伸手夠”的意思。故答案選C。
12.A.unable B.difficult
C.different D.ipossible
解析:選B。根據(jù)下的it took her a while可以判斷出,這位老人撿這個垃圾是很困難的;但是,根據(jù)下一句可知她還是撿起了,所以,ipossible和unable不合語境。故答案選B。
13.A.picked up B.dropped down
C.put in D.lifted up
14.A.war B.help
C.support D.hide
15. A.continued B.started
C.enjoyed D.reebered
解析:選A。根據(jù)語境,老人的這一動作是具有持續(xù)性的,即:拾完一次垃圾繼續(xù)走路,之后再拾垃圾再走。而動詞started表現(xiàn)不出此動作的連續(xù)性。動詞reeb er和enjoy在語意上是不通的。故答案選A。
16.A.soething B.a(chǎn)nything
C.everything D.nothing
解 析:選B。根據(jù)上下可知,有那么多的垃圾,但并沒有人去做任何事(撿垃圾)。故答案選B。
17.A.feel B.see
C.have D.let
18.A.busy B.beautiful
C.dirty D.clean
19.A.keep B.stop
C.ind D.regret
解析:選B。這位老人的舉止深深感動了作者,因此,作者一整天都在想這一件事。stop doing放在否定句中的意思是“一直做某事”。故答案選B。
20.A.wall B.desk
C.ground D.classroo
One of the hardest things to do when you are a sall child is to start school,and have a new teachers every year.I reeber when I was in fourth grade,there were tons of ruors(謠言)about y teacher .They said that he would hit kids with erasers.Nothing_could_be_farther_fro_the_truth,and to this day I still reeber hi as one of y favorite teachers,and one of those people who really helped e in life.
One of the things that you can do to help your kids get ready for a new teacher is to go to eet hi or her before the year starts.ost teachers are going to be setting up the classroos before the start of the year.This allows students to knoho the teacher is,and break the ic e.
It is coon for students to be fearful of the teacher for the first few days.aybe they look scary.However,as a parent,you need to teach your kids that teachers are people too,and that they want nothing but the best for you in life.
If your child is still having trouble adjusting to (適應(yīng))a teacher,you could ask your child to be taught by a different teacher.Soe kids just don’t like the teacher that they have for soe reasons,and would probably do better with another teacher.If so,see if you can do soething to have another teacher to teach your child.
Adjusting to teachers can be an uncertain thing for a young child.Whether your child knows nothing about this person,or aybe he has heard a ruor about hi,it can be a scary thing.As a parent,all you can do is ake sure that your children know the teacher is there to help,not be scary.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 新的學(xué)校和新的老師,往往是孩子們感到害怕的事情,尤其是大家對之評價不好的老師更是讓孩子們望而生畏。就這個問題給父母提出了一些幫助孩子們克服畏懼心理的有效方法。
1.When the author was in fourth grade,he________.
A.liked his teacher very uch
B.got little help fro his teacher
C.got along well with his classates
D.was hit by his teacher with erasers
解析:選A。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段中的I still reeber hi as one of y favorite teachers,and one of those people who really helped e in life可知,作者喜歡自己四年級時候的那位老師。
2.What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably ean?
A.Nothing can be true in the world.
B.Truth lies in the ruors.
C.What they said was wrong.
D.They did well in their lessons.
3.At the beginning of the school year,kids are ost probably________.
A.excited        B.frightened
C.surprised D.proud
解析:選B。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段中的It is coon for students to be fearful of the teacher for the first few days.aybe they look scary.可知,一般新學(xué)期開始學(xué)生們是很害怕老師的,所以會緊張、害怕。
4.This passage is ainly written for________.
A.teachers B.parents
C.students D.kids
解析:選B。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段中的as a parent,you need to teach your kids...和最后一段中的As a parent,all you can do...等可知,本主要給父母提出了一些幫助孩子們克服對老師的畏懼心理的有效方法。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/43661.html

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