
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

深圳科學(xué)高中2013-2014學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期中考試試題年級(jí):高一 科目:英語(實(shí)驗(yàn)、榮譽(yù)體系)命題人:唐佳琳 審題人:鄭生南 考試時(shí)長(zhǎng):90分鐘 卷面總分:100分注意事項(xiàng):答案寫在答題卡指定的位置上,寫在試題卷上無效.選擇題作答必須用2B鉛筆修改時(shí)用橡皮擦干凈.解答題作答必須用黑色墨跡簽字筆或鋼筆填寫,答題不得超出答題框.第一部分語言知識(shí)及應(yīng)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分) 完形填空(共15小題,每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1—15各題所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)!痩l never forget the Christmas in 1946. My dad had died five years before and left Mom several school kids to 1 .A month before Christmas our church said they were 2 a special offering (捐贈(zèng)) to help a poor family. We quickly decided to help without 3 .That month was one of the best of our lives. We’ll remember it forever. We took any job that we could 4 and saved each penny. We 5 the money every day to see how much we had got. We talked about how 6 the poor family would be when they had the money. The day before Christmas we 7 all our coins for three $20 bills andone $10 bill. We felt we were very rich.Then came the exciting Christmas morning. However, later that afternoon the minister (牧師) brought us a(n) 8 . Out of it fell some money --- three $20 bills, one $10 bill and seventeen $1 bills. Suddenly, we were 9 because we felt we had nothing.That week I felt so 10 that I even wanted to leave school. Mom 11 us to church on Sunday although we didn’t want to see anyone. A speaker was saying $100 would save a poor family in Africa. We became 12 for the first time in a week. Mom reached into her purse and 13 out the envelope. After a while the minister said excitedly that the offering was over $100. He hadn’t expected such a large offering from our small 14 . He said, “There must be rich people here.” Suddenly it hit us! We had given $87! We were the rich family! From that day on I’ve never been 15 again.1. A. teachB. leadC. changeD. raise2. A. planning B. acceptingC. enjoying D. bringing3. A. thinking B. givingC. writing D. listening4. A. affordB. offerC. findD. create5. A. paid B. countedC. gotD. borrowed6. A. thankfulB. nervousC. worried D. bored7. A.savedB. changedC. spentD. returned8. A. box B. noteC. envelopeD. gift9. A. rich B. excitedC. specialD. sad10.A. relaxedB. braveC. hopelessD. surprised11. A. tookB. showedC. sentD. followed12. A. sickB. tiredC. happyD. famous13. A. keptB. pulledC. turnedD. put14. A. classB. churchC. factoryD. room15. A. angryB. healthyC. quietD. poor第二節(jié) 語法填空(10小題;1.5分,15分)16-25的相應(yīng)位置上。Venus and Serena Williams are sisters. They are also both tennis champions 16 often have to play with each other. Venus is now eleventh in the world, and 17 is very famous. Her younger sister Serena 18 (move)up to third up to now.The two sisters were born in 19 poor and dangerous area of California. It was full of drugs and 20 (violent).In a recent interview, Venus spoke about the time 21 she and Serena were practicing tennis and they had to run and hide as bullets started 22 (fly). Finally, in 1991,the sister and their family moved to a safer area and 23 then they have never looked back.The sisters’ father, Richard, has been very strict 24 his daughters, 25 (train)them hard to compete against each other. Today, both sisters are studying design at college. They have already expressed a keen interest in working in design after their tennis career came to an end.第二部分閱讀理解(共小題;每小題2分,滿分分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C、D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)AThere are only 24 hours in a day,but people can use the time wisely. In other words,time management is important if you want to succeed.Knowing the importance of daily matters is the first step towards good time management. Write down the things that you want to do and organize them according to their level of importance. The important thing should be done first. If there are too many things that have to be done in one day, then you have to give up doing something that is less important on your list.Besides this,you need to spend a specific (特定的) amount of time doing all the activities you have written down and make sure you finish them on time. People often slow down in their work even though they know that time will never wait for them. Make sure you keep to your plan and finish the tasks one by one. Do not try to do too many things at once.Also,you can group similar activities together and do them one by one. For example, you can group all the tasks you need to do in the office together and do them while you're in office. Do all the tasks that have to be done in one place first, and then move to the next place to do the other tasks.“The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you're the pilot, ”said Michael Althsuler. Your future is in your hands,so remember to invest (投資) your time wisely from today on.Which of the following things should be done first?A. The most difficult thingsB. The most important thingsC. The things that weren't done yesterdayD. The things that take the least time27. Which of the steps below is NOT important for effective time management?A. Do all the tasks that need to be done in one place togetherB. Write down daily tasks that need to be doneC. Do as many tasks as you can at the same timeD. Understand and know the importance of daily matters28. The author quoted (引用) the words by Althsuler to say that ________.A. you can manage your time wiselyB. you can't control timeC. time passes quicklyD. everything has two sides29. Which of the following ideas would the author agree with?A. Never give up doing the least important thingsB. Successful people can make a day last longer than 24 hoursC. Writing down daily tasks is the first step towards successD. Effective time management can help one to succeed30. The text is mainly about ________.A. the importance of time managementB. ways to manage time effectivelyC. ways to organize daily activitiesD. the importance of doing tasks on timeBWhen you are traveling in Thailand, which means of transport is the best choice?You can rent a variety of motorbikes or bikes in Thailand. It seems to be very popular in most of the beaches and islands along the places in the north. The most popular bikes are the little 125 cc Honda Dream which you can get for about 150 baht (銖) a day or as little as 3,000 baht per month,making it the cheapest way to tour Thailand for the people from other countries.Sometimes you will have to go somewhere by taxi. When you are in cities in Thailand, especially in Bangkok, always remember to get a taxi that is going on the roads. Some drivers outside hotels refuse to use the milometer (計(jì)程表)They will ask a price which is several times the price when they use the meter!The quality of the roads in Thailand is generally pretty good,so renting cars is another way to get around. The big car rental companies may offer you slightly older cars at a very reasonable (合理的) price. It is a little surprising considering that the cost of buying a car in Thailand is more than that in the West. Petrol is also reasonably priced in Thailandmore expensive than American prices, but much cheaper than what is paid in Europe. In the past, Bangkok could be a difficult place to drive in—signs were generally in Thai only, making it a hard job to find exactly where you were by looking around. But now, the situation is improved. In a lot of places, even the farthest corners of the country, street signs are in both Thai and English.31. To a foreigner,the cheapest way to get around Thailand is re廣東省深圳科學(xué)高中2013-2014學(xué)年高一第一學(xué)期期中考試英語試題(實(shí)驗(yàn)、榮譽(yù)體系)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/157939.html
