河北省石家莊市2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期末考試 英語試題 試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2013—2014學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末考試高英語參考答案聽力:1—5 BCBC 6—10 CAABA 11—15 BABAC 16—20 AACBA單選: 21—25 BABCD 26—30 ACDBC 31—35 DACBA完形:36—4 0 CBADC 41—45 ACDBD 46—50 BCABD 51—55 ACDBA閱讀:56—58 BCD59—62 CBAC 63—66 BCAD 67—70 BCAD 71—75 CAFDG單詞拼寫:76. graduated 77. recover 78. attitude 79. persuade 80. instruments 81. performances 82. bitten83. downloading84. fluent 85. bargained改錯:Years of school life had taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork is the most important for me. hasIn fact, I didn’t realize it until I was being chosen monitor of my class in senior middle school. At first, I did most of the duties myself while other student cared little about class activities. As the result, students aI was tired out and feel unhappy. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me ∧work with others. felt toSo I had a good talk about my classmates for their ideas.They soon understood me and began to doing ith do或去掉towhat they should in class. Teamwork have freed me of trouble and made my work much effective than ever has more書面表達(dá) (25分):One possible version:Dear Andy,I’m very glad that you’ll come to spend half a year with us.Our school has arranged everything for all the exchange students. You’ll live in an apartment on the campus and western food is provided in one of the school dining halls. I believe you can get used to the life here pretty soon. Chinese classes have been planned twice a week for students like you. Besides, some students in the class speak good English. Language will not be a barrier but a good opportunity for you to improve your learning as well as make new friends. All the students and teachers here are very friendly. Join in classroom discussions, sports and after-class activities, and you are sure to fit in soon. (110 words)Looking forward to your coming.Li Hua書面表達(dá)評分細(xì)則1本題總分為25分,按5個檔次給分。2評分時,先根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容和語言初步確定其所屬檔次,然后以該檔次的要求來衡量,確定或調(diào)整檔次,最后給分。3詞數(shù)少于10和多于10的,從總分中減去2分。4評分時,應(yīng)注意的主要內(nèi)容為:內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)、應(yīng)用詞匯和語法結(jié)構(gòu)的數(shù)量和準(zhǔn)確性及上下文的連貫性,根據(jù)表達(dá)內(nèi)容的層次適當(dāng)分段及語言的得體性。5拼寫與標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號是語言準(zhǔn)確性的一個方面。評分時,應(yīng)視其對交際的影響程度予以考慮。英、美拼寫及詞匯用法均可接受。6如書寫較差,以至影響交際,將分?jǐn)?shù)降低一個檔次。0分:信息未能傳達(dá)給讀者。第一檔:(1—5分):未完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第二檔:(6—10分):能表達(dá)觀點(diǎn),但不夠充分,很少句子可讀,未恰當(dāng)完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第三檔:(11—15分):能表達(dá)觀點(diǎn),但欠充分,語言錯誤較多,基本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第四檔:(16—20分):觀點(diǎn)觀確,陳述合理,有部分語言錯誤,較好地完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。第五檔:(21—25分):觀點(diǎn)觀確,陳述合理,極少語言錯誤,很好地完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。附: 聽力材料Text 1W: Linda is very quiet, but her husband talks too much.M: Yes, you are right and he isn’t friendly either. Text 2M: I’m really tired of this weather. Rain, rain, rain.W: Don’t worry. The weather report says it will be sunny on Friday. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella today.Text 3M: They may be proud of their new equipment, but I’m disappointed. Their nurses are not friendly and everything seems to be running behind schedule.W: Not to mention the fact that it’s noisy because no one observes visiting hours.Text 4W: Do you want to go fishing today?M: It’s raining. Let’s stay at home.W: What can we do at home?M: Let’s just relax and read some good books.Text 5W: What’s in your bag? It’s so heavy.M: Nothing. Just some books. I like to read on the plane. W: That’s all? You must at least have some CDs in there.M: No, I hate music. I just like to read.Text 6M: So, when do you usually do housework, shopping, things like that?W: Hmm, on Mondays I usually clean the house in the morning. Early, from seven to eight.M: How about the shopping?W: I usually do that on Saturdays, before work.M: You seem pretty busy with school, work and housework! Do you have time for anything else?W: Yeah. Sure. I swim and play basketball in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I usually go out to see a movie with friends on Friday nights.M: And how about Sundays?W: I sleep all day.Text 7W: Hi. My name’s Alex.M: Alex. Oh, you’re Jim’s friend.W: Yeah. We worked in the same office ... until he moved to Hawaii. You look a lot like Jim. Are you related?M: Yeah, we’re cousins. His mum and my mum are sisters.W: Do you live here? Around here?M: No, I live in San Francisco. I just came for the wedding.W: San Francisco? Me, too. I just came for the wedding, too.M: Oh. Great. What do you do in San Francisco?W: I’m an art director in a fashion magazine. How about you?M: Well, I’m sort of an artist, too. I make films.Text 8M: Excuse me, madam, have you got a moment? I’m doing a survey on TV watching habits. Could I ask you a few questions?W: Certainly. Go ahead.M: Well, I need some basic information about you. First of all, what is your name?W: Anne.M: Are you a Canadian citizen?W: Actually, I am American. I have been living here in Canada for more than 15 years. But I was born in the US.M: What is your first language? ... Or the language you wish to use in the survey?W: You may ask the questions in either language. I am good at French, but my mother language is English.M: What is your job?W: I am a doctor working for the General Hospital. I also consider myself a medical science researcher. I teach medicine in a school, too. That is why I am very busy.Text 9M: Excuse me, madam?W: Yes, sir. How can I help you?M: I’m a guest in Room 514. I have some free time this afternoon, so I want to go to see a park, a landmark, something like that. What would you suggest?W: Uh ... Wrigley Field on a sunny day like today is nice.M: Wrigley Field? Don’t the clubs play baseball there?W: That’s right. In fact, they have a game there at 4:00. If you want to see a building with history, I think Wrigley Field is the Chicago landmark for you to see.M: Great. How do I get there?W: Go north one block and take the subway. Nothing gets you in or out of Wrigley faster than it.M: Well, the game starts in one hour, so I’d better go now. Thanks for your help.W: Have a good time!Text 10W: My daily routine ... Well, I get up at about ten o’clock, and I usually have breakfast in the garden if it’s a nice day. I love sitting in the garden reading the newspaper. I have lunch at about two, and then practise my violin in the afternoon. Concerts in Liverpool usually start at eight, so I go to work at half past six and get the train to the city centre. After the concert ... er ... well, I finish work at about half past ten, then have dinner in a restaurant with some friends from the orchestra. I usually take a taxi from the restaurant, and get home at about half past twelve. Then I watch TV or read a book, and go to bed at about two o’clock in the morning. And, that’s my day.- 1 -河北省石家莊市2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期末考試 英語試題 試題掃描版Word答案
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/229580.html
