河北省衡水市阜城中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高一11月月考 英語(yǔ)試題 Word

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

單選:(15分)Johnny is a dancer; he _____ above the rest for his perfect performance. A. stands by B.stands out C. lives on D stand forI have no doubt ______ he will win the first prize in the competition. A. if B. whether C. that D. about.Pieces of exciting news came to the city _______. A. step by step B. little by little C. side by side D.one after another26.After much _____, the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 20%. A. debating B. talking C.discussing D. bargainingI would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! - __________. A. Nor can I B. Neither would I C. Same with I D. So do I 28.Mr Smith has been teaching English in China for many years. - It’s no ______ that he can speak Chinese so well. A. matter B. doubt C. wonder D. problem29.Have you read this book? - Yes. But that one is _________ worth reading. A. well B. best C. more D.better When he was out of ______work, he was involved in crimes of violence and was put in _____prison at last. A. the the B. / / C. a / D. / the 31. It was in the school ______ he had studied _______ he began the important experiment. A. that where B. in which which C. where that D. where in which 32? You don’t do some jogging, do you?No, I ______, but now I ______ climbing mountains to keep fit. A. used to am used to B. am used to used to C. was used to used to D. used to used to33.Wang Lin as well as his classmates______ because of ______ the school rule. A. was punished obeying B. were punished breaking C. were punished obeying D. was punished breaking 34.----- How often do you go to the park? ----- _______. A. In two days B. Each few days C. Every second day D. Every a few days 35.When they knew there was a Panda in the zoo,the children could _____wait to see it.almost B.hardly C.mostly D.nearly完形填空(30分) A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had liked a beautiful __36__,and knowing her husband could __37__it,she told him.That was all she wanted.On the morning of her __38__,her husband told her how__39__he was to have such a good wife,and how much he loved her.He _40___ her a beautiful gift package(紙盒).She opened it and __41__a Bible(圣經(jīng)).__42__she raised her voice and said to her husband,”With all your money,you give me a Bible?” She was so _43___that she left him. Many years passed and the lady was very __44___in business.She owned two large companies.She __45___her husband was very old,and thought perhaps she should go to ___46__him.But before she could,she__47___a letter telling her that he had died,and gave all of his possessions(財(cái)產(chǎn))to her.She needed to come back and __48___things. When she arrived at his house,sadness__49___her heart.She saw the still new__50___,just as she had left it years before.With___51__, she opened it and began to turn the pages.A ring_52____from the Bible to the floor and a _53___could be seen.She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days.And on the card was the date of her birth,and the words”LOVE U ALWAYS.” ___54__your gift is not packaged the way you want it,it’s because it is better packaged the way it is !Always appreciate little things;they usually lead you to bigger things!The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched for they must be felt with the__55___.A.watch B.ring C.coat D.boxA.afford B.like C.design D guessA.holiday B.performance C.birthday D.meetingA.proud B.kind C.sorry D.braveA.lent B.asked C.gave D.movedA.carried B.found C.missed D.heldA. Politely B. Lightly C. Patiently D. AngrilyA.calm B.upset C.grateful D.carelessA.failing B.lonely C.successful D.poorA.wondered B.hoped C.realized D.explainedA.visit B.understand C.catch D.helpA.passed B.wrote C.sent D. receivedA.take care of B.pay for C.look for D. give awayA.covered B.broke C.left D.filledA.car B.Bible C.letter D.tableA.smiles B.laughter C.tears D.interestsA.hid B.dropped C.disappeared D.madeA.book B.pen C.flower D.cardA. If B. But C. Although D. SoA.hand B.eye C.face D.heart閱讀理解:(40分)                 ACity College Union Inc Secretary/TypistThe Union is a student-run organization with a permanent staff of 20. Typing speed of at least 60 wpm.The ability to take shorthand dictation (速記) is required. The basic salary for the position is$ 18,500 per year. Emu AirlineSecretaryEmu Airline is now offering a part-time position for a secretary.The position offers at least 20 hours’ work a week, with a view to full-time work in the future. Monthly salary is about $1,400.Phone 899-3264 for an appointment.Word Processor Operator (full-time)We need an operator to work in an office associated with the building industry. Only experienced operators are expected to apply.Starting salary: $ 17,950 yearly.Apply in writing to:The Personnel Officer Hill Morgan Pty Ltd 38 Green Hill Rd. Kensington 2033. Sewing Machinist WantedJeans IndustryWe are an expanding clothing company located south of the city. Our products include jeans, skirts, shorts and so on. We are looking for sewing machine operators.The factory works a 38-hour week over 4-5 days. Wages for this are $18,050 per year.If you are interested, come over and pick up an application form from Ripper Jeans, 23 North Ave, Beaudesert.     by _____. A. phone B. email C. visit D. fax BEverybody knows that words can carry messages. People communicate with words. Books, magazines, TV, radio and films all help us to know what is going on in the world and what people are thinking about. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes may tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows that you want to say something or ask a question. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “ No”. You nod and people know you are saying “ Yes.”O(jiān)ther things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed there are a lot of signs around you and you receive messages from them all the time? People can communicate in many ways without words. For example, an artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, seas and many other things. 59. Choose the best title for this passage. A. Ways for communication B. The best way for communication. C. The only way for communication. D. Words can carry messages60. How can people communicate with each other? A. With words only B. Only without words C. Either with words or without words D. Just by using different kinds of signs. 61.Which of the following is Not a way for communication without words? A. A cry for help B. A smile on your face C. Making a face D. Nodding your head 62. What does the road sign tell people?A. You can go into the park B. You can please everybody C. You can stop and leave your car there D. You can cross the street there.                C                             One morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的) to the most powerful came for breakf河北省衡水市阜城中學(xué)2013-2014學(xué)年高一11月月考 英語(yǔ)試題 Word版含答案
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/240024.html
