
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

高一英語期末自主練習 (A卷)參考答案聽力:1-5BAACB 6-10BCACC 11-15CCBAB 16-20ACCBA 單項填空:21-25AADCD26-30BDCAB 31-35DACBC 完形填空:36-40CCBAB 41-45DACCB 46-50DACDB51-55ACCBC 閱讀理解:56-60BADAD 61-65CDCAA 66-70ADCAC 71-75 DADBC單詞拼寫:76. unhealthy 77. recorded 78. treatment 79. throat 80. anxiously閱讀表達:81. It makes students spend less time on their study, physical activity and face-to-face communication./It can affect their study, physical activity and face-to-face communication.82. Using function phones instead. 83. stay ( keep) in touch with /connect with/communicate with84. Self-control to refuse those things./ Self-control to refuse the internet and cell phone games. 85. The advantages and disadvantages of students having cell phones. 寫作(One possible version):Recently more and more students in our school pay less attention to music lessons. Our music teacher is becoming quite upset because some students don’t listen carefully in her classes. Instead, they often talk with each other, or do their homework of other subjects. As is known to all, music has a great influence on our daily lives and studies. Music education not only enriches our knowledge, but also relax us and reduce our pressure of study. Besides, music is also a good way to deepen communication and understanding between people. In a word, music can make our life meaningful, make our study efficient and make our spirit high.In my opinion, we students should not live without music and we should make full use of music, especially our music lessons.附:聽力錄音材料1. M: Let’s go to the art exhibition this afternoon, shall we? W: I don't particularly like paintings. I’d rather go to a concert. 2. W: How can I get to the airport? M: You can go there by the underground, by bus or by taxi. The underground is the quickest, but the bus is the cheapest. 3. M: Did you and Anna really meet at exactly five minutes to eight in front of the theatre? W: No. To be exact, we were two minutes earlier. 4. W: Hello! May I speak to Miss Green? She is my daughter. M: I’m sorry. She’s in the classroom giving a lesson. Shall I have her call you? 5. W: Can you go with me, Tom? M: I’d love to, but I must complete the experiment first. W: Ok. I’ll meet you outside the science lab. M: See you later. 6. M: Rose, did you find the money I left on the desk? W: Yes, Bill. But what’s it for? M: Did you see the note I left? W: I didn't see any note. M: Well, I left a note saying I wanted you to get some stamps at the post office. W: Why can’t you get them?M: The post office is closed when I get off work. W: You could get them on Saturday morning. M: I know, but I won’t be in town on Saturday. I’m going for a picnic with some friends. W: Ok, I’d get them for you.M: Thanks a lot. W: You’re welcome. 7. M: Hi, Kate. Mind if I join you? W: No, not at all. Have a seat, Jack. M: Have any plans for the weekend?W: Yes, I’m really excited. I’m going to New York City for a few days. M: Really? My brother’s going to New York too. Are you driving? Maybe you two could ride together.W: No, I’m going to take a train. I’ve already got my ticket.M: So what are you going to do in New York?W: I’m visiting a friend I met last summer. Remember I went to a music camp in Vermount? I share a tent with Laura, and now she’s just moved to New York City. I’m going to see her new place. M: You two probably have a lot to talk about. W: Something about music, I bet. 8. W: Hello, Fire Service. M: Oh, I’m ringing because I think there’s fire in the house opposite. Smoke is coming out of the upstairs window. W: Can you give your name and address and telephone number, please? M: Yeah. Hank Cousins, 17 Mallett Street, Alford. W: I’m sorry. Can you spell Mallett, please? M: Yes, M-A-double L-E-double T. The telephone number is 6943168. The fire is in number 18 just across the road. W: Is anyone in the house? M: No, they’ve gone on holiday. W: All right. We’ll get there immediately. M: What shall I do? Shall I warn the neighbours? W: Yes, you’d better tell the people living next door. But don't go into the house. 9. W: May I help you, sir? M: Yes, I’m looking for a nice gift for my wife. It’s her birthday tomorrow. W: Perhaps she would like a nice necklace. We have many for you to choose from. M: I don't know. She’s already got one. W: Well, then. Maybe a ring or a watch would be nice. M: Yes. She may need a new watch. W: The gold one is pretty. M: Yes, it is. But are these diamonds real?W: Yes, they are. This watch usually costs $2,500. But if you buy it now, I can give you 10% off. M: It’s very nice. I’ll take it. Do you accept credit cards or checks? W: Both will do. 10. Mrs. Brown’s old father lived with her and her husband. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came back home at half past twelve for his lunch. But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown’s house at twelve o’clock, and two policemen helped Mr. Brown to get out. One of them said to Mrs. Brown, “The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned us for help, so we sent a car to bring him back home.”Mrs. Brown was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left. “But, father,” she asked the old gentleman, “you have been to the park every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way?”The old man smiled and said, “I didn't lose my way. I just felt tired and didn't want to walk home.”山東省煙臺市2013-2014學年高一第一學期期末考試英語試題(掃描版)
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/245796.html

相關閱讀:山東省濰坊市某區(qū)縣2015-2016學年高一上學期期中考試 英語 Word