

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

英 語 試 題

( )1. A. young B.strong
( )2. A. black B.weak
( )3. A. good B.bad
( )4. A. were B.where
( )5. A. happy B.grey
( ) 6. A. fat B.at
( ) 7. A.a raincoat B.a pot plant
( ) 8. A.an umbrella B.an apple
( ) 9. A.boy B.toy
( ) 10. A.book shop B.flower shop
( )11.I am a teacher. B.I am a student.
( )12.Chengdu is small. B.Chengdu was small.
( )13.Her hair is long. B.Her hair is short.
( )14.Were you strong? B.Are you strong?
( )15.My face is smooth. B.My face was wrinkled.
( )16.Let me try it. B.Let’s try it.
( )17.Where do we buy chicken? B.Where do we buy biscuits?
( )18.The mangoes was four yuan. B.The mangoes was forty yuan.
( )19.It is sunny. B.It is raining.
( )20.There are many donkeys. B.There are not many donkeys.
三、情景對話。根據(jù)問句,選出正確的答語,并將番號填在題前的括號內(nèi)。(10分)( )21.Yes,there are. B.Yes,there were.
( )22.In a clothes shop. B.In a book shop.
( )23.Yes,I am . B.No.I wasn’t.
( )24.I’m fine. B.I’m Mary.
( )25.He is young. B.She is young.
( )26. A.smooth B.wrinkled
( ) 27. A.young B.old
( ) 28. A.weak B.strong
( ) 29. A.happy B.sad
( ) 30. A.thin B.fat
( )31. A.umbrella B.raincoat
( )32. A.socks B.boots
( )33. A.jeans B.trousers
( )34. A.a fruit basket B.a basket
( )35. A.rainy B.sunny
( )36.My mother ___slim as a young boy.
A.is B. was
( )37.My legs ___strong.Now they are weak.
A.are B.were
( )38.You should____to see my friend.
A. go B.going
( )39.He___a time-machine.
A. have B.has
( )40.You___happy yesterday.
A.am B.were
( )41.She is talking___her mother.
A.to B.for
( )42.There some shops.
A.are B.is
( )43.It’s umbrella.
A.an B.a
( )44.Is there raincoats?
A.some B.any
( )45.It sunny.
A.is B.are
( )46.Where do we buy chicken? A.Yes,but be careful.
( )47.How much is an umbrella? B.In a supermarket.
( )48.Let me try it. C.Yes,please.
( )49.What is she doing? D.It is 20 yuan.
( )50.Can I help you? E.She is running.
am is are was were
I thin as a young girl.
There many cars before.
The air clean.
I a student.
The biscuits 10 yuan no
s (苗條的)
57. (僅僅、只有)
f (四十)
59.bui (樓房)
60.d (臟的)
   Our English teacher is Chinese .She is a girl. I can spell her name G--A--O Gao,H--U--I, Hui. She is Miss Gao. She is double twelve.
   Look! This is a picture of Miss Gao's family. Who is the old man?He is Miss Gao's father . Who is the old woman ? She is Miss Gao's mother . How old is Miss Gao's mother ? Oh! It's a secret .The girl is Miss Gao.
( )1. Gao Hui is .
A. Miss Gao B. Mrs Gao C.Mr Gao
( )2. Gao Hui's mother is .
A. Miss Gao B. Mrs Gao C.Mr Gao
( )3. ---How old is Miss Gao?----She is .
A.10 B.12 C.24
( )4. ---How old is Mrs Gao?---- .
A. I don't kno B.Double twelve C.60
( )5. The wrong one (錯誤的那個) is .
A.Our English teacher is old.
B.Mr Gao is Miss Gao's father.
C.I'm Miss Gao's student.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/110677.html
