

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

二 詞型變化
buy( 過去式) _ swim( 現(xiàn)在分詞) __ children(單數(shù)) ____ hour (同音詞) __ fly(過去式) ___ noisy(名詞) ___ am/is(過去式) __ son(同音詞) ____ we (賓格) ___ America(形容詞) __
三 英漢互譯
middle school ___________
make a mistake ___________
all over the world ___________
ride a bike ____________
fly away ______________
舉行野餐 ______________
小心 _______________
棒球帽 ___________
說漢語 ______________

四 選擇。
1 It’s easy make mistakes with English .
A for B in C to
2 Lots of children English now.
A learn B are learning C learning
3 They are playing football, it’s raining.
A But BAnd C Or
4 He’s going to go to school bus..
A by B in C on
5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship made a video..
A so B and C but
6 We are going to Geography.
A studied Bstudy C to study
7 the matter?
A Who’s BWhat’s C Where’s
8 My parents often tell me your family..
A for Babout C from
9 was he born?He was born in China
A Where B When C What
10 there is a letter you。
A for Bwith C to
11 This cap good.
A look B looks C looking
12 Why are you ?.
A laugh Blaughing C to laugh
13 Piease take the cake out three thirty..
A on B in C at
14 I hope you are a good time. .
A have Bhaving C has
15 His grandma live to 90.
A is Bwas C be
16 Can I help you? .. .
AI’m ill BI lost my dog C I want a hot dog.
17 is it?It’s 5 yuan. .
A How many Bhow much C How old
18 My uncle can Chinese. .
A speak B say C tell
19 He ‘s starting to cross, a car is coming.. .
A and Bbut C or
20 are you wearing a coat?Because it’s going to rain., .
AWhy BWhat C How
五 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
1 She was born in 2003.(劃線提問)

2 The shoes are under the bed。.(劃線提問)

3They played basketball last week.(劃線提問)

4The coat is 25 yuan.(劃線提問)

5I am going to study English. (劃線提問)

6He bought a book for his father.(一般疑問句)

7That is a tree。(變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)句)

8snow,is going to, in Shenyang,it (連詞成句)

9I can give her my pencil.(同義句)

10She wrote a book about herself.(變成否定句)

六 從右欄中找出左欄的答語。
1 ( )What do you want to drink? A Thank you.
2 ( )What is the weather like today? B A cola,please
3 ( )What is the time ? C Yes,he can.
4 ( )What dis the matter? D I had a cold.
5 ( )Why are you wearing a raincoat? E It’s twelve.
6 ( )What are yougoingto study?v F Sorry ,I can’t
7 ( )Who can help me? G It’s three yuan.
8 ( )How much is it? H I’m going to study English
9 ( )Enjoy your meal I It’s cloud.
10( )Can he speak English? J Because it’s going to snow.
七 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式。
1 My mother _____ (not do)houseworkyesterday.
2 She watches TV every evening.But she _____ (not watch)TV last night.
3 __ your father ___ (go)to work every day last year?
4 What time __ you __ (get)to Beijing yesterday?
5 What __ (make)himcry just now?

八 理解,選擇正確的答案。
Daming is having a birthday.Simon is making a birthday card for him.Simon’s mother is buying things for Daming.Daming is playing the trumpet.Amy isplaying the flute,andSam is playing the drums.He is having a great birthday.
( )Who is having a birthday party?
A Simon B Daming C Amy
( )What is Simon doing?
A Making a card B Playing the trumpet C Playing the flute

( )Who is Simon’s mother buying things for?
A Simon B Daming C Amy

( )How many people are there at the party?
A four B six C five

( )Is Sam playing the drum?
A Yes,he isn’t. B Yes,he is. C No,he is

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/65841.html
