
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

M 2013年全國各地市中考英語試卷分類解析匯編:
【2013廣東廣州】23. Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry I can’t go. I need to ______ my baby at home.
A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。句意:謝謝您的邀請,但很抱歉我不能去。我需要在家照看孩子。take care of意為“照看;照料”符合句意。而take away“帶走”;take off“脫下;起飛”;take out of“從……取出”均與句意不符。
【2013廣東】34, Again and again the doctor ______ the crying baby girl, but he couldn’t find outwhat was wrong with her.
A. looked over B. looked afterC. looked forD. looked out
【答案】 A
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。look over檢查,look after照看,look for尋找,look out當心 ,句意:醫(yī)生一遍又一遍地檢查這個哭泣的小女孩,但是沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)她有什么病。所以選擇答案A 。
【2013山東濱州】32. —So many problems! I’m tired.
—You should try to them by yourself. You are not a child any longer.
A. get into B. get off C. get on D. get over
【解析】考查動詞詞組。get into“陷入”;get off“下車”;get on“上車”;get over“克服”?朔щy應該用get over,所以選擇答案D。xK b1 .C om
【2013山東菏澤】8. You are _____to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesn't get bored
A. suggested B. supported C. taught D. supposed
【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:——用QQ在網(wǎng)上聊天時你應該打字快一點,這樣另一個人就不會厭煩。suggest “建議”, support “支持”,teach “教”, be supposed to do 則表示“應該做某事”,符合句意。
【2013山東菏澤】10. —Why do you collect so many old bikes?
—I'll have them ______and give away to the children who don't have bikes.
A. used up B. given up C. fixed up D. set up
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。句意:——你為什么收集了這么多舊自行車!覍⒄胰税阉麄冃蘩硪幌氯缓缶杞o那些沒有自行車的孩子。fix up “修理”,use up“用盡”, give up “放棄”,set up“建立”。注意本句使用了句式:have sth done 表示“讓別人做某事”。
【2013山東棗莊】16.Why are you a T-shirt? You’ll probably catch a cold in this cold weather
A. wearing B. recycling C. pulling D. selling
【解析】本題考查動詞詞義的語義區(qū)分。四個選項都是現(xiàn)在分詞形式,而且詞義迥異。根據(jù)句意:你為什么穿了件T恤衫?在這么冷的天氣里你可能會感冒。B .recycling:循環(huán) ,C. pulling:拉、拽,D .selling:賣. 所以應選A。wearing:穿戴。
【2013山東棗莊】17. In the last ten month, September Miracle(奇跡) on CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country.
A. has played the piano B. has given out their song disks
C .has written songs D. has performed
【解析】本題的四個選項用的都是現(xiàn)在完成時形式,只是四個選項所描述的事情各不相同。根據(jù)“September Miracle(玖月奇跡)”是一個紅遍全國的演唱流行音樂的音樂組合的名稱可知,“玖月奇跡”在中央電視臺既不是談鋼琴,也不會是發(fā)行唱片,更不是寫歌,說他們“表演”最為貼切。所以答案應該選D.
【2013山東棗莊】21 . By the time I locked the door, I realized I ____my keys at home.
A. had repaired B. had changed C. had forgotten D. had left
【答案】D 新課 標 第 一 網(wǎng)
【解析】 本題重點考查forget 與leave作“忘記”講時的區(qū)別,forget:忘記事件,leave:忘記實物。本題是說:到我鎖上門的時候,我意識到我把鑰匙忘在屋了。所以應選D。同學們可以這樣記憶這兩個詞的用法區(qū)別:forget真特殊,一接地狀變leave。
【2013山東棗莊】22.—How are you going to be a basketball player ?
—I every day.
A. am going to practice basketball B. am going to study math
C. am going to take acting lessons D. am going to study computer science2
【2013江蘇常州】8. Many social workers went to Ya’an to help clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake.
A. put outB. come outC. work outD. give out
【解析】本題考查動詞短語的辨析。put out撲滅;come out出版;work out算出;give out分發(fā)。句意為:許多社會工作者去雅安幫助分發(fā)干凈的水和食物給當?shù)厝藖頊p少地震給他們帶來的痛苦。故選D。
【2013湖南益陽】31. When he saw a wallet on the ground, he ______at once.
A. picked it up B. gave it up C. picked up it
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。句意:當他看到地上有一個錢包,她立刻撿了起來。pick up 撿起,拾起來;give up 放棄;動副詞短語,若代詞作賓語,要放在動詞和副詞之間。根據(jù)句意選A。
【2013湖南益陽】33.The boy is sleeping. Please _____the radio.
A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。句意:孩子正在睡覺請把收音機關(guān)小一點。turn up 調(diào)高;turn down 調(diào)低;turn on 打開;根據(jù)句意選B。
【2013湖北宜昌】33. —It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.
—Sure. We should try to _______ all the food that we’ve ordered.
A. give up B. eat up C. turn up D. show up
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。give up“放棄”,eat up“吃光”,turn up “調(diào)大”,show up“出現(xiàn)”。根據(jù)句意“——我們每個人都有責任加入‘光盤行動’!堑。我們應當把我們點的飯菜都吃光!笨梢耘袛嘤胑at up。所以選擇答案B。
【2013湖北宜昌】36. —What smells terrible?
—Sorry, I’ll _______ my shoes and wash them at once.
A. put away B. take away C. move away D. get away
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。put away “收起來”,take away“拿走”move away“搬走”,get away “離開”。根據(jù)句意“——是什么這么難聞?——對不起(是我的鞋子),我要把鞋子拿走,馬上去刷洗。”可以判斷用take away。所以選擇答案B。
【2013湖北十堰】30. Here is the book. First _________ it and then tell me what you think of it.
A. look intoB. look throughC. look upD. look after
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。look into 調(diào)查; look through 瀏覽 ;look up 向上看 ;look after 照顧 ,根據(jù)題干意義“首先瀏覽一下這本書,然后告訴我你的看法”故選B
【2013湖北十堰】32. —What kind of persons do you prefer to make friends with?
—I choose my friends on their characters and how we __________.
A. get inB. get upC. get onD. get off
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。get in 進入 ;get up 起床 ;get on 相處 ;get off 下來。
根據(jù)題干意義“我選擇朋友的標準是看他們的性格和我們?nèi)绾蜗嗵帯惫蔬x C。
【2013湖北孝感】37. —Dinner is ready. Help yourself! xK b1 .C om
—Wow! It _______ delicious. You are really good at cooking
A looks B sounds C tastes D feels
【2013山西】22. In April, the weather in some places in Shanxi was really changeable. People still remember they have ________ four seasons in a week.
A. organized B. experienced C. described
【解析】考查動詞用法。句意;在四月,山西一些地方的氣候真是多變,人們?nèi)匀挥浀盟麄冊谝恢軆?nèi)經(jīng)歷了四個季節(jié)。organize “組織”; experience “經(jīng)歷”; describe “描述”。根據(jù)題意選B。
【2013山西】26. A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate just because of small things in daily life. It is important for students to learn how to ________ each other.
A. get on with B. come over to C. stay away from
【解析】考查動詞短語。題意:復旦大學的一名學生僅僅因為日常生活的一點小事被他的室友殺害了,學生學會如何彼此相處是重要的。get on with “相處”;come over to “從遠方(或克服障礙后)過來”; stay away from “躲避;離……遠點”。根據(jù)題意選A。
【2013山東聊城】34.If you want to buy this dress , you 'd better ______ first to make sure it fits you .
A. pay for it. B. take it off. C. tidy it up . D. try it on..
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法區(qū)別。 pay for it意為“支付錢”,take it off意為“脫掉它”,tidy it up 意為“收拾整理”, try it on.意為“試穿它”。根據(jù)句意“如果你想買這件連衣裙的話,你最好先試穿一下它,以確保它適合你!彼赃xD。
【2013江蘇揚州】6. — Who's the most modest boy in your class?
— Daniel. He never ________ in public.
A. gets off B. takes off C. shows off D. turns off
【解析】考查固定動詞短語的用法。選項中g(shù)et off“下車”;take off“脫下;起飛”;show off“炫耀”;turn off“關(guān)掉”,根據(jù)句意:“你們班上誰是最時髦的男孩?”“大衛(wèi)。他從不在公共場合炫耀!彼赃x擇答案C。
【2013江蘇鹽城】10.David Burt’s dream in China is to go into the west and an early childhood school there.
A. clean upB. look upC. give upD. set up
【解析】動詞詞組辨析。根據(jù)句意:應是創(chuàng)建一所幼兒園。clean up意為:清理; look up 意為:向上看;give up意為:放棄。
【2013江蘇無錫】12.—I think I’ve got a bad cold, Doctor, Shall I take some medicine?
— No need. Your body itself is able to the virus. Just drink more water and rest.
A. catchB. fightC. loseD. hide
【2013福建福州】36. — Mum, where are my socks?
— Under your bed. You should _________ your things.
A. put on B. put down C. put away
【解析】選C。考查固定短語。各選項的意思為:put on穿上、戴上;put down放下;put away收拾、整理。又由于句意是:—媽媽,我的襪子在哪兒?—在床下,你應該收拾你的東西。故C項正確。
【2013廣東湛江】28. —Hello! Could I speak to Lily?
—Sorry, she is not in. She Shanghai.
A. have been to B. have gone to C. has been to D. has gone to
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。由答語“Sorry, she is not in.(對不起,她不在。)”可知莉莉去上海還沒有回來。主語是第三人稱單數(shù),所以選擇答案D。
【2013山東濱州】24. —Diaoyu Island belongs to China.
—Surely it does! We Chinese will never it up.
A. cut B. fix C. give D. set
【解析】考查動詞短語搭配。cut up“切碎”;fix up“修理”;give up“放棄”;set up“建立”。句意:——釣魚島屬于中國!斎皇牵∥覀冎袊私^不會放棄它。所以選擇答案C。
【2013浙江寧波】22. —Can I _______ your bike?
—With pleasure. But you mustn’t _______ it to others.
A. lend; borrow B. borrow; lend
C. lend; lend D. borrow; borrow
【2013浙江寧波】24. Scientists are trying their best to _______ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.
A. come up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give up
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。come up with“想出”;look forward to“盼望”;talk about“談論”;give up“放棄”。由句意“科學家正在盡最大努力想出治療被稱為H7N9的嚴重疾病”可知,選A。
【2013浙江麗水】23. On the top of the hill ______ an ancient tower with a history of more than 1, 000 years.
A. stood B. ran C. came D. lived
【2013內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特】3. The child doesn’t need any help. He is old enough to ________ himself.
A. put on B. wear C. dress D. take care
【解析】考查詞語辨析。put on意為“穿上”,表示動作;wear意為“穿著”,表示狀態(tài);put on和wear的賓語都是服裝。dress意為“穿著;打扮”,其賓語為人。而take care后面跟賓語時,必須加of。根據(jù)himself可以判斷用dress,所以選擇答案C。
【2013遼寧鞍山】 38. We have to ___________ourselves when we are away from home.
A. look at B. look for C. look up , D. look after
【解析】考查短語動詞辨析。look at意為“看”;look fore意為“尋找”;look up意為“查閱”;look after意為“照顧”;句意為“當我們離開家我們得自己照顧自己。”
【2013遼寧鞍山】 25. —Can I smoke in the dining hall?
—Sorry. It's not_________.
A. promised B. realized C. allowed D. reminded
【2013遼寧鞍山】 24. She hurriedly_________ the child and took him downstairs.
A. put on B. wore C. dressed D. had on
【解析】考查動詞辨析。 put on ,wear和have on后接衣服;dress 表示穿衣服時,后接人作賓語。dress sb.意為“給某人穿衣服”。
【2013江蘇揚州】8. — Mr Li, I can't understand everything in class.
— Don't worry! I'll ________ the main points at the end.
A. record B. review C. require D. remember
【2013浙江麗水】25. The great writer has written many stories for children. It is said that a new one will ______ at the end of this month.
A. go out B. come out C. look out D. run out
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法。go out意為“出去”,come out意為“出來;出版”,look out意為“當心”,run out意為“用完;結(jié)束”。本句句意:據(jù)說一本新書將于本月底出版。所以選B。
【2013安徽】39. I will meet Jane at the station, Please____________ what time she will arrive.
A. count B. choose C. check D. catch
【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。Count“計算”; choose“選擇”; check“檢查,核對”; catch “趕上;接住”。根據(jù)句意“我將到車站見Jane的,請核實一下她什么時候到”。 故選C。
【2013安徽】43. It is helpful to ___________ a good habit of reading in language learning.
A. take B. show C. develop D. match
【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。take意為“花費”; show意為“展示”; develop意為“開發(fā);發(fā)展 match意為“搭配”。只有develop符合句意“在語言學習上發(fā)展一個好習慣是有幫助的”。故選C。
【2013安徽】48. The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven’t __________hope.
A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for
【解析】考查短語的辨析。pick up “撿起,采摘”;give up“放棄”;look for “尋找”; wait for “等待”。根據(jù)句意雅安人民雖然遇到了困難,但是他們不放棄希望,故選答案B。
【2013山東德州】28. Although many great people ever failed, they never_______ and managed to succeed.
A. set out B. stayed up C. kept on D. gave up
【答案】 D
【解析】考查動詞短語區(qū)別,set out “動身;出發(fā)”, stay up“熬夜;不睡覺”, kept on“ 保持;繼續(xù);堅持”,give up意為“放棄”。根據(jù)句意:“盡管許多名人曾經(jīng)失敗過,但是他們從來不(放棄, 灰心),并且努力直至成功”,所以選D。
【2013山東泰安】31. One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to_______ good eating habits.
A. grow B. develop C. increase D. find
【2013山東濟南】53. —It’s hot today, isn’t it?
—Yes, it is. Why not __________ your jacket?
A. take care B. take place C. take after D. take off
【解析】考查短語辨析。take care“注意”;take place“發(fā)生”;take after“與(父母等)相像”;take off“脫下;起飛”。句意:——今天天氣很熱,不是嗎?——是的,天氣很熱。為什么不脫掉你的夾克呢?所以答案選D。
【2013山東濟南】43. —Alice, could you help me __________ the meat? I want to make some dumplings for dinner.
—OK. I’ll do it right away.
A. put up B. give up C. use up D. cut up
【解析】考查短語辨析。根據(jù)問句句意:愛麗絲,你能幫我切這些肉嗎?晚飯我想包水餃。put up張貼;舉起;give up放棄;use up用盡;cut up切碎,所以答案選D。
【2013山東濟南】35. I really enjoy the noodles and vegetables. They __________ delicious.
A. stay B. feel C. taste D. sound
【2013山東濟南】39. —Could I __________ your iPad, Alice?
—Of course. Here you are.
A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return
【2013湖南株洲】30. Boy, your books are everywhere. Please .
A. put them up B. put them on C. put them away
【解析】put up“張貼,舉起”;。put on“穿上”; put away“把...收拾起來”。根據(jù)前面句意“孩子,你的書到處都是”可知后句“請把它們收拾起來”。故選C。
【2013福建泉州】40. —What can we do to ______bird flu from spreading?
—Try not to buy or eat chickens that have not been checked .
A. prevent B. cause C. discover
【答案】 A
【解析】本題考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:——我們怎樣做才能阻止禽流感傳播呢?——盡量不買不吃未經(jīng)檢查的家禽。prevent阻止, cause 引起,discover發(fā)現(xiàn)。
【2013湖北襄陽】32. Many teenagersthe old and they often offer their seats to the old on buses.
A. agree withB. worry aboutC. laugh atD. care for
32. 【答案】D
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。 agree with 同意; worry about 擔心;laugh at 嘲笑;care for 照料。 句意:很多青少年關(guān)心老人,經(jīng)常在客車上給老人提供座位。由句意可知,只有D項符合句意。
【2013湖北襄陽】28 —Show me your homework, Dave?
—Sorry, Mrs. Brown. I'veit at home.
A. missedB. forgottenC. lostD. left
【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。Missed想念;forgotten忘記;lost丟失;left忘在……。Forget的用法經(jīng)常是:Forget to do sth. 忘記做某事,forget doing sth. 忘記做某事;leave做忘記講是把某物忘在某地。句意“---看看你的作業(yè)行嗎,Dave?---對不起,我把作業(yè)忘在家里了!。故選D。
【2013湖北咸寧】28. —The fire was finally in Jilin Province on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives.
   —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again.
  A. put down B. put away C. put out D. put up
28. 【答案】C
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。put down 意為“放下”;put away 意為“把……收起來”;put out 意為“撲滅;熄滅”;put up意為“舉起”;句意:—吉林省六月三日的大火最終被撲滅了。不幸的是一些消防隊員失去了生命!蚁M筮@樣的事故不會再發(fā)生。
【2013湖北隨州】33. ?How does Jack usually go to work?
—He ______ drive a car, but now he ______ there to lose weight.
A. used to; is used to walk B. was used to; is used to walking
C. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法。根據(jù)句意:他過去常常開車,但是現(xiàn)在他為了減肥習慣于步行去那兒。Used to do意思是“過去常!,be used to doing是習慣于干某事,所以選擇答案D。
【2013山東煙臺】22. Because of the bad weather, we have to the meeting till next week.
A. take off B. get off C. put off D. set off
【解析】考查動詞短語在語境中的辨析。句意為:因為壞的天氣。我們不得不____會議直到下周。take off脫下;起飛; get off 下車;put off推遲;set off激起。從句意可以推斷出,put off符合句意,故選C。
【2013四川雅安】20. My parents getting up early on weekdays
A. used to B. be used to C. was used to D. are used to
【解析】考查句意理解和短語辨析。used to do 意為“過去常常做某事”,be used to doing意為“習慣于做某事”,根據(jù)句意,所以選擇答案D。
【2013四川雅安】4. I spent $5 this book.
A. in B. to buy C. buying D. buy
【解析】考查固定結(jié)構(gòu)。spend some money/time (in) doing something意為“花多少錢(時間)干某事”,是固定搭配,其中介詞in可以省略,所以選擇答案C。
【2013山東臨沂】30. The Olympic Games of 2016 will in Brazil.
A. take afterB. take offC. take placeD. take away
30. 【答案】C
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法。Take after長得像;take off 脫下、起飛;take place發(fā)生;take away拿走、帶走。又句意:2016年奧運會將在巴西舉行。故C項適合語境。
【2013江蘇淮安】13. It's getting dark. Please ________ the light.
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn around
【解析】考查動副短語辨析。turn on打開, turn off關(guān)掉, turn down(音量)調(diào)查小, turn around環(huán)顧四周。由前句“天快黑了”知, 后句意為“請打開燈”, 所以選擇A。
【2013湖北孝感】32. _______ your sunglasses, Sally. The sun is so bright.
A. Put down B. Put up C. Put away D. Put on
【解析】put down“放下”;put up“張貼”;put away“放好;儲存”;put on“穿上,戴上”。本題句意為“帶上你的太陽鏡,Sally。陽光很耀眼。”所以應該選D。
【2013湖北襄陽】33. —Did you hear a terrible fire happened in the hotel near our school last night?
—Yes, it took the firemen an hour to the fire.
A. put outB. put onC. put down D. put off
33. 【答案】B
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。 put out 熄滅; put on 穿上;put down 放下;put off 推遲。根據(jù)問句句意“---昨天晚上你聽說我們學校附近的旅館里著了大火了嗎?” 可知答語“--- 聽說了,花費了消防員一個小時撲滅了大火。”。
【2013湖北荊州】22. It usually Mum about half an hour to cook supper.
A. pays B. takes C. spends D. costs
【解析】考查動詞辨析。It takes sb. some time to do sth.意思是“做某事花費某人一些時間”,因此選擇B答案。
【2013湖北荊州】23.— Sam, my iPhone is in my bedroom. Could you it for me?
— No problem.
1. bring B. fetch C. take D. carry
【2013湖北荊州】24. — When are you going to for Shanghai?
— Tomorrow morning.
A. get offB. turn offC. take offD. set off
【解析】考查動詞詞組的用法。get off的意思是“下車”,turn off意思是“關(guān)掉,關(guān)閉”,take off意思是“脫下,起飛”,set off的意思是“出發(fā)”。句意是:“—你將什么時候出發(fā)去上海?—明天早晨”,因此選擇D答案。
【2013湖北荊州】25. His leg is seriously injured in the accident. a doctor at once.
A. Ask for B. Send for C. Wait for D. Look for
【解析】考查動詞短語。ask for的意思是“尋求,詢問”,send for的意思是“派人去請”,wait for意思是“等候,等待”,look for的意思是“尋找”,句意是“他的腿在事故中嚴重受傷。立刻派人去請醫(yī)生”因此選擇B答案。
【2013湖北隨州】35. —Which hobby do you think______ the least time?
—Collecting stamps.
A. takes up B. puts up C. gives up D. makes up
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。take up意思是“占用”;put up意思是“掛起”;give up意思是“放棄”;make up意思是“組成”;根據(jù)句意:你認為哪一項愛好占用最少的時間?所以選擇答案A。
【2013黑龍江齊齊哈爾】18.-Where’s Lucy?
-She has Zhuhai.
A. been to B. been in C. gone to
【解析】考查動詞的時態(tài)及短語辨析。由前句“—露西去了哪兒?”可知回答是露西去了珠海,又has been to去過某地,在說話現(xiàn)場;has gone to去了某地,不在說話現(xiàn)場。根據(jù)語境C項正確。
【2013黑龍江齊齊哈爾】24.-I’m sorry, Mr Li. I my English homework at home.
-Don’t forget it to school tomorro
A. left, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to bring
【解析】考查動詞的辨析。本題重點考查forget 與leave作“忘記”講時的區(qū)別,forget:忘記事件,leave:忘記實物。本題是說:我把作業(yè)忘放到家里了,不要忘了明天把他帶到學校來。第一句是忘記實物,第二句是指忘記做某事“forget to do sth”,所以應選A。
【2013黑龍江齊齊哈爾】26. Nancy a bus to school, but now he rides a bike.
A. is used to taking B. was used to take C. used to take
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析:used to + do : 過去常常做……;be used to + doing : 習慣做……。題意是:“但是現(xiàn)在他騎自行車了”可推斷出上句是說“過去常!,所以選擇答案C。
【2013河南】 22. If you want to change the world, you have to______ yourself first.
A. enjoy B. check C. help D. change
【2013河南】30. ______a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself.
A. Try on B. Get on C. Turn on D. Put on
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。try on“試穿”;get on“上車”;turn on“打開”;put on“穿上”。由句意“必要的時候打開燈,你將把光明帶給別人和你自己”。故選C。
【2013河北】41. Please the water when you brush your teeth.
A. take down B. turn up C. take away D. turn off
【解析】考查動詞短語的運用。take down表示取下;turn up表示調(diào)高;take away表示帶走; turn off表示關(guān)掉。根據(jù)句意“當你刷牙的時候,請關(guān)閉水源”,故用take off,故答案應選D。
【2013廣西南寧】34. The heavy snow didn’t the international airlines.
A. pay attention to B. add to C. make a difference to D. keep to
【解析】考查短語動詞的詞義辨析。句意:這場大雪對航空公司沒有產(chǎn)生影響。故答案選C項;而pay attention to“注意,留心”;add to“添加到”;keep to“保持”均不合句意,故排除。
【2013廣東梅州】36. My uncle is repairing some old bikes these days. He plans to ______ to charity.
A. give them away B. give them up
C. take them away D. pick them up
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。句意:這些天我叔叔在修一些舊自行車,他計劃把他們贈送給慈善機構(gòu)。give away“贈送”符合句意。而give up“放棄”,take away“帶走”,pick up“撿起”均與句意不符。
【2013江蘇南京】11. —What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.
—I to prepare for the final exam last night.
A. picked upB. woke upC. stayed upD. put up
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法。pick up“撿起,拾起”,wake up“叫醒,喚醒”,stay up“熬夜”,put up“舉起,搭建”。所以選擇答案C。
【2013 甘肅白銀】40. The company wants to _______ a school for the poor children.
A. put off B. set up C. call in D. look after
【答案】B 考查動詞短語。 句意:這個公司想為貧窮的孩子建立一個學校,set up,建立。其他的put off,推遲;call in,來訪;look after,照顧,都不符合題意。
【2013 甘肅白銀】56. Daisy is such a good daughter that she _______ most of her spare time with her parents.
A. spends B. costs C. takes D. affords
【答案】A 考查動詞的辨析。 cost、take的主語不能是人,因此否定B、C;afford,負擔得起,意思不合適,因此選A,spend,花費。
【2013江蘇連云港】11. It was a difficult time for the quake-hit victims in Ya'an, but they didn't ________ hope.
A. give up B. give off C. give in D. give out
11. 【答案】A
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法辨析。give up意為“放棄”,give off意為“發(fā)出; 放出”, give in意為“屈服”,give out意為“分發(fā),發(fā)送”,根據(jù)句意可知此處應為“放棄”之意,故選擇A。
【2013江蘇連云港】6. — Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate?
— I'd love to, but I've ________ Linda's invitation to dinner.
A. suffered B. earned C. received D. accepted
6. 【答案】D
【解析】考查動詞的用法辨析。suffer“受苦,受難”,earn“贏得,掙得”,receive“收到”, accept“接受”。根據(jù)句意:“凱特,今晚你能和我去看電影《鋼鐵俠3》嗎?”“我很樂意,但是我已經(jīng)接受琳達邀請去聚餐了!,所以選擇D。
【2013江蘇泰州】13. — It's too hard for me to be a trailwalker.
— Never ________. Believe in yourself!
A. put up B. give up C. hurry up D. look up
【答案】 B
【解析】考查短語辨析。put up張貼,give up放棄,hurry up快點,look up查找;向上看。由答句中的“Believe in yourself”相信你自己,知前句意為“永遠不要放棄”,所以選擇答案B。
【2013江蘇泰州】6. — What do you think of the song “You and Me”?
— It ________ great. I love singing it.
A. tastes B. looks C. smells D. sounds
6.【答案】 A
【解析】考查系動的用法。taste嘗起來,look看起來,smell聞起來,sound聽起來。由問句“你覺得《You and me》這首歌怎么樣?”,答句意為“聽起來很好”,所以選擇答案A。
【2013四川宜賓】27. President Xi Jinping calls on Chinese people to ______ all the food each meal.
A. eat up B. use up C. pick up D. cut up
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。句意:習近平主席號召中國人民每餐吃完所有的食物。eat up“吃光”符合句意;而use up“用完;用盡”,pick up“撿起”,cut up“切碎”均與句意不符。
【2013四川宜賓】23.—What do you think of the zongzi?
—They ______ delicious. Are they made by your mother?
A. sound B. taste C. feel D. look
【2013山東煙臺】28.My bike is broken. Could you help me to ?
A. fix it up B. set it up C. make it up D. put it up
A 【解析】考查動詞短語在語境中的辨析。句意:我的自行車壞了。你能幫助我______? fix up修理;set up建立;make up編造;put up舉起。根據(jù)語境可知此處為修理。故選A。
【2013重慶】26.—Oh, it _____so nice. What beautiful music it is!
A. smells B.sounds C.tastes D. looks
26. 【答案】 B
【2013 浙江湖州】21. —— Would you mind speaking more slowly? I can hardly ________ you.
—— Of course not.
A. read B. follow C. miss D. match
【2013 浙江湖州】19. —— Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?
—— Well, it all _______ the weather.
A. belongs to B. happens to C .depends on D. concentrate on
【解析】考查動詞短語 句意:明天我們?nèi)ヒ安秃脝?好的,這完全取決于天氣。故選C,depend on,決定于、依賴。其他的belong to,屬于;happen to,碰巧;concentrate on,集中于,都不符合題意。
【2013 浙江衢州】23. Our plane is in a few minutes. Please be seated and keep your safe belt fastened.
A. turning off B. putting off C. taking off D. getting off
【2013四川內(nèi)江】33. His family are worried about him because they haven't ____ letters from him for a long time.
A. accepted B. received C. written D. collected
【2013四川內(nèi)江】24. The plane to Chengdu ____ just no You have to wait until tomorro
A. took off B. took after C. took out D. took away
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。Take off“起飛”,take after“長得像”,take out“取出”,take away“收起來”。根據(jù)句意:去成都的飛機剛剛“起飛”,所以你要等待到明天了。所以選擇答案A。
【2013山東青島】25. — Do you know why he didn't ______a word when he ______to?
—Because he was too nervous.
A. speak, speaksB. say, was spoken C. say, spokeD. speak, is spoken
【解析】考查動詞辨析。say“說、講”,著重說話的內(nèi)容,speak接語言, speak to sb. 其意為“對某人說話”,這里表示被動,意思是“別人給他說話時”。所以選擇答案C。
【2013山東青島】24. He ______ plenty of money to the people in the earthquake area ______.
A. put out, to work out well B. handed out, help them out
C gave out, work out well D. gave away; to help them out
【答案】 D
【解析】考查動詞辨析。句意:他贈送了好多錢給震區(qū)人民,去幫助地震地區(qū)的人民走出困境 ,put out撲滅,work out算出來,hand out分發(fā),give out分發(fā),give away 贈送、分發(fā),help out幫助……擺脫困境,最后的空是不定式作后置定語,所以選擇答案D。
【2013山東青島】22. There aren’t many tickets left for the concert, you'd better ______that you get one today.
A. make sure of B. make a decision C. make sure D. make plans
【答案】 C
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。make sure of確定、確保,一般后面跟名詞或者動名詞詞組,make sure確保、務必,可以跟從句,make a decision下決心,make plans做計劃。句意:這場音樂會剩下的票不多了,你最好今天訂妥一張票。,所以選擇答案C。
【2013山東青島】16. She said she returned the book to the library. I’m sure she ______.
A. takesB. isC. was D. did
【答案】 D
【解析】考查替代動詞的用法。后版句句意:我確信她歸還了,動詞did代替過去的動詞returned ,所以選擇答案D。
【2013山東青島】14. — You look sad. What has happened?
—Everyone ______ us to win the match, but we lost.
A. expectsB. expectedC. hopesD. hoped
【解析】考查動詞辨詞的用法。expect sb. to do sth. 預料某人去做某事,hope后不可接復合賓語即“賓語+不定式”,所以選擇答案B。
【2013山東青島】9. — How much is the ticket to Central Park?
—A one-way ticket ______ $40, and you can ______ another $20 for a round-trip.
A. costs, payB. cost, spend C. pay, spend D. spends, pay
【答案】 A
【解析】考查動詞辨析。cost“花費”物作主語,spend“花費”人作主語,pay for付款, 人作主語,所以選擇答案A。
【2013浙江舟山、嘉興】22. It’s time for CCTV news. Let’s _______ the TV and watch it.
A. turn onB. get onC. try onD. put on
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。turn on的意思是“打開”;get on的意思是“上車”;try on的意思是“試穿”;put on的意思是“上演;穿上”。由句意“該到中央新聞的時間了。讓我們打開電視,觀看吧!笨芍颂幈硎尽按蜷_”。故選A。
【2013浙江溫州】8. Andrea Bocelli never , which makes him a successful singer.
A. takes awayB. gives awayC. gets upD. gives up
【解析】考查動詞詞組的用法。take away意為“拿走”;give away意為“捐贈”;get up意為“起床”;give up意為“放棄”。根據(jù)本句中的后半部分“which makes him a successful singer.”可推知,Andrea Bocelli從未放棄。故正確答案選D。
【2013浙江臺州】21. —Would you mind ______ the music a little? Don’t you think it’s too loud?
—Sorry! I’ll do it in a minute.
A. turning onB. turning offC. turning upD. turning down
【解析】考查詞義辨析。turn on意思是“打開”,不可以與a little或a bit等詞組連用;turn off意思是“關(guān)掉,關(guān)閉”,也不能與a little或a bit等連用;turn up意思是“調(diào)大,調(diào)高”,可以與a little或a bit等連用;turn down意思是“調(diào)小,調(diào)低”,也可以與a little或a bit等連用。根據(jù)后面的句子“Don’t you think it’s too loud?”就知應該調(diào)小或調(diào)低音樂,所以選擇D答案。
【2013浙江臺州】18. —How do you like Li Yundi?
—A cool guy! His music ______ really beautiful.
A. tastesB. soundsC. smellsD. looks
【2013四川遂寧】30. The teachers encourage their students to the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success.
A. give up B. work out C. look through
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。句意為:老師們鼓勵他們的學生獨立完成這些題目。這樣,學生們會享受到成功的快樂。Give up放棄 work out算出;解決出 look through瀏覽 根據(jù)句子含義及選項可知選B。
【2013四川遂寧】27. If we Chinese work hard together. China Dream will .
A. come out B. come true C. achieve
【解析】考查動詞詞義的辨析。句意為:如果我們中國人一起努力工作的話,中國夢將會實現(xiàn)。Come out出版 come true實現(xiàn) achieve完成,達到
【2013四川遂寧】24. Paul’s parents were worried that he too much time chatting on line.
A. spent B. paid C. took
考查動詞詞義的辨析。 句意為:保爾的父母因保爾花太多的時間在網(wǎng)上聊天而擔心。Spent花費,助主語是人,常用于spend……(in) doing sth.的結(jié)構(gòu)中 paid花費,主語是人 took占用,結(jié)構(gòu)為It takes……to do sth. 由句子的形式,可知符合spend的結(jié)構(gòu),故選A。
【2013四川瀘州】9. Can you help me to _______ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong?
A. look after B. look for
C. look at D. look through
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。Look after照看、照料;look for尋找;look at看;look through瀏覽。根據(jù)句意:“當我去香港的時候,你能幫我照看我的狗嗎?”可知要用look after,所以選擇答案A。
【2013四川涼山】29. —Cindy, look at your new shoes. Aren’t they beautiful?
—Yes, they are really nice, Mum. I can’t wait to .
A. put them on B. put it on C. put on them
【解析】考查動詞短語的用法。對話意義為“我迫不及待地穿上”,由此確定用put on表示“穿上”,put on屬于“動詞+副詞”,代詞要放在詞組中間,代替前文可數(shù)名詞shoes用代詞them代替。
【2013四川廣安】28. —When will the plane _____Shanghai?
—Sorry,I don’t kno
A. get B. arrive at C. reach
【解析】本題考查表示“到達”的易混動詞辨析。get為不及物動詞,表示達到某地時用get to,故排除A項;arrive為不及物動詞,arrive at 后接小地點;arrive in 后接大地點,由空格后Shanghai(上海)可排除B項;reach為及物動詞,后可直接跟地點,故選C。
【2013湖北黃石】38. It ______ me about 10 days ______ painting the walls.
A. took; to finishB. cost; finishing
C. took; finishingD. spent; to finish
【解析】考查動詞辨析。It takes/took sb some time to do sth. 花費某人多長時間做某事。根據(jù)句意:“我用了10天的時間完成了對墻的噴漆”。故選A。
【2013湖北黃石】33. Many students in our school _______ the old and they usually offer their seats to them on buses.
A. worry about B. care for C. agree with D. take care
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。worry about 擔心;care for 照顧;agree with 同意;take care 小心;根據(jù)句意:“在我們學校很多學生通常在公交車上給老人們讓座來照顧老人”。故選B。
【2013湖北黃石】37. Tom, it’s cold outside. _______ your coat when you go out.
A. Take off B. Put on C. Put away D. Take away
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。take off 脫下,起飛;put on 穿上;put away 放好;take away 帶走;句意:湯姆,外面天很冷,當你出去的時候穿上你的外套。故選B。
【2013江蘇無錫】7. There was a fire in the hotel around midnight last Friday. Luckily, it was soon .
A. turned onB. turned offC. put on D. put out
【解析】本題考查動詞短語的辨析。turn on打開;turn off關(guān)掉;put on穿上;put out撲滅。句意為“上周五大約午夜時分,賓館里著火了。幸運地是,很快被撲滅了!惫蔬xD。
【2013江蘇蘇州】15. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we ______ just fine together.
A. get along B. get up C. get away D. get off
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。get along“與……相處”;get up“起床”;get away“ 離開,脫身;逃掉”;get off“下車”。句意:我過去常常會和我的父母吵架,但是我們現(xiàn)在相處的很好。只有A符合題意。
【2013湖北武漢】40. It seems that the aged people ________ the H7N9 more easily from the recent case.
A. pick up B. mix up C. set up D. use up
【解析】選A?疾槎陶Z辨析。pick up “拾起;撿起”,mix up“混合”,set up“建立;成立”,use up“用光”。根據(jù)句意“通過最近的幾個病例可以看出,好像上了年紀的人更容易感染H7N9病毒。”可以判斷pick up最符合句意。所以選擇答案A。
【2013湖北武漢】38. —Is Kate serious?
—I ________. She never means it.
A. suppose B. agree C. believe D. wonder
【2013湖北武漢】35. —What does the instruction say?
—The colors in the dress will _______ if you use hot water.
A. fall B. appear C. run D. shine
【2013甘肅蘭州】24.The firemen soon ________ the big fire.
A. put offB. put upC. put outD. put on
【2013山東濟寧】22. — Do you know the price of the ticket?
—Yes. Each______¥180.
A. paysB. costs C. takes D. spends
【解析】考查動詞的辨析。pay和spend一般用人做主語,排除A和D;take可以用人做主語,也可用于it takes sb. sth. to do sth.句型中,排除C;cost一般用物做主語。each指代的是上文中的ticket。由句意“-你知道票價嗎?-是的,每張要花費180元”。
【2013江西】34. Anna is going on a tour of Xi’an, and she wants to _____Chinese history.
A. dream of B. learn about C. look through D. pass on
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。dream of夢想;learn about了解;look through瀏覽;pass on傳遞。句意:Anna準備去西安旅游而且想了解中國的歷史。只有l(wèi)earn about 有“了解”的意義,所以選B。
【2013 湖北黃岡】43.—How heavily it is raining!
—What a pity! We have to _____ our sports meeting.
A. put off B. put out C. put on D. put up
【答案】A 考查動詞短語。 句意:雨下得多么大! 多么遺憾!我們不得不推遲我們的運動會,put off,推遲。其他的put out,熄滅;put on,穿上;put up,張貼,都不合適。
【2013 湖北黃岡】30. Speak slowly, Mr. Wang. I can’t follow you.
A. understand B. hear C. listen D. expect
【答案】A 考查近義詞 句意:王先生,說的慢一點,我跟不上你。follow,跟隨,在此與understand,明白,的意思最接近。
【2013 湖北黃岡】36. —I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.
—Why not _____ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest there.
A. suggest B. wonder C. consider D. regard
【答案】C 考查動詞的詞義辨析。 句意:這個暑假我不知道去哪里。為什么不考慮去黃岡呢?那兒有很多名勝。故選C,consider,考慮。其他的suggest,建議;wonder,想知道;regard,把…..作為,都不符合題意。
【2013貴州安順】18. She ____ live alone. But she _____ living alone because she feels lonely.
A. used to; doesn’t used to B. is used to; was used to
C. used to; is not used to D. was used to; doesn’t used to
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析:used to + do : 過去常常做……;be used to + doing : 習慣做……。所以選擇答案C。
【2013山東濰坊】25. Diaoyu Islands_________China ever since ancient times.
A. belong to B. belong in C. belong under D. belong with
【解析】考查固定結(jié)構(gòu)。屬于某人是belong to,所以選擇答案A。
【2013山東濰坊】20. —Do you often get online?
—Yes. I________lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time.
A. cost B. spend C. take D. use
【解析】本題考查動詞辨析。某人花費多少時間做某事,用take表達結(jié)構(gòu)為It takes sb. some time to do sth.;用cost表達時主語是物,spend結(jié)構(gòu)為sb. spends some time on sth./in doing sth.,use不適用于花費時間,根據(jù)主語是人,后面介詞on ,所以選擇答案B。
【2013內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特】14. When you visit a museum you should _________ the instructions and don’t be against them.
A. compare with B. look forward to C. pay attention to D. try out
【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。compare with“比較”,look forward to“期待”,pay attention to“注意”,try out“嘗試”。根據(jù)句意“當你參觀博物館的時候,你應當注意參觀須知并且不要違反了它們!笨梢耘袛嘀挥衟ay attention to符合句意。所以選擇答案C。
【2013黑龍江綏化】29. You are supposed to ________ smoking, ________ you will get ill.
A. go on; so B. give up; or C stop; so
【解析】考查動詞詞組和連詞辨析。句意:你應該停止吸煙,否則你會生病的。go on繼續(xù);give up doing sth =stop doing sth放棄、停止做某事;or否則,表轉(zhuǎn)折;so因此,表因果關(guān)系。所以選擇答案B。
【2013黑龍江綏化】23. ________ the teacher, I’ve made great progress.
A. Thank you B. Thanks C. Thanks lo
【解析】考查固定短語辨析。Thank you 動詞短語,謝謝你。若選擇A,則成兩個句子,不能用逗號,應該用分號或者后一句子前加連詞;thanks名詞,thanksfor sth 謝謝……,后接賓語,需加for;thanks to介詞短語,由于,多虧。句意:多虧那位老師,我的英語取得了很大的進步。根據(jù)句意及用法,所以選擇答案C。
【2013黑龍江綏化】19. — It is too noisy here. I can’t stand it.
— Me, too. We have to________ new ways to solve the problem.
A. catch up with B. keep up with C. come up with
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。句意:——這里太吵了。我無法忍受!乙惨粯印N覀儽仨毾氤鼋鉀Q這個問題的新方法。A. catch up with趕上,追上;逮捕;處罰;B. keep up with跟上,不落在……后面;C. come up with趕上;接近,走近想出,提出,提議。根據(jù)句意,所以選擇答案C。
【2013天津】26. He ______an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.
A. protected B. produced C. joined D. received
【2013天津】32. It’s cold outside. ______ your sweater before you go out.
A. Put on B. Turn on C. Put up D. Give up
【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。Put on穿上;Turn on打開;Put up張貼;Give up放棄。句意:外面很冷。出去之前穿上你的毛衣。故選A符合語境。
(2013陜西)24. To keep healthy, many people________ every day.
A take a shower B. take pride C. take a look D. take exercise
【解析】考查動詞詞組。句意:為了保持健康,很多人每天鍛煉身體。take a shower “洗澡”;take pride“驕傲”; take a look“看一看”; take exercise“鍛煉”。
【2013山東威海】34. —What are you packing so many books for, Grandma?
—I'll to the kids in West China.
A. give them up B. give them away C. give them off D. give them in
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。句意:奶奶,你為什么打包這么多書?我將捐贈給中國西部的孩子們。give up 放棄;give away捐贈;give off發(fā)出;give in屈服。由上句打包很多書可推知是把書捐贈給中國西部的孩子們。故選B。
【2013山東萊蕪】27.The little boy ________ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.
A. lent B. offered C. took D. brought
【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。lend借給;offer提供,offer one’s seat= give up one's seat讓座;take 拿;;握;抱;占據(jù);bring帶來。句意:在擁擠的公共汽車上,小男孩把他的座位讓給了一位老太太。根據(jù)句意,所以選擇答案B。
【2013黑龍江綏化】10. It will ________ them several years to learn English well.
A. cost B. take C. spend
【解析】考查動詞辨析。句意:學好英語會花他們幾年時間。cost是花費,物作主語;take一般是it 作主語;spend是人作主語。固定句型It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 花了某人多長時間去做某事,所以選擇答案B。
【2013黑龍江綏化】12. 一My aunt goes lo climb mountains every Sunday.
一Oh? But she ________ hate climbing mountains.
A. used to B. was used to C. is used lo
【解析】考查use的用法。used to do 表示過去常常做某事,而現(xiàn)在往往不做了;be used to doing 表示習慣于做某事;be used to do表示……被用來做某事。句意:——我的阿姨每個星期日都去爬山! 哦?但她過去很討厭爬山的。根據(jù)句意,所以選擇答案A。
【2013浙江杭州】21. This morning I _________ some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday.
A. picked upB. looked upC. cleaned upD. gave up
【解析】本題考查動詞的短語。pick up “拾起、撿起”;look up“查閱、查找”; clean up“打掃干凈”;give up “放棄”。根據(jù)句意“今天早晨,我在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上查找了一些新的飯店,因為我想帶Mia去一個好的飯店過生日”。故選B。
【2013浙江紹興】21. The girl is afraid to dance in public because she thinks others may___ her.
A. laugh at B. wait for C. hear of D. agree with
A【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。laugh at嘲笑;wait for等待;hear of聽說;agree with同意。根據(jù)句意“這個女孩害怕在公共場合跳舞”可知:是因為她害怕別人嘲笑她,故選A。
【2013浙江紹興】18.—I’ve left my keys in the meeting room. Please ___them for me.
—All right.
A. buy B. paint C. wash D. fetch
【2013重慶】35. We’ll ___an English play “Snow White” during this year’s Art Festival.
A. look up B.look out C.put off D.put on
【解析】:本題考查動詞短語。look up“向上看,查找”;look out“小心,注意”; put off“推遲”;put on“穿上,上演”。由句意“今年藝術(shù)節(jié)期間我們將上演一部英語戲劇‘白雪公主’”知選D。
【2013山東萊蕪】29.一 It's too hot today.
一 Yes. Why don't you ________ your jacket?
A. put on B. put up C. take off D. take after
【解析】考查動詞詞組用法辨析。put on穿上;put up搭建;提供;take off脫下;起飛;take after 照顧。句意:-- 今天太熱了。-- 是的。為何不脫掉你的外套呢?,天氣熱,當然是脫下外套,所以選擇答案C。
【2013黑龍江哈爾濱】28. Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature at the end of the year 2012. We learn that success ______ the person with a never- give ?up attitude.
A. drives out B. takes over C. belongs to
【解析】本題考查固定短語的含義。drive out “開車出去,驅(qū)逐”; take over“接管” belong to “屬于”。句意:2012年末,中國著名作家莫言獲得了諾貝爾文學獎。我們認識到成功屬于一種永不放棄的態(tài)度。
【2013廣西賀州】 37. Linda, I have to go shopping no Please _____ your little sister at home.
A. look for B. look like C. look after D. look up
【解析】考查動詞短語的辨析。句意為:我必須去購物了。請在家________你的小妹妹。Look for尋找;look like看起來像;look after照看,照顧;look up向上看,查閱。根據(jù)情境可知C是最佳答案。故選C。
【2013江蘇徐州】5. If you ________ your name on the paper,you can get a magazine.
A. cut down B. look down
C. turn down D. write down
【解析】考查短語辨析。cut down意為“砍伐”;look down意為“向下看”;turn down意為“(音量)調(diào)小”;write down意為“寫下”。根據(jù)句意“你如果在紙上寫下你的名字,你就可以得到一份雜志”。所以選擇D。
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本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/99387.html
