
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 3 How do you get to school?

leave the village 離開(kāi)村莊
leave意為“離開(kāi)”,后面跟表示地方的名詞或者副詞,跟副詞時(shí)不加冠詞,如:leave home 離開(kāi)家。表示“離開(kāi)去某地”要在名詞前加for,如:leave for Shanghai啟程去上海。

I want to know where Bob lives.
①Do you know what his name is?
②I know how you feel.
③I want to know what he  thinks  of the trip.

—How do you get to school?
—On foot.
2.how far意為“多遠(yuǎn)”,用來(lái)詢(xún)問(wèn)距離或路程的遠(yuǎn)近。常用句型有:“How far is it from A to B?”=“How far is B from A?”,意為“從A到B有多遠(yuǎn)?”,其回答為:
(1)It's...meters/kilometers/miles (away).
(2)It's about+數(shù)詞+minutes' walk/ride.
(3)It's about+數(shù)詞+minutes on foot/by bus.
3.how long意為“多久”,用來(lái)對(duì)時(shí)間長(zhǎng)短進(jìn)行提問(wèn),通常指某個(gè)動(dòng)作所持續(xù)時(shí)間的長(zhǎng)短。如:
—How long do you stay in Beijing every year?
—About two weeks.
how long還可對(duì)物品的長(zhǎng)度進(jìn)行提問(wèn),意為“多長(zhǎng)”。如:
—How long is the ruler?
—It's about 20 centimeters.
4.how soon意為“多久”,主要對(duì)一段時(shí)間進(jìn)行提問(wèn),用于將來(lái)時(shí)中。如:
—How soon will you come back?
—In two weeks.
5.how often意為“多久一次”,表頻率。如:
—How often do you go there?
—Twice a week.

Section A
1.到達(dá)                          ____________________
2.乘公共汽車(chē)/火車(chē)/地鐵           ____________________
3.騎自行車(chē)                      ____________________


4.每天                                    ____________________
5.多遠(yuǎn)                                    ____________________
6.多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間                                ____________________
7.度過(guò)美好的一天                          ____________________
8.步行上學(xué)                                ____________________
Section B
1.公交車(chē)站                                ____________________
2.公共汽車(chē)/火車(chē)/地鐵站                     ____________________
3.認(rèn)為                                    ____________________
4.過(guò)河                                    ____________________
5.在……和……之間                        ____________________
6.乘索道                                  ____________________
7.和……玩耍                              ____________________
8.實(shí)現(xiàn);成為現(xiàn)實(shí)                          ____________________
9.乘船                                    ____________________
10.和……交談                             ____________________



1.Can you tell me how ________(get) to your home?
2.There are no________(bridge) on the river.
3.It is about five ________(minute) walk to go to the park.
4.How long does it take you________(walk) to the railway station?
5.The teacher wants to know where Mike________(live).
6.It's the ________(village) dream to have a bridge.
7.It's not easy ________(ride) a bike like that.
8.The river runs too ________(quick) for boats.
9.It takes ________(she) an hour to get to school.
10.The boy ________(cross) the street by himself.
 hundred new cross bridge dream 
1.My bag is too old. I need to buy a ________ one.
2.—What's your ________?
—I want to be a singer like Zhang Jie.
3.There are about four ________ teachers in our school.
4.There are two ________  over   the  river.
5.He ________ the river to go to school every day.
Jim is a schoolboy. He 1________(居住) in a small town(鎮(zhèn)). His home is about ten kilometers 2________(從) school and the roads are not flat(平坦的). So it's 3________(困難的) for him to get to school. He gets up at about five 4________(四十) every day and has breakfast. He 5________(出發(fā)) for school at around six o'clock. First, he 6________(騎) his bicycle to the bus station. That takes about fifty minutes. 7________(然后) the bus takes him to school. It 8________(通常) takes about thirty minutes. Sometimes he has no time for breakfast at home, so he has something for breakfast on the bus.
He enjoys 9________(乘) the subway to school. But he has never taken the subway. 10________(因?yàn)? there is no subway in his town. Now he studies very hard at school. He hopes(希望) he can go to school in a big city(城市) one day. He can take the subway to school then.
Liu Gang is a 12­year­old boy.He 1________ in a village. His school is about six 2________(kilometer) from his home. It's not very far, but it's difficult 3________(get) to school. There is a big river 4________ his school and the village.  There is no 5________, so he must get up quite early every morning.  After breakfast he 6________(walk) to the river and goes to school 7________ boat. Then he takes the school bus. It takes him forty minutes  8________(get) to school.  His dream is 9________ (have) a bridge over the river some day.
It's not easy to get to school,  10________ he likes his school. He loves his teachers. His teachers and classmates are like family to him.

Unit 3
Section A
1. get to      2.take the bus/train/subway      3.ride a bike/by bike take a bus/by bus take a train/by train take the subway/by subway take a taxi/by taxi take a car/by car take a plane/by plane/by air       4.every day        5.how far          6.how long   
7.have a good day        8.walk to school
Section B
1.bus stop        2.bus/train/subway station      3.think of       4.cross the river 
5. between...and...   6.go on a ropeway           7.play with      8.come true 
9.by boat           10.talk to
1.drive driver    2.cross across    3.village villager    4.true truth   5.six sixty
一、1.to get        2.bridges      3.minutes'      4.to walk        5.lives 
6.villagers'     7.to ride       8.quickly       9.her            10.crosses
二、1.new         2.dream       3.hundred      4.bridges          5.crosses
三、1.lives        2.from         3.difficult      4.forty            5.Leaves
 6.rides        7.Then         8.usually       9.taking          10.Because
四、1.lives        2.kilometers     3.to get        4.between        5.bridge 
6.walks       7.by            8.to get        9.to have        10.but

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1116479.html
