Unit 1 This is me教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

7A Unit1
題7A Unit1 comic strip and welcome to the unit
學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識(shí)目標(biāo)master, good morning/afternoon/evening/night
1. my master__________________ 2. meet my friend___________________
3. look after___________________ 4. 讀這本書(shū)_______________________
5. 一只電子狗_________________ 6. 晚安 _______________________
7. what’s your name? _______________ 8. 交朋友 ______________________
1.( )Do you know how to look _______ your e-dog?
A at B like C after D up
2.( )Let’s ______________ each other.
A make friend to B make friends with C make friends D make friend
3.( )He’s very good _____ ath. So his math is very good.
A on B at C in D for
4.( )The students often _________ after school.
A play football B palying football C play a football D play the football
5.( )Tom has _______ basketball. He like it very much.
A / B a C the D an
1. 9:30____________________ 2. 14:20_____________________
3. 20:40___________________ 4. 18:00 ____________________
From now on, we will have two new friends, let’s answer some questions about them.
1.What’s the fat dog’s name?
2.What about the e-dog?
3.Whose master is the fat dog?
二、 聽(tīng)錄音,回答下面問(wèn)題。
1.what are the two dogs’ names?
2.Who is the master?
3.Please describe the two dogs.
4.Which dog do you like better? Why?
五、 重點(diǎn)解析
a)how to look after your e-dog
look after的意思是“照顧,照料”,相當(dāng)于take care of.
Eg: Look! illie is looking after her mother.
Can you help me look after/take care of my bird?
b)making friends at your new school
make friends意思是“交朋友”,與某人交朋友為: make friends with sb.
Eg: I want to make friends with my new students.
六、看welcome 部分,認(rèn)識(shí)另六個(gè)學(xué)生,學(xué)習(xí)他們的自我介紹。收集新的句型。
七、 6人一組將今天所學(xué)的問(wèn)候語(yǔ)和自我介紹盡可能的串成一個(gè)對(duì)話并表演出。
1.( )Are you illie? A. Nice to meet you.
2.( )what’s your name? B. Good afternoon.
3.( )Nice to meet you. C. Daniel.
4.( )How are you? D. Yes, I am.
5.( )Good afternoon. E. Fine,thanks.
1. ( )—Good morning. —____ .
A. Thank you B. Good morning C. Hello D. Goodbye
2. ( )I’m Sandy. What ______ your name?
A. is B. are C. be D. have
3. ( )—Are you r Green? —Yes, ___________.
A. I do B. you do C I am D you are
watch buy go be take
1.Do you ________ the bus to school every day?
2.He ________ very good at computer games.
3.Li Jinyu _________ many things in the shop.
4.Some old men like ________ TVs very much.
5.a Xiaoyu often __________ running with her mother at the weekend.
I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is ___1___ American boy. He studies in my school. We are in the ___2____ class. He is in Row One and I sit behind ___3___ .Tom likes __4__ and studies it very hard. Now he can speak a little of it. __5__ school Tom often plays football. In the evening he __6__ his homework at home. On Sunday evening Tom often __7__ TV or __8__ some reading.
Tom and his __9__ love China. They often say, “The Chinese people are __10__ and we like China very much.”
1.( )A a B an C the D /
2.( )A one B different C two D same
3.( )A him B he C his D she
4.( )A Canada B China C England D Chinese
5.( )A For B After C On D Before
6.( )A is B has C does D makes
7.( )A watches B looks C finds D reads
8.( )A talks B does C looks D writes
9.( )A house B home C family D study
10.( )A friendly B an friend C friends D a friend 

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/39227.html

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