初一英語(yǔ)Unit 8 When is your birthday教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
課 題
Unit 8 When is your birthday?( Period 1) 授課時(shí)間 12.2
(SectionA:1a、2a 、1b 、1c) 1、Sub Topic: Talk about the dates 2、Language focus: When is your birthday?
3、Vocabulary: January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third ~ thirty-first when birthday month year 4、Structures: When is your birthday? My birthday is …

1、語(yǔ)言知識(shí)目標(biāo) a、掌握十二個(gè)月份的名稱、序數(shù)詞1到31的表達(dá)法、單詞date, happy, age, old, birthday, party, trip, art, festival, Chinese, music, year,了解speech, contest, how, old, basketball, game, volleyball, game, school day, year old及八個(gè)人名。 b、熟練掌握并應(yīng)用下列句型: When is your birthday? My birthday is … / It’s … When is Vera’s birthday? Vera’s birthday is … / It’s … 及擴(kuò)展句型 How old are you? I am thirteen. 2、能力目標(biāo) 能用所學(xué)到的語(yǔ)言知識(shí)與實(shí)際生活結(jié)合起來(lái),使學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)程生活化。

1.知識(shí)探究:Talk about when the birthday is?. 2.預(yù)習(xí)過(guò)程:
4、讀熟1a和grammar focus里的句子,并了解中文意思.

Step 1: Warming up 1. Listen to the month song. Try to sing it. 2. Ask how many months are there in a year? There are 12 months in a year. Step 2: Presentation

1. T: Show twelve months. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. Get Ss can read them.. You know there’re four seasons in a year. They’re spring, summer. autumn and winter. And in each season there’re three months. (Teach the spelling of the words) 2. Listen and read after it. Let Ss know the short form of the months. 3. T: When is my birthday? My birthday is March 12th. And when is your birthday? Ss: My birthday is in … T: My birthday is in December. And the date is 31st. (生日除了講月外,還要有具體的幾號(hào),我們已經(jīng)學(xué)過(guò)基數(shù)詞one, two, three 到nine hundred and ninety-nine。那么我們是否就用這些基數(shù)詞呢?No.我們還有把這些數(shù)詞稍微改變一下。引出序數(shù)詞的學(xué)習(xí),教學(xué)日期的表達(dá)法。) a 復(fù)習(xí)from one to thirty-one。 b 教學(xué)序數(shù)詞,再教學(xué)生幾句基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞的幾句口訣,以便學(xué)生記憶。 基變序有規(guī)律,結(jié)尾字母是 th; 一、二、三,特殊記,結(jié)尾字母是 t, d, d;八去t, 九去e; f 要把ve替。 ty 將 y 變成 i, th前面有個(gè)e.假若遇到幾十幾,只變個(gè)位就可以。序數(shù)詞 表順序,一般須用定冠詞 the c Listen and repeat 2a(Section A) e Practice(Show some special days, get Ss to say date 。) Step 3: Practice a Listen and repeat 1b b Pairwork Student A: When is your birthday? Student B: My birthday is … c Ask some pairs to act(目的是看看學(xué)生對(duì)日期的表達(dá)有沒(méi)有問(wèn)題) Step4: Task after class 1 了解家人出生的具體日期 2 了解一下明天班里有人過(guò)生日嗎 3 查尋Self check 3里人物的出生日期 (課后反思:1、這節(jié)課的詞匯容量比較大,12個(gè)月份的單詞也比較難記,對(duì)于基礎(chǔ)較薄弱的學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)全部掌握有一定困難,但是假如他們記住了自己出身的月份,家人出身的月份及好朋友出身的月份,那么對(duì)于他們來(lái)說(shuō)目的也就達(dá)到了。2、我把1-31序數(shù)詞的學(xué)習(xí)也放在這節(jié)課里,因?yàn)榛鶖?shù)詞1-31剛在前一個(gè)單元學(xué)過(guò),所以對(duì)學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)困難不會(huì)很大。3、對(duì)學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)在一節(jié)課內(nèi)要把月、日流利的說(shuō)正確可能回有一定的困難,主要是學(xué)生會(huì)經(jīng)常把“日”的表達(dá)用基數(shù)詞。)
教后反思 大部分同學(xué)預(yù)習(xí)是比較有效的,但也有一部分同學(xué)的預(yù)習(xí)還存在著問(wèn)題,尤其是讀上,還不能充分的利用自己的復(fù)讀機(jī),表現(xiàn)在對(duì)于月份的單詞讀起來(lái)還不是很流利。尤其是January 、February、April、August 、November等這幾個(gè)詞。

課 題
Unit 8 When is your birthday? ( Period 2) 授課時(shí)間 12.3
(Section A: 2b, 2c, 2d, Self Check 3) 1、 Sub Topic: Talk about the dates 2、 Language focus: When is your mother’s birthday? Her birthday is …. 3、 Vocabulary: some names: Vera Jeff Leila Robert Structure:When is Nick’s birthday? His birthday is
Key points and difficulties: 1. The name of furniture items. 2. How to ask where things are and how to answer. 3. Yes/ No question. Weekly Proverb:(每周諺語(yǔ)) East, west, home is the best. 金窩、銀窩,不如自己的草窩。

1.知識(shí)探究:Talk about when the birthday is. 2.預(yù)習(xí)過(guò)程:
4、讀熟3a和grammar focus里的句子,并了解中文意思.

Step 1: Warming up 1. Enjoy the month song again, and try to sing it. Step 2: Revision 1. Revise the months and the ordinal numbers. Pay attention to the spelling of some difficult words. 2. What is the 1st/2nd/3rd month of the year. 3 How to read the dates. Let’s read them fluently. Don’t forget “the” 朗讀下列日期。 1. 3 月12日 2. 8月8 日 3. 1月5日 4. 7月20 日 5. 12月1日 6. 9月9日 7. 4月3日 8. 11月2日 9. 2月14日 10. 5月30 日 11. 6月23日 12. 10月21日 4. T: Look at the calendar. What’s the date today. S1: It’s December 11th. T: What’s the date tomorrow/the after tomorrow? S2: … (Learn how to express the year.) 5. Two in pairs, ask and answer. Try to read the dates fluently. Step 3 Presentation 1 T: When is your birthday? Student A: My birthday is …. T: How old are you? Student A: My birthday is …./ It’s … T: And what about you, …? Sb: 2. Let’s look at a picture. Can you translate the conversation? They know their friends’, idols’ birthday? But they don't know their parents’ birthday. I’m sorry to hear that. And do you know your parents’ birthday? Let’s make a survey, -When is your birthday? -My birthday is … -When is your mother’s birthday? -Her birthday is … -When is your father’s birthday? -His birthday is … Step 3 Listening. Let’s listen to the tape and number the conversations. Try to recite the conversation Step 4、Presentation. Here is a girl. Her name is Tina Johnson. Age :17. Date of birth: June 3rd A: When is Tina’s birthday? B: Her birthday is June 3rd. How old is she? She is ... Step 5.Pair work. I’d like to introduce you some of my friends. I’m sure you know them very well. (Ss’ teachers—Mr Cai/ Mr Xie/ Mr Bao/ Miss Zheng and Cynthia) Look at the information of them, and ask and answer.
Step 5 Task after class 1、背誦12個(gè)月份的名稱 2、能熟練說(shuō)出并寫(xiě)出序數(shù)詞1-12 3、用英文寫(xiě)出家人的生日(寫(xiě)在作業(yè)本上) 4、預(yù)習(xí)3a 和3b
教后反思 本節(jié)課的句型掌握的不錯(cuò),只是個(gè)別的月份還有待領(lǐng)讀和強(qiáng)化。

課 題
Unit 4 Where is my backpack?( Period 3) 授課時(shí)間 12.7

Section A: 3a、3b、Section B:1、2a、2b)
Sub Topic: Talk about the dates and ages
Language focus and structure: When is your birthday? My birthday is ….
How old are you? I am fifteen. Vocabulary: date age how old speech contest party trip

Key points and difficulties: 1. Prepositional phrases. 2. How to ask where things are and how to answer. Weekly Proverb:(每周諺語(yǔ)) Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

1.知識(shí)探究:Talk about when the birthday is. 2.預(yù)習(xí)過(guò)程:
3、熟記P50 1a的詞組,了解中文

Step 1: Warming up
1、Chatting Chat with the students about their birthdays
2、Play a guessing game Guess some classmates’ birthday(信息讓學(xué)生提供到月份) Step 2: Presentation 1、When is your birthday? My birthday is …. How old are you? I am fifteen.(板書(shū),目的是教新詞how old, date, age) 2、Practice in pairs 3、Choose an ID card and make a conversation in 3a(Section A) 4、Groupwork 3b and 4(Section A) a Ask and answer about your name ,your birthday and your age. b Practice again, using your own name, age and date of birth. Then ask some pairs to act.(Four students a group)Rank your partners from the youngest to the oldest. Report about your name, your birthday and your age one by one from the youngest to the oldest. eg. My name is …. I’m fifteen. My birthday is…. Step 3: Match the pictures with the events.(Section B 1) Write the correct letter next to the word. a Let the students match the pictures(對(duì)學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)party, basketball以前已出現(xiàn)過(guò),所以應(yīng)該沒(méi)問(wèn)題。) b Have them guess the meaning c Then teach the new words. Step 4: Listening 2a Listen and check the events above that you hear .Then listen again and fill in Joe’s calendar in 2b (Section B) Step 5: Pairwork Ask and answer about 2b(Section B) Step 6: Task after class 1、 Make an ID card including sex, your name, your birthday, your age, your hobbies and your telephone number. Read and copy the new words.

課 題
Unit 8When is your birthday? ( Period 4) 授課時(shí)間 12.8

Sub Topic: Talk about the dates and ages
Language focus and structure: When is the school trip? It’s …. Vocabulary: Volleyball game school day art festival Chinese music

Key points and difficulties: 1. Prepositional phrases. 2. How to ask where things are and how to answer. V. Weekly Proverb:(每周諺語(yǔ)) Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

1.知識(shí)探究:Talk about when the birthday is. 2.預(yù)習(xí)過(guò)程:
3、熟讀或背P51 3a的短文,了解中文,嘗試背誦。

Step 1: Warming up
Chatting. Chat with partners about their own ID cards prepared the previous day.
Step 2: Pairwork 3a (Section B) Student A read the schedule below. Student B read the schedule on page84. Then ask and answer questions to complete the schedule.
Step 3: 3b Imagine you are a school headmaster.
a、 Which of these events will you have at your school? Complete the chart below. Ask questions about your partner’s school.
Model: A: Do you have a School Day at your school? B: Yes, we do. A: When is it? B: It’s April 19th. A: Do you have an Art Festival? B: No, we don’t. b、假設(shè)你是一位校長(zhǎng),你會(huì)在你的學(xué)校設(shè)立哪些活動(dòng)?為什么?(這個(gè)活動(dòng)可以采取小組形式進(jìn)行討論,但必須每個(gè)組員都要說(shuō),組長(zhǎng)把每個(gè)組員的想法記錄下來(lái),以利于老師了解學(xué)生的情況。) Step 4: Groupwork 4(Section B) Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper. Another student will read it to the class .Can your classmates guess who the student is? Step 5: Self check 1 題。具體做法如:1、讓基礎(chǔ)好的學(xué)生做這道題目時(shí)先讀,再說(shuō)出含義,還可以讓他們?cè)煲辉~組或句型。2、讓基礎(chǔ)薄弱的學(xué)生只要讀出單詞,說(shuō)出含義就可以了。 Step 6: Have a dictation (要求四會(huì)的單詞) 1、我的生日是幾月幾號(hào)(寫(xiě)出自己的出身日期)2、三月八號(hào)3、九月十號(hào)4、十月一號(hào)5、生日快樂(lè)6、美術(shù)和音樂(lè)7、英語(yǔ)晚會(huì)8、中國(guó)人 Step 7: Task after class 1. Write something about yourself and your family in your composition book (包括你的年齡、生日、愛(ài)好,你的家庭人員的情況等) 2. Prepare for Unit 9 (1、預(yù)習(xí)Unit9的新單詞。2、Unit9是關(guān)于電影,讓學(xué)生了解關(guān)于電影有那些種類(lèi)。 3、你最喜歡什么電影。)
教后反思 學(xué)生對(duì)于寫(xiě)作的內(nèi)容還不能拓展,現(xiàn)在只能寫(xiě)出表面所提供的基本信息。以后要告訴學(xué)生該如何拓展寫(xiě)作的內(nèi)容。
課 題
Unit 8When is your birthday? ( Period 5) 授課時(shí)間 12.9


1. under prep.在……之下,表示一物體在另一物體之下,如: 2 .on prep.在……之上,表示兩個(gè)物體的接觸,如: 3. behind prep.在……之后,表示兩個(gè)物體一前一后的位置關(guān)系,如: 4. next to prep.僅次于;與……鄰接 5. take和bring take v.“拿走” 表示把某物從說(shuō)話人所在的地方取走,帶走。 bring v.“帶來(lái)” 表示把某物帶到說(shuō)話人所在的地方,如: 6. some 一些、若干。修飾可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞,表示不定的數(shù)或量,
7. between prep.介于(兩者)之間。表示在兩個(gè)不同事物或兩點(diǎn)之間,所連接的兩個(gè)名詞或代詞可以表示兩個(gè)人、物或點(diǎn),
8. too adv.也,口語(yǔ)中用的較多,其位置一般在句末.在句末時(shí),前邊常有逗號(hào),The room is too small.


1.知識(shí)探究:Talk about where things are. 2.預(yù)習(xí)過(guò)程:
1、嘗試歸納本單元學(xué)習(xí)的重點(diǎn)詞組和句子。 2.完成一下習(xí)題,單項(xiàng)選擇。 1.A:Goodmorning,Miss Miao,__________? B:Fine,thank you.? A.What’s your name ? B.How are you?? C.Hello? D.OK? 2.—Are you Jim? ? —Yes,I ___________.My name ___________Jim.? A.is;is B.am;am? C.is;am D.am;is ? 3.A:___________this in English?? B:It’s a pencil.? A.Whats B.It's? C.What's D.What ? 4.___________name is Zhen Mei.What’s___________name?? A.I;you B.My;you? C.My;your D.I;you? 5.A:Hello! Are you Li Hua?? B:___________.? A.Yes,I'm not? B.No,I am? C.No,I' m not.I' m Li Li? D.Yes.I’m Li Li? 6.___________ is seven and six?? A.What B.Where? C.How D.It? 7.This is ___________friend.? A.Lucy and Lily? B.Jim and Tom? C.Jim and Tom's ? D.Lucy's and Lily's? 8.Dad,this is my friend,Xie Kai.Xie Kai,___________ my father.? A.that is B.he is? C.it is D.this is? 9.A:Look at the picture of my family.? B:Oh,it's nice.Who's that? ? A:___________ my brother.? A.Its B.It's? C.This D.That? 10.A:Where's my pencil-box,can you see it?? B:___________,I can't.? A.Not ? B.Yes?
C.Sorry ? D.Thank you

Warming up Invite different students in turn to come to the front of the classroom. Holding up the pictures of their actual rooms, Make sure the students are using prepositions correctly. Key words check Ask students to check all the words they know.. Practice Ask students to write five new words. After that,exchange books and share their lists with other students. Have a student write his/her five new words on the blackboard to share them with the whole class. Reading Invite a student to read it to the class. Point at the box below. Say: Please read the note once more by yourself. Then draw the room in the box. Get students to do the activity individually. Ask students to exchange their books and check their work with each other. Just for Fun Have all students read the conversation. Ask a pair to perform the conversation in the front. Summary In this unit,we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and practiced reading the target language in the form of a note. Homework 1. Read the note in Section B 3a 2. Share your lists of new words to build vocabulary. 教后反思
七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)單詞測(cè)試 Unit 8

班級(jí) 姓名 座號(hào) 1.生日














































本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/57340.html

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