七年級英語上冊Unit 4復習提綱

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
七年級英語上冊Unit 4復習提綱
7A Unit 4 期末復習專項練習—詞組和句子
1. 需要許多能量跳舞 need a lot of energy to dance
2. 一天朝我的碗走過去許多次 walk to my bowl many times a day
3. 健康俱樂部的一員 a member of the Get Fit Club
4. 想要成為一名舞蹈演員 want to be a dancer
5. 與我的朋友在網(wǎng)上聊天 chat with my friends on the Internet
6. 各種各樣的食物 different kinds of food
7. 變得疲勞 get tired
8. 需要保持健康 need to keep healthy
9. 一個尖子生 a top student
10. 他們倆之間的飲食區(qū)別 the differences between their diets
11. 三張紙 three pieces of paper
12. 十分在意某人的飲食 be careful with one’s diet
13. 去溜旱冰 go roller skating
14. 列一張購物單 make a shopping list
15. 三盒牛奶 three cartons of milk
16. 一袋鹽 a packet of salt
17. 怎樣保持健康 how to keep fit
18. 一周不到三次 less than three times a week
19. 一周三到六次 three to six times a week
20. 超過10 小時 more than 10 hours
21. 在某事上祝賀某人 congratulations to sb.on sth.
22. 躺在長沙發(fā)上 lie on the couch
23. 需要維生素保持健康 need vitamins to stay healthy
24. 少看電視 watch less TV
25. 沒有時間做某事 have no time to do sth
26. 去上她的舞蹈課 go to her dancing lesson
27. 三個女醫(yī)生 three women teachers
28. 四個男醫(yī)生 four men doctors
29. 五只小羊 five little sheep
30. 十二把小刀 twelve knives
31. 多鍛煉 exercise more
32. 去吃晚飯 go for dinner
33. 拎所有的食物 carry all that food
34. 健康的吃 healthy eating
35. 吃像蛋糕之類的甜食 eat sweet snacks like cakes
36. 兩餐之間 between meals
37. 有許多時間打羽毛球 have much time to play badminton
38. 有如此多的晚飯的東西 have so many things for dinner
1. It’s time to have lunch./ It’s lunchtime. 午餐時間到了。
2. You never exercise. Yes, I do. 你從不鍛煉。不,我鍛煉的。
3. A healthy diet is very important for a dancer.
4. It’s very easy for me to get tired when I dance.
5. This meal gives me energy for playing volleyball later.
6. There is too much sugar in them. 它們含有太多的糖分。
7. I don’t have a healthy diet or lifestyle.
8. It’s time for me to change now. 現(xiàn)在是我改變的時間了。
9. I plan to go swimming twice a week. 我計劃一周去游泳兩次。
10. I never do any exercise. 我從不做任何鍛煉。
11. We usually have vegetables and meat for lunch.
12. He spends all his free time sitting in front of the computer.
13. How often does he watch a film?他多久看一次電影?
14.You’re not fit at all. 你根本不健康。
15. How much TV do you watch every day? 你每天看多少時間電視?
How long do you watch TV every day?
16. I don’t eat hamburgers any more. I no more eat hamburgers.
18. He watches three hours of TV every day.他每天看三小時的電視。
He watches TV for three hours every day.
19. How do you like your new diet? 你認為你的新的飲食怎么樣?
What do you think of your new diet?
20. Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle!
21. There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without getting fat.
22. You never exercise. Yes, I do
你從不鍛煉。 不,我鍛煉的。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/60550.html

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